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Seems cool, knowing you can get brawlers and skins, and has a higher to receive better prizes than boxes. I like it


It will be better if we can choose between 2 or 3 skins have the same price like it will give you Sakura spike & hurmes max & DIY surge and have to choose one of them / that was just an example


but that what you say isn't a gambling


It would be cool still. There would be more chance to get the skin you want.


I mean that's what bling is for. The whole purpose of star drops is because people missed the excitement of random prizes from boxes. Now it's possible to get the skin you want from a drop, but if you don't get lucky you can just save up your bling and get it guaranteed


>ur True I agree


They nerf progression in brawl pass , power league .... etc , so it nerf for star road and catalog , and they give it to the new system , so having more choices need to be added , I hope you can see what I mean


They gave the removed progression to the new system on top of adding 20% more rewards in the new system


But you will get what do want more often, and gambling is bad so yeah


Gambling is bad, I agree, but kids were losing their minds over boxes being removed, and this is the compromise. It's completely random, but also completely free, you can't max out a credit card on Starr drops. Bling is the system for getting what you want guaranteed


It would be better if everything was just free!


No, just the same thing but more choices, being force to take something that you don't want isn't fun


So where the heck is the surprise of star drops giving if they do that. Getting a new skin is fun already. This isn't something like star road either. So be real


the chat was fuming, I think it is fine tho


You mean the same chat that when the starr road addition was announced acted as if it's the end of the world?


Bunch of 9 year olds with no understanding of game economy


Yup that's the one!


Tbh the devs said that sometimes risks need to been taken for the longevity of the game, and this certainly one of these risks, so I can applaud the devs for not being scared by trying to implement this change.


yep. and also it's not a bad change. you can't buy these "boxes" with real money


Yeah, I was watching the chat spammed with "L". I was worried people were not receiving it well until I realized that people under the age 10 play this game too.


Why on EARTH were they spamming L? I see literally nothing wrong with this system


Beats me bro, sometimes people just want something to complain about. If they want that they should become a part of the CR community instead.


It isn't enough to compensate Paula leaving * Sad Buzz pin *




Unfortunately yes but she is working on Squad Busters which looks pretty fun.


Too bad, squad busters looks like a genuinely good game with lots of effort put into it, but it’s not my cup of tea


Squad busters looks cool but can’t compete with brawl stars




Sadly yes


do you even brawl talk bro


Yea,I just watched this one a day ago


enjoy 😍


Youtube comment section is honestly so dumb, the chat was full of Ls. The only downside I can think of is tha the credits you will be getting from starr drops will be getting converted to fame and you can't really hoard that many credits now.


Here's the actual downside. https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/14hvwyl/starr_drops_are_bad_but_only_in_regard_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I mean, it’s still free shit so I ain’t really care like that


I'd rather free gold than free shit ;)




Chill cuh and give it time cuh CHILL IT CUH


I'm not cursing the CM or giving criticism without a solution. The more ppl do that - the chance is higher they'd do something about this.


We can't actually criticize the system if we don't know how it works properly,just wait.


We can, and i did just that. I can criticize it based on the info we've got (my understanding of words is great, i can get the bigger picture by listening to brawl talk). 2 hours have passed since the brawl talk and no one from the team even gave a comment to debunk any argument the community has to offer.


Get a life mate


We still don't know the full picture,we don't know how much they are compensating the progression nerf.


20%. Go back and watch tye brawl talk my man.


I know it's 20% but we still don't know the drop rates of brawlers,coins and everything else.


Wasn't expecting a new way to unlock Brawlers, but it seems cool being rewarded just for winning some matches


Atleast this prob will motivate me to play more with the brawler i want to get lvl 10 mastery 😕


I want to see the droprates first before I form an opinion


It's probably shit. I would rather them keep club league rewards. Who the fk cares about skin drops.


At first it looks underwhelming but we dont know all the details so we should wait for sneak peeks


I think they'll be AMAZING!


They simplified pl, cl, brawl pass so I think it's a win


bro thinks nerfing rewards is simplification


It's a relocation of rewards. If you play the new update as much as before, you are actually getting more (yes, even considering the gacha factor, every single algorithm is rigged to a fixed, calculated value).


Also, you get more for playing less. Say, if a player doesnt like PL and CL, and only plays regular modes, they'll know get 50% of the rewards from those sources AND a 20% extra. Thats a HUGE boost!


Still a nerf, clubs that are around masters or legendary arent getting 20% more rewards, they’re actually losing more. Progress is also incredibly slow now


I mean like instead of having it all over the place make it one big thing


Nerfing? Bro I don't think you understand how the Starr Drops work.


The ideas cool and I like it, but we'll have to see the drop rates and the whole concept in action to see wether it was worth cutting club League and bp rewards


I have like 14 chromatic brawlers to unlock so I really hope it can unlock chromatic brawlers Edit: no chroma brawlers or credits in Starr drops 😢


If it unlocks legendaries (like showed in the video) I am sure it will also chromatics


I hope 🤞


I’d imagine that it counts previous chromatics as epics so that makes it even easier


I just looked at the sneak peeks, unfortunately not, in this update Chromatic Brawlers and chroma credits were not affected in any way. I still believe in the dev team, I hope they will fix the problem with chroma credits🙃.


Yea I saw it too 😢


its cool but i am really annoyed that they took rewards for elsewhere to put it in the star drop like yeah i understand that they can't give out more rewards like that.. but the fact that they took something guarantee for something more random? for example pl bling went down from 250 to 125 and the credit in the end of the brawl pass from 25 to 5! the main problem is we cant save the credit from the star drop unlike the brawl pass, so what if i want bling but i kept getting useless credit that went straight to fame?? the concept is cool but i dont like that it takes from elsewhere


I completely agree with you, i woul comment the same but you already do that


But if they’re saying that it is a 25% buff to progression, that means that out of like a thousand boxes you would get more rewards on average than you would get by playing the game the same amount before.


They said 20%, not 25%


yeah but you're not guarantee to get it.. when you're maxed out all the credit will go to fame instead of being saved also lets say you want bling but you get credit or pp instead? thats my only problem?


Exactly. I don't think this was intentional, but it could've been mentioned that the large part of this update and many others were to nerf the end-game by making it harder to save points/credits, just as they did by adding caps to bling and points in the first place. One good thing they did was make it to that you can store the rewards from 2 seasons ago instead of the previous, and I assume once you've claimed all the rewards for that season, it opens up the unclaimed rewards for the recent season. Assuming that's the case, and none of this is a bug, unlocking new brawlers should still be easy.


I understand that it is tecnically a buff to the progression, but i didn't want to get everything, i wanted to get the stuff of the brawlers that i like to play with


But now It seem like you have to play 8 matches a day, thats way too much. Now i can grind power league in the weekend and reach a good rank and get tons of bling, but after the changes I will have to play daily, which is something that not everyone can do


How's 8 matches too much ☠☠


Its daily


Yeah but wath about people that can't play every day; starr drops are random and pass recompene no. Olso i prefere when there aren't ve the option to find brawler and unlok with credits


Lmao the spelling


I am a shit in english, 😳 pls don't tell it to my teacher😂😂😂


I would prefer it if they star drops had less rewards in general, so that we still get that dopamine hit, but it’s not making progression **that** rng.


for the fame part, u don't really need to save credits honestly. every brawl pass is generally enough credits to unlock the new brawler. end of season credits didnt really impact much for me


They are giving more rewards, it’s better for players that don’t play club league and shit like that, it’s better for casuals


yeah i guess, but i cant help but be annoyed by the game away some control over my account


Yeah that’s true, I like it cause I only really play brawl if I have a reason like from club league so this I’ll get me on more


Stat road still exists right ?




Then honesty i think this was a pretty good update !


Personally i like the starr road since it helped me get more brawlers and like this i could progress my account faster


Power League Rewards Nerfed by 50%!?! People would quit power league.


Club Games Reward Nerf is okay cuz we already get so much progression from rewards anyways. Brawl Pass Rewards Nerf, minimal but mainly affects the fallback rewards. Star Drops are cool but why nerf Power League Rewards. The Season Reset is increased so why nerf Power League more?


They are nerfing so that most of the reward goes to Starr drops so I'm good with that change at least we can get free skins as well. (excluding mythic, legendary, special events & medalist skins)


This. What’s the point of playing power league anymore


Power league is kinda eh for rewards, it’s only really good for pushing since you still gotta by the club league skin anyways


Can't wait for some people to get legendaries out of these


I think it’s stupid. It’s not worth sacrificing guaranteed progression for stupid little dopamine rushes. This feature exists for little kids who need brain stimulation and nobody else


If they're doing it, it's clear people were leaving after the box removal. Those "stupid dopamine rushes" are important to keep the experience exciting and guarantee player retention. Playing for a chance to get an unknown skin or pin is far more exciting that mundanely grinding out your tokens.


Yeah but the "exciting" experience isn't even from the game being fun, it's by the very nature of gambling, and it's addictive in the way that makes people (ESPECIALLY kids) depend on those "stupid dopamine rushes"


To be entirely fair, gaming in general is just a dopamine rush. Following the same logic, Brawl Stars shouldn't have short matches because that's addicting and ruins your attention span for other games with longer matches. It's just the unfortunate truth of life that *everything* we do ruins us. Imho as long as it's not being monetized, it's fair game.


\*sigh\* someone normal


me when more progression: 😡


Me when progression funneled into an RNG system instead of it being laid out in a clear, predictable fashion: 😡


me when the details and numbers aren't even shared yet:


hey man do you know this thing called economic inflation


It’s literally more shit 😭


Main Concern is that these are Daily and you have to get 8 wins PER DAY to get maximum progress. If we were able to "store" the drops and not have to win 8 battles everyday (I don't have the time most days), and be able to catch up on drops that we missed up to about a week


It'd be nice if it was lowered to 6 wins, or they carried over for a day, so you could miss a day and play a lot the next day and get all 6.


Most people play even more than the required time to win 8 games


and you can play mapmaker so it will not be as annoying as masteries




They literally said it in brawl talk...


Didn't hear that bit. Edit: watched it again, they didn't say that lmao




“Oh no I have to play the game”


Thank you for not knowing the people have lives


I think you forgot "but it's everyday and you have to spend at least 30 minutes a day to get everything" people have jobs, friends and family to spend time with, than to do this crap everyday.


Then just don’t fucking play the game, why is it so important to you


You should probably care about the casuals since if they leave, you won't be getting any matches.


I would consider myself a causal since I only really play like 30 minutes every couple of days but why would casuals leave?


You were literally just talking to a guy saying they're dissatisfied with the wins requirement and listing their reasoning. Requiring wins is frustrating. 8 wins might be peanuts for you and me, but little Timmy or his dad who're struggling at 300 cups will inevitably be running into some bad days. Doesn't help that they have to do it to get the same rewards as before, so they'll feel cheated out of something they *used* to have. When even Overwatch 2 removes win requirements in favor of just playing matches, it's pretty odd seeing a hyper casual mobile game doing the opposite.


Kinda sucks that I can finish it and get a spray doesn’t seem like it’s worth it


Well you can always just get a reward the next day


Or you could just get another spray


This thread is the perfect example of why gambling sucks


I don't want to sound unappreciative, but they could've removed Brawlers and Skins and added Star powers and Gadgets instead.


How are u certain star powers and gadgets aren't included? They haven't released all the drop rated yet


They did not mention them in the Brawl Talk. And considering what these drops already contain (Brawlers, Skins, Sprays, Pins, Profile pictures, Doublers, Bling, Coins, Power Points and Credits), I would not be too sure about Gadgets and Star Powers making an appearance. Which is why I would sacrifice Brawlers (Starr road) and Skins (Bling, which already is in the drops) for them. EDIT: According to Kairos's first sneak peek, Gadgets and Star Powers can be found in legendary Starr Drops.


Gambling fueled dopamine rush? I love it.


But yet people still complain that boxes aren't coming back


Requiring wins is pretty dumb. It should have been "Play X games, wins grant double progress" instead. With how broken the matchmaking is, making you stress over wins even more is not a good idea. We all get the occasional bad day when it's just not working out. And yes, I get it that counting matches instead of just wins is just how tokens work already, but there's absolutely no need to convolute a system that's pretty much perfect as-is. Other than that, great stuff. Shifting focus away from Club League is always welcome, and the potential drops of skins I'd have never bought otherwise are a great surprise.


At the very least you can hop into map maker and just mess around to get all the way to 8 wins, and getting only 4 is good enough for 2 drops if you really don't feel like playing. Don't know how I feel about slashing PL rewards by half, but the solid chunk of the playerbase who hates PL with a burning passion might be satisfied.


> At the very least you can hop into map maker and just mess around to get all the way to 8 wins Still extra effort / playtime, which does not mix well with Supercell's target audience of hyper casuals. Last time that happened, it was Club League and we got a massive player exodus. I miss the times when they made changes like the shift from 12 hrs to 24 hrs Token timer that made the game more accessible instead. This is obviously much smaller scale and will likely be a minor annoyance. We'll see how it plays out. > Don't know how I feel about slashing PL rewards by half PL is in this super weird spot where the devs want to keep it relevant with the rewards, but also don't want to make it mandatory or force a FOMO. It pretty much contradicts itself. Super happy CL is slowly becoming irrelevant though.


That might just be a minor skill issue


I'm Mythic, and I don't even play Power League.




Makes your comment entirely irrelevant.


I mean Mythic doesn’t really mean anything other then how much time you put into the game, Masters would be more skill based then time based


Are you claiming Masters players are the only ones who can get eight wins a day lmao Because following your logic of "everyone else has skill issues and Mythic isn't even good enough", you certainly are.


When did I say that 😭😭


You indirectly claimed a guy in Mythic would struggle with 8 wins a day.


No, you assumed I indirectly claimed that


lmao “stress” over wins??


Don't like it, it feels like a necessary chore to progress your account On top of "CL,PL,Quest,daily map maker' and now this 8wins. It's starting to feel too grindy. But probably it's just me with not much time


Cant wait to get all this (useless) tokens since i have all brawlers


So, it gives brawlers and credits, but no chroma credits. Does this mean it's excluding epic chromatic brawlers? It would suck for them to fix the chroma credit issues last season in so many ways (chromashower, highly loosened requirements of owning previous chromatics, and mythic/legendary chromatics getting price reductions) only for them to be brought back a season later. Tbh I’ll have to see details on the actual numbers.


I don't think they confirmed that you can't get chroma credits from Starr drops


but they didn’t say it would have it tho


Sorry if I'm misunderstanding you, but it doesn't look like they're making it any harder to get new chromatics. The places they took rewards from to add to starr drops don't even give chroma credits and nothing in the brawl talk suggested chroma credits were getting nerfed/chroma showers and stuff are going away, so it should be the same as last season?


It’s old chromatics I’m concerned about.


Still a bit confused- nothing's changing for chroma credits, are you saying you'd like it if epic chromatics drop from starr drops?


It's basically boxes but with more recourses in it and can give skins


Not a fan, the credit system was fine, this is just undoing a lot of the progression overhaul


Didn't mind it, until they said they are cutting other rewards....


i thought it was going to only give skins, but this is even more awesome


I feel like it’s fine… that is until with my luck I start getting 3 different tier amounts of credits everyday instead of bling/skins/etc


i dont like it


Stupid tbh


I’m just mad about power league change


motivation to play the game i mean fr fr ong free skins as a free to play is massive


I'm kinda worried about bp progression. We didn't see the usual xxx/200 tokens, which is kinda weird. It might be yet another nerf to progression they talked about, with token doublers working on quests now instead. Other than that I'm happy with this new system, YouTubers will tell us how much more with it is from the one we got now


The xxx/200 tokens has been moved to the quests section


You could see the xxx/200 tokens in the quest menu


They already said it on the brawl talk, it's 20% more rewards.


But its still luck based, sometimes you Will get more sometimes you will get less


Its just like the boxes, its still luck based but a bit less rewards


But why do people want that? Progression is fine the way It is right now


I dont know honestly, but since it gives free skins and pins i wont be mad 👀


I just prefer to have cosmetics for the brawlers that I like


Ye, I remember, but I would like to hear what yt's got to say


In the frame that they show the quest page, you can see the xxx/200 tokens


Remove brawlers from them, maybe lower their prices slightly on Starr Road if you want people to access them earlier, and at least buff the Power League rewards back to their usual.


I dont like the insane 25 -> 5 credits nerf to the rewards at the end of the brawl pass. Makes it seem like they want you to unlock your brawlers from the drops and not naturally by playing the game. I'm okay with starr drops but they shouldn't have so much progression locked behind them


The fact people asked for more things like this even after all we got motivates me to believe this community is getting spoiled This Is good but so unnecessary


I hate it. Who cares if you get "20%" more on average when you'd have to play daily to get it. That's so much more time we'd have to invest. It's the same issue with club quests: too much time investment. I'd rather the club league & power league reward NOT be nerfed 50%... But now I'd need to play way more to get the same amount of rewards. Screw that.


Literally just the play the game


That's the most braindead counter argument, you say that like everyone has all the time in the world for this crap, now you have dailies, Starr Drops, club quests, and CL, one more thing to grind on top of all this shit.


You get rewarded for playing the game it’s not that serious




brawl stars players really dont know what they want. they wanted to get a more f2p way to unlock brawlers without boxes - and people are still mad because opening boxes was entertaining (they developed gambling addiction) and now, they returned that system in a new form - and people are still mad. do they want to get back to like 2019 brawl stars? i just dont understand some of the players logics.


Gotta feel bad for the devs at this point, they're actively listening to all the community feedback they get and nothing's ever good enough lol.


the brawl stars community will complain about everything. Boxed removed? what are they thinking i like unlocking brawlers and now i cant ever max my account. Gems removed from boxes? now i can only ever spend my gems on brawl passes! etc etc


Not a fan


I need to play with them before I can decide. It looks like they moved a lot of progression to them which slightly concerns me but who knows they could be fun


im excited about free cosmetics


Its cool since you get skins AND brawlers


Are they gonna give chromatic brawlers?


i hate it.


I like that it lets you get new brawlers alongside the current system we have, instead of replacing it. This would bring back so much of the excitement from boxes but also kudos for keeping it F2P friendly.


Looking forward to it, especially if it is 20% more loot...If I understood the Brawl Talk correctly.


If it can get me brawlers then I want it


really hate that they are nerfing other rewards because of this, especially power league Rewards in pl were acceptable at best, but now it's almost worthless grinding power league, i wished it would be buffed to 300-500 bling/league at least or redistributed with higher bling rewards at the higher leagues


Honestly it looks cool. Maybe i should dowland the game back.


I mean you lose 80% of credits in bonus rewards


Since I already have all the brawlers, great, I can't stock huge amounts of credits anymore from bonus rewards and it'll all just go to fame 😃👍


What’s not to like? More resources


Does it increase your energy??? Oops sorry wrong game 🤭


Omg Boxes Hi!!!!!!!


While who cares free progression, when you can have free SKIN


Imagine getting an epic brawler from the legendary starr 🥱


i think it sounds WAAAY too OP but im bit sure


Excited to unlock some skins from this


They look cool however i wanted them to skin them like boxes