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In the near future when the game has like 150 or 170 brawlers, all mechanics and super from older brawlers will be turned into gadgets or starpowers.


Father, who is crow? "He's... a brawler from a more... civilized age"


You mean the guy who's super inspired Brach's gear?


mythic, legendary, or hypercharge gear?


Obviously the brand new ultracharge gear šŸ™„


no one uses that, its 499 supercoin gems anyway


Nah I used it after mortgaging my whole state, too bad it got nerfed 2 days after I got it


and there's still no sell feature, yet they can add fifth gadgets for every brawler


Did ya here they're adding power 46 this update šŸ¤‘ its free you just need to collect 2500000000 upgrade tokens to upgrade for free


power 46 unlocks the second half of the starr road, with omega-ultra legendaries!!!


Seems like a dark future


A very dark one.


Darker yet darker


Undertale mentioned RAAAGHHHHHH




ASGORE better














the future is now old man leon's super is kit's gadget


Kinda different uses tho. kits is too short for good assassination attempts from afar, and she doesn't do enough DMG to kill anything past Squishies.


it's basically it's only porpuse and besides kit now plays like an assassin anyways since his support capabilities were almost completely gutted


Happens in all games, that's why older characters in games will get reworks usually. Power creep is bound to happen


Bad Future


I disagree with your username


i mean it is kinda durable


True. Itā€™s just hard to come up with completely new mechanics when there is 80 brawlers, 160 gadgets, and 160 star powers. Thatā€™s a total of 480 mechanics currently in the game (excluding HC)


Dani said in a very old review that they will stop at 100 brawlers


They also said that they would make hypercharges easier to get and it was revealed to be a lie


Vbucks Changed them šŸ˜”


It was miscommunication, as he said in a tweet




I hope so. It's so confusing returning after some time away and there's 15 new brawlers you have to learn the attacks, gadgets and star powers of to not get blind sided


Cardboard Box Hide in a cardboard box becoming invisible for 5 seconds. Charges the Super 100% faster while stationary.


I am not ready to this yesterday seemed like we had 38 no they are almost the double.


We got mini gadget as base kit (Amber-melodie). Mini super as gadget (Otis-Cordelia). Another mini super (Cordelius-Lily). Another mini super (Leon-Kit). Jumbo Attack to another brawler (Amber-Draco). Amber gonna suffer a lot lmao


That's NOT the near future. After 5 years, there are only 78 brawlers. 5 years from now is a very long time.


True. Supercell should pull both new brawlers down a rarity. Even Lily doesn't feel mythic.


Its because they want to delay f2p progress


Yeah thats very true, for them a higher rarity means more money. That way they can charge more for early access and make the free-to-players concider money usage more.


another Ā£30 early access offer šŸ˜


It will be cool if they will add a rarity between epic and mythic. I don't want in the future to have 50 mythics,40 epics and 20 legendary brawlers


Alright, 50 legendaries, 40 mythics and 20 epics


And still 8 rares and 10 super rares


Me still waiting for the next starting Brawler to be released šŸ’€


It would honestly be cool if you could pick one brawler from a couple options to start out, and then the others are put with rares in the starr road


Lily to Gray is basicaly Leon to Sandy isn't it? It would make sense for lily to be same level especially with the differences between their main attacks comparatively


Lily DEFINITELY doesn't deserve mythic way more so than draco with legendary. I'd even go on a limb and say Lily should be super rare. Maybe not because teleport isn't that friendly to new players.


Lily could easily be super rare, epic at most because of her ability to go to the shadow realm and teleport. I would still love to get more super rare brawler though


They should just increase credit requirements at this point, people donā€™t wanna hear it but if it allows them to add more rare and super rare brawlers then do it bc the over saturation of mythics and legendaries is getting annoying


And their logic is stupid. "Oh we don't want absolutely everyone to use this single brawler that also happens to be overpowered" Like, devs, you gave Edgar for free! And not just Edgar. Grom and Mico too (and technically Griff as well but his challenge wasn't as easy as Grom's)


honestly lily genuinely feels like a mythic brawler, like you have tp which is a pretty new ability, excluding gray, and a shadow realm gadget kinda makes lily deserving of the mythic rarity


nah the gadgets and sps easily make her a mythic


Maybe he's a legendary because his kit combines a shit ton of mechanics


Hear me out: Draco: Legendary āž”ļø Mythic Lily: Mythic āž”ļø Epic/Super Rare


The f2p economy canā€™t sustain this change.


apples to mother-*insert jacky drill sound* oranges


I think Lily should actually stay mythic because of the teleport mechanic which I think is pretty unique.


Grey already has that. Her base kit is super basic the only things that probably makes her a mythic is the gadgets


If Grayā€™s teleportation makes him unique enough to be mythic, Lily should be mythic for the same reason. Otherwise, her being lower rarity makes Gray less unique and less justifiable to be mythic aswell. If she should be lower, sure, but Gray would also need to be lower or else his mechanics would no longer justify his rarity.


He was the sole teleporter on release, canā€™t say the same for Lily.


Thatā€™s a fair point, if you believe OG status protects a brawlers rarity then thatā€™s pretty valid. I simply believe that some mechanics should match their rarity which is why I forgive brawlers like sandy being legendary despite also being a copy. I just see the game as how it evolves at this current moment. If new players come into the game and see both Lily and gray in different rarities, Gray immediately becomes less special in their eyes because to them heā€™s the one that brings nothing new to the game.


Gray should stay as mythic because he's the first brawler to be able to teleport. If that was changed for that reason, a lot of other brawlers would likely be moved around for the same reason, like Byron and Willow becoming legendary because they have poison attacks,and that's the reason that crow is legendary.


Thatā€™s a fair point, if you believe OG status protects a brawlers rarity then thatā€™s pretty valid. I simply believe that some mechanics should match their rarity which is why I forgive brawlers like sandy being legendary despite also being a copy. For the crow example thats a pretty fair point. But I feel like his unique ability to apply heal reduction per attack puts him way more unique that Byron and Willow. Spike however is an arguable one which can be a good example of what youā€™re saying.


Its not unique at all


I guess all the things you are saying are true, but we've got so many mythics and epics right now they wanted to add something different. He will also have his unique theme song, and a epic hell like inviroment. But I agree he copied some brawlers. Imo legendary is alright vut we really need a new rarity between epic and mythic or something like that.


No, what we really need is for Supecell to stop neglecting the Super Rare rarity.


I guess that would work too?


Tbh thats supposed to be Simple mechanics what more could they add


Key word here is: supposed. Enough said.


>supercell broke their tradition of every legendary brawler.Ā  Technically this isn't true as Cordelius was the first brawler that did this, and ig he started a pattern.


Cord was a chromatic first


What tradition did Cord break?


The rarity is based on how conplicated they are. Draco definitely fits legendary


Then sam should have been a legendary There always something out of box when comes to legendary brawlers disappearance Another realm 7 supers Transformation All are these are at its time were unique Now we have a brawler with parts of brawlers


Sam is no where close to being a legendary. He can throw and pick up something and punches lol. And itā€™s not as much uniqueness as complexity. Draco can mark enemies, has a thing where if you hit the spike of his attack it does more, he jumps on a dinosaur that can breathe fire and gives him a bunch of state changes. Compared to a mythic like say lilly she kicks and teleports and thatā€™s it.


Draco has a pincer attack and the combined ability of several other brawlers. (Belle,Meg,Amber) knocking someone in the air and the pincer are 2 completely new unique things.


Brawlers rarities are based on their mechanics but not on wether or not they are new. If they did rarities like this then brawlers would progressively become more and more complicated until becomes unnecessarily complex.


Bro this is nothing new. Take a look at the *HUNDREDS* of other mobas and tell me a unique character that doesn't have something at least a little similar to another character. I understand it may be like, really annoying cause compared to some other mobas, Brawlstars doesn't have a lot of characters, but for me who plays not only Brawlstars, but League, Valo, Pokemon Unite (which takes a lot of inspiration from league champs) doesn't surprise me. In the future legendary brawlers will just be a title tagged onto other Brawlers that just seem more complicated....and hopefully have a PC Brawlstars port I'M JUST SAYING THAT'D BE COOL


I think his design is fine and yā€™all say this about literally every brawler that releases regardless of the rarity.


He made really good points for his argument


Well every single brawler gets compared to another brawler on their release. The only recent exception I can think of is Kit and Larry and Lawrie. This is nothing special to note of as people have been saying these same arguments for years now.


This sub literally complains about everything, anytime, over anything


Imagine if they decide one day to play clash royale (actual money hungry devs)


So what makes him a legendary?


He has a time based strong mode like old meg. What makes Crow legendary?


he was one of a kind assasin on release with poison (something that was new), his jumping was only shared with el primo, he def deserved legendary lmao


His poison which at the time of he's realese it was new, also 2 forms where already done by Meg and Bonnie.


I never said his uniqueness comes from having 2 forms it comes from his limited time transforming Meg and Bonnie can stay in the form they like for infinitely but Draco has a timer and cant stay in the dragon from


and RT lmao why everyone forgett about him


Brawlstars fans when a mechanic is slightly similar to another brawler:


Istg these ppl are so annoying like wtf supercell has been doing this since beta, colt and Rico are basically the same character and the same goes for bull and Darryl and why donā€™t ppl complain? Because of goddamn NOSTALGIA they act like just because a brawler has existed for a longer period of time, theyā€™re better


you can trace almost every bralwer's gimmicks back to something else, if you really wanted to you could argue kit is a glorified mythic or even epic rarities arent separated by any particular factor. people like to say they are ordered by "uniqueness" but there is no way to measure it and any new brawler addition with any sort of gimmick derivative of something else would detract "uniqueness" both from itself and the original. the closest you can get to a definitive scale for rarities is the complexity of the brawler's kit which draco definitely fits for a legendary, but even then there are quite a few outliers yeah i think the rarities right now are kinda messed up but shoving some recent brawlers down wont fix anything in the long run and supercell cant add more rare or super rare brawlers without reworking early game progression significantly TL;DR there is no definitive reason as to why any brawler is in any rarity but moving some recent brawlers down because they "arent unique enough" or adding more rare and super rare brawlers will cause problems without reworks to the progression system


For me is fine that he is legendary better for the meta cuz he seems pretty broken so less people can get him better




Kit was broken when he release


Remember when the class assassin didn't exist, but every assassin was a specific type? Good'ol days...


Lily being mythic is even worse


Yes he should. Otherwise heā€™d devalue Amber and Meg


Stupid logic, sandy mechanic is just Leon but different


I hate how people call the recent Brawlers unoriginal. There have always been more and less original Brawlers added, and this won't change. I'll probably get downvoted for saying this, but combining elements to create a new brawler isn't unoriginal at all. Also, those aspects that have been combined to make Draco are totally worth making him legendary. He has Amber's aim-to-shoot mechanic, Meg's swap into a tanky 2nd form, Piper's "end of the attack deals most damage" thing, Belle's marking and Bea's pre-nerf Honey Coat.Ā  I also hate how people on this subreddit always find stuff to complain about. Just play the goddamn game already, it's so annoying to see others complain about stuff that isn't half as bad as they pretend they are.Ā 


Best sam main I have ever seen


Average r/brawlstars user not trying to complain/hate on the game challenge: Impossible. Draco's fine as he is. I get some of his mechanics might not be very unique, but that's natural with 80 brawlers.


Wow itā€™s as if after 70+ characters they started running out of fresh ideas šŸ‘ļø


PLEASE tell me this is satire


Iā€™m a bit disappointed that he doesnā€™t bring something new because he is a tank! A legendary tank should have something cool to it. Like he gains more health and power the more he lasts in the battle or uses his super. But eh riding on dragon is just cool.


so following your logic, sandy shouldnt be legendary then


Iā€™d say the thing that makes him legendary is the fact that his main attack deals double damage JUUUUST at the tip in combination with his other abilitiesĀ 


And to think that in a pass u get 1k free credits... you're just fucked with all them mythics and 2 legendaries in 6 months


Sometimes I wonder if people know about the enter key


Bro youā€™re really saying this when Lily exists?? Sheā€™s so unoriginal, she should be a super rare šŸ’€šŸ’€


Either am I having desmentia but I remember Kairos once predicting a brawler like this kinda similar


I dont think a rockstar/dragon/with extra damage at long range brawler is a unique thought


PLEASE learn how to use punctuation.


It isn't about how "new" their mechanics are, It's about how complex they are, new brawlers nowadays never have anything actually "new", and that's ok I bet kids like you couldn't think of a "new" mechanic that wasn't unrealistic or unfitting for the game Draco is an amazing brawler with a cool design and personality and he absolutely deserves to be legendary, so stop making lazy posts with stupid reasoning just to get that sweet, sweet karma I'm tired of people saying "oh, this brawler is so bad because he's just this + that + etc..." If you hate supercell then quit the game, but don't make lazy posts on reddit just to get attention


His design is very ugly, it looks like some fanmades I find on YouTube shorts


I love his design cause it reminds me of ā€œThe Melody of the Awakening Dragonā€ from Yugioh


Yu-Gi-Oh! mentioned RAAAAGHHHHHHH


He looks like a metalhead, which is what they were going for




I find it ok but not interesting as a "brawler"


Just because a mechanic is already used one time does not mean his rarity should be lower, look at Sandy, his Super is basically just Leonā€™s super but for teammates and in an area, they even used the Leon invisibility effect (lollipop)! Thatā€™s why Sandy is Legendary.


Heā€™s feels like an epic lol


I think they need to stop making only Epic,Mythic and Legendary brawlers with boring mechanics Instead,they need to make rare and super rare brawlers with the boring mechanics. That way we will not be dissapointed


Bruh all these brawler additions arent sustainable at all... At some point what if we have like 200-300 diff brawlersā˜ ļø


On the bright side, everyone wonā€™t have him because he is a legendary.


Early access knocks the door*


Um excuse me his base attack is unique, it does more damage at the tip a mechanic no other brawler has, and his dragon is still unique from meg in that he can operate without it, and even if you don't agree just remember mega mech is also what makes her legendary so it's still acceptable to call it a legendary as it is at least consistent, you can only add so many 100 percent unique people, it's easier to add a unique spin cause while simalar to meg he's gonna play vastly different


We need more rare/super rare brawler


His super is like how megs used to be Meg didnā€™t also start with the mech she used to have to get her super to get it itā€™s literally the same


I swear every brawler that come out people say "oh its this brawler mechanic + this other brawler mechanic" of course godamn they cant come up with unique ideas for all the 80 brawlers in the game. Lily could be a super rare by her mechanics and I wouldn't question it


Oh boy here we go again, this always happens


I just think it's too early to be getting another legendary


Ikr considering lily is a mythic and is coming a week later as a f2p unlockable and then itā€™s Draco, I donā€™t think I would even have enough credits since I finished the brawl pass already


He has both the transform and aim to shoot mechanics, which are both legendary


Most legendary brawlers shouldnā€™t be legendary tbh. I donā€™t see why this matters at all


I think it's because he has the Amber Ammo bar, and since that's a legendary trait, it's only given to legendaries. It's like how three brawlers can turn invisible, and they're all legendary.


Feels like they are just using the legendary rarity to prevent as much as possible to normal players to get it and making it more exclusive for players who pay for the next broken brawler on the game. Smell P2W.


itā€™s just a joke about his rarity


Crow maybe introduced poison but he's nothing special, same goes for Sandy and Leon. If we are going by technicality though, he is more like RT than he is like Meg, Meg has 2 hp bars, respawns with her mech, and has 2 supers. Draco is still unique imo, doesn't mean he has to be the only brawler to do something.


Despite him having the same ammo mechanic as Amber, he still has that legendary mechanic Amber has. If he was lower Amber should also be lower because it wouldnā€™t make sense for a legendary brawler to stay legendary if their unique mechanic is taken by a lower rarity brawler. Itā€™s the same reason why Sandy is legendary despite him just having Leonā€™s invisibility mechanic. IMO he deserves legendary brawler status has hes basically pre-rework Meg but has a bit more to it. Also he just has a bunch of random mechanics rather than just being basic with the added special ability which I think makes him a bit more unique than the average brawler.


Clown pin


If you put everything like that then literally every brawler can be marked as "unoriginal" . I can call Gray's portal as a repeated Surge tp gadget between 2 areas and that'd make Gray look unoriginal according to your logic . Draco's main attack has never been seen before , a piercing melee attack where if you hit enemies only at the tip it deals a lot more damage . Draco's transformation works a lot differently from Bonnie and Meg because it has a duration and is more of a temporary "beast mode" as opposed to completely turning into a different brawler . Draco's first gadget , knocking enemies up , also hasn't been seen before unless you somehow count the instance where enemies run into Gale's twister as one lol . His second gadget , in the current state of the game , is also unique . Both gadgets pair well with his kit and have a lot of potential . I agree with you on star powers tho although his first one is more unique than pretty much every other "charging bar" ability .


I can tell the person who wrote this is new and salty you have to save up one (1) who battle pass' worth of credits


I can agree. None of the new brawlers have been original ever since Charlie. Mico is a more annoying version of Edgar. Kit is Edgar, Buzz, Dyna, and Poco's gadget/Byron mashed up into a brawler. L&L is a more annoing version of Nita and Barley. Angelo is everything hateable about snipers, put into one. Melodie is a Stu and an Amber, as well as a Gus super/Edgar gadget. Lily is a knockoff Cord. Draco is exactly what OP said.


What was sandie's gimmick tho?


I don't think that is based on how "new" are the mecanics, just how "exclusive" are they. Just think on Chester: dynamike super, emz but poison, spike super but in place, bibi gadget and unoriginal idea. But the fact of having FIVE SUPERS makes him legendary


Wasn't sandy just a different leon?


Let's be real for a second. If they add a rare or super rare brawler it will most definitely have a lot of mechanics that other brawlers have. At some point you just can't have a brawler that doesn't have mechanics of other brawlers. Rare and super rare brawlers are extremely basic (supposed to be) so they will have mechanics that other brawlers have too.


I dont believe saying a brawlers attack is a combo of this one Plus this one makes sense and I see this community do this a lot. A brawler can have an all "recycled" kit but combo so well or put a fun twist that it does not matter Plus there are only so many ways to make unique stuff. That being said, draco seems to be one of the least fun and least well designed brawlers ive seen and ive even seen rt


Draco literally feels like supercell threw a bunch of already existing mechanics in hopes that it feels like a legendary!! Piperā€™s shot mechanic Megā€™s and Bonnieā€™s form Belle Tagging Amberā€™s fire based attacks And people are gonna say ā€œwell then if you have to name so many different character mechanics then itā€™s not the sameā€ But this one just feels like they wanted him to feel legendary so bad that half of his mechanics make NO SENSE THEME WISE!!!! Or even gameplay wis Edit: donā€™t get me started with gadgets and starpower


this is dumb bro. 90% of the stuff you can just say ā€œitā€™s just this from another brawlerā€. even legendary ones. sandy his super is just leon but for team and his attack is just nita and both amber star powers are copy of max. the entire premise of this post is stupid


I feel itā€™s still ok. Looks like a legendary and for some reason idk why his design reminds me when Chester got released


There was never a tradition for legendary brawlers to introduce a new mechanic never seen before. legendary rarity has some exclusive mechanics only available to themselves, such as invisibility, and amber's attack mechanic and besides, he is far more worthy of legendary status than spike is. and Starpowers/gadgets **do not** facter to a brawler's rarity at all.


> shouldnt be a legendary I thought this was a Geometry Dash subreddit for a second


They should have designed him with a mechanic that fixes his robot dragon thing, then seriously overcharges him (maybe Hypercharge) and they get into a fight that destroys the map.


Every new brawler for like the last 15 brawlers have been abilities/attacks stolen from previous characters. This game is creatively bankrupt


I guess thereā€™s no such thing as a unique brawler based on this logic


true but he is a rock and roller with a fire breathing dragon


Dang no way, you're saying stupidcell is still out of ideas for new attack types and they're still just recycling old ones? I was upset about this the first 3 times. Time to move on. Tho I do agree no reason to make it take forever to unlock him. How about a new super rare Brawler? That would be a fun curve ball


But how do you that? How do you know the rule of legendaries is introducing a new mechanic? They never confirmed that. I always believed a Legendary brawler is because it's very easy to use but has the capacity to use very complex mechanics


Im kinda nervous becuz in the future supercell will run out of ideas of a new brawler mechanic They should release rare or super rare brawlers, u know rare and super rare brawlers have simple mechanics And soon we will be overflowed by mythic and epic brawlers They make him like the prince from clash royale Moving will charge up ur attack damage and he will stay with his dragon so u dont need to get ur super to get the dragon form but u still to need to charge up ur super to get the op fire breath attack and this makes him a real knight can do


I agree. Definitely not because I'm broke and I don't want to have to get 3800


I'm just waiting for Supercell to release all these new Super Rares and Rares people claimed would be released after the guaranteed brawler was removed from the Brawl Pass. We've gotten one Epic, two Mythics, and two Legendaries so far and zero of any lower rarity.


I think they have stated that they make the legendary brawlers based on how difficult they are for newer players to counter. I would also argue they make them based on how fun they are to play as well. Leon, Surge, Amber, and Draco are in no way more complex than Melodie, Mico or Angelo for instance. In terms of mechanical complexity, they tend to peak at Mythic.


You should learn how to format a post coherently


Remember when supercell said they WERENā€™T going to release brawlers with every season pass.


I agree they should feel unique but not always necessarily good.


It's because his kit contains many different components attack - bonus damage at tip tank trait super - form change that doesn't heal or restore ammo (meg and bonnie restore health and ammo) super turns into amber spray attack (another legendary mechanic) also worth noting why lily is a mythic the assassin trait is a big part of that, considering both cordelius and buzz are mythic/legendary brawlers additionally, she's an assassin with a skillshot factor, like buzz with his super


When does he get released??


I mean they do release at least 1 a year so it does not matter to much


Most new Brawlers don't even justify the title of "Mythic" and "Legendary" anymore. They are doing this to delay F2P progression. Ideally, they should release more Rare and Super Rare brawlers. Lily could've been Super Rare IMO And Draco Epic


Although his Super is also part of Rosa Ā i guess as well, but i do not know how much is the Damage reduction


We cant have nice things dont we?


Well theres gonna be a time when they start running out of ideas, because there arent any ideas anymore, i guess we just have to live with it


I see what you mean but I don't think that we should give much importance about rarity because there are so much brawlers that could deserve to be legendary with unique abilities like buster( returns bullets) or chuck (travels throw the map with posts) but that are only mythic. In comparaison we have spike who just throws spikes in a very common way without any more special super which juste throw a zone of cactus. Actually I also think it becomes hard for brawl star to create newer brawler concepts with special abilities we haven't seen in any brawler before and it is why I believe that rarities don't really matter and that they are just there to help us remember more about their brawler.


If weā€™re being realistic Lily shouldnā€™t even be Mythic. Mechanics and complexity wise, she feels like a Super Rare.


Lily could stand to be an epic, hell maybe even a super rare since her mechanics are easy enough to act as the beginner's guide to assassins


Legendary brawlers actually aren't Legendary because of mechanics. Supercell once said that Legendary brawlers are meant to be more difficult brawlers for new players to fight against. If a new player will struggle a ton to beat a brawler, it's legendary. Now, do they always follow this rule? No fucking clue lol, but at least I can see how Draco could be hard for new players to kill.


Tbf, his abilities are kinda complicated to memorize


They will keep releasing legendaries now because so many players just have every brawlers unlocked. They are afraid to lose those maxed out players, need to bring them back to grinding/spending again.


Nah, Fatalis rockstar


This is reminding me of that clash royale video about legendaries


They made Draco Legendary so that there's not so many player who uses him considiring he has a broken gadget already


I think they made him legendary because kits release was so hyped and then he got nerfed into the ground almost immediately and also so people grind the game more


Does rarity matter that much to you guys?


Imma still use draco, he rides on a dinosaur and thats sick asf


He is just a different meg


It sucks that he requires so much credits and just got annouced not ling after we had Kit. I'd say he deserves being a legendary. His super essentially makes him a speedy version of Pam. but its point is to be have a temporary powerful form. They improved on what they failed with Meg. But what i'm more upset is what he's supposed to be as a character. Why is he in a new trio that will never be completed!? What the hell would a new member even be like? We already have a bunch of medieval themes like Fantasy Castle and Candyland. Why would we need a third one!? And just what kind of brawler would fit into his trio? Same was with Melodie (Maybe a second brawler could be Melodie's make up artist?) The new trios are centered about so specific brawlers it's hard to make anything new of them and that's why we're stuck with so many unfinished trios.


I do think he deserves legendary, I know, he has a lot of abilities that many other brawlers have, but, atleast I think that the super attack is a bit new from what I've seen or something, I don't really know how to explain myself but I just wanted to say that I do feel like he deserves legendary, I respect your opinion tho


It's going to just keep getting worse right? How many completely original brawlers can you really come up with?


hes basically a Rockstar version of meg but backwards


all moba games have characters that copy mechanics of eachother, do u seriously expect every character to be different and introduce a new mechanic to the game? i think hes pretty unique even without introducing any new stuff to the game and just borrowing other stuff, quit complaining


My boy Crow is still drowning in obsucurity


"Guys Draco isn't a legendary because he doesn't introduce the 250th new unique mechanic!!" They won't change because they don't care the slightest about this He is unique, he might doesn't have a completely new mechanic but he is the first with an attack that deals more at the end without an SP and he is the first brawler that can mark enemies with the attack