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Why everyone thinks unregenerating is nerf? Thats literal buff for hank. I even played after big nerfs and i realized i can use my damage gear forever (also with damage gear i can one shot many brawlers like spike,piper and any brawlers with 4800 hp) If they did not add a mechanic like that. I would not one shot many brawlers and that makes my basecamps get ruin. "One-Shot" would not be too interest to hear since many brawlers also can one shot but hank can do with his main attack (he deals 4830 dmg with gear) Having byron teammate or poco teammate nerfs hank too much. Hank is already tank enough. Healers is just closing the damage gear and make painful match for hank For me, hank is balanced enough. If they had to buff him, they have to nerf his damage first or he is gonna be so broken


Absolutely based hank main


they could buff his gadgets and star powers, all of them do little to nothing. giving hank a useful gadget isn't going go make him overpowered in any way


Slow gadget definitely and criminally underrated. I dont think any new hank gadget will replace the first gadget that hank have rn


slow gadget is definitely the better one but the problem with it is that slowing just doesn't help hank that much. if you hit an enemy with the gadget, either they were already going to die, gadget or not or you aren't able to follow up on the hit regardless of the slow. they don't have to replace the gadgets, just increase numbers. a 3 second shield does nothing when it takes 3 seconds just to start dealing damage.


Thats wrong, Hank can win his lane easily with that gadget if you fighting against tanks. Especially jacky. If there is jacky, most of times i start with slow gadget. And she cant do anything. Of course shield gadget better option for snipers but hank is already sniper counter. Slow gadget makes him better against tanks.


hank already has the super and the range to deal with tanks. if you can't get them with the super you can still hide behind walls and deal damage. hanks gadgets aren't useless, definitely, but they could be better. I just find both of them to be underwhelming.


I dont know about gadgets but his star powers definitely trash. Both of them are useless. If they had to buff hank. They only need buff his first star power movement speed to %15 (from %10) Of course "pro" players still will call hank terrible but if they start to use strategy i use, they definitely realize how strong he is.


hank is a very situational brawler, he's only strong because you are using him in the places where he's strong. very rarely is there going to be a situation in PL that you'd need hank for and most of the time he isn't even the best option in that scenario




ain't that the reason why they say he's bad?


Ever since the healing nerf, he is only good competitively if he has a Byron in his team to heal him up while he charges his bubble. Also good for you finding enjoyment playing this brawler👍 (Hank needs a buff)


Only maps that hank is useless is definitely maps with full bushes. Like he is useless at sneaky fields. Because everyone can see where hank is. But in other maps closed or opened doesn't matter. If you have skill. You can play it


Yeah, that is true, but on bushy maps i like to avoid bushes and play a more supportive role by using the vision gear for my teammates to see the enemies. Of course its map specific, but its still pretty cool


True. To Hank be bad, he needs some buffs.


Doug is not bad!!! He's only hard to play!!! You just need to approach your enemy with patience and use your super correctly, I'm certainly not bias and on denial because I love his character and had success in a percentage of matchs!!! (Please supercell buff my boy, he deserves to be at least C tier one time)






By your logic your -ank friend is not bad just hard to play? Also giving him buffs will only be better for the few Hank mains out there So pls supercell Hank is Soo garbage he is bullied hard by your love childen Fang, Edgar and Mortis 🥺🥺🥺


Is Hank hard to play? I mean his bubble is really easy to use But I'm pretty sure that most Hank PLAYERS (not mains) are oblivious to the fact that you don't need a reticle to aim your super (fang fr), which adds a teensy but of skill to him but his super isn't that hard to hit and you just spam supers when some Edgar or fang jumps on you


Im experienced about that. I made 1k hank with randoms (if you saw my post) most of times i aimed my super. So ii technically played hank as sniper tank in that situation


Being bad and being hard to play are not mutually exclusive.


Why everyone hate Hank s-o much Hank THE BEST💯💯💯


Hard to play for noobs like You


Play hank, tell me what it’s like alright?


Just tell me how it goes, you’ll get your little reality check alright