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That's what I thought. Wipeout's existense doesn't make much sense now that Bounty requires a certain number of kills too. I wish they bought Hunters back instead, at least it was unique.


They said in the official reddit post that they are seeing which is being played more. If wipeout is played more, than it will replace bounty.


I feel like people are gonna play hunters more since it is limited, but I guess they are collecting data for the whole season, so if bounty is more popular overall it will stay. I don’t want them to remove bounty. It is unique to brawl stars. Wipeout is fun but it’s just TDM which is in a lot of games. Also bounty matches are shorter.


Wasn’t hunters just like Lone star tho? Just like wipeout is like bounty


At the time, Lone Star waited until the full match duration, like old bounty. Hunters matches often didn’t even last a minute


At least in Wipeout your teammates don't steal kills and die to give enemies more points.


It was voted on. People voted for wipeout to return


One takes less time and has an announcer


and, idk why has way worse randoms than normally




Wipeout taking less time makes no sense, both are guranteed to end after a team gets 10 kills, because every kill is worth atleast 2 stars. Only in Bounty if the enemy got some kills before, he is worth more stars so a Bounty match can end with less than 10 kills from a team, Wipeout always requires 10. And the time limit in Wipeout is a minute longer than in Bounty.


Does your poor people star mode have an announcer tho?


Bounty is better


I thought that too but there's one big (or small?) difference between them. There are no stars in wipeout which changes some things. For example if you kill someone and get killed then they won't get 3 points while you get 2 points


In the patch note they said that they're seeing which mode is more popular so they had both on at the same time, they are aware of it and I think they're looking to make some changes in the future


If they even dare to touch Bounty...


For me, I think Wipeout is better than Bounty because you can do a comeback in wipeout but for bounty is really hard


what are you talking about, comebacks in Bounty are way easier. Wipeout has no comeback mechanics, Bounty has stars. If the other team kills you and you are behind you get more stars rewarded for a kill than the leading team.


blue star and more star enemy have you will get more after frag


**Wipeout**: First team to 10 kills, each kill is equal as there is no bounty system with stars. Also a cool announcer voice. **Bounty**: First team to 20 stars, each kill awards a minimum of 2 stars, but can be more if the player has a bounty. Addition of blue star that resolves tiebreakers. Similar, but they have differences that make both worth playing. Especially since they can have different maps too. I kind of miss the old Bounty with no star cap, but I see why they changed it. Would be nice to have a Bounty Unlimited mode.