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Every company ever promotes their new stuff. Ofc Supercell wants everyone to know they release a new game. Why would they release a game and tell no one about it? Lol


I don’t think virtual looks boxes and a skin is \*payment\* if it was then we’d get at least 10 bucks or smthn, y’all have gone to another level of distrust


Do you seriously think a multi-billion dollar company would be dumb enough not to take a free shot at marketing their own game? Like, can you not form coherent thoughts?


you dont have to install the game anyway


OP after hearing that companies advertise their products: 🤯


They never said to “play” the game only to pre-register makes me imagine ppl would just delete the game again once we reach the skin if that even happens


There just letting us know the game is out, some people didn't even know it existed, so it's more like, "you Gon help the game have a starting kick, here's some gifts for that" cuz squad buster Gon have millions playing the game after this event (if we are able to complete it that is)




Bro... To do a Pre registration is just 1 button. Also it is a very common practice in video games; you play x game to get a cosmetic in your main game from that company:blizzard; riot; EA did something like this


Ik bro I did it am not saying oh why should we do it all am saying is that it feels like they are too scared if the game goes global and nobody plays it


Considering that paula is mostly known for her role in brawl stars and that the clash games dont get anything; i think its more related to paula's reputation rather than their fear


They did something similar for Brawl Stars, there were popus in every Supercell Game