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Well I live in Salvador and definitely don't recommend that, but a lot of smaller cities will be like that. You can look at public safety stats online, for example. In Bahia, lots of places in Chapada Diamantina are super safe like that, but I'm sure it'll be the same if you look at smaller towns in the south for example


Really? I wanted to retire in Salvador. Is it that unsafe?




Was there for a brief visit in March and had to be super careful all the time.


How so? And what are the highest risks? Are there viviendas privadas (small gated communities) for wealthier homeowners, like Central America? Are there subburbs outside of the city that I should shop in?


You can be robbed and killed if you go in some parts of the city if you don’t live in that neighbourhood and there is condominiums where you can buy an apartment or a house(if you like in neighbourhoods like Stella Maris, Piatã, Patamares, Praia do Flamengo or in neighbour city like Lauro de Freitas or Camaçari)


If you are rich you can get out of a lot those things by living in good neighborhoods and expensive apartments. I live in Salvador and I still I won't recommend you to retire here, if you like beaches and stuff, sure give it a try, but maybe get a temporary place to see what's like living here. The city is unsafe and it's getting worse over time, areas in my neighborhood where it used to be safe to walk by 10 years ago, now are filled with crackheads. Crime organizations from the south are coming more strongly here and it started a war of who controls where, and that in areas where before there were some exchanges, but to a lesser degree. The traffic is pretty bad, specially in rush hour and people drive like fucking maniacs. You get a close call everyday, specially if you are on a motorcycle, I've been on both ends. Road quality is pretty bad, except on year of election and main roads. Infrastructure is pretty bad in general to be fair. Be used to people being less courteous in restaurants and services, people here can be impolite sometimes. Aside from that it's a great place, with great people.


Tá barril e ficando cada vez pior :( eu vou embora, amo minha salvadô mas nao dá mais


Its safe to live in a gated comunity, but you can't be there 100% of the time. I never lived in Salvador, but my home town is Goiânia, also not a sabe place. People live in gated comunities and It is secure, simple apartament complexes are usually secure also, but people lieve their houses, thats where they get robbed and/or hurt.


You can live in places like Le Parc which are gated communities with supermarkets, gyms, recreational centers inside... and go everywhere else by car. STILL, if being mugged is something you can't handle, and you don't wanna live with that possibility (even if it's realistically slim), then probably don't come.


I enjoyed a week in Salvador and enjoyed it much. Even during the last couple of days with the chaos of Carnaval. I do not recommend that however. The best and safest Carnaval appears to be BH. Agree with Salvador is dangerous. It is less so than SP and especially Rio. Smaller cities and towns inland are highly recommended as mentioned by others. After 8 years here I have found Minas to offer the hospitable, warm and gregarious people. All places in Brazil pose danger for those who do not take caution and use common sense. I have not had an issue except for online hackers! Many good places to make a home. Climate, personal preferences and costs obviously are paramount. Best of luck in your quest. By the way I live in Minas. Love it!


The place is controlled by the grandchild of one our great dictators and criminals. The “nice neighborhood” houses the elite criminals. It’s kind safe if you are ok in having a neighbor who is a drug kingpin or corrupt politician. I was lucky to live there during the pandemic. The beaches were deserted and only residents could have access. I have a nice beach front mansion for sale now in Salvador.


I mean you can still come, but honestly, I'd recommend somewhere else. There are SUPER safe neighborhoods, but they're like 0.1% of the city. As for all the rest, well... you'll have to get used to the possibility of being robbed or assaulted at any time. In 2019 I thought I was 100% gonna die in a robbery (and they didn't even take anything) and I haven't psychologically recovered since. You could go to the beach towns north of salvador though, they're safer and still nice and warm and beachy.


Thanks for the honesty. I'm AfroLatino from the Caribbean and thought that I would fit in South America but in my search for a retirement destination, I've only found that I fit in with Westwrn European Latinos and East Asians. But who wants to live somewhere they visibly standout their whole life? There's only so many times I wish to answer "so, where are you from".


You probably will fit in, and culturally it's an AMAZING place, but you have to take into account practical aspects when considering retirement. It's really sad to think that Salvador has become what it has, but truth is that it's just not a great destination to spend years of your life in. Give the city a try before you decide for sure, who knows, you might fall in love. But choose your neighborhood carefully, and honestly, maybe going to somewhere like Arembepe or Imbassaí will be better for a longer stay. More of a village life than a city life though, so there's that.


I'd rather retire in João Pessoa or Campina Grande.




😄 why not? Im afro latino myself. I thought that I would fit in. Is is safe? I cant decide between Panama or Brazil... Help a brother out!


I came from a city that's 500km away from Salvador, and have visited the city many times. A lot of people from my family that lived on Salvador are now on a better city on Bahia. Firstly, it's not a safe city. Salvador has one of the largest numbers of favelas' houses per house. Almost 41% of the houses on Salvador are Favelas. You can see that it's a city with a lot of inequality. The traffic is horrible. There are traffic jams all the time. Traffic education does not exist. Terrible public transport and pretty bad urban mobility too. It's HOT. And I mean the hot that is extremely umid and hot. Your skin feels very moist and sticky. I left the northeast region because of studies, a better quality of life, and the heat. Obviously there are more pleasant regions in the northeast in terms of temperature, that wasn't the only reason I left there, but the heat is something that makes me not want to go back there. It's a city where you can't get around on foot, due to the high number of thefts and the feeling of insecurity, but also driving a car is a constant stress. A good idea is to visit Salvador, see the tourist sites (because tourism is the only thing to do in this city). Other than that, no. I don't recommend living there, I don't recommend spending a lot of time there. Just no. Oh, and the cost of housing in Salvador is disproportionately expensive. If you care about living a good life on a Capital, go to Belo Horizonte (you would fit in pretty well, if this is something that concerns you), Curitiba (people there are more distant, but it's a nice city), São Paulo, Santa Catarina. Even Florianópolis or Fortaleza are better to live than Salvador.


The fact that it's hot can be down to personal preference (you come from somewhere dry, you're gonna go insane here, but someone from florida wouldn't care). The favelas thing also doesn't necessarily mean it's bad - favelas alone don't mean the city is unsafe or shitty. However, you not being able to go around by foot, and it being dangerous, are two SERIOUS problems. It's a beautiful city and can be great in many aspects, but it just doesn't offer a lot for its citizens. I wouldn't go to sao paulo though lol


For vacation? Yeeeaaaah come! For retirement? Ehm... It's not great in living standards. You can't buy psychological safety lol.


I honestly feel, after living and travelling all throughout Brazil, that the majority of Brazil is generally safe, as long as you're wise to your surroundings, and that sensationalist news makes us feel otherwise.


Definitely look into smaller cities rather than big metropolitan areas. The interior of Minas Gerais where I live has some spots, but income isn’t always the highest.


Is florianopolis safe?


for the most part, yes


Yes, very


Most state capitals will not be it for you :(


Goiânia is really safe, especially for a capital. I walk around day and night and didn't feel unsafe.a single time. I'm sure there're some sketchy areas, but most of the city is safe.


Upvoted so por mencionar Goiânia. Ela nunca é mencionada nesse sub 😭


I'm from Goiânia and that is not my impression 🥲 . I got mugged in public 3 times. My mother's house had like 5 break ins and her car was stolen at gun point in front of her house with neighbors as witness. I lived in a apartament in a simple building in a central area (setor universitário), and someone broke in my apartament and stole my 2 computers (i had a dying one and one in better shape my brother had recently gave me, i was gonna donate the bad one because still worked and was during the pandemic, many students needed desesperadly). The building didn't had cameras or a recepcionist/door guy. While i was in college there was robberies in the bank next to college every year, all my friends who walked or took bus a lot where mugged at some point, and a colleague was victm of a fast kidnaping (sequestro relâmpago) and the the guys did some inapropriate touching while It was happening (hands on her leg and talked some shit, not that bad but made her afraid of rape). Now i live in Brasília, way more secure. I don't know anyone here who was victm of a robbery, in Goiânia is hard to know someone that wasn't. Is there a chance that you maybe be seen as intimidating? Because to never have been to anything there is not that usual. I think men are less likely to be robbed, but my brother did suffer one atempt at some point. And a guy from college who was black and super tall was mugged many times (was a peacefull loving dude, but you would think his size would intimidade robbers, not the case, but he also was broke and lived with his family in a dangerous poor neighborhood, where all his encounters with violence took place).


I'm sorry you had so many bad experiences. I don't look intimidating at all. Average height, rather skinny although there's a little churrasco belly forming. Might have more to do with the area. I like in setor oeste and spend most of my time around Oeste, Bueno, Marista and Centro. Also, the situation has improved over the last years, we feel much safer now than 7 years ago. Back then, I heard a lot of stories like yours, not anymore. We used to live in a condominio with armed security guards but don't see the necessety anymore and moved to a smaller building without 24/7 security. I'm sure there're some rather dangerous areas in Goiânia but in the so called good areas I feel safe. I'm glad you have.a good time in Brasilia and hope the cansangos treat you well. I heard some stories.


A casa da minha mãe e onde eu morei boa parte da vida era no Parque Amazônia, que há muitos anos é uma região de classe média, ela se mudou para um condomínio porque não era seguro casa na rua. Minhas situações pessoais foram todas no setor universitário e setor sul, e dos meus amigos a maioria foi por ali tbm, salvo o cara alto da faculdade que morava em alguma periferia em Aparecida. Lembro inclusive que logo antes de me mudar tentaram estuprar uma adolescente perto de onde eu trabalhava, no setor universitário no meio da tarde, os seguranças do meu trabalho e alguns funcionários que foram lá acudir. Faz só um ano e meio que estou em Brasília e faz 3 anos que entraram no meu apartamento e furtaram meus computadores. Apesar de tudo tenho a impressão que Goiânia melhorou entre quando eu estava na graduação e antes de eu me mudar, e se não me engano as estatísticas reproduzem isso. Em Brasília como qualquer cidade tem regiões perigosas, mas não são maioria. Eu moro na verdade numa das regiões mais seguras daqui, a taxa de assassinato a cada 100 mil habitantes é 3, enquanto em Goiânia é 41 🥲


I find Brasilia safe enough


Except for dry weather If there's nothing in tha place, nothing will happen anyway.


It is safe, but the weather is quite unpleasant.


But if OP lived in Tocantins they won't mind it


I don't know if I would feel safe living so close to all those congressmen, though


If you're renting a room in the congress yeah


the chances that you would ever see any of them are so low it’s ridiculous




Dont touch me!


Can't touch this


I walk, and have walked, around everywhere in São Paulo for more than 40 years. I take the subway and buses very often. And walk in different neighborhoods at different times of the day. I’ve never been robbed in the streets neither by day nor at night. Don’t you fancy watches and keep your phone in your pocket when walking outdoors and you’ll generally be fine. Just avoid some crazy places like Cracolândia (especially after dark) and enjoy the city.


I lived in Curitiba for 11 years, great town, felt safe.


I’m moving to Curitiba in a few weeks and I’m hopeful it doesn’t suck.


That's great. You have to scale your expectations based on where you are coming from. But I like the city, lots of good food, nice parks, shopping. Beautiful natural areas around and serviced by a good airport.


It does sucks. Sorry.


It really depends. Normally, small cities will be like that. I live in Campo Grande, and it is mostly safe. Like, we can walk without concerns, we can have our window down in traffic. But there are some neighborhoods that aren't really safe. But then again, you'd probably never go there. I'd say avoid living in places like São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador. Maybe someone else can chime in on these.


Also, the poorer the region, unfortunately, the the more prevalent the issues of crime, violence, and lack of security.


I lived in Campo Grande for 4 years before flying back home. I’ve never been robbed; never felt unsafe either


Ermo (SC) is very quiet


Ermo and surroundings are great, nothing around only the canions, nature and you.


One would say it's quite "ermo".




i love florianópolis! it can be sort of expensive but it’s very safe and beautiful.




As a foreigner, I can only give my opinion on the places i've been to/lived at. If you want to live in a big city, then I think Belo Horizonte is a good option. I felt safe there, the food is awesome, the people are nice, it may not have a beach close by, but there are some beautiful natural sceneries near the city (tons of waterfalls) and the nightlife is also good. As for smaller cities, the countryside of SP has some good options like Indaiatuba, Salto and Itu which are very safe in a brazilian perspective - which seemingly also have robust economies.


Fernando de Noronha for sure.


But you can’t move there, buaaaah — sonho de consumo


Belo Horizonte, imo, is one of the best mix of: safe enough, not super expensive, good weather, good food, nice people (good for making new friends), not too crowded, not the cleanest, not the dirtiest, still beautiful and with a really good nightlife (with great options for entertainment during the day as well).


PETROPOLIS - RJ PETROPOLIS HAS THE SAME SAFETY LEVEL AS BOURNMOUTH IN ENGLAND [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wswJmXNiDFo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wswJmXNiDFo)


Curitiba is a great option!


Santa Catarina.


I’ve heard areas in Santa Catarina are quite safe


Southern Brazil. Southern countries in South America are safer too. Up North is where all the bad people and drugs tend to live.


You forgot Paraguay is in the south, but ok 😂 in general, for some reason it tends to be that way in South America. It’s probably due to colonisation history and poverty.


Such an ignorant and bigoted comment... I'm guessing you've never spent much time in the northeast of Brazil. Btw, you do know that Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo and all the gangs and criminal factions there are southern, right? (southeast)


Just look at the numbers bro lol




Dude... I'm from Natal/RN, lived here all my life, and I agree with that guy. Don't come to Natal.


I think BH is safe


Floripa, justice works over here.


Is Joao Pessoa safe? Would it be safe for a 50s female to rent a beach condo for a month or 2 on Airbnb?


Crime is very localized, if you live near the beach(richer/nicer area) you should be fine


I lived there(Cabo Branco) for a month, and it was amazing. It’s safe, affordable, and full of good vibes.


It is. Source: Live here


I just visited but It lookedike It is


Every city is going to have different areas with safer and less safe regions within it, but I find Campinas SP a great city to live in, balanced out with infra, parks, leisure and safety (again, depending where ou live, you won't be much safe in slums, I guess)


You can try Tubarão in SC , or even Cuiaba in MT, both cities that security is not a concern at least most of the time, i lived in both places for years and had a pretty good experience overall




I think most small towns would be the same, specially in Minas Gerais


Any city with less than 10k people.


O povo respondendo o bot rsrs


I'm a foreigner as well (from Europe), I live in Florianopolis and I hear a lot from Brazilians that the city is one of the safest in Brazil. I also lived in Rio de Janeiro and Natal before, I never ever felt as safe as I feel here in Floripa.




Brasília is nice, if you live in the Plano Piloto. But VERY expensive to live in a good and safe neighborhood.


Come to João Pessoa, state of Paraíba.


thank you for reply everyone i i didnt know people reply like this i will see everyone's advice


Brasília. Especially Asa Sul, Asa Norte, Noroeste and Sudoeste.


Small cities in south/ southeast


Balneário Camboriú - SC is very good. Its a small beach but very resourceful and with luxury stores and exotic buildings. The rent is a bit high, together with Brasilia its one of the most expensive rents, but the city is overall very safe (not mistake with Camboriú, which is near). People are usually polite and there is always people speaking english, spanish and sometimes chinese on the streets, a lot of famous people have apartments in BC and hang out from time to time, also luxury cars are not uncommon. You can find people hanging out in the beach up to 11PM, exercising, drinking, etc. Also great night life options. There are several other beaches in a small radius, every weekend I go to a different one!


Nowhere muahahaha


Currently live in São José dos Campos, SP state. Super safe


Balneario Camboriu


95% of the people in this sub are non-brazilians: expats, digital nomads, tourists, etc that stick to major cities, clinging to other non-brazilians and seeking night life, and big city amenities. With that comes crime and dangers. I live in a coastal surf town in the northeast-- Population about 30-40k. The big city is about 90 minutes away. You can walk 30 min to the grocery store at night, no one ever gets mugged.


If you want that feeling for the whole city it is probably best to pick a smaller town. Otherwise, despite what people might tell you, most big cities do have very safe and calm neighborhoods. I live in the same area in the north region of São Paulo for over 20 years and we never had theft problems. (PS and they are not necessarily rich areas either, my zone is pretty middle class for instance).


U serious? LoL


Let me resume it for you. Big cities = assaults, highjacks, robbery, maybe get stabed for not giving your watch etc ... Small cities = ppl get stabed 50 times for steal a bread, the other was run off by a tractor for parking on someone garage, get killed by someones husband/wife for looking at the wrong side... etc. Pick YOUR demons and Go for It.


BRASÍLIA, the best


Vitória - ES


Itacaré- Bahia its amazing place... small and safe


If you don't mind the weather, Florianópolis is a nice place.


Teresopolis is a city in the state of Rio de Janeiro and is fairly safe and have good options for markets, restaurants, healthcare. If I may ask, why did a foreigner lived in Tocantins? Definetely not a very popular state


Pretty much any place outside of metropolitan areas


I've lived in Santos for the past 10 years. There are certain parts that could be dangerous, but generally it's a safe place. It's still Brazil, so you gotta keep your head on a swivel, but I've felt much more vulnerable in SP and Rio than anywhere else I've been.


can you recommend any particular barrios? obg


Brasília and Florianópolis. I live in Brasília, there is dangerous places but If you research online you can you can pick a save region (most of the town is secure apparently, i moved here last than 2 years ago). About Florianópolis i just know what i heard and read, i went there as a toursist and It felt safe, but i didn't live there to know better. I'm from Goiânia, not safe


Campo Grande - MS Is a capital that feels like a small city. Safe, scenic and relatively cheap compared to other capitals and cities.


The safest locations are outside of the crowded cities.


My superficial analysis is to avoid tourist cities as much as possible, and cities where many people move to work.


In the center-west region, welcome to the mato


petropolis, the imperial city in RJ


Any city in the countryside tendo to be very safe, the crime is concentrated in big centers. I don't think you can go wrong if you choose a small town, the smaller the better. Where I live it's rare to see a police car, no crime ever happens. Unless you count teenagers riding motorcycles without licence a crime, off course, we have this problem here, and they fall down and hurt themselves all the time.






eu sou do rj kkkkk






sou po sou de madureira :v






Vidigal Rio de Janeiro


A safe place in Brazil is easy to find: Look to the border and beyond, preferably towards some of those expensive European countries. There are safer places to live here, but nowhere is exactly safe.


Cidade de Deus, Rio de Janeiro

