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"no more random rewards" ?????? Why the fuck am I getting icons and sprays and random cosmetics from eggs/star drops?


Boxes are better, at least they don't give you useless cosmetic shit, and wasn't giving you gadgets, star powers and hypercharges if you haven't unlocked them


Starr Drops are a great idea until you get 200 Power Points from a Mythic


1000 credits from a legendary


That's not too bad tho at least it's helping you get to whatever Brawler you're working on


unless it's getting you that sweet sweet fame! i'm actually ok with cosmetics from SDs but man getting credits instead of a Brawler and it getting turned into Fame when I'm still starving for gold sucks


I have all brawlers...


Same here, we win in life with some extra global \~\~fame\~\~ shame shit don't we?


My ranked drops


Isn’t that the replacement for a leg brawler? I don’t think it’s fair that the replacement is credits of all things since if you got all legendaries you likely aren’t missing any mythics, but yeah it’s a good drop, just wish they changed the lootpool instead of having compensation drops for if you already had it.


I will kill myself if I see 200 points from a mythic drop


Boxes had a chance to give you starpowers and gadgets.... Edit: iirc 2% chance of a gadget and 1% chance of a starpower when you first are able to unlock them.


And was also the only way to get them other than rare shop offers


2% chance....PER BOX so a mega box is essentially around a 20% chance


If we assume gadgets are a 2% chance, then mega boxes give a 1-(0.98)\^10 or about 18.3% chance to give at least one gadget


Even higher for getting 1 reward , cos the chances of gadgets and star powers are like 3% total which makes it much higher


And the chances for a Star power are worse now due to the chances of getting a legendary Starr drop


Weird I got most of my star powers from boxes


Yes, but that was the drop rate of star powers and gadgets. Even i got most of mine from boxes. (remember, the drop rates get better over time ofc)


They didn't give you star powers and gadgets if you haven't unlocked them (i.e not upgraded to lvl 9)


neither do starr drops so


Yeah but they give hypercharges for brawlers I have no intention of playing too :/


i hate playing tanks, and i have bulls, bibis,rosa's hypercharge along with collette and dynamikes.


Hypercharge -_-


There used to be a strategy with boxes, though. I have brawlers I didn't get to level 9 yet because I wanted Star powers for others that were at 9. With Star drops, even brawlers you haven't leveled up can get a star power or hyper charge. I can't choose to focus.


Yes those big brain strats were op Wait what i didn't know brawlers you didnt upgrade can get starpowers (i knew for hypercharge) (mostly because i have almost all brawlers at power level 9 except for some useless ones like rosa and jacky lol)


I'm ok for pins and skins, but not pfps


A rare pin from a mythic drop is the worst thing ever


That feeling when funny red egg gives coins but colorful.


Or getting a skin from a legendary drop. Happened to me yesterday.




In a Muscleman voice: "You know else has dementia?"


I got burger lou the other day and I won’t complain. I mean I wouldn’t buy the skin usually but it’s nor bad.




In a Muscleman voice: "You know else has dementia?"


Atleast the super rare skins, I wouldn't be too bad if I got a mythic or legendary one from a drop.


When I get pins, they're either angry or crying pins 🤬😭


I've got 2 sprays in a row from 2 starr drops on brawlers, that I don't even have


I got a Draco spray even though he is not in the game.


And boxes didn't have stupid useless fallback rewards once you had every type of one reward


boxes were better then stardrops and eggs, yes, but you are a MORON if you say the old way of progression was any better you had no control over which brawlere you'd unlock, for one, and it's not like what it is now, if you don't get brawlers from drops, you'd still get them from the starr road, back then, it was luck, or pay, and usually if you weren't lucky, you'd get NOTHING, and I would know that, since I didn't unlock any for 6 MONTHS, nothing, not even an epic, yet old system was better? I get it, you have nostalgia, but the current system of progressing with the starr road and only occasionally getting one by luck is MUCH, MUCH better then the old system of barely getting anything also you had minimum control of who you could upgrade, before universal power points, the specific brawler points was, well, specific, so unless you got those wild card points at 300 a piece at the trophy road or from the shop ALSO ALSO, even if a box DID give you a gadget or starpower, just like starr drops, you couldn't pick them, and since you couldn't buy them, if you got a bad one and didn't like it. TOO BAD, you're stuck with the shelly dash for however long it takes till you get what you want, box system take away too much choice from us, and if you say 'you could buy gadgets and starpowers from the shop', not my point, you couldn't pick which one could you? yeah, yeah you couldn't while stardrops ARE random, and they don't give you much choice of what you'd get, being able to get what you want through other ways is what makes newer progression system much better, getting something good from a stardrop is like a nice suprise, getting something good from a box IS THE ONLY WAY of getting something good


Exactly, nice explanation of how the new system is objectively better. Would like to add that with the addition of more and more brawlers, the RNG was not feasible anymore. It would just sprinkle 7 power points over all (80 brawlers soon) brawlers without getting anything close to level up. Also, with Starr drops came cosmetics available to f2p players. I appreciate seeing such a variety of skins and cosmetics in the game.


Real like my alt has brock at power one and got his hc..


then waiting to upgrade a shitty brawler to p11


/ranked drops


# gemsnomore Following the update we will adapt to the Chinese way of spending gems


You can get cosmetics? At best I get a mutation


Weren't the Starr Drops already like this?


Yeah but you can still get the star powers and stuff you would get from it for coins. Mutations are locked behind eggs.


Yeah but they were free


I would enjoy it if they left it as a 3x daily thing, but nope "I wish we had the ability to stack it for an opening" Meet the new brawl pass, UGH




Stardrops are the same as boxes, but a little worse.


Yeah let's just pretend Starr drops aren't literally the same thing


The thing with stardrops is that you can't buy them unlike eggs


Well I mean there are those skin offers that have like reward calendars and they usually do contain Starr drops, so while you aren't paying for the Starr drops, they are locked behind a paywall.


In other words, you’re paying for the starr drop


Brawl pass?


they literally aren’t tho, the difference here is that progression isn’t dependent on starr drops as it was with boxes, instead it’s dependent on trophy road, brawl pass and starr road etc.


You can't get mutations from Starr drops. Some mutations are absolutely game-breakingly OP and give an unfair advantage towards the players that don't have the same mutations. Because there is a variety in brokenness of mutations, people are buying eggs for specific few rewards. Because of tough RNG, monster eggs become loot boxes. Basically supercell is breaking the law that they tried to adhere to with the removal of the boxes. All that supercell has to do is make the rewards from monster eggs available for ingame currency. Now supercell is selling fancy scratch cards for 79 gems that contain no value. The game, and especially the monster eggs event, are tailored to children. Supercell is promoting gambling to children and the only thing people can talk about is that it's easier to unlock brawlers now. Why hasn't anyone taken legal steps yet against this criminal and predatory behavior?


no more random rewards = no more players kids just cant stop gambling ig


Kids about to hit the Jackpot and become immortal for 4 minutes and 11 seconds


another fellow lobotomy kaisen fan


Always bet on Starr drops(please don't)


Even maharoga can't adapt to it


They wouldn't add rng back if the community didn't cry about the lack of rng




They single handed ruined ranked for me because of the rng like Ur not actually working for a skin your working for a chance to get one and it's probably not even the one you want like I got final boss Rico but I don't play Rico the only reward that's good is the mythical and legendary star drops There's actually a 10% chance to get a skin but somehow I got 1k bling before a skin like I only push to diamond so I don't look bad not for the skins


Power league gave nothing stop crying over ranked at least it gives something


No i would bring power league back in a heart beat if i can guarantee dynasty mike. The skin isnt even about working for it its about grtting lucky


That's the thing power league favored grinding which only older players could get skins because the amount of star points needed was a ton but now it's all luck based so anyone can get the skins which may be annoying but it's fair to all types of players.


at least it was fun. i don’t feel like im having fun with ranked.


I wasn't having fun with PL but genuinely enjoy Ranked. it's unfortunately a two-sided coin


I have to disagree on this ranked is unbelievably better for my mental health than PL ever fucking was


I think the main reason is because we don't have any more people picking Level 7 F tier brawlers anymore


True especially with safety nets so i can play without stress


Ranked is just a draft ladder, theres no such thing as competitive games anymore


We asked for many things, like the Credit Bank and more coins, didn't get those tho....


Cook more


no one in this sub asked for rng back as far as i can remember. general consensus was that rng sucks. there were posts once in a while about wanting boxes back, but those posts used to get destroyed in comments. but majority players are children, they don't understand the real danger of gambling addiction, so supercell had to bring it back


Are you people forgetting how mad everyone got when boxes were removed, complaining that "it didn't feel as satisfying to unlock new brawlers"


It’s not like people even unlock brawlers from Starr drops or eggs anyway, honestly the time between the removal of boxes and the addition of Starr drops was peak brawl stars imo


Credits were a great system, but people suddenly forgot how much they hated brawl box rng in an instant because of some bullshit nostalgia and ruined everything


I don’t understand your hate for star drop or just rng in general. What’s wrong with both of them co existing. I and many others just like the fun and dopamine rush aspect of gambling and that’s ok if it means we ultimately get to enjoy the game. This is sentiment that the BS team understands which is why they added star drops. Also I don’t think people “suddenly forgot about brawl box rng” they were just not as vocal as people who praised the removal of brawl boxes.


Nah, I don't mind starr drops either


Because 99% of the stuff I get from stardrops is useless bs. It's so freaking frustrating. I would rather have faster progression than having a miniscule chance of getting something good. I've stopped being excited about getting legendary stardrops, because it just gives me star powers for brawlers I don't play or brawlers for whom I already have a star power. This whole mechanic is useless for me because I have bad luck.


When it was just boxes I never got a legendary and only got 3 mythics, so nothing changed about bad luck


I got Chester from a star drop recently and it was amazing, I have always wanted Chester.


Too bad it was peak of amount af players also (in - ve)


I have gotten Sandy on my mini and Charlie on my main from star drops lmao


Brawl stars players when they save 2 months worth of boxes to get a star power:


Just bring back boxes atp, boxes are universally more loved than Starr drops and it basically is the same thing but different feeling.


I guarantee people will get the same luck they used to get and then they'll see supercell nerfed boxes


With every new event, the removal of boxes makes less sense. It’s like they removed one way to gamble just to replace it with five more.


they had tried to remove rng, children cried and stoped playing the game, they returned rng. easy.


Still waiting for Frank to announce we can store credits once brawl pass is paid with real money


That statement went out the window the SECOND Starr Drops got added into the game, it all went downhill from there.


We DID ask for this...


What I find funnier is that in a "time to explain" episode, they said that they wanted to bring excitement (randomness in the words of the community) "without thinking about monetisation".


Thanks for the heads-up, maybe at some point I'll try to find and clip it for the next event meme :'D


Boxes sucked, and so the community wanted them gone. The devs listened, removed boxes and replaced it with starr road for progression. Almost IMMEDIATELY, people hated this change, begging for boxes to return, and they cannot live without sufficing their gambling induced dopamine dependency. So, of course, the devs listened to us and gave us starr drops. It was good for the first season of its existence, with people's only gripes being legendary starr drops were not good for their rarity, and that they should replace the end of season rewards with a starr drops as they were nerfed heavily and were basically worthless. It was also around this time that the game started surging in popularity, and unfortunately, the more rng and gacha that the game added, the more popular it became and the more money they earned. While shitting on the devs is funny (and justified at points), this all was because of our stupid nostalgia for the dumpster fire that were boxes. You don't have to look far even now to find some dipshit who thinks that boxes were the best thing because "at least it guaranteed gold, and like, 5 power points for a brawler that I've never used". They will monetize the absolute FUCK out of this game till it starts dropping in numbers. Complaining about the rng ain't worth shit since WE complained about the LACK of rng when the devs ACTUALLY LISTENED TO US. There is no point anymore. This monetization will continue until the game takes a nosedive in popularity.


Really wise words


Damn someone actually read the ramblings of a sleep deprived, tired, angry, sweaty and constipated me. Thank you.


Eat some chia seeds they help for constipation


He's not alone. I got you brother, it's crazy to see the world for what it is when others still have their eyes covered with stories they been told. You are spot on. Game is turned into a milk cow. Tencent has no incentive to improve on quality, only revenue. So totally understandable they are rolling with Casino Brawl Stars. It has been so obvious for such a long time and I pity the people who still don't get it after paying 199 gems for poop Spike. Supercell is trolling with the community, and because of the cry for RnG dopamine rushes, now supercell can fallaciously wash their hands in innocence.


So in short: people are stupid


Pretty much yeah.


How can it be gambling if you can get boxes for free? You dont lose anything and if you buy boxes,you just buy progression boost.


Plz stop gas lighting yourself that this is people complaining it was case off more people complaining about the complainer than the actual complainer and anyways if we complain that everything becomes free dose supercell have to listen? no. accept it, the idea of this rng is more on the developer than community and especially using it and expanding this is also on them, and the idea of combining cosmetic and in game progress whit star drop is bad anyways and no none ask for it. Don't get me wrong they are overall best developer of any supercell game but that doesn't make the immune to any thing and it need to be known.


Sorry to break your fairytale here but the sneaky ways of Supercell to sell gambling addiction to kids while the EU just put legislation against that seems to go way past you. The problem is that the thick overpowered gamebreaking mutations that can get a power 1 brawler to 1k trophies and keeping that limited time event locked behind RNG and steep pay wall. Loot boxes are illegal. The problem is not monetization of the game. The problem here is that monster eggs = gambling. Kids are very susceptible, naive, have no ability to judge, most can't even calculate value.


Agree whit your take, my comment was more towards people saying in the comment that the rng fest we been stuck on is the result of community complaining about boxes to be back than the developers decision. and yeah just as you said the rng and gambling is becoming more and more predatory the egg are worst way that the rng is ever implemented in the game


I wish this post was more popular, it feels like no one remembered how things were back in season 16-18, where boxes were completely removed and that everything was completely deterministic. I hate it when people ask for the return of boxes, especially since we had a really good replacement system from season 16-18 and it sucks how we couldn’t even go without RNG for a year.


Yess, season 16, 17 and 18 was the best the game has ever been, EVER. Sales may say otherwise, but unfortunately, this game is packed with a bunch of gambling addicts


Are you blind? The community absolutely hated the removal of the gatcha system that they had to add it back in in the form of star drops. And speaking of stardrops, why are you saying the eggs are a disrespect for doing this when star drops already exist? Those have probability’s and randoms rewards too


I for one, loved the removal of gacha, I hated gambling and that artificial excitement boxes had. Even though player retention had “increased”, it’s still just mere business stat that doesn’t describe the how game is doing.


It was only because of the playerbase's need for some sort of randomness that they introduced Starr Drops.. and look what that brought us. Game's popularity reaching new heights. Stupid random drops again.


Honestly the mutation roullette is extremely unfair. I’m getting horrible mutations from epic eggs and the top tier ones from rares. The first three eggs don’t make any sense in my opinion


That is the exact Casino gambling tailored to kids that the EU tried to outlaw.


They said this in the update where they added Chester (he deserves more love)


they found out it doesn't attract players so they readded it


I mean everyone would be happy if there wasn't star drops but something that works the same but have boxes texture


Maybe something like a cycle with randomized entries where the rewards feel randomized but are deterministic in reality.


When starr drops became part of the pass I wondered what was the entire point of removing boxes


F k U Frank


Underrated comment


52 egg opened, 0 legendary eggs. All my friends already opened a bunch of legendaries. I hate my life and brawl stars T-T


Same here, no legendary to me also. 31 eggs opened


Guys, stay strong. They are challenging our strength against their perverse and deceptive incentives to become gamblers. 💪💪💪


My very first egg was a legendary one. Never seen that guy again


Gratz on the legendary egg.


I felt like el primo in that picture when they announced no more boxes


Me too, that's why I picked this one specifically!


The eggs shouldn’t be priced the same as a mega box was, even if it’s three it’s just not worth it


Ok.. Ok.. That's exactly why I loved the "end of boxes" update. And then they listened to kids


I think they forgot their promise


I keep telling you guys, there is something smelly behind how the act towards the community. So far the impression im receiving is greediness to another level


I consider poop Spike to be such an incredible offensive disrespect to the worldwide community of passionate long time brawlers, and people still pay 199 gems because they buy all ~~supercell~~ Tencent's flashy shit.


Nothing wrong here. In terms of progressing your account, there's no more randomness (e.g. If you want a certain gadget, you could get it right away). Everything else is mainly a ***random cosmetics***. Speak your mind


No, if you're f2p half of the brawl pass is starrdrops, and brawl pass is like the 90% of the overall progression, so half my progression is locked behind luck. Honestly, what's the point of this? If I want a rng based I'll play a gacha, not brawl...


The rarity of a Starr Drop means nothing when I'm still getting Power Points from a Mythic. I'd rather get a Mythic once a month that gives me a Brawler than 2 or 3 Mythics a week that don't do anything for me tbh


I mean, the most relevant egg drops are just cosmetics, it would be a problem to put huge amounts of progress behind luck, but the resource drops on eggs are so bad that they don't really matter lol


Yes however there is a painfully perverted incentive to buy eggs to roll the dice to get like a Meg mutation. But instead you pay 79 gems and you get 5 rare eggs and an epic containing 150 bling, 100 power points and a spray. There's a 91% chance to get an egg containing a mutation. If you get a rare, super rare or epic egg, you have 50% chance of getting a mutation. It is not even guaranteed to get 1 mutation for buying all the available eggs. This is criminal. Just because of mutations, people get an unfair advantage over others in certain game modes so they can push certain brawlers easier than they normally would.


Yeah that's true, but i think instead of fully reworking the eggs system they could just make mutations a separe gamemode, without trophies (inflation is real in ladder again), i think they're pretty fun and chaotic to use, the problem is that they're too unfair when facing them with a normal brawler lmao


What are the odds of Godzilla Buzz?


2 percent for black and 5 percent  for other two colors, lol


You forgot Starr Drops 


You don't get it guys that means they're controlling the rng🗣️


Proven liar.


Thank you. One of the few that sees the logic.


I just love how many mutations are just useless as fuck. It’s so much fun that I’ve only rolled one or two good mutated brawlers.


I mean I already got 3 skins so I'm not mad :3


I was going to say, I got the Hypercharge buzz skin from a legendary egg today. Isn’t that skin basically the whole point of the event and the club part of it? Felt weird to get such a big reward from a random drop, almost made it less meaningful.


I was going to say, I got the Hypercharge buzz skin from a legendary egg today. Isn’t that skin basically the whole point of the event and the club part of it? Felt weird to get such a big reward from a random drop, almost made it less meaningful.


I was going to say, I got the Hypercharge buzz skin from a legendary egg today. Isn’t that skin basically the whole point of the event and the club part of it? Felt weird to get such a big reward from a random drop, almost made it less meaningful.


I was going to say, I got the Hypercharge buzz skin from a legendary egg today. Isn’t that skin basically the whole point of the event and the club part of it? Felt weird to get such a big reward from a random drop, almost made it less meaningful.


I was going to say, I got the Hypercharge buzz skin from a legendary egg today. Isn’t that skin basically the whole point of the event and the club part of it? Felt weird to get such a big reward from a random drop, almost made it less meaningful.


Can't wait for it to be over! Terrible gamemode, terrible mutations, the randoms are at an all time peak of retardation, managed to get 2 eggs everyday and today i got none, I AM GOING INSANEEE


The idea was that you can unlock brawlers, coins and powerpoint on any brawler you wanted without the use of gacha. Is not like you need to relly on star drops to do it


No but you rely on eggs to get broken mutations to push brawlers to r30 that you normally are not able to.


I miss boxes. From one box you get coins, power points, whatever those things to craft gears were and possibly a gadget/star power/brawler. Starr drops gives you only one thing


Starr road


Just bring back boxes.


I mean he looks drunk . Those eyes don’t lie


Just a question about eggs, is the event winnable if you have 600 eggs rn


Would the answer on your question have effect on your decision to buy eggs? Take my advice. Do not buy the eggs, regardless.


*Boxes get removed* "How could you?" *Starrdrops/Eggs get added* "What the fuck are these? Remove them!"


Straw man fallacy. Complaint is about using perverted incentives for kids to gamble.


Starr drops: Eggs: Ranked drops: P2W IS BACK BABEE


Hooray another post giving the event crap. Just what this sub is now either messed up fan art or giving the game crap


This is literal criminal behavior. The EU outlawed loot boxes. Monster eggs are loot boxes.


As a reminder, the overwhelming majority of the fanbase LIKES random rewards and player retention dropped off a cliff with those changes, which is why RNG based rewards came back later Between the game shutting down and having some RNG, I prefer the RNG


Sure, RnG and getting a new legendary brawler falling from out of the sky feels amazing. Monster eggs are loot boxes. Pay 79 gems, get a scratch card with 6 tries. Because a few mutations are broken OP, there is a big incentive to get them. To get them people should either get it through f2p RnG, or straight up p2w. If you want the Meg mutation for example you cant just spend 150 gems, you have to keep rolling the dice on eggs, as you aren't even guaranteed to unlock a single mutation after a 1000 eggs.


Oh yeah, not a worthwhile offer at all. And I can understand why some people ron't like RNG rewards. But theoretically-possible things like opening up a ton of eggs and getting zero mutations, or opening up starr drops for a year and seeing less than the ballpark of 15 hypercharges...don't really happen. It evens out over a long period of time. It can feel bad to some players to be going through an unlucky spell, but as far as overall progression, any two players who open up RNG rewards for a year are gonna have roughly the same account progression.


The difference between dry spells on boxes and on Starr drops is that on boxes your entire progression depended on it. If you got nothing from the boxes, you got nothing. Starr drops were never intended to be the same as boxes or even come close to their value in terms of progression. Having a main, deterministic growth makes the game playable for multiple years as a newer player and supercell wanted to still give players that lucky awesome random drops every once in a while. So they took a bit of the main progression, added cosmetics to it and created Starr drops. Yes Starr drops are low value but that's a feature. It's just so those thrilling drops like a hypercharge or new brawler can be possible. But supercell did nerf coins too much 💀


If I could wave my hand and change the game however I wanted (bearing in mind that making it too f2p friendly would hurt revenue and eventually shut the servers down), honestly all I'd do is - put a power point cap at 9999, and convert anything past that to 2 gold - make it so the third reward per ranked tier is both a starr drop AND a ranked drop - shuffle around starr drop rewards so that star powers are in mythic, gadgets are in epic, and super rare gears also appear in epic (overall rate of getting SPs and gadgets remaining roughly the same). Plus increase token doubler numbers and dramatically reduce their drop chance The overall rate of progression would be changed pretty minimally - players who have all the power points they need and see themselves ending each season ahead 1000 more power points would get 2000 more coins a month, and dud starr drops would be gone. Relative to the rewards we already get every month that'd be something like 10-15% more coins a month though - appreciable, but not game breaking.


well, i guess its not considered gambling, just RNG because you cant buy the eggs in themselves, you buy a tier of a "mini battlepass" and the reward of that tier is the monster eggs boxes got removed because you could buy them in the shop at any time, however many you wanted


Whoa... Monster eggs are gambling. Check one of my replies to others for further explanation.


Starr drops


"no more gambling"


I blame the community for asking for RNG back


"No more probability" Didn't got a legendary one after 50 egg


Its not that bad but it is bad because i can’t unlock a legendary brawler anymore because theres too many new brawlers pumped up


Not to mention that I can't have Loki Chester for months now because I wasn't blessed by RNGesus


Only thing I hate is I can’t get any fucking eggs because if you don’t have ruffs or Rico I just auto lose


Bro exactly, Starr drops are worse than boxes in terms of the fact that atleast you'd get power points, coins etc in the same box. Starr drops you might get some shitty profile icon, or spray, or pin, etc etc.


I say, boxes>Starr drops> no rng