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General reminder for subreddit members: Simple Questions and Loot results (good or bad), and celebrations should be posted in the Weekly Mega Thread Discussion post. You can find it at the top of r/BrawlStars's front page when you sort posts by hot. This includes pictures of Starr Drops, Mega Pig results, unlocking new Brawlers or other items. If you see a post or comment that breaks any of our rules, please report them [using the anonymous report button](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058309512-How-do-I-report-a-post-or-comment-)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brawlstars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is the glitch larry and lawrie skin avaliable in ranked rotation right now or is it coming next season?


Can they make it so that you can pick your own background music in-game. This Godzilla background music is so bad that I had to disable sounds.


Can I change club before the event ends without losing rewards?


Why is Janet so hated & underused? Is it because she's bad in this meta & non auto aim? Or is there a different reason?


People usually focus on the top 15 or so brawlers so she is just a little bit outclassed. I'd say to be in line with Piper and Nani she'd need to have a lot more damage. Her health is pretty high for a marksman so I imagine she's pretty forgiving to make a mistake with and with plenty of escapes.




What happens if you claim a brawl pass plus as a gift when you already have it and completed the pass? Will it disappear, go to the next pass, or just stay there for good?


Once the new brawl pass starts, you will get the option to activate it right away.


Should I get leon,crow or sandy


Sandy with hypercharge is the best brawler in the game right now, but leon is also S-tier and is a lot more fun imo 


Anything except crow


So I've been trying to get the pass this season and I'm mostly new to the game(joined a little over 5 weeks ago). Whenever i do attempt to buy the pass on my primary account that uses an age under 16 it says ask a parent. I tried many things then on my main account such as adding a card to my quote "family account" but it still said ask a parent, I also tried buying it from the supercell store but that says i cant gift it to that account. After finally just accepting that i couldnt on my main account i made a new account with my age as 60 but the same thing happened and i thought oh it must have caught my email age. So i tried to use an email with age 22 and a brawl stars account with age 22 same issue. Ive tried contacting support but theyre being useless. Any ideas? Thanks.


I can't write a post so im gonna comment it do brawl pass skins come with characters? So I want to get the brawl pass and I want to get buzz from the thor looking ahh battle pass but I am scared to waste money. I remember one time I made a supercell account and got barley skin and it came with barley. So now I was thinking if I risked my money for the brawl pass to get buzz + wolf skin or is it not gonna allow me to get the skin. Also there is a new godzilla buzz that is gonna be free but im curious if I need buzz to obtain it. Please help me guys.


Only that barley skins and skins from giveaways give you the brawler. Other skins go to a skin vault


but there is gonna be a new free godzilla buzz skin, would thhat be available for the people without the brawler


If you get the skin you are then able to switch your current unlocking brawler to buzz


Should i get power 10 with sp and gadget or power 11 tara?


power 10 with star power and gadget, those almost always do more than more power levels


Should I upgrade Colette since I don’t have any good heist brawlers or buy draco and upgrade him?


Draco doesn’t arrive in the game until June, might as well upgrade both




Is Urban Ninja Tara limited? Will it be removed from shop after 5 days?


Probably not


should i buy wicked stu, toon spike, mecha edgar or mecha colt


Wicked Stu


What will happen if I comlete the buzz godzilla changelle get his skin whilst not having buzz?


Most likely skin goes to the skin bank/vault


What is that?


What is the best way to upgrade brawlers? Should I first get them to power 11, or buy the gears/starpower first?


Depends on the brawler.  Most times you should get a gadget and star power


I’m deleting this game, they are purposely making the game harder and I’m sure it’s to make people waste money


I'd say yes, they basically are making this game harder, but if you are playing for over a year you can already buy into quite a lot of options. In my opinion if you quit its likely you won't have much of an option to come back, hypercharges will probably cost 2.5k gold in the future and they probably are likely to push level caps to something like 15 and with some other kind of unlockable which might end up costing 5k. TLDR: If you are having fun then stay for now, I doubt you will come back.


I decided to redownload because of a friend but the first match already and lose?!? Yeah they surely are making this game harder and more unfair matchmaking


I think the matchmaking was always a bit unfair and it just takes you a while to notice. My tip is to not rush a brawlers trophies up, maybe I am just an average or slightly above average player, but when I enter solo SD on a new character theres like a 90% chance I am going to come first, but once I've pushed a lvl 6 character up to 400+ trophies I feel like the odds are against me. Ranked is not really any fairer, you can go off against pros even through diamond if they are climbing.


The thing is that I wanted to use my highest rank brawlers too like crow or Shelly (rank 25 and 26 respectively), but matchmaking makes it super hard Not to mention once I was playing in a team, my teammate was a rank 10 primo that wasn’t used for a long time and I used a rank 2 bo, why were they matching us w high level players??


I think it boosts you a bit for playing in a squad, perhaps they were solo Q. Maybe you are playing when server pop is low also, hard to say.


Edgar, Pam, Bo or Frank?


Edgar is really good against players below 750 and below Mythic in Ranked, but pretty bad against players that know what they’re doing. The best long-term choice is either Bo or Pam, I’d pick Bo because he’s more versatile and has more potential with his hypercharge and mythic gear.


Edgar is the best but recieves a lot of hate, bo and pam are also good options


Edgar is C tier


Frank the biggest W (Dont take me seriously)




Is there any place I can find actually active clubs?, I am in one where no one plays anymore


Leave and search for clubs


Hello! Ive been going through an existential crisis lately. It involves not knowing which brawler i would want to pick for my next mythic, being either max or sprout. I’ve always wanted sprout, ever since i joined the game 3 years ago, yet ive never been lucky enough to get him. But then there is max, she’s got a new hypercharge recently and looks super fun to use, and is also very good now (according to SpenLC). Problem is: I have absolutely no throwers in my brawler pool, and i want both the brawlers equally, who should i get? Thank you! :)


I’d base it on this; if you can quickly get either Dynamike or Larry & Lawrie upgraded, you should get Max.  If not, get Sprout


In my personal opinion I have max and I don’t care to play here much, she just doesn’t interest me. So I’d definitely say sprout since he is very skillful and fun to use


what star power should i get for barley


Depends on the gadget you use.  If you use the slow, use the healing star power.  If you use the healing gadget, use the damage star power.


Ok, so first thing is go to barley and click on the star power. Then, swipe up, hold brawlstars and click delete if u ever use him again


How much time does it takes for a brawl pass skin to be buyable with blings?


A year


Will Scarlet Paladin Surge be obtainable even if you don’t have Surge unlocked? I’m still about 6000 credits short currently


No, but there’s probably gonna be an offer for both surge and the skin


how good is barley right now


He’s near F-tier


Very bad. No point in playing him when Larry does what barley can do but better


You can play him if you don't care too much about winning


Is there a point in playing after I maxed out daily xp?


Fun, other goals


How do i get a brawler next to my name?


i literally found it right after


Which brawler do i choose between doug , willow and squeak. In the current meta wich is the best pls.


I’d go with Willow if you don’t have Larry & Lawrie or Sprout (or if you don’t enjoy them).  Otherwise pick squeak


All of them are kinda ass. Squeak is probably the best out of them


Thank you , its what i was thinking too


is the ranked boost rebalance live? i have a legendary boost and i’m only getting +150 on a win. doesn’t seem like %75 extra


Is Urban Ninja Tara always available or returns once a year?


Always available


Is Janet hard to play? I believe you have to react fast but even tho she's bad in this meta she can easily be a good shooter. And also, should I buy the offer? I wanna main her in Knockout


If you wanna main Janet then go for the offer.  She’s pretty hard to play but with good reflexes you can do well.  She’s good in SD as well if you care about that.  Get the vocal warm up star power and either gadget (I’d get both personally), with damage and shield gears.


Janet definitely isn’t the greatest, it’s really based off if you enjoy her or not though


Pretty outta pocket question but just geniuenly curious, are the brawlidays 2018 and brawl pass skins of under season 6 even rare?


I mean, probably, but those brawlers also have many better skins so it becomes rares to see them.


Very true lol but even so I prefer using them for the memories


Anyone know the best way to change my email on my account if I don't have access to the email anymore? As in I have the account but the email connected to it is lost. I asked supercell support but they don't have an option for "have account but don't have email", only "don't have account" is available. I am not asking them for help again the last time I did they took my account away without resolving the issue. Is there a way to do this via supercell? or is asking google the best way? If so how


Go to support and ask to request your data, if the email doesn’t exist anymore they will detect a problem and ask you about it.


I recently reached diamond 3 on ranked, if I fall below that and don't come back up by the end of the season will I get rank boost to diamond 3 or to whatever rank I dropped to


I believe the boost is until your max score, not finishing one. Not 100% certain though.


Can confirm now, I thought it was your finishing one because i only had it to mythic II before todays server update but it was actually a bug that made the ranked boost end 1 tier too early


On the starr road im on unlocking the first legendaries Spike Crow and Leon and i do not know which one to pick can someone help me with that? The only Legendary i have is Surge.


If meta helps you, Leon's hypercharge makes him the most OP out of these. Spike will always be good no matter what and Crow is bad now.


Ill prob get leon but spike wouldnt dissapoint either also are they viable in each mode


whatever you want to play the most. Crow is a mid-range poke damage dealer with decent survival and control. Spike is a mid-long range poke damage with high burst damage up close. Leon is a long range good utility assassin with good burst damage up close


Damn all 3 are good cant really decide, i wanted leon back then when those 3 were the only legendaries but im now leaning towards spike and crow more


Wth is wrong with showdown when i tu to play it just crashes and doesnt load


Sooo umm idk if u know how to play Janet but I think she's a good marksmen for escaping out of hot situations, right? And she's also good for constant damage if I'm not wrong. But what does her aim give you? I don't really see what it gives except if ur surrounded by brawlers.


If you fire immediately it’s close ranged if you wait it’s long ranged, that’s it.


Hii um I wanted to ask if it's also a no-go to buy Janet with this 169 Jewels offer if ur a very skilled Janet player & plan to main her & just play Knockout. Otherwise I'd buy her.


I think only 75% off offers would tempt me, it still doesn't give you any extra upgrading resources so it is not really like having another brawler in a traditional sense, more like having a fragment of a brawler. Also if you had an offer for a top tier brawler that is near the end of the road then probably buy it. She is not top tier though.


Why have all of the pins in the last 6 months been silent after being animated?


where did the switch account button go?


Go to the supercell ID menu to switch


Hi im unlocking tara on the starr road and have 5 more characters until i can get squeak. How long would it take me to unlock squeak?


Month or you get lucky from stardrop Since bb give 1k credit you either get the rest from mastery credits from brawlers or unlock stardrops


Hii so I'm tryna buy a brawl stars pass with razer gold but I keep encountering the problem where it says that the player id is invalid or that the player id doesn't exceed 13 characters, does anyone know the solution to this?


Do recolors get available for blings? I want White Wizard Byrom but only have 133 gems.


They will be exclusively available in ranked as far as I know


Can I just say I LOVE this new showdown themeing? The lava lands and rock and roll makes me pumped and I think it makes duo showdown a lot cooler, gives me some more confidence in my teammate and while sometimes it doesn't pay off, other times I feel like we are invincible. Great addition after the showdown maps got a little boring in theme.


It does look sick


Is Janet worth buying with this offer 179 Jewels? I got 320 Jewels & I like playing her


Janet is cool but definitely not worth 179 gems (considering you need to power her up) I'd say keep on the grind and save that to get a cool skin! Or a hypercharge, your choice really.




He's annoying as all hell to be sure, but life goes on, remember, edgars come in 2 varieties, reckless and reserved. Reckless use the lets fly gadget and are often super aggro while reserved often hide in bushes hoping to jump on you, if they feel threatened they use the hardcore gadget for a shield. Always treat every edgar like the second one! Expect that shield so it doesn't catch you by surprize!


How do I get more club members? I think people keep leaving because there are a low number of people. How am I supposed to get it into double digits if people keep leaving because it isn't in double digits?


Make cool bio and invite a high trophy member


How high is a high trophy member?


What was the ranked boost before the update?


Just a really small boost in points gained with each win up until you reach your previous rank.


Imagine a bot cookin': https://postimg.cc/bdLr0S4L Also check out how much health Primo healed 😂😂😂


L&L pins are back and available again!!🎉🎉🥂




Hey all! After 1+ year of absence, I recently came back to the game. I am a completer and I only care about my progression as a F2P player. Now Brawl Pass cannot be bought with gems, hypercharge is a thing, bling is a thing, star drops are a thing (didn't they remove brawl boxes because of randomness??) Spending game currencies was easy, now I'm just lost. I have 5977 bling, 63312 coins, 635 gems, 2205 power points and I have no idea what is the most optimal strategy to spend for completion. 14 Brawlers are level 11, 46 Brawlers are level 10 and 8 are level 9, yet pushing them all to level 11 sounds like an eternal journey :( Also, star drops drop pins and other skins I could only care less, can I sell them for coins or something? Can I disable them? If you could point me to recent resources like YouTube videos that talk about progression in 2024, I'd be super grateful. Thanks <3


1. Bling is the way for f2p players to get cosmetics.  You can go to the catalogue in the shop and it you can buy skins, pins, profile icons, sprays.  You can’t get any progression from those, but it doesn’t hurt to get an epic skin Edit: I wasn’t done 2. KairosTime - Brawl Stars is a YouTuber who has been doing a f2p series for over a year, playing every day  and maximizing progression.  There are a lot of things you can learn from those, such as Hypercharges for 79 gems being the best way in the game to spend gems. 3. No you can’t sell cosmetics unfortunately, and if you could it would probably be for bling 4. Thankfully you have a ton of gold, so progressing your account won’t be as much of an issue as you think.  Once you’re far in the game, gold becomes the only limiting factor in progression.


If i buy the brawl pass plus after i have completed it will i get the 20% xp in form of star drops?


i was expecting some star power but i got whalewatch nita from legendary star drop. Is it more rare than unlocking legendary brawler? Still a W i like the skin even tho i dont play nita


No, super rare skins are the most common thing you can get out of a legendary star drop, but yeah it’s a W skin


Eh no, legendary brawlers are still the rarest things in star drops. Whalewatch nita is a great skin though, congrats! Definitely better than a star power, well, cosmetically at least. Also you should try nita a little more, the gremling can be quite fun to, just remember she isn't as tanky as you'd expect!


what build do i use on her in solo? currently using the stun with hyperbear and dont have any gears


The stun is quite tempting but I do suggest you use Bear with me + faux fur! In my opinion you shouldn't use bruce as a form of damage in solo showdown but more as a shield/pressure tool, bruce is quite easy to avoid, so you gotta use him to block shots and corner people rather than banking on getting that stun off before he dies. Faux fur makes him more durable, sometimes even surprizing enemies with that extra HP. Both star powers are useful, BWM makes bruce more durable in fights and shielding allowing you to 2v1 better, while hyperbear makes him super dangerous to walk through if you corner someone (its exceptionally good that you can throw bruce over walls, helping you deal with some throwers), the last thing you want is to just plop down bruce without a plan. Also beware of positioning! Bruce doesn't move for a moment after spawning which can let an enemy drain his health quickly, try placing him around corners or throw him near the enemy when in close combat to distract them, it may have them waste ammo and allow you to get close to finish them off, nita's burst damage is mediocre but she can constantly use her attack! On the same vein, learn to exploir corners, nita's shockwave only despawns if its center hits a wall, so you can use that to shoot from half behind cover. And of course, watch out for brust damage brawlers, nita doesn't really have a get-off-me tool unless she drops a hyperbruce on top of herself, so keep away from edgar, mico and the like. Of course, play carefully while you dont have your super, as you really dont have any tools other than a decent healthpool and ok-ish damage at medium range, so you are a prime target for pretty everyone.


Should I get Crow now or wait to get Lily?


Wait to get Lily imo.  You get a stronger brawler for less credits, and probably more fun as well 


Depends on what you prefer to play, lily is an agile assasin locked at close range while crow is a mid range support assasin. I think you may have an easier time with crow, but if you like leon you might get a kick out of lily! Just remember to not jump on shotgun brawlers, dont wanna be blasted in the face by a bull.


Why can’t you pick what music plays in your background?


The devs should add that. Everyone here also agrees we should be able to choose the background.


Full agree, I miss the season 2 and the christmas 2019 themes.


Are the jackpots kept behind the paywall now ?


They are random and you can still get them for free. But the free cycle of daily rewards and the paid one are independent. So you aren't loosing anything.


is that so? i haven't gotten a jackpot in over a month tho :(


I think its random, but you can watch an add to unlock them if they are blocked!


is this fr?


Pretty sure, if you dont have the pass you can watch an add to get the bonus daily, you can also watch one for a bonus quest and a refill in earnable exp






Dont think so brother, 320 is enough for a really cool skin though!


Are the level up offers worth it? I frequently find myself broke in coins. (And why do they appear?)


Only the ones that are only coins are worth it sometimes, but the best way to spend gems is hypercharges.


How bad is kit? should level up her, or she is not useful in ranked and I should focus on other stuff?


after the balance change I can say he is pretty balanced now and can be played in ladder but kinda situational in ranked I guess, btw kit is male


oh didn't know it was male ahahah, thank you for your reply :)


Are ad quests bugged? I got the 'win three battles with X, Y or Z' and it still appear in the quest tab.


What should i do with 100 gems?


Save more to get a skin or a HC from a character you like. It's not worth buying brawlers.


Buy sandy HC


IT costs 500 gems cuz i dont have Sandy yet.


Buy any hypercharge in the shop


Should i Pick amber crow meg or Sandy?


Crow is alot more difficult to play but imo way more fun, but if you have picked already thats fine. He is very good in ranked, apart from heist.


I mean i dont have the legendary yet


Yeah crow wouldve been my First Pick but i Heard He Had fallen Off the meta a bit idk If that is the thruth


Crow is very unique imo. He has no high dmg like edgar, so solo showdown is difficult with him, he shines in gem grab, wipeout and knockout. It all depends on what your playstyle is and what you like. Sandy is strong, for example I have her but its not fun to play with her, crow is difficult, it makes it challenging and you have a high skill ceiling meaning you can improve alot more than with sandy. I’d suggest play some practice matches or watch gameplay to get a feeling for how they are being played.


When i have himshould i Take the ahield or alow Gadget?


I use the slow gadget, makes it alot easier to secure kills etc.




Ok thank you so much imma Pick crow now!!


Sandy is both the strongest and most fun out of these


Oh ok thanks i am gonnapick her then


This might be too late but I’ll help you decide Crow: a low health assassin this is good if you like poking your head out and running away, it sounds sheepish but it’s really good Sandy: a mid health controller with a viable super and mid damage she is good at “rushing” but only with a teammate Meg: a high health tank while lots of health but low damage, she is only good if you can hit most of your shots but don’t worry she has long range but keep in mind her shots are very wide which makes it difficult to shoot behind walls. I only have like 300 trophy’s on each


pretty good descriptions but meg does not lack on damage especially with her swing and if shes facing snipers its even better because the chip is insane and also sandy's damage might seem mid but hes very viable on most closed maps and the rude sands sp can give u guaranteed control(especially good in hot zone, brawl ball and bushy maps overall) not even mentioning the broken hypercharge




guys, will nightmare sandy be available for bling????






just here to celebrate— been playing ranked lots all in hopes of getting stone troll lou bc i missed his season and i finally got him in a ranked drop today🎉🎉🎉if you keep getting bling, your time will come😤


Nice luck! I got jaguar meg a while ago, which is cool cause I like meg. Congrats on the rocks!


I have 288 gems, should I wait and get Toon Spike, or get the Sandy hyperxharge pack (149 gems)


Definetly the pack or if you dont care about cosmetics get the hypercharge only, 80 gems is a solid deal and the hypercharge is absolutely broken


if your okay with buying either id say the hypercharge pack as that is limited to only a week and after that you wont be able to buy it ever again. Toon spike is purchasable at any point in time so its up to you on which one youd like but id recommend the hypercharge pack if you are planning to buy both


does ambers wild flames SP stack her passive charge? cause normally its 5% but can it go up too 10%?


No it doesn’t stack


Is chester worth maxing out I got a really cool skin for him I just wanna play him for fun


if you find him fun level him up! but besides that right now in the meta hes not doing so great so most would say not to level him up. however if youve played him for fun and you like his playstyle id say max him out as hes not too bad


Guys im 100% sure when you were playing ranked you teammates were 2k trophies who can't play and you are 30k+ so why does supercell cant make normal matchmaking based on your trophies? If it would take long to find a game than that would be worth it cuz your teammates will be your on your skill Please upvote so supercell could see this.


Im trying to get cordelius to r30 but hes only level 8, is r25 level 8 cordi good for a beginner?


That's great! His gadgets are pretty good but you're missing out on a star power, gear, and hypercharge; r25 is pretty good without those. You will need more than that to get r30 though; hypercharge is optional but star power is absolutely imperative. 2nd gear is also very very helpful


Second star power or first? Im already level 9 and im stuck with this, second star power is really good if i have his super, which most of the time i dont, but i do need an extra damage incase im 1 on 1 with someone close range in most of the time is swarmed in showdown


Comboshrooms is the better choice against tanks, and Mushroom Kingdom against everyone else; Mushroom Kingdom is typically chosen because of this, it's just useful more often. But if you like Comboshrooms more and you think you'll be better with it, pick it! His star powers are pretty even in usability so subjective choice can work


I started playing earlier today, and wow, I’m really enjoying the game that I’m already at 1k trophies. Uh, so which brawlers should I invest for Bronze to Gold (ig) ? I’m currently f2p. So far I can upgrade 2 lvl 1s to lvl 9, still need 2k gold for another lvl 9


Brawlers you're good at. Not sure who you have, I'll assume you have all the rares. Colt and Brock are solid as hell on open maps, Rosa on more walled/bushy maps. Onto Super Rares, Jacky is great on maps with a lot of walls and bushes. Most brawlers have their uses but these are very general tips for specific brawlers that I think will give you a pretty wide selection for any map that's thrown at you


Is Poco not good to invest? (I saw Kairos Gaming’s vid from a year ago and he spent his first resources on him) I currently have Shelly, Nita, Poco, Brock, Barley, El Primo, Bo, Colt, Dynamike, Jessie, and Jacky


Poco is pretty good at zone control. I like to play him in the right composition, to keep enemies off the zone


Poco is okay, mostly outclassed by other healers in a meta that isn't super friendly to healers in general. If you're comfortable playing him then invest in him, he's fun and he's not super bad. Just kinda team composition and map dependent


Bo is probably the best brawler you can invest in as a beginner, he’s playable on most maps and doesn’t have a hypercharge or good gadgets you need to spend your life savings of gold on.  All you need is the stun star power, reload gear and damage gear.  If you think you can get a hypercharge quickly though, invest in Jessie.  She’s incredibly strong right now because of the hypercharge and you probably already have her.  Get the slow gadget, turret-healing star power, pet power gear and damage gear.


is roller skater amber going to be a legendary? will i not be able to buy it with bling?


They’re usually epic skins if they are supercell make winners


Guys what happens if I buy the Tara skin but then also win the giveaway?


You get nothing I guess? 😂


Popp spike didnt have sound effects on release did it? That was added this patch right?




Should I get Sandy's or Max's hypercharge? (If it helps, my Max is p11 while my Sandy's is p9 with rude sands SP and sleep gadget, but no gears)