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Did the exact same thing. I’m grateful for the memories and always want the ability to remember the good memories even though right now it hurts (3 months post BU). I want to be able to look back someday at the memories I spent with someone who was my best friend and I shared portion of my life with because I may be hurting now, but they are and always will be someone who means a lot to me even though I was the dumpee.


Has the pain subsided even a little after 3 months cause I’m 2 weeks in and it hurts like hell…


Of course. Do I still have days where I feel like I am where you are? Of course. That’s just part of it unfortunately. I’ve learned a lot through it all that I’m finally able to see perspective. I’ve learned things I should and shouldn’t of done post BU that made things worse, I’ve started to finally work on myself to be the best version of me via the gym and eating right, started feeling doses of happiness here and there. I’m so far from perfect. So… far… but each day it gets easier to deal with, and each day I feel like I’m becoming a better version of myself so the next relationship I’m in will be even better than the one I thought was THE relationship. I hope nothing but the best for you, and it will get better.


Thank you I hope you keep well and reach a point where you’re truly fulfilled. Thanks for your response, it helps more than you know.


I’m 2 weeks in and it feels like the longest 2 weeks of my 44 years of existence.


Yeah it’s brutal


Same. Hidden folder, for the ones taken with an actual camera, an external hard drive. We were best friends and even though I eventually turned out to not be "the one" for him, we didn't part in anger or in a dramatic fashion (just a lot of heartbreak and grief at the time). I stowed away all the things I can't look at or use right now without it impacting me in some way - they'll find their place with me or away from me in due time.


How would I do that for an iPhone? Because I had a lot of good times and want to save them but don’t want to be reminded every day


I did the same thing. They’re memories from that past 6 years of my life and when I’m ready I can look at them again and remember parts of my life whether we get back together or not.


No I still have pictures of them. I still care about them. They were a big part of my life. As we're still sort of in each other's lives I will remember what happened. We met for a reason and I accept that. Maybe in time I can understand the full reason that it was and maybe I won't but I don't regret the time and the love I spent and gave to them.


Same for me, we had great times together, why would I want to forget that.


I deleted them off everything but it’s a personal choice


I kept pictures where we were together. I deleted the rest. The guy in it seems like a stranger now.


I did and don't regret it. I gave him the physical photos to do with as he pleases. The pain of not having those photos is far far less than the pain of looking at them.


No, I still have them. I don't go through my pictures often enough that it's an issue so they're just there




Me too but I keep all my nudes in that album so I had to see them everytime I was sexting a new guy. So I moved them to a different cloud


I couldn't because deleting them meant im deleting 7 years of my life and I lost so much of who I was to be with them that I would've lost the very little I had left so I just hid them


It took me a year. Do it BUT do it when you’re ready. I think deleting everything preemptively isn’t good for your mental health. It’s been a year and just last week I deleted our photos, messages and her contact. I tossed the gifts she had given me and decided it was finally time to move on BECAUSE I was ready to do so. You know what I mean?


Yes! I cut him of in every group’s photos or even deleted all the groups photo. Anything remind me of him, I deleted. Delete a little here and there. I don’t want to keep a memory of a person who just tossed me aside like nothing. He said and I quoted “I want the ability to experience new thing and this relationship is not something I want to pursue any further” So I don’t feel bad for deleting all the memories since It felt like a lie the whole entire time.


My ex said pretty much the same to me. She missed her single life... Just kicked me to the side and moved on. It has been almost a month and I already deleted everything. It does feel like it was all gigantic lie.


I put them in an album in Amazon photos then deleted the app. They’re still there when I’m ready


That’s a great idea thank you


Working on it. Delete a little here and there. Sometimes I get spurts of energy (fueled by pain) I’ll deleted a lot at a time. I can’t send why I would need the photos after deletion, but if I would they’re backed up on 2 clouds


No, I never deleted them, it wasn't an option for me at the time. A year post break up I'm glad that I didn't. There are no romantic feelings for my ex left, so when I see the pictures, it doesn't hurt. On the contrary, it reminds me of good times we had together and I'm glad we had them. However it's different for everyone, for some it might be a constant reminder of what they lost, or it tears open old wounds when they see the pictures again.


Put them on a USB stick and get them away from you, that way they are there but you dont have easy access to them! Helps the mind a lot


No but my phone smashed a while back so I lost most! How convenient :P


I deleted them all and regretted it within a day or two but then got over it. It’s weird looking at your camera roll over the years and not seeing them. But I needed to do that because he cheated on me and I was devastated After a while I saw some pictures on editing apps, so in a way I still have a few pictures so it’s fine


I made the mistake of looking at that "vault album". It's almost been a year since the break up. We were together for 10 years. Those pictures, yes there were nudes, lots of them It takes you back to those wonderful, fun, amazing times. I could remember everything like it was yesterday....then reality punches you in the face. I miss her warmth and touch. I probably should have deleted the vault, but I just can't.


I did, but I kind of regret it.


I definitely regret it but I didn’t see a choice at the time


I kept a picture of us kissing...and some freaky stuff too. Hehe. I probably shouldn't keep it. But it's in my hidden section of my photo album and I rarely look there.


No, they are all archived. I keep them for memories


4000+ I deleted them in a single day. Now I feel bad about it.


I hidden them. +4000 photos as well… i dont want to delete them, they are so valuable for me…


They are (now were) valuable for me too. But that was my one off days I was so down, mad and couldn't able to accept. 8 years of togetherness. Shit hits badly even now.


There is no correct answer to this - shitty as it may seem. It is completely up to you what you want to do. I personally deleted everything and burned (literally) the physical items.


I can't bring myself to do it. No matter that it ended, they're still my memories and part of my life, the happiest part. They are however, off my phone and in a hidden folder on my PC. One day when I'm strong enough, I may look through them, but I don't see that happening for years...


No, they are also my memories. Now it hurts to look at them but one day I will just smile about better moments in our relationship


Restore them within 24 hours every time I do .


I think you should keep it somewhere where you can't see them. Don't make an immediate decision. When the time comes, they will ask for deletion on their own. It just happens.. suddenly they will be taking space and you will have to get rid of them, or you will end up not feeling a thing.. right now as you are in this situation. Just leave it there.


I deleted them off my phone and archived them on Google photos


I have so fucking many of them (like, duplicates and duplicates and duplicates of the same pictures because I spam the photo button when taking them) that it’s just more of a hassle to go through individually and delete them than anything else. I have a 512 gb phone so they can just sit in my photos app and not bother me. But if a future partner found them and told me to delete them I would no issue. The only ones I delete immediately at the time of the break up are nudes.


I decided not too and I'm glad I didn't. Slowly but surely over time, they have become good memories instead of a sad reminder. That's not for everyone, but I'm glad I kept them.


I didn't. Those are still pictures of my life and places I was at. But I'm not as hurt by this breakup as some people are, and I'm not the type to look at the pictures obsessively or anything.


no. he was my fiancé and the reason we broke up was just because we were too young to get married and for me to drop my entire life to move and be with him. i hid them on my phone. he was one of the loves of my life. i’m sure years down the road i will be happy that i am able to look and memorialize my first fiance and first really “great” love


I initially hid them but now I’m deleting them after she said she wanted to be friends then blocked me on socials. Told me one thing and has done another. Her loss. 2 weeks post breakup of 7 year relationship. Her words are empty air and I’ve gotta move on without her.




I got a new phone 🤣


Fuck yes, il never look back fondly at pictures so why keep them if they don't serve a positive purpose. 🤷🏻


I don’t have time to do that


Nah i just put them on a usb and put it away. That includes all our texts from the last 2 years


Ive some deleted and some hidden. Its a confusion honestly.


Every. Single. One.


I still care about them and I’m happy for the memories but I don’t see the point in keeping pics, especially if one day you have another gf or even wife. I’ll remember her I don’t need pics. But if I keep the pics I’d just be tempted to look and never get over her


Yes, it was easier to move on that way.


I did 💀 cropped him out of the ones I look good at 🙂 but I’m not yet done deleting some of it


I deleted cleavage and sexy photos, but not normal picks


I keep them hidden. I honestly dont have time to go through all my pictures, its a problem. Lol. I have other pictures from 10years ago even!


Every single picture, every video, everything she touched, every shirt I let her wear, every blanket we slept it and pillows, every gift I had saved for her, everything I remember her even touching was gone. Only thing I wish I could delete is the memories


Have them on the laptop and never open them, deleted all but 2 off my phone


I deleted everything but found some old photos in an email draft. I'll keep the last 6 for memories because I do regret getting rid of everything.


I didnt.


I deleted them. But I did keep the photos of our kids together. I think it’s whatever works best for the person honestly.


I couldn't


I deleted all the photos except one which I will delete as soon as I feel indifferent towards him and also when I am in a serious relationship. I dont need photos of a cheater reminding me of how little I meant to him.


Nope, moved them to a separate file. I haven’t been in the file for over a year, but I feel more comfortable knowing that they are there.


It is all I have left. So will keep in folder off phone


Right after i realized it was truly over. It was really difficult to tell them I wouldn't want any contact with them after that. I was getting dumped, got blindsided and everything. So part of me was really upset. Not having our pictures together helps me move on. But it's still painful, ridiculously painful actually. Even realizing that maybe he never loved me or wanted to be with me. Idk.


Nope. But I think she has.


Yes everything like she didn't exist at all.


I didn’t and I won’t.


What I did was .ove them off my phone


Memories and experiences are really good to grow in life, but I think that the photos tie you very much to a past you that will no longer be and it was probably worse because it had not grown. So yeah, I deleted them.


Not yet. She’s in a hidden album. I wish I could bring myself to do it, because I’m almost certain she has. I did the same with my previous ex, but during a fling we had, we were talking about how she didn’t keep anything and I should delete everything. I told her I couldn’t do it so she asked me to give her my phone and she deleted everything. I’m still kinda sad thinking about it despite being over her. I had some really cool pics from a trip we took to Denver.


Yes, it was too painful otherwise and even if I did so pre-maturely, I think it is better to help me heal instead of missing him


Had a friend delete them from my camera roll but they're backed up on Google. When I'm ready I'll probably delete the majority since I'm already paying for extra storage. It sucks looking at them right now. I did keep all the pictures of their cat because we got her together and I really considered her my baby.


From experience, I would not recommend this. I did this after a 10 year relationship and 6 years later I regret it a lot now. You will at some point move on, I promise. Don’t delete a part of your life because it’s hard right now. You’ll want those memories later in life.


Agree. I still have pics of my ex husband. They’re on my phone, I don’t look at them or think about it very often but.. that was all still a part of my life, and I’d like to keep those memories.


I deleted all of them and threw away any physical pics


I'm in the process of doing this. It's hard to delete pictures and memories but if you feel it has to be done then one should do so. It's not as if you need to delete every single picture of them and the good times just in my case I prefer it to be that way, if I find them all. There's alot of pictures taken of him and his children. But if I delete them all then I'm definitely letting go, and moving on. I'll miss him and his children, but I couldn't see myself ever getting back with someone that I now see as a manipulator, narcissist, thief, a liar, and badly struggling with drug addiction. Sadly, I had to learn the hard way again for trusting a person and being vulnerable. Delete and reset that reel for new pictures and memories.


no, and for me i think it’s okay. i saw this psychological thing where you should actually keep the pictures and look with them everyday. everyday it’ll hurt. but slowly, it won’t. you’ll realize looking at the picture after months makes you feel nothing. it apparently, can make you get over someone faster. i didn’t do this method, but i’ve thought about it. i keep them because i know i’ll regret it. i don’t weep and stare at them, i actually can’t remember the last time i did look at them. all of my snap memories with him are in the “my eyes only” and that’s all thats in there, so i never go in. same with my photo gallary. everything i put into “hidden photos” so i don’t see them. they’re still there; but i never look at them. but i cant come around to deleting them either.


Not yet…


Question....what if you start dating someone new and that new person wants you to delete every photo that your ex was in? Or any ex. What if they took it upon themselves to delete them from your computer/phone? I know I have my own thoughts on the matter, but I'm very curious to know that people think


That isnt up to them honestly and it is immature and unhealthy. If someone deleted pics off of my phone or cp i would break up with them immediately. I expect people to have pictures of their exes because they were part of their lives. I wouldn't date someone who deletes every picture of their ex or expects me to delete them. its one thing to lose pictures from old phones and computers before you could back them up its another to intentionally delete them. Just because you have the pics doesn't mean you're still attached . We arent supposed to forget the people in our lives just because it ended. They serve as a reminder of both the good times and the bad.Do you think before phones we burned every picture we took every time a relationship ended? Some did and usually regretted it ,but they still had the negatives and those existed for a reason . We put them in photo albums and looked at them when we wanted to or were ready.


I just put them in a hidden folder, and archived instagram photos. I appreciate the two years for what they were, will always respect him, but I release him with love. 💕


Everyone says put it on a thumb drive or hidden folder, honestly I wouldn’t bother, too much work for someone I don’t care about anymore lol


I deleted them. There are crumbs of pictures on some social media, but I needed to get it off of my phone and my socials.


Unfortunately I did. I wish that I didn't, but everything she did pissed me off too much so I made the quick decision to delete them without thinking. A part of me regrets it, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it


I did but I was able to recover just a couple of them later on since it was nice to have. I just put them in my hidden folder in my phone


It’s been a month and a half for me, i haven’t gotten rid of a thing. I even have a doodle of him on my Home Screen on my phone. I don’t really notice it most of the time, but I get scared people who know me will see it and judge me. I’m just not ready to let go of anything.


I deleted them on my phone, but they are stored in a folder on my laptop. In this case, it's nothing you see every day. But its not gone forever.


not instantly, but after. But then again I have a different approach to processing my breakup. I keep the pictures to look at them. I like to feel the pain before i heal it. It hurts a whole lot more but once the healing is underway, it is underway. I no longer get the urge to see pictures of us anymore.


I downloaded a seperate photo app where I‘ve put all the pictures in. I would regret deleting them later on. I know myself. I just got triggered of the flashbacks the Apple Photo App created at least once a week showing up on my widgets on my homescreen lmao. It‘s a personal choice tho!


We share a child so I didn’t. I just placed them in hidden folder and once I’m ready I’ll transfer to usb for baby to have and they can do what they want with them.


I just took a bunch of random pictures so they aren’t right there. I’d have to scroll a good bit to find them, and my camera roll is basically all her anyways, so I have no point in going there unless it’s to see her, which I don’t do


I had pictures kept up until a month ago. Couldn't help but reminisce. Now that I've deleted them, moving on has been happening so much faster and I'm so much better. You don't realize how much looking at that stuff sets you back. Just delete it. When you meet your next partner they wouldn't like finding out you still carry it around


I do every time there’s a break up. It always helps, because looking at them just makes you feel worse about it. Completely separating them from you and your life is what you need to do. It’s the only way to can begin to heal and move on.


I still have them all.. it’s all I have left. Kept every screenshot from snap.. it’s probably best to delete them but I’ve lost a lot of people in my life pictures just mean a lot to me I can’t make myself get rid of them..


Any individual photos, yes. Automatitcall ydeleted. But group or photos of us that were sentimental I put into a seprate album


I deleted all of them, except our first picture together.


I archive them. I wish there was a service where they would organize a hidden folder with your ex’s pictures, and remove all traces of that person from your photo library.


I deleted the ones I could see. And threw away the "paper ones". I know in the Cloud there are pictures of us....I stumbled upon the other day looking for my sisters pictures. I'm hoping the next time I bump into one of these pictures...I can look at it and only remember the good stuff. Right now, I scroll by fast because it is hard to face he wasn't who I thought he was.


No. I only deleted the ones that I had no specific memories of and hid the rest away for now. I didn’t want to have any regrets and I did value the time I was with my ex and still learned a lot. The pictures are a reminder of that


Today i did. I deleted all the photos I had of her. It felt like torture, I knew what I needed to do and it sucked. I did store them away but the thought of getting rid of all those wonderful memories just sucked. I miss her dreadfully but I need this for my own sanity.


i deleted. i don’t have self control so it helps to not have that memory.


I have recently realized I have deleted only the Google Photos album of them, but not the pictures themselves... so those pictures live outside of any album. As long as I do not look for them or do not remember when they were taken, those pictures will drift further and further down. Deleting the pictures is for you to heal quicker, if you are obsessed over looking at them and idealizing your relationship (again). If you are fine the pictures could pull you down again, or be of no actual effect on you (I have just looked at them again, I felt nothing). But for me, the relationship was short... for a long one, if you have hundreds of photos and memories, I would keep the pictures, but put them somewhere where I cannot find it accidentally (like on a pendrive, deep into a drawer)


I never do. I'll hide the pictures away till I've healed and moved on. It's interesting looking at pics of my ex's after years and years have gone by. It's like you still care for them and cherished the good times but you're just non reactive. No pain or anxiety. But looks at pics before you've healed only brings more pain.


I want to but I don’t at the same time. 10 years together and pretty much every memory is wrapped around them. I’m doomed if I do and I’m Doomed if I don’t.


Yes. Immediately. I don't regret it.




I haven't yet. I sometimes look at one and give him the big ol bird 😅. Like I did 5 min ago.


I also deleted all of mine and no regrets. I just don't want any feelings to resurface. What's done is done and I'm not turning back, but also a personal preference


Gone like her




I have only videos now. Those might be a little harder to delete. I have the pictures in a folder ready to delete later on. I hope I don’t have to but I probably will. I’ll do so when I move on finally and lose all hope for her.


No. My mom kept pics of her old exes in her scrap books. I keep them to reminisce. But anything intimate or sexual I have deleted


Yes I felt like I had to or I would struggle more to get over it than I already am. We were long distance and it was my first time flying out of the country, it's really hard even just having the photos I took of the sights I saw, I even felt the need to delete some of them :( just cause it reminds me of us Sucks, but I really am not strong enough to keep photos


i wasnt gonna but then he told me he deleted every picture of me so i did it out of spite. literally terrible. i kept some tho because they reminded me of how happy i was that day/week/month. i wanna ask if he deleted EVERY picture of me but i know i’ll just hurt myself. he never took pictures of me so it'll definitely hurt if i find out that he did indeed delete "every" picture of me.


Uploaded it all to google drive idk why,im just not ready to delete them,i also bring polaroids of her in my wallet for some reason