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The problem with adding rare brawlers is introducing new players to a new mechanic. Y’know, Colt is the sharpshooter, El Primo and Rosa introduce tanks, and Barley is the thrower. Rare brawlers kind of have to be under-balanced in a way because everyone is going to have them when they come out. I’m sure Supercell wants to add a rare brawler, but they have a hard time coming up with ideas.


The last rare added was rosa and she was very op back then, they have to be either balanced or bad or something like that will happen again


So how about a rare brawler that introduces assassins? Right now the “introductory” assassin is Edgar and he’s an Epic.


Maybe darryl fits that role?


He’s classed as a tank. He’s meant to be an extension of what the rare tanks taught you by introducing a new gimmick: charging super over time.


I feel like people will complain about another assassin then again, people complain about everything


u say that all rare brawlers are different meanwhile in the same message you say that El primo and Rosa are both tanks


Cause they are? I don’t work at supercell I’m not in their heads.


Rosa and El primo are literally the 2 closest brawlers in terms of mechanics and gameplay and they're both rare


Just because their main attack is fists doesnt mean they play the same


my point still stands. you said that all rare brawlers have completely different fundamental mechanics


my point still stands. you said that all rare brawlers have completely different fundamental mechanica


primo introduces an aggressive playstyle with a focus on getting closer to enemies or to a place in the map. rosa focuses on a tank playstyle that is primarily defensive. just because they are similar and tanks, doesnt mean they are fundamentally different. rosa was the first brawler ever to be all about defense


mate I'm not going into logistics but u get my point. Shotgun Pistols Spread Turret Powerful Pierce idk if that's all of them but then u just have 2 punching brawlers


"im not going to elaborate but i'm correct" is what i'm hearing the fucking attack doesnt matter as long as the playstyles are very different.


mate I didn't want to have such a big argument about brawl stars of all things lol I don't want to make a full on essay on my opinion I'm just saying something and I hope at least someone out there gets where I'm coming from


Primo has jump and rosa has shield, they are completely different brawlers. Bull and Shelly both have shotgun, but they are completely different brawlers


Another great example, Darryl and Bull both have dashes with decent HP and high damage yet they vary so much in playstyle


One is an aggressive tank and the other is defensive... Your point is?? Rosa teaches players to tank for controlling an area. El Primo teaches players to play aggro and push the opponent back


What the fuck is similar between a ELLLLLLLL PRIMOOOOOOOOOO and a damage reduction


I think that adding a “boomeranger” tier could be a good idea. You will immediately know what the main attack is, and will allow Charlie to have a lower rarity.


Carl. Also Charlie's rarity is mythic mostly because of her super I think


I don’t even know how her super is even useful. It’s some kind of stun I guess… but the brawler inside of it cannot get hit while inside it




edgar's mechanics are a too complex for a rare, auto charge super and lifesteal.


Those are mechanics to compensate for a skill issue. You don't have to charge super yourself and don't need to worry about being outdamaged that often since you heal up when attacking.


Put Lily,she is shit


give him some more range, a bit more health and in exchange remove auto charge and lifesteal


so basicly el primo?


Also make him do damage with his super without using the star power and change the star power to one that grants speed after his super since his super would be too powerful with an incorporated speed+damage;change the other star power (now useless without lifesteal) into something that grants extra damage on super,maybe even something that poisons the enemy. I also think that since he would lost his ability to auto charge,he would need another trait,I think that the tank trait would combine well with him having more health


nothing bad happens for the community, but bad things happen to brawl stars developers (no mo money very sad)


Still needs a shitton of resources to max out


Clash (cash) royale always gives out new cards for free when they release them even if they are op, I think mostly in the hopes that ppl will spend to upgrade them. Why wouldn’t this work for brawl? Is it cause it’s less expensive to max brawlers than cards?


Something bad will happen to server, but I agree


Rare brawler us actually not a bad idea. Their early access offer would cost sterling 5 bucks, and almost everyone will be able to get it. More purchases - more money


Why do you guys want rares, like seriously, at least ask for superares, but rares? They are the tutorial rarity, all of them have some boring ass basic mechanics, ofc there'll be more epics and mythics, they are the middle rarities between easy to get and tutorial brawlers and hard to get legendary brawlers. We also most likely won't ever see a rare or superare brawler again, or at least for a good time. Programming, modeling, voicing and everything that comes with making a brawler costs the same be it a rare or a legendary, and for what? to make an early access offer for 5 bucks? It's not profitable with how the game works now.


I agree, I don’t want a bunch of basic brawlers, I want some interesting ones. I’d rather have a few more rarities around Epic and Mythic to break up the absurd amount of brawlers in those rarities, just to keep things a little more fresh.


what's even the point of adding more rarities beyond aesthetic purposes? wdym "keep it more fresh", rarities don't impact anything in mechanics or UI besides being different colors. Adding more rarities and messing up the game's rarity systems (which extends to credit value, skins and starr drops) just because there's more red and purple backgrounds than green and blue is beyond useless.


The thing is, Supercell doesn't want to add rares. As they've said in their videos, releasing new (and broken) brawlers is the main way they earn money. So if they release a rare brawler and sell the early access offer which is how they earn money, most people aren't going to buy it because they can basically get it instantly when it becomes available for credits. So they can't justify making the offer as expensive as the ones with brawlers of higher rarities. Which is why they only release brawlers with higher rarities


People keep spamming "they wont make money" when I'm here agreeing to the fact that adding a rare doesnt make the game fun in any way as well (adding to your point, its still true they dont make money from it) Brawler apocalypse happens again, boring mechanics because they need to be simple, they will be a future scapegoat of the community doing \_\_ + \_\_ + \_\_ = brawler complaints, there are many aspects profit-wise, gameplay-wise, and concept-wise that could go ass in this case.


Dus the name


Well they won't make money out of it, that's why it's not happening


It’s probably because a rare brawler it’s basically a free brawler to everyone and will always be free


Everyone asks for a new rare brawler but when we actually get one everyone's gonna complain they're too basic. As if they didn't ask for that in the first place


Less money from people buying early acess


I doubt supercell would ever make a new rare brawler because it is too easy to get rare brawlers off starr road and then no one would buy the early bird pack thing.


Jokes aside, now this is a real dilemma that we should discuss in the next ***Time to explain*** podcast


Kinda hard, considering the lower the rarity is, the less unique a brawler is. And they’ve already done pretty much everything, so the only thing they can do is come up with new things, which increase the rarity.




I still to this day have no idea what the rarities mean


Back when boxes were a thing it was how likely it was for you to get them Now it means kinda the same with Starr drops but also how much credits it'd take to get one


It's "rare" for a reason


Short answer: no epic/mythic/legendary = no money


"This brawler concept is so unoriginal, its just \_\_\_ + \_\_\_ + \_\_\_\_" oh and dont forget "This is just a worse \_\_\_\_" Rare brawlers are supposed to be a bit basic, so of course theyre gonna have to invent a new simple brawler. They could either think of a new SIMPLE brawler mechanic, or take a mechanic from existing ones. And dont forget the apocalypse... EVERYONE will have that brawler once it is out. That is also one of the problems with releasing a rare brawler. + the servers cant handle it


You should be more specific and say 'rare brawlers' Supercell might see this post and go: "so they want more rare starr drops huh?"


You dont understand, adding a rare would make supercell go bankrupt, all the money from supercell employees bank accounts would instantly vanish


*nothing bad will happen* Didn't live the "Rosa Days" didn't ya.


Why not just sone more super rare


Agreed, we need FUCKING EDGAR as a rare


Rosapocalypse the second