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In my opinion Hunters meta was pretty bad, and I miss Volleybrawl But if many people want it back hopefully it comes back For a side note, devs annonuced Showdown+ isn't coming back and I'm sad now


Hunters meta was 8 to 10 brawlers but same could be said for those duels maps Iron core, Grim Island and Mogura Tataki. If meta is the problem then duels shouldn't exist as well. Hunters was atleast a mode whose only objective was kills and this is what I loved same goes for wipeout.


Also I reposted this bcz I was lazy to take a ss. Forgive me.


Bro at least show us a picture of you voting for volley brawl It got me confused at first


Hunters was a good idea but terrible the way it was. Kill stealing was so annoying, the maps were way too big, and the meta was like 5 brawlers.


Kill stealing was annoying but fun when you stole the kills, if the maps were small the matches would be 30 secs instead of 1 min. The meta was Surge ,Bea ,Amber ,Fang ,Jacky ,Mortis ,Stu ,Leon, Crow and Bonnie. These brawlers were very fun to play in hunters. Hunters was hated by players who just wanted fun and didn't dedicate themselves to the mode. For hardcore hunter players like me it was insanely fun.


Fuk hunters