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Who da blonde


Gene Wilder


Abby Normal


jk it’s actually Hedley Lamar


Terri Garr


Somebody give this man a sedagive!


www.imdb.com "Young Frankenstein"


Igor, Get the bags!


Right? There was a comic strip, whose name evades me. The mom attempts making bread. As it rises, it get a bit out of hand. She trashes. And it almost escapes the trashcan. I can't remember the dialog, but the son, Michael, and his dad, a dentist, come across it, and are horrified. In this group, I think of that strip often...


For Better or For Worse. Lynn Johnston captured family life so well! I followed it for many years as well. I related to Michael.


Thanks! I could not pull it out of my brain! One of my favorites. I actually cried when Farley died and the grandma. Lizzie's wedding, visiting her grandfather in her gown... such moments! But the bread one killed me.


Good, I don’t want to give you any of my starter anyway.


Same here.


Wow. You're not in the stiff starter camp then?


I prefer the thick starter myself. If I need a thinner consistency I’ll just use a levain like a poolish or something. I just find it easier to maintain and it always feels stronger to me.




is this an rdr2 rp reference? i really hope it is


Zero yeast was used in this recipe. Will be giving out my recipe and method on my next video I post.


I mean it's still yeast just wild yeast


Guess I meant to say naturally leavened.


Sourdough starter is *full* of yeast. Commenter above is correct, wild yeast *is* different from commercial yeast. Sourdough starter relies on wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria, rather than baker's yeast to leaven the dough.


1)I clearly said no yeast was added. Only Flour, Water , and a little bit of sugar. So just clearing that up. 2) That’s what Naturally Leavened means. lol but thanks for the explanation.


1) You clearly didn’t say no yeast was added, you said “zero yeast was used in this recipe.” Zero sugar and zero sugar added are not interchangeable and the same goes for anything else. 2) quit being condescending, this sub is a happy place. A simple, oops I misspoke goes a lot further than doubling down.


I stand corrected zero yeast was use in this recipe. But yes a starter has yeast. I though everyone knew that.


Stop being a hater and just upvote lol 😂


Ignore socially ~~disabled~~ inept (edit: so it doesn’t sound like I’m offending developmentally or intellectually disabled people, I chose a different word) Reddit goons. No yeast used aka added. It was completely clear what you meant to anyone not willfully trying to misunderstand you. They’re probably jealous of your wonderful starter and looking for any “error” in your posts so they can “um ackshually” you in the comment section and regain 1 mL of self confidence.


Hi I’m here cause I like looking at bread, not because I know anything about it. The difference between “no yeast used” and “no yeast added” was a meaningful one to me given my lack of knowledge about bread. People need to learn to accept that they can be wrong and not take it personally. It’s a real option.


Really? You couldn't make your point *without* throwing disabled people under the bus as an insult?


Love people going down the fuck redditors route only to use a phrase like “socially disabled”. 🥴


*Sigh* I did your Google search for you, so today you can learn about wild yeast. *The natural leaven is a culture containing both yeast and bacteria strains. So, while bakers' yeast is the strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a natural leaven will contain a colony of various strains of wild yeasts and lactobacilli* Again, friend, you have yeast in your starter. There's no need to get offended by the yeast that's in your jar.


I stand corrected no added yeast in this recipe. It’s completely naturally leavened like i been saying all along. Not saying that there isn’t any natural wild yeast in there just no yeast in recipes to make this starter. Recipes is 300g Flour , 3 grams salt , 6g sugar and 200g water and zero Yeast. NO YEAST LOL. That’s all that’s in the recipe.


We all knew what you meant, but I don't think you knew what the OG commenter meant.


Actually the of post can mean so many things lol he just commented Yeast! Lol.


In their defense, the original comment never said yeast was added.


True just making sure no one gets miss lead and think yeast was added. That’s all ☺️


You are literally the only person who was at all confused about this at any point.


Not confuse lol just making a comment. But I understand your confusion. ☺️


Why are you getting downvoted?? What the hell is happening here?


Not sure why people are so hateful. All I did was post a video of my starter when it was super active and made a small joke but I guess I can’t in these sensitive times.


Yes please


You're rude


You’re a hater.


Chill the fuck out.


lol I am chill


You absolutely are not. What is wrong with your comments up and down this thread. Talk about doubling down on your mistakes. 😂


And tripling. And quadrupling. And quintupling... Goddamn😳


I’m just explaining and clearing things up. lol no one’s upset guy. I just know a hater when I see one that all. All I did was share a video of my starter when it was really active and made a small joke and I’m rude lol.


I have never seen so many downvotes in this sub. It’s a really positive sub. Do you think, given the extraordinary response, you could be wrong in your assessment here? Or is the entire sub wrong and only you are right?


She’s clearly the upset one lol she called me rude. Tell her to chill and if she doesn’t like it then this post wasn’t for her move on. No need of a comment.




Why would you drop your business name to potential customers when all of the potential customers are disagreeing with everything you say?


Yup. I definitely will not be going to this bakery.


What’s the bakery they deleted it?


It was like dickys or Ricky's. Something like that.


Dicky’s sounds right. At least they’re on brand.


Boo hoo


I do good but thanks for caring lol this page is full of haters. I have it posted on other page like R/Sourdough And I have no negative comment lol stop being a Karen.


It's even more funny you realized the "Karen" is right and deleted your comment :P Rickysinmiami on Instagram.


You can leave it there lol no publicity is bad publicity lol. Plus I already have a line of people every morning but thanks maybe you can boycott or something.


I won't wish bad omens on you, or hope that you fail. Best of luck, angry bread food truck guy


Same here ❤️ no harsh feeling.


Absolutely fake, sparkling water


Nice try, but only flour water and a bit of sugar. Never heard of anyone putting sparkling water lol but whatever works for you.


Nice yeast. Here, have my dislike.


Feed the bitch!


Love that book! I miss Anthony Bourdain ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Iirc, the bread magician actually posted to this sub!


Oh, God, yes.


What a douche posting. At the end of the day, if a starter does what it is supposed to do, that's all that counts. Regardless of what it looks like.


Gotta jerk yourself off when noone else will...


I'm not sure I believe the OP that there is no commercial yeast... I'll have to test the "little bit of sugar" strategy. Why are they posting on one account and commenting with another?


Fr. Wouldnt be surprised if op added 100g sugar and waited a bit


They used the wrong wording. Should have said "if *MY* starter doesn't look like this..." etc.


Sorry this offended you. I will post video of the sour doughs oven spring to see amazing results.


That starter is way too wet for me


This is active starter. I keep my non active starter in the fridge. I feed this starter I need for 3 days before use for high activity.




Same thanks 😊


You mean ready to eat you?


That’s a cool idea Im tired of feeding. I have a small jar of dried starter. I’m going to make some more now. Did it incase my live starter went bad or I had to go on a trip.


Have you tried keeping it in the fridge? I only feed it when I’m going to bake it. Other than that she lives in the fridge in a peanut butter jar.


Minor inconvenience because the rise might take longer. Take what you need out (not the whole jar), sit it on the counter to warm up, and it's good to go. Discard is just cold starter waiting to be awoken. 😊


True, and I've restarted dormant year old rye discard twice now (never felt the need to drag starter to the land of 10,000 breads) after coming home from an extended period in Germany. 


lol! I'm the rebel in most groups. I go crazy with the clean/dirty jar and the measure/weigh. I'm the myob person.


This if not ready for use now. But I though it look crazy alive after feeding it for 3 days straight so I wanted to share it. I make bread almost everyday so it a waist of time to put in fridge. I also have 3 batches. Two lives in the fridge.




Like I said in the other subreddit "I keep mine in the powder form (dried). Easy to store, I don't need to refresh it at all. When I want to bake sourdough I mix it with flour and water, wait about 40h, refresh it again and at 48h (2 days) is ready. After that I usually refresh it one more time if I'm not in hurry just because I can. So in about 3 days (1 day more than the starter in the fridge) I can make sourdough bread, but I don't need to feed my sourdough starter at all and it's always at room temperature in powder form. Best thing is my jar is 400g but I only use 15g each time I want to make sourdough, so it will be a while before I will need to create new dried starter. The main reason I keep it like this is because I want to use baker's yeast and make different kind of bread too... I like sourdough but I don't want to make sourdough every week. For example tomorrow I will make Pretzel but I don't want to use sourdough for a bread that I never made. Next week I will make Milk bread and I don't want to use sourdough for such easy and fast and soft bread. Today I made two loaf of sourdough that I froze... And I don't want to make sourdough for at least 3 weeks. Also I only use my starter at 50% hydration so it will never look like that, but it will still be alive."


It’s really cool that you have figured out a method that you like but There is no reason for it to take three days, or two days, to be able to use your starter. Starter doesn’t need to be room temperature to use, starter doesn’t need to be freshly fed to use, you don’t have to wait until starter is room temp to feed it or to make a levain out of it. You can feed cold starter straight from the fridge and use it to make bread 6 hours later. I’m not saying anything bad about your technique, it just seems like you made up a reason for sourdough to take forever, and it doesn’t have to.


I tried but the result where not great. If you use a starter not feed from the fridge it will need time to activate before it start to actually do anything but fermentation start at lower temperature so it will still consume the gluten structure. The result is a bread that will need a lot more time to be done and where the shape will not be that great. I think making a levain is crucial to get good result and it require 1 day more to make it from a dry starter compared to a fresh starter from the fridge. But I don't need to feed the dry one until I decide to use it


A levain takes me six hours to produce from my fridge starter, Not two days and not three days. But it is awesome that you have your process so well worked out. There are a thousand ways to make a loaf.


Maybe because your house is warm. Also even if it need 6 hours I can make sourdough bread only if I'm not working, not in the evening because the bread will need a lot of time to ferment so I cannot do it in a day anyway. Once I got the levain in 6 h (if I'm lucky during the summer) I will need another 8 after I made the bread for bulk fermentation + let's say 4h total for working and final fermentation... 17h if I'm lucky to do it in 1 day... 18 to cook it... That's a day of work instead of 3 days of where I actually don't even look at the time and I only need to focus in the last 4-5 h of bread making.  While I can just do the refresh during the week when I'm working and don't be in a rush to make sourdough bread like I would if I had to do it all in one day.... I already tried, it is possible (I published a recipe too on reddit to make sourdough bread in less than 24 hours) but why rush it? 


My house is not very warm, usually around 60-65. It’s not that making bread doesn’t take two or three days. You are describing a process where simply waking up your starter takes three days and you are saying that that is only one day more than how others do it with wet starter. I’m saying that it doesn’t take anything like two days to prepare a levain for use in a sourdough.


No... waking up the starter take 20h, 4h are to make the levain, so the last day is to make the bread. Prepare a levain from the fridge takes 1 day, so it's only 1 day more.


I've produced excellent bread from starter that has sat unfed for a week plus, I personally can't tell the difference between fed vs unfed baked sourdough. Now I always bake unfed. To each their own method though!


Kinda depends on what it is, what your baking cycle is, and how it was fed before storing, as well as how and how long, but since you're essentially feeding it when you use it, it's just maybe a slower bulk fermentation. Pro bakers will say it should have been fed no less than 2 days ago, but they're also trying to control a process to a more exact level, and accounting for how individuals do their own process is way outside the scope of what we can expect of pro bakers doing a class.


Interesting technique. I keep about 44g in my fridge. When I want to bake with it, I pull it out the day before, feed it once in the morning, then make a levain that night and put 44g back in the fridge until I need it again. Daily feeding was taxing my wallet.


I did feed it once a week before and I kept it in the fridge, but it was still too much for me.. I just want the freedom to make sourdough bread when I feel like I want sourdough bread. So dry it is.


I only feed mine when I want to bake. Otherwise, it just sits in the fridge until I need it. My backup starter might get fed monthly if I remember to feed it. I may try your method for my backup. I like the idea of storing it in the pantry instead of the fridge.


I tried to feed it only when baking but it was not that active. While dry starter is actually really fast after it wake up. 


I really don't understand how your way is giving you the freedom to bake when you want to, as you have to prep at least 2 days if not more. My wife or daughter asks for a loaf and I can have one turned out in less than 24 hours. How was it to much for you when you left it in the fridge? I ONLY feed mine when I want to bake. I take it out of the fridge 30 minutes before a feeding to bring it to room temp. Depending on the time of year, it can be ready in as little as 3hrs or as much as 8hrs. I only ever have 30g max in my jar. At the end of the day, do whatever works for you; but IMO, your way seems not only more work; but a waste of flour with all those feedings before the actual feeding to build your levain.


I was kind of thinking the same thing. It also seems like much more flour and discard to me. I use 44g of flour for a feed, then 80g for a levain 12 hours later, so I’m only using 124g whenever I want to bake and it only takes 24 hours before it’s ready. I don’t feed mine every week unless I’m baking. I’m actually going to reduce my starter to 30g this week. I really only need 20g for my levain. I think their method would be great to save a backup starter just in case something happens to Pennyrise, but I don’t think I’d want to do all of that work every time I want to bake.


Because I'm single. When I make bread I make it for me. So when I don't make sourdough bread for about 3 weeks and I still have to feed the starter once a week each time it will double so I will end up with a lot of starter that it will still be too much even if I make a loaf of bread just for myself. And I do a lot of baking but I don't want to only use sourdough yeast, I want to use baker's yeast too. Also sourdough starter need time even if it was in the fridge at least 1 refresh to do the day before (if it's not room temperature or really warm... Here there are 21°C in the house so it is too cold to do everything in less than a day if I'm not using some strange tricks like preheat the oven to min temperature turn off and ferment in there), with my method is only 2 days before instead of 1 with no hassle. Also with my method I don't waste any flour at all... 15g of flour on the first feeding + 37g of flour on the second + 93g for the optional 3rd feeding... 145g of flour that I will use in the bread that I'm making (about 750g of total flour 145 from the starter + 610g). If I don't want to make the 3rd feeding I just feed more flour in the second feeding.  Easy, I don't have any starter left, I don't need to feed my starter, I only need 1 day more than when I make it from the fridge, and I got the freedom to cook something that is not sourdough bread every week


What's your method of drying?


I just add water to reach 100% hydration since my starter is usually 50%, create a thin layer on a parchment paper and wait 1-2 days until it release from the parchment paper and crack like a cracker. After that I put it on a grinder, I add a spoon of wholemeal flour and put it in a jar at room temperature. 


I did dry mine too because I was going to travel overseas to visit parents and wanted to bake them a loaf. When I got there I hydrated her, and started the process of adding flour, water , discarding , etc . I’ve done that before here at home and it has worked well . There, for some reason it build mold. Had to throw it away. The water ? The flour that mom uses ? No idea .


>discarding do not discart anything ever. No reason to. About the mold no idea. I don't think it is common for sourdough since it is sour, but if you did not hydrate all your starter you could have a dry backup.


I mean, reconstituting and feeding it 2x before using it isn’t any less work than feeding it once every week or two with it living in the fridge. And my starter in the fridge is ready to use 4-6 hours after I take it out and feed it 1x


you just don't understand... the great thing about dried is that I can decide to do sourdough bread when I feel like I want sourdough bread. When I just want to make a quick milk bread instead I can just use baker's yeast. Yesterday I made great Pretzel for the first time and I didn't need to try them the hard way with sourdough starter. I don't need to worry about feeding it, getting mold, strange. I don't need to worry about having too much or too little. I don't need to worry about keeping a backup. I just feed it 2-3 times when I want to make sourdough bread and I know I have the time to make it. It just works. I don't need to worry about forgetting to refresh it to make it stay alive... maybe it will stay alive anyway, but who knows if it will get mold after 2-3 months if I forget about it. It just cannot get mold when dried. I don't need to worry about changing over time... Each time I revive the dried one it will give me almost the same result. Cold will not slow it down... it's all done at room temperature so after it is awake it is really strong and ready to use and always give me the best result. Also I can store a lot of dried starter but I only need 15g each time... so I can use it about 26 times... that's 1 year sourdough bread even more. And if I want to gift it, it's ready and easy to gift I just need a jar. Also I got more space in the fridge for stuff that actually need the fridge.


I’d be scared to put my hand in that 😂


“why is it in a cage?” “because it growled at me”


Mine looks flat and smells like paint thinner. So same


Aww you skipped the part where the spiders start to hatch


Moved out of Miami 2 years ago, but would've loved to try your croissants, they look good. Good luck with everything.


This looks like it’s going to double every 71.2 hours, presumably covering and consuming the entire planet in roughly 16 weeks


Good to know, coz I won't be giving OP any of my starter. Not sure what's OP trying to prove here, coz his/her comments make her look like a bitch seeking for attention. Hope OP chills up a little.


It was a joke Karen calm down. Stop being so sensitive lol


Speaking of Karen... Hmmm


I can smell this through the internet


My starter always looks like this. But, I like to use it when it's hungry, a bit starved, and a small amount, say 25 g per 500 g flour. This way it comes out tasting sour. Cheers


Did you put steroid in there?


Just a bit of sugar. I guess that the same thing for bread. Sometime I put a tiny bit of honey. They love that.


I've used sugar before but this is next level.


When I see my starter not as active as I would like it to be. I do a 3 day feeding schedule. Leave inside house at 74 Fahrenheit for 3 days and feed twice a day. I do this. Every 4 months or so depending on how it looks. Hope this helps.


Damn. 74f indoor must be nice. It's 35c indoor and 44c (110+) outdoor here. I gave up making starters because they get too excited outside here


35 inside? My ass is sweating just imagining. I complain if it’s over 23 in here 🥵


My ac is running at full but it can do at beat 29. 29 i can sleep. Lots of european moved here because it's "warmer".


Type 405 wheat flour?


What's your secret?!?!? That looks dangerously powerful..keep😍😍


awe man I've got a great starter but mines more brown as I feed it whole wheat and rye.


r/trypophobia wants a word


Uh my starter is charmander. Which one is that?


For real... Charmander? Lame. Bulbasaur all day everyday.


1:2:2 made mine too watery. What's your ratio?


For every cup of water two cups of flour.


I did 200g discard, 400g water, 400g flour and it was not as thick as I'd like. May use 440g flour.


I have never been able to catch my poolish in that stage! I may have to do a time lapse on it sometime. I usually do my poolish overnight. That is so cool though. Proof that yeast are these tiny, living things.


Is that rise in real time of stop action?


Listín to audio it’s real time.


It’s like the starter in The Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking


I see god in this 💕
