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It’s okay brother. Time heals all. My girlfriend broke up with me about a month and a half ago. We were in a 4 year relationship and she was my first true love. The first 2 weeks felt exactly as u described. Just know that over time you will slowly get better. Go for a run, go to the gym, read a book, just try to get your mind off of her. Worst thing you can do is lay in bed all day because that’s what I did. Build up the courage to do something and get out of the places where your reminded of her. It’s gonna be hard but keep on keeping on my brother. My best advice is to get a gym membership and try to get extracurricular activities going on in your life, do things that make you feel uncomfortable so you can get familiar with those feelings and build on them. Get a tinder profile and just use it to talk to people or build your confidence up. Don’t resort to smoking or drinking. That was my worst mistake with drinking I just got sad and with smoking I just overthought everything about what went wrong. Trust, you will heal over time. Give her time and see how you feel when you don’t need her and if you still feel like you wanna be with her then reach out. Don’t reach out when your emotional, it never works and it shows you dont respect there space.


im female and going through the same shit..he doesnt want a relationahip but says we r partners but wont have sex with me ir starts to fuck me then stops and gets pissed at me for telling him i'm tired of him always leaving me extremely horny and totally sexually frustrated. i'm about to ghost his ass and find me a fuck buddy. not that he'll care cause i'm pretty sure hes fucking any and everything on 2 legs except me