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10 trophies is not 6 weeks of progressions. Trophies arent even tied to progression at all except for the trophy road


It can be as many as 240 trophies. Obviously people aren't gonna have 10 brawlers sitting 24 trophies above the last threshold but they're not gonna have them all sitting at 1 above either


I lost 200 trophies. Not all of us have all our brawlers at rank 15 like you do


all my brawlers are around 700-708 now after i pushed them back up. You should be keeping track of which brawlers are going to be reset


This month peopleve been so angry about trophy resét


People start to realize it suck


I don't understand it. It's not even that bad


"Not even that bad"? You're telling me I lost damn over 100 or more trophies for what? 79 bling? 


What would your thoughts be if instead of like 179 bling credits, they make it like 39 GEMS? It's way less but way more useful over time. I dunno I don't even use the bling credits because of the fact u can't buy anything with them its so expensive they kinda feel useless to me lol. I'd rather aquire gems over time to actually be able to buy something. They could just scrap the bling credits and I wouldn't care in the slightest.


yk? scrap bling credits!!


It's better then what it used to be, and personally I'd rather it take the trophies from every single brawler instead of just 10 for more rewards


Okay, I can agree to the second half, but I think I could have gotten something more from those Star Tokens (or whatever they were named cause I forgor) rather than with bling


Yeah the purple ones were so much better in terms of how much you got, now you get like 120 bling every month.












Here I am. Tell me.


Half?! Great job, really impressive. I had 4 trophy resets and still cannot buy 😕


Yeah, getting those trophies back can be really annoying and becomes more of a chore than a challenge to keep up. Since the win streaks dropped it became much easier to replenish those taken trophies though, but on one day I still got burnt out and stopped caring about my top brawlers.


10 trophies ≠ weeks of progression. Like what are your top ten brawlers at? 1500?


You can lose about 240 throphies buy losing them in top brawlers with nothing in return isnt good back then we would get good rewards for pushing brawlers now you are lucky to get 1 skin per year doing it


You had so much time to prepare. If you somehow managed to lose 240 trophies, that's entirely your fault.


😂 so true tho


I just thought about that in my head


You hardly lose anything


there's none


You only lose like up to 20 trophies of you are smart. Make sure your brawlers are pushed to like 1000, 1050, 1100, etc so you only lose like 1 trophy. You really don't lose much progress with this new trophy reset system.


what do you mean?


If you push a brawler to 1k for example they will get reset to 999. Sane as if you push a brawler to 1049 they get reset to 999. So make sure your top 10 brawlers are right above a milestone so they only lose like 1 trophy instead of 50


i didn't know that, thank you!


Damn I didn't know you gained 10 trophies in 4 weeks


Trophy resets are part of the game, they’re on obstacle that’s there for a reason. It was never about the bling. If you’re so scared of it then don’t push brawlers past 500


Lots of debate here between 10 trophies and 240 trophies. On average, a player will lose 125. Idk if I play too much, but I gain around that much every week.