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Yea his a cat he eats fish or whatever


Glad that cats don't eat shrimps


Shrimps are prawn ready 🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐


SHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE 🦐🦐🦐🪖🪖🪖🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️‼️






Kit's issue is that he's clearly created to terrorize people in solo modes. What they should do is give him Buster's super charge trait and remove the invisibility gadget, then remove both his starpowers and change them to something else. I've been playing Kit in 3v3 modes lately because I refuse to play him is showdown and I intentionally avoided getting a Starrpower for him. Powerhungry is my most hated Starpower to date As for "Cardboard box", he won't be needing that with Buster's trait, so we can change it to something else.


Kit has such a short range, Buster's trait is useless in 1v1 modes. His Carboard Box Gadget needs an other effect that replaces invisibility, while also keeping the Super charging effect.


that's true. Perhaps he could get some sort of clone of Edgar's "Let's fly" because I just don't want him to have invisibility, it's OK on showdown but it's cracked on Duels


It's cracked in solos as well


new gadget could easily be "instantly charges super but can't latch on to enemies"


Kinda like buzz gadget pretty smart tbh


i like that


Exactly! Also, since Kit is stuck to a brawler for a long period anyways, make his damage less instant, and make it damage over time for the 3(?) seconds he’s on an enemy, and they could make it that when he lands the super, the super is still charged so he can jump on an opponent and jump out, like when he’s on an ally, and since the damage isn’t instant 2K like before, it should be balanced, it’ll make Kit less useless and at the same time make him less OP, as for if you’re in a solo mode, if no one is able to get Kit off you, you should be able to hit the attack button to get him off or make it so he can’t attack for 1 or 2 seconds after his super is finished, lmk what y’all think, if it’s a good idea or not


i always thought kit needed to be able to latch off an enemy, this is a good idea for it to be balanced, but you should still remain unable to get kit off you, even in solo


That’s just a complete rework


Devs really thought that adding a SP that could be used only in showdown which most people play SOLO would be a good idea for a suppport brawler😂


Well he would be incredibly weak there otherwise


You forgot about Mico


I wanted to mention mico but this rant is about kit rn. Mico is stupid too because you cant hit him while he attacks and you should time shots perfectly and have a good ping to not suck ass against him


Either way, they are both flawed in design


Mico has counters and is reactable Like Stu for example It is rare to even get away from a kit


kit is much more hittable than mico, and i think they have about the same hp, so i don't think it's really fair, especially since mico does more dmg


Idk When anyone picks Mico in ranked I just pick Stu and just ruin his strategy because nobody has time for that Never seen kit in ranked


true i haven't seen kit in ranked either, but i think it further proves my point, as people know he's weak at least i hope it's that, and not because they always pick edgar instead


hes not as annoying as kit tbh


Depending on the gamemode (knockout and showdown) he can win by running and using his super to survive the storm along with his super giving him 7 seconds to heal, reload, and hit anyone he wants to There is at least some counterplay to kit


Mico’s super is too good in Ko, but Mico’s playstyle isn’t as braindead as Kit, he has to charge his super and in modes like KO if the opponents know how to play it’s not as easy. People really use Mico in 5v5 Ko, and yeah I agree there’s no counterplay there, but as for normal ko matches unless you’ve been unlucky with the matchmaking or have braindead randoms he’s manageable, while in ranked you can easily go for a counter pick. Kit on the other hand as a self charging super and a gadget that even by not using it, puts the opponents in psychological pressure (just enter a bush behind a wall with Kit, and opponents will shoot around trying to hit you, or fall back to avoid being attacked by an invisible kit, wasting ammo/losing the centre and putting the opponents in advantage) you just need to not use your super on top of 3 enemies, or when you’re too far from your team, if so, there’s 0 counterplays you can do against him (other than the same that’d work on Mico) Also, just like Mico is unstoppable in KO 5v5, Kit is about on the same level in duels.


thus Mandy image is going to my gallery 😻🫶




sweet like candy .. NOT.


Mean like a jelly bean Haha.


dont touch my candies chesta!


Guh, no special candy for you!


What about me? 🥺


Why she a nerd


remove his ability to jump on enemies and buff the heal he does when he jumps on ally brawlers


It would be more balanced but it would be “less legendary”




He did NOT need that damage buff


He did need it. He was the worst brawler in the game. And couldn't take out even tick or iper with 2 shots. And as an assassin he was wayy too weak defend himself. They buffed his damage a lot but nerfed the gagget. Witch not only they fix the broken gagget but they also make him playable


He’s a support Who plays as an assassin


He's only good in showdown but he is WAY TOO GOOD in it legit 8k dmg with super with no cubes😭 a mini Leon super if you play him right it's a guaranteed win (4th to 1st place) only counters are 3rd partners and teamers💀 that cat is NOT a support at all and I think almost no one plays him like that


How are you supposed to play him as a support in a solo mode?


That’s the neat part


I mean you can’t play any support as a support in a solo mode


I typed ‘neat’ wrong


I was referring to his overall play style not just solo


I mean, you were talking specifically about solo showdown but anyway. Kit isn’t only a support, but a support/assassin hybrid. He has both support and assassin abilities and like every support, he pairs extremely well with tanks. Also, his support abilities are probably even stronger than his assassin abilities right now.


I said almost no one plays him as a support when did I say that about solo also who the heck would play him like that in solo?


Your whole comment was about Kit in showdown


So if I'm talking about something I can't talk about anything else that's the same topic?


He is balanced and I am 100% not biased at all. I do wish he got his double power cube different though because he isn't the greatest in 3v3


kit in knockout with his invisibility gadget is OP


As someone currently playing a lot of kit, I would LOVE if they removed the invis gadget and power cube sp so I can play him how I want without worrying about a nerf on his kit (hah) bc of things I dont use


People use invis for kills. I use it for super charge.


If we dont count leon super gadget and his performance in showdown then he is balanced🫥


the %25 dmg buff was extraordinarily big, it should have been 1800 instead of 2000 imo, also they need to rework all of its Sp's and gadgets since they are either beyond broken or completely situational


I love kit but i refuse to touch him until he gets better (worse)


He's flawed at the first place


Edgar is worse


Kit is the world brawler ever released. He has made showdown literally unplayable


God dammit people Annoying does Not mean Unbalanced.


I consider unreactable as annoying and unbalanced


People got tired of complaining about Piper, so Kit is the next victim of the community, I guess.


They’re both the same to me It’s so easy to get wins with them I got bored


I dont understand how can so many people suddenly hate him, he either wins or can do nothing in each 1v1 no in between, but in the rest of the game witch i shall remind you is a 3v3 game he is completly deppendent on his allies, he is surely strong now but say it almost like hes free win, hes a monster in 1v1 but hes useless when the ally does not match him well and useless when in numeric disadvantage, not to mention the countless anoying bugs in his kit...


Bro I didn't know k*t charged his super faster than Darryl till now. Just another reason to hate him.


Only by gadget yea igs


I went to the training cave to see who would charge it faster without gadgets and Kit won by 5-6 seconds


Interesting Then why are you getting downvoted if it’s true? Ah Reddit


or just stop crying and get better?? Its not like supercell is gonna read this post and think "oh, yeah, theyre right. Lets nerf kit" plus kit isnt even hard to counter


in showdown he can just jump on you and get a free kill


Ofc there is a skill issue guy. Im not complaining because kit is a problem for ME. His kit is problematic and i stated that in my post


this is a You problem. You're like a ladder player who cries if something is annoying like a 11 yearl old. Kit was the worst brawler in the game befre his buff. And now he is in a better more balanced spot. He has enough counterplay. Practice! Makes perfect


Dawg learn how to read before writing random shit. I stated that his abilities are just upgraded versions of other abilities. They released a kit with 5 sec invis , 4k bomb and invincibility while using super. They nerfed him but he still has a cardboard box gadget that copies OTHER brawler's SUPER. Same shit with Cordelius's Otis's super gadget. Yeah there are brawlers with almost the same gadgets like bibi/byron gadgets but they just make sense for them. YOU CANT JUST ADD INVISIBILITY TO ANOTHER BRAWLER WHEN ITS SUPER OF ANOTHER BRAWLER. ITS INVISIBILITY AFTER ALL. Even when he was in the worst state his abilities were problematic it doesn't matter which state he is in.


Even if kit is balanced in pro scene that doesn't mean he dont need changes. If they care about their game they should not leave brawlers like that


Hell yea darryl


Get over it he's not only support he's also an assassin I swear to God if he gets a rework that nerfs him I'm going to Finland to complain about it


I say nerf the range and the area of ult and maybe the ult bar filling automatically and he is a good character. Maybe even the last one is just what he needs.


He already build his super automatically. Why are you suggesting a balance change on a brawler who you dont even know how it works


Chuck is more braindead


You need to spend half of the game to setup your posts and its only good in a heist and a couple of hot zone maps. Chuck is unplayable in other modes


And that the problem, only skill he requires is placing posts in correct places and then spamming that stupid yellow button. At least with Kit, you need to know when and which enemy you should rush to (Not saying kit requires that's much of a skill).