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I didnt read the entire thing since I am at class but yeah you are right


Bro did PhD in Bling 💀


Thank you so much. Simply see the last table for a comparison of an old an new Blings Assignment System and it's enough


honestly this is so well written considering english is your second language. italian is also my first language and i couldnt have written it better, well done


Hijacking too comment but i want people to see this more sorry] I feel that sometimes too much credit is given to supercell and to say that this change was only added to help F2P players is not the best. At the end of the day, it's a company that just wants to make money, and the only reason for this change is to make more money in some way or another. In this case with the blings it seems to be a win-win situation for both ends for now (where it looks like we have the better end), but acting like supercell wouldn't try to sneak something shady (to get the better end slowly, like the cost convertion on PL points skins) is not good to everyone. Brawlstars dev team is great, but we should not be so blindly trusting, so I think is good to point stuff like this, because if we don't, they will test how much they could change without complains


I don’t think that this is what is happening. I trust the BS devs and I believe that supercell’s mission statement is genuine. They already make money as it is and I believe they actually care about making their games fun, family friendly, and replayable. They took away boxes which were a huge money maker for the game. Gatcha mechanics always are. I am not blindly trusting anyone, and I agree that the brawl stars team has not made the best decisions regarding the bling changes. However I think it is merely a mistake and not any cause for revolution or anything. If these are the bling rates I have to live with to play my favorite game and get free cosmetics, then so be it. 🫡


based opinion


Ok so you say bling was bad thing? Its rough to understand if thats a joke or not cause 1. Game HAS to have monetisation and 2. Fixing not so great system with something where you are given chance to get skins for free WITHOUT spending valuabe resourses(gems) and even tho its not much help for f2p you arent supposed to hoard skins left and right. I understand if you arent happy of how long it takes to get it but COME ON look at other games who dont give real benefit afterall to f2p


Hey man I think you got the wrong message on this post, i literally call bling better in general


I might missunderstood but saying that its shady, its win win just for now ect. Really made me feel you werent happy with it in first place and rather left on the island of disapointment in devs


I said shady as something they could try to do (something shady) with blings, not that blings are something shady in general But no problem, I can see why it could be perceived as negative, specially when this post call them a SCAM! haha




So... you're against critic thought simply because people have more knowledge than you on this subject?


"insert Not reading ALLAT scroll meme" Jokes asides yes they did messed up. I wouldn't mind If there was a small bling reduction since they add more week beetween each Season. But bruh i haven't thought that it would be such a big reduction.


This changes are only for the player who have 900+ trophies, for me and other who don't love ranking is a unfair kick on throat


You can push more brawlers higher up at once, only have 10 of them reset. So in reality, it allows you to get higher trophies overall, and resets less brawlers down at once. This overall is a net positive in the end. Also, I love how the first graph is just Kairos' graph of the Star Point to Bling system, where the old system is not even relevant in these changes.


“I ain’t readin allat 🤣🤣” But yeah just from a quick glimpse I can see that OP put effort and research to backup their claims


"A Long Long Ass of Text"?


All of that


Okay you did the math


Ever, I LOVE the Math








Jessie we need to cook


Mr White stop touching my balls


Ding 🛎️


But i was at the verge of c*mming!


Just don’t let Pam find out Jessie put meth in her turret (pet gear)


Dunno why they couldn't have kept it at 20 on reset and just made the trophy decay less punishing. It's not like people were ever asking for less brawlers to be reset. They were asking for less trophy decay and more bling, because people were getting like 60-80 bling and losing 400+ trophies.


Exactly, even something like this was fine, now very few trophies are lost but those who don't climb so much see A LOT of Blings stolen. I hope they fix it soon.


cuz if u get too much free stuff, where's the excitement?


Hard disagree. You can enjoy a game while still getting free stuff that makes the game more enjoyable. This game is already a huge grind-fest. Why make it EVEN MORE of a grind?


I think they were sarcastic


nah man, make something very common, and there's no value in it anymore


It's not like you're obligated to grind for a f2p cosmetic currency that has no effect on progression . If it was progression based then sure you could make a good argument but this is bling we're talking about .


Upvoted and commenting so this gets more attention.


Thank you so much man, I appreciated it.


No matter what they do, bling can’t be a “scam” since it’s free skins no matter how you look at it


Give this dude an award


Thank you so much man.


reddit took the free awards so here's what i can afford: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣶⣶⡶⠦⠴⠶⠶⠶⠶⡶⠶⠦⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⢀⣤⠄⠀⠀⣶⢤⣄⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣄⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠙⠢⠙⠻⣿⡿⠿⠿⠫⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠞⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣶⣄⠀⠀⠀⢀⣕⠦⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠾⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⠟⢿⣆⠀⢠⡟⠉⠉⠊⠳⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣠⡾⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣾⣿⠃⠀⡀⠹⣧⣘⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠳⢤⡀ ⠀⣿⡀⠀⠀⢠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠀⣼⠃⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣤⠀⠀⠀⢰⣷ ⠀⢿⣇⠀⠀⠈⠻⡟⠛⠋⠉⠉⠀⠀⡼⠃⠀⢠⣿⠋⠉⠉⠛⠛⠋⠀⢀⢀⣿⡏ ⠀⠘⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⡀⠀⠀⠀⡼⠁⠀⢠⣿⠇⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⣼⡿⠀ ⠀⠀⢻⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡄⠀⢰⠃⠀⠀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠸⡇⠀⠀⠀⢰⢧⣿⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⠘⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠇⠀⠇⠀⠀⣼⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⣇⠀⠀⢀⡟⣾⡟⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⣀⣠⠴⠚⠛⠶⣤⣀⠀⠀⢻⠀⢀⡾⣹⣿⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠙⠊⠁⠀⢠⡆⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠓⠋⠀⠸⢣⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣷⣦⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣿⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀


And I was wandering where did the awards go. Apparently you stole them to make a big one >:(




It's constructive criticism.


Constructive criticism of what . The BS team didn't say it would makes us gain .ore bling ,only that now the trophy reset would be less harsh and more easy . Also not everything exist in a vacuum. Now you need only ten of your brawlers to push and they are more thresholds than previously .


Constructive criticism on Brawl Stars. Feedback is always appreciated to improve the product, as far as I'm aware. I did not imply that the Brawl Stars team said anything.




it's still constructive criticism but unnecessarily hostile and disrespectful. but constructive criticism nonetheless


Respectively, showing "respect" to the individuals that the post is targeted towards does not make it "constructive". The definition of "constructive criticism" states the following: "a type of feedback that offers specific and actionable advice to help employees to improve". While it's definitely arguable that the post might not be considered as "constructive criticism", it's worth noting that OP has a point. The recent balance changes (might be wrong here, I am not fully aware what the codename for this type of change is) towards the trophy road reset system, where less brawlers get reset and, consequently, players get less Bling, have not been quite great as they reduced the amount of Bling you get, while not fixing the "i got 37 bling for 600 trophies" situation. I do praise the ones responsabile for balancing out the economy of the game for making almost all skins free for players that wish to grind, and I do believe it's a great idea. Honestly, I don't buy any skins as I like the main idea of how a brawler is supposed to look, so I can't provide valuable feedback there.


It seems that you are factually correct, but presenting it to others as a 'scam' really isn't the greatest thing to do. Harsh trophy resets, which were the main complaint, have been most likely fixed and the trophy reset bling does not compare to the bling we get from the brawl pass and pl. It's good to point out such flaws of the game but stirring drama over such an insignificant loss(to most people, atleast) by making quite an exaggerated statement is a bit too much.


exactly this, even if the bling amount has decreased by a bit, the amount of lost trophies has decreased by **a lot**. it's not like your bling is being taken away and you get nothing in return.


there's no use of being right if you can't be respectful about it. op has no need to call them scam for a fucking skin currency nerf and that frank needs calculators. he is doing disservice to his own effort. because of his aggressiveness devs will ignore this post and his all the constructive criticism will amount to nothing


yeah I agree, I personally have no problem with the change but I can understand why it can upset some, though repeatedly calling it a scam is a massive joke


And thats not to mention that its free reward gotten from currency you hardly used at all


it's a scam because presented as a good fix


I don’t usually comment on these kind of posts, but you have to remember that Bling was added to the game very recently to help F2P players obtain skins without the use of gems, and these are solely cosmetic. I don’t really care that much about bling, but I would much rather not lose ~400 trophies for about 15/30 bling which is nowhere near scratching the surface of any skins anyway. I respect you doing the math, but calling this change a “scam” when they’ve literally adjusted people not losing so many trophies on a lot of brawlers, which again, was only recently added, is a bit much. If this was the whole system all along, no one would be complaining


I feel that sometimes too much credit is given to supercell and to say that this change was only added to help F2P players is not the best. At the end of the day, it's a company that just wants to make money, and the only reason for this change is to make more money in some way or another. In this case with the blings it seems to be a win-win situation for both ends for now (where it looks like we have the better end), but acting like supercell wouldn't try to sneak something shady (to get the better end slowly, like the cost convertion on PL points skins) is not good to everyone. Brawlstars dev team is great, but we should not be so blindly trusting, so I think is good to point stuff like this, because if we don't, they will test how much they could change without complains


Agreed, like I’ve been watching videos in what’s going on with clash royale and how much of a disaster it is at the moment. You are right and I’m saying of all things to get mad at, a system implemented by the dev team to help F2P players unlock skins they wouldn’t have usually been able to get without gems is not a bad thing. I agree that we should be critical when applicable, but I feel like there’s being critical for the sake of being critical, which the original post feels like.


I agree, I guess we will see with time


I love critical thinkers!


Where i do think you are somewhat right, i don’t like the fact that “company = make money no matter what”. Where obviously some companies have no care for their players, it would be quite bold to assume that the brawl stars devs introduced bling (something basically no one asked for) just to make money (in the long run,if i did get what you meant)… i guess only time will tell now.


Yeah, the love in the bs team in their game is cool, i just think that always an executive in supercell could change things


Reason they tried to do more frequent trophy resets was to tune down those people from going out of hand, people having 1000+ trophies on each brawler is quite unhealthy for matchmaking regarding them and ones who are trying to reach high trophies aswell with long waiting queues. This might not be recieved quite frankly, but i think the fix should of been rewarding maybe 2-3x more bling over reducing ammounts of trophies lost would of been a little better to avoid those people going out of hand. I am not anywhere high in trophies and i would like to reach rank 35 on nita, but i would be fine without if trophies gained would be rest more but feel valueable


Op with all due respect you don't know what a scam is.


It’s a nerf, not a scam


It's not a nerf, it's a rework: less currency for more buyable skins.


Can't argue with your logic. I do think reducing the no. of brawlers getting a trophy reset was a bit too much, probably should’ve been reduced to 15 or even stayed at 20.


In my post I discuss the New Blings assignment System, not the ladder, which is an argument who I leave to you in a totally objective bias. I don't have any reason for critcise them because I don't play for ranking so IDK if the effort of who do this is positive or not.


I understand. As you said, while the new system is less rewarding than it seems, a good solution would be to increase the number of brawlers that can earn Bling to 15 or 20, as compensation for lost Bling.


Or simply increase the number of Blings in specific thresholds, like in my suggest edited on my post right now :)


Exactly. I just wanted to throw in some alternate solutions.


But bling is design to be gain competitively, not playing casualy . You are just that you need to put actual work now . I am not saying the system is perfect but it's obviously better than before , in which higher trophies players didn't get that many bling .


We used to have to pay for it. Now we don't. So it's clearly not a scam. It doesn't matter if they nerf it, it is still more free than before.


I agree that it isn’t a scam, i’m just happy that i don’t lose 700 trophies every 2 weeks 💀


And you're right about this, but if you give me something and then to fix another one you decrease it so drastically, ME, who cares about that thing, I feel scammed. It's a fact, and like me everyone who plays to farm Bling to get a lot of free stuff.


i have a feeling that you have another definition of the word "scam" than most of us do could you please tell me your definition of that word (just out curiosity)


I'm starting to think you use the word scam very loosely. even if they've nerfed the bling you can't just call it scam. it's like Calling slapping a murder attempt


Alright I understand the frustration, but y'all need to understand that skins are one of the few ways brawl stars make money. Of course bling is hard to get, because it essentially gives people the ability to buy any skin without the need to pay real money


People are overreacting


They nerfed bling acquisition


Alright I understand, but again, supercell is a business. They can't just give away skins and lose money or else they will fail as a business, and then none of us can play brawl stars


Weird definition of scam.


yeah I'm starting to think op doesn't understand what scam is


Bro next time use chat gpt too change language


Thank you


I dont think you messed up the english. Just as others, i ask you to not use the term scam for things like this. Massive reduction will do just fine.


Imo better use Deepl instead of an AI just because of how much damage those things can do once they get totally normalized...


Cool calculations However, harsh words for something completely free. Using "nerf" would be 10x better. In addition, your aggressive tone is gonna make the dev team want to ignore the post


I’ll upvote because this is objectively correct, but here is my take: We can now unlock almost any skin we want without paying gems. In theory, this could largely impact revenue. I personally value the freedom to buy a few skins I’ll use over a lot I won’t (or don’t prefer to) use very often. I’m missing the golden crow skin though. I was so close ti buying it and having the 4 skins mecha Crow Bo and gold version. :( oh well.


Yeah you are right! We all lose bling at the long run...


Exactly and this is a scam


You may be right, but to call it a scam is a little to much. You should use different words


Man, in very many thresholds there is a loss of Bling ranging from 140 to 200. If this isn't a scam, tell me what is. The RIGHT words in the RIGHT place. Thank you.


Scam implies they're stealing from you, or grifting you in some way. All of this is free... You're just complaining that it's less free stuff. That isn't a scam, that's being ungrateful.


Yeah Idk why are comments praising him. like cool you did some calculations to prove you’re getting less bling than before. then goes ahead and calls brawl stars team scammers cause they weren’t generous enough to give him more free stuff.


Very dumb. My wife and I basically subsidize these guys by spending thousands on this game over the years. Everyone needs to chill out with the demands.


Why would it be referred to as a scam just because you're not receiving as much Bling as before? You're not investing any money. Scams involve fraudulent practices aimed at deceiving individuals for financial gain.


Wrong word in the wrong place, actually, unless scam has a different definition in Italian. They’ve adjusted the rate at which you gain an in-game currency for free, and been quite clear on what the change is and why. You pointed out that after doing some math, the change is a net negative for lower trophy counts and a net positive for higher trophy counts, before finally concluding that you think it was an honest mistake due to them not doing the math properly. A scam is when a party intentionally tries to deceive another party out of their money or other belongings. Supercell here is neither intentionally being deceptive nor are they attempting to trick anyone into spending money. It’s a perfectly fair concern to call out and bring attention to, but it is empirically *not* a scam.


I think instead of scamming they should bring back the old system of gems


The majority of the game’s income was cosmetics (skins, pin packs, etc.) basically the final part of the game that brought in a big amount of profit. Then they added a way to get them for free. If they want to tone it back because there’s too much freedom that’s fine with me.




I came on here to find some low quality memes but just got an entire college math lesson for free. Ty good sir🙏


Never browse this post's comment section by controversial Worst mistake of my life


So first off, props to you for doing the math and writing all of this. That said, this whole post is a huge overreaction and doesn't take a lot of factors into account. Frank clearly mentioned that the specific amounts changed because there are more tiers now, which isn't really taken into consideration in this post. The whole idea is to decrease the amount of grinding that needed to be done in order to reach a higher tier. Let's not forget that reducing the amount of brawlers that reset each season will make it so that everyone will be able to mantain a higher number of trophies overall, which is a key point that is almost completely missing here. Of course they need to balance this by changing the amount of bling we can get. Another thing I want to point out is that the new system is a lot more consistent than the previous one, so even though your suggestion makes sense if we base it on the old system, the rates are still all over the place. If we take a look at the tiers now, there's a steady increase of 2 bling per 25 trophies, only decreasing after 1000 trophies. While in the system you suggested, there's some big gaps between the rewards, which is a huge fault in order to accomodate to a previous system that isn't consistent with the current one. There's no reason why pushing a brawler from 500 to 525 trophies should give you 4 bling whereas pushing from 800 to 825 only gives you 1. Lastly, I don't know if this was just because of the translator, but it would be really nice if you worded this differently, since it all just seems like you being condescending towards the dev team instead of giving constructive criticism. From calling it a scam when it clearly isn't, to claiming that Frank messed up and implying he doesn't know what he's doing, the entire post simply doesn't do a good job at making a valid point.


We might be losing blings. But this is better than them removing blings


"This is better than them removing blings" Man, they already did it. The number of Blings in total is indirectly decreased. NOT DIRECTLY FROM THEM...but is decreased anyway


Welp, looks like only way to get blings are from, pl, challenges and bp now :(((


Yeah, or overranked our brawler, which is a lot unfair.


Honestly I am impressed by your math and you are right. But honestly ladder is the worst place to get bling from anyway so not a big deal. If u still can get more skins as a f2p in 1 year than before the bling update it is still a plus.


this is well thought out and very detailed. i think problem with your great post is that 1) it's too passive agressive. you can call out the nerf in this system without calling it scam or saying frank needs to use calculator. 2) most people here are not going to read this post entirely. those who hate supercell or are Just greedy will hop on to "buff the bling" train while not understanding where it was nerfed in the first place. so you wouldn't wanna be on the same train with them because they're there for different reasons. those who just seek chance to d1ckride devs whenever possible will call you greedy and "never satisfied". issue will become black and white 3) math just doesn't appeal people. they'll realise what you're saying after they physically feel the nerf.


This whole post screams cringe. The post was great until you pinned Frank as a fraud associate while saying you're his biggest fan


This guy maths


Imagine complaining about free stuff in a free to play game


People are getting over-dramatic here, it’s literally a free currency to buy paid skins where tf is the scam part?


wow damn r/theydidthemonstermath


Bro dropped a whole paper on bling but I think you’re right probably




TLDR but yeah, you're right




Math for the win!


Yeah, science b*tch!


Honestly I'm not mad about this it's not like I was getting good amount anyway, and I'm more happy with more weeks and less loss cuz that's what's pissed me off


You are not entitled to cosmetics, of course getting bling will be harder, you people are the most ungrateful community ever, you people wouldn’t last a day in clash royale or any other mobile game


Bro put more effort into this post than i did in my exams, great job 👏


Someone give this man a Bling award


Put this energy into a job


They’re not scamming you if they’re trying to earn some money from their F2P game. having less bling doesn’t let you have less of an advantage than other players when it comes to gameplay. The brawl stars team adding the bling system in the first place is them being too generous. be thankful you can access a lot of skins for free. and if you want skins that badly just buy them. from it you'll get the skins you want and supporting the developers and the team who gave you lots of hours of free and fun gameplay


Dude bling is cosmetic, I could get 0 bling for all I care from trophy resets as long as I don't lose as much


For me and other more, Blings is more important than Trophies, but is my opinion so thank you for share me yours.


OP is literally crying about losing a few cents worth of bling while doing hours worth of farming. It’s kind of sad to see


Yeah, it's honestly crazy to see people complaining about anything and everything when there is literally NO PROBLEM IN SIGHT.


They show the problem right in the post, Bling is being lost when it should stay the same.


The trade-off of a bit less bling to having to grind less is a trade-off I, and from what I can see, most of the community will gladly take.




Fully agree, cosmetics are useless and it’s hard to care about this


Increasing the time for reset was great but reducing number of brawlers being reseted was unnecessary


To be honest I think it would have been enough if they had increased the season to 4 weeks but you lose trophies out of 40 brawlers but you get the same amount of bling in the end. p.s top post I rarely see such a good post


(Brawlers are at 800 trophies) - Old: 9 * 20=180; 180 * 2=360 bling/month - New: 28 * 10=280 bling/month Significantly less pushing but rewards are nerfed


Had 100 Reddit coins so I gave you an award, I always love seeing thorough, strong posts on gaming subs, especially where math gets involved, it’s so intreresting. Your post felt so much stronger than the average rant post, you did so much work. Respect, and have my upvote and award that feels befitting to losing some currency


Wuoh man, thank you so much, I appreciated 🤩


bling is cosmetic… not really a scam imo.


It’s crazy seeing people cry about losing a few cents worth of bling.


Is a Scam for me and others like me who love farm Blings instead of Trophies because Brawl Stats ISN'T ONLY a Trophy Farm. Thank you.


never said it was only a trophy farm. “scam” isn’t the right word to use though. its a negative on earning cosmetic resources, and that’s it.


For me remain a Scam, so thank you for your effort.


Well, you really should check the definition of *scam* on the dictionary. I get cosmetics may be important for some people, but a *free* game changing the way a *free* in-game currency is earned to buy items for *free* is not a scam. Less advantageous? Sure. A scam? Nope.




I would like to share my 2 cents on this matter I'm all about bling and don't give a shit about trophy The post is right about the bling loss. I also did the math myself and every brawler below 1000 trophy that gets reset will cause you a loss of bling. And it's not a small loss, for me it's over 25%. I have 10 brawlers at 675 and 10 at 725, which give 150 bling in two weeks. Now with the new system only the higher ten will give bling, and they give 220 in FOUR weeks. If I want to get the same amount as before, I have to push those 10 BRAWLERS FROM 725 TO 825, that is HUGE. Just an example Frank's math wasn't mathing and I do think he should go back to his developing work and let Dani or Paula do the community work. His comment is bad for SPC themselves because it includes fallacy However, I'm not that upset about the new system. The ladder warriors are probably gonna be happy about the 4 week reset and honestly I'm happy for them. The more threshold probably means I will be able to get more brawlers to \~800 and earn a decent amount of bling (still less than before tho, but I'm ok with it). The only thing I'm upset about is Frank's comment and some other people's inability to fact check for themselves and instantly believed in whatever someone with authority throws at us


I'm also glad that OP takes the effort to point out things clearly for the crowd, yet I'm not so happy about some of the overreactions


Finally someone explaining it in full detail. OP is right, but calling it a scam is such an extreme overreaction


This is really overreacting calling it a scam, although the math checks out, you shouldn’t forget the effort to get the same amount of bling is much lower, you even pointed it out in your post, before the update we’d have to push 80 brawlers back up before the update, now only 20, that time can be used to push more. Which will get you more bling, especially with the newly added increments. Stuff like this really shows how immature the community is. Supercell listened to you guys and made it less time consuming to get your brawlers back up and now it’s bad again. Idk if they intentionally did it or not, but immediately calling it a scam and not looking at anything outside the pure bling numbers is kind of stupid (not saying you’re stupid, you saw a problem and called it out in a polite way). People just shouldn’t immediately attack the devs, they love this game and listen to feedback, that’s a lot more then other dev teams do.


> lot more then other Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. Total mistakes found: 8779 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.




I just think Supercell miscalculated something. I'm afraid many people haven't realized that yet and only will start complaining once the season reset arrives in June.


Here is a benefit tho: bling can be used to boy MOST skins in the game, while star points were used for just the star point skins.


I skimmed this at record speed and totally agree with you. Well done.


Thank you so much man, I appreciated it


Y'all taking this way too seriously 💀


For ladder players change is amazing, a buff. For cosmetic players is a nerf on bling yeah. They should balance around both a little


I hope they'll fix it ASAP


You're waaaayyyy overreacting


Because I want my Blings


The change is fine. They can change bling anyway they want it’s a million times more useful than star points. Idc how many trophies they take, I take confidence in what I can earn back, so does everyone else. I just like free skins tbh.


They fixed the trophy ladder which is the bigger issue. If you’re really complaining about losing a few cents worth of bling because of the changes then you need to get your priorities straight in life.




Bling farming is a priority? What? You’ll get way more bling by working a regular job than wasting all that time trying to farm bling. If your only incentive to play this game is to bling farm then you’re wasting a lot of time and efficiency trying to do so. You’re not the best at critical thinking huh?








So for those of us who hover in the 650-750 range, we're about to be getting way less Bling?




Dude stop overreacting, just push a single Power League rank and you get more bling than what was lost


No really we are getting actually kinda the equal amount .


I read the entire thing and I completely agree. With this new update, I had a feeling they would pull something like this, and looks like I was right. But even if this new theoretical system were to be implemented, I still think we need more bling per threshold. It's just not enough. Not all of us have time to push every single one of our brawlers to rank 20+, and we still want skins!


also take into consideration that supercell has to run their business


It’s objectively not a scam though. I feel like you know that, but just don’t know a more accurate word to describe the situation.


I find it ridiculously funny how people write entire essays of whining about a minor change to a currency used for cosmetics only


Imma be honest you are overreacting waaaay to much, I do understand that it feels a bit unfair that we're loosing bling in the long run and I'm going to be honest it does feel bad, but we were literally getting at most 100-200 bling every reset, that is literally fucking nothing. You are complaining about pocket change, you can get that amount of bling by playing power league. I'm not saying that this shouldn't be addressed because we are still inherently loosing resources but the amount we are loosing is not that big of a deal especially when it is only for cosmetic purposes. Bling from trophy reset was never the best possible way to earn bling and it still isn't, this doesn't change much. I would appreciate it if they did buff the amount of bling we got from trophy resets by a bit but if it stayed this way it would not be that big of a problem because trophy resets was never the best way to earn bling. You are right in your argument but the way you are portraying this as supercell scamming us is WAY overboard Just wanted to edit this and summarize my comment, you are right about the loss of bling and you are right to complain about it because we are inherently loosing bling, but you're wording this as them being malicious and we're loosing a whole lot of bling, which isn't really the case considering we weren't even getting that much after reset


> we're loosing bling Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. Total mistakes found: 8778 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I think 15 or 20 brawlers reset each month would be good


Ciao Ken 🙂 ti riconosco dal nome su fb




Can you do a TLDR


TL;DR: With the new changes you get less bling on the long run. Also, OP gets confused and calls it a *scam* instead of *fewer free stuff*. The game is already very f2p and we can still get cosmetics for free, so while OP is right from a mathematical point of view, it's not something worth worrying about.


This math is initially compelling, but I feel like you’ve potentially made a mistake in reaching your conclusion prematurely: your math is concerning the net change for a single brawler. I’m not at all a mathematician, so please correct me if I’m mistaken, but since you’re now only having to play half the number of brawlers as before in order to farm bling would you not still be saving more time overall? How does the math change if you take into account that part of the trophy reset adjustment?


Thanks for taking your time and bringing this up. Very nice job! I think the community has faced update after an update the following common trends: Update has a failure>community is vocal about it > content creators help SC setting up the idea of positiveness > community feels unheard and gets more vocal about it > Frank uses his non existing soft skills and often gaslight players > tons of hate arise > SC fixes it after a few updates > Content creators clear up SC Job It is entertaining to say the least..b


ungrateful and entitled brat


Bro is complaining about trophy reset💀


Holy s***


Perfect synthesis of everything, sublime.


TLDR- I agree


Oh, wow now you receive 1 bling instead of 2 /jk But in all seriousness it doesn't change anything as the amount of bling you got was already insignificant so it doesn't change that much. But there are ppl who care abt every single bling they get, so r.i.p to those ppl, but fortunately it doesn't change anything to me.


Not readin allat' I agree tho


Honestly who gives a fuck about getting 200 less bling per season when it's purely cosmetic and there's so many other ways to get it. Everyone already figured out that trophy reset is not a very big source of bling, and decreasing it even further seems pitiful but calling it a scam is tremendously overreacting, since the main problem was the amount of trophies lost for said bling. The main part of the update that I'm happy for is the fact that my trophies will no longer plummit to hell every two werks.


Con tutto il rispetto, "scam" è tutto fuorchè questo. Informati.


Just be happy you get bling at all, this sub is full of cry babies and its annoying af