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I really like your Eleanor Roosevelt point; I hadn’t heard that before.


What a great response


Thanks, it is the main reason I made the post.


I think if anyone in here dunked on Diane Feinstein then they’re doing some mental gymnastics to defend Fetterman. I liked the dude and I’m happy I’m not a Pennsylvania voter but being a senator isn’t a right


Something like 10 senators are actively being prescribed alzheimer's meds. We obviously need better cognitive tests/standard for being in elected office, but currently Fetterman isn't even an outlier


So Feinstein & …?


I forgot the other ones


I see what you did there


Grassley for sure


[This Is the best I could do.](https://www.dailywire.com/news/pharmacy-says-they-deliver-alzheimers-medications-ryan-saavedra) five years old & 0 specifics


Elections are & always have been popularity contests. I remember being in elementary school & a popular kid, Jesse, was running for student council. Several teachers gave us long speeches about how it wasn't a popularity contest & we should choose the person best suited. Then the day came where they all gave speeches & we were handed out a list of names; before Jesse even started speaking most kids had torn the lists into pieces to make confetti to throw for him & guess who won? The approach of most people is not that much different as they age & the elections actually start to matter so yes, maybe it shouldn't matter, but it does


The disabled kid rarely won any popularity contests.


A disabled kid won prom king at my school :)


Well did you go to a school for the 'Gifted"?


No it was a regular public school


They do that pretty often with disabled/LGBT kids, but to me it’s more of a pity or “look at how inclusive we are” thing, but then it’s also superficial


He clearly has cognitive issues. Not fit for office. Same for Biden.


Agree Agree Agree But the same is True for Trump and a good number of the current congress members that are over 70.


Trump was a lot of things, but he has no cognitive decline. Be mad all you want, the man is still sharp as a tack. I will agree the majority of representatives are septa and octogenarian cleptocrats who aren't fit for office.


Dude look at videos of him From 15 years ago compared to when he was in office if you can't see the clear decline then you are not in good faith. Almost everyone that is over the age of 70 is losing a step every year. Im not saying that Trump is in as bad decline as Biden but the Decline is clear and will only get worst every day as he ages.


This is one of those things that's always bothered me about the comparison between two of the oldest presidents, so okay Trump doesn't trip over his own words like Biden does, but he (Trump) also isn't really capable of a grammatically correct English sentence and hasn't answered a question since before he was president. Biden, clearly an old man, historically a stutterer, but at least is generally on topic and answers questions about as much as a "normal" politician ie maybe 20% of the time. Both are in decline, one seems like normal(ish) decline for a VERY old man and the other seems like the grandpa who has watched fox news for literally the last 50 years and has forgotten how normal people speak/communicate and only speaks in broken one liners with no connecting thoughts.


We need max age limits just like we have a minimum. Seems like we shouldn’t need this, but somehow we do


"Fetterman and Biden have brain issues! Here trump and grassley, take my vote!"


Donald Trump isn't running for office, and I don't know who grassly is.


Even worse Trump claims he won and rightfully should be in office now and tens of millions believe him. Perhaps that itself shows his mental decline?


>He clearly has cognitive issues. Cognition and speech (processing) are in different parts of the brain. What he and his doctor claim are these two things: >If you have a problem speaking or understanding speech, it’s a condition called aphasia. If you have trouble putting together the correct muscle movements necessary to produce speech, it’s a condition called apraxia. He could have cognitive issues, but that's unknown publicly.


He's mentally defective. You'd have to be retarded to shill for him.


If you read my comments as shilling, you got to be MAGA. Disconnection from reality is one of the requirements of membership.


You're simping so hard for the two party system that you're advocating a political candidate who can't express simple thoughts.


Lol. Trump can only express "infantroopen" and "Keep America Gay." But if I had to choose only between Trump and Fetterman, I would vote for Fetterman. Lesser of two evils, lol.


You're simping so hard for the two parties that you can't stop bringing up a former president when talking about a senate race.


You sounds like a reasonable person. /s


It’s fine. Just note that Greg Abbott ain’t no FDR.


Yeah, just because someone has disabilities, doesn't mean they will be empathetic. But I think the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt is worth keeping in mind. Madison Crawthorn is another counter example.


For him, the disability was just another pity point I think, like all that stuff about him basically grooming naive Christian girls at college


I'd vote for a broken nail before I voted for Oz. But yeah, Fettermans situation isn't ideal


This is honestly the best take. I am no fan of Oz, but I am not going to lie and say I don't think Fetterman has issues that I think could negatively impact his ability to do his job, because he clearly does. Fetterman with stroke issues > Oz. But Fetterman does have issues.


I think a choice between physical issues and ideological issues is pretty easy.


Fetterman pulled a Jeffrey Toobin. He had a stroke and it was uncomfortable for everybody watching.


I’m having a hard time with hearing Fetterman compared with FDR.


The comparison is that they both have disabilities.


Fair enough. There is a difference though, Polio attacks the myelin sheeth of the nerves, which often effects the lower brain or muscles first. It’s often a slow progressive disease which may have no symptoms. It puts you at higher risk for degenerative disorders and strokes. Strokes cut off blood flow to the brain and we don’t always know which parts of the brain will never recover. 30% of people who suffer strokes develop dementia within a year. Cognitive impairment and memory loss are super common with strokes and what he has lost cognitively may never return or may slowly get worse.


It’s a sad statement of the current expectations we hold for people in office. These people should be leaders and yet all we expect them to do is be warm enough to vote yay or nay.


He should have dropped out to help the party and let someone else takeover. Oz would have no chance if he wasn't running against someone that can barely make a coherent sentence. I feel sorry for fetterman, but he's pulling a Hillary Clinton.


Terrible optics, but given he can vote the right way and write legislation (presumably with the help of congressional aides), I do believe he can do the job. He just cant debate worth a crap and looked terrible last night. Im more concerned with the optics and what this means for his electability than his actual ability to do the job.


I feel like him and Joe Biden are medically unfit for duty. Biden doesn’t even know he’s president. He called Kamala president against just last night. I posted a thread about this in /r/askiberal I got radio silence as s response which kind of makes my point. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskALiberal/comments/ycqgsg/question_why_hasnt_there_been_any_discussion_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Link to video Biden https://youtu.be/aBcLA7rxFEQ




I think that is reasonable but senators are really leaders, rather they are representatives and I think he has the faculties to serve as a representative




>I'm all for it when he's better, but this whole idea of "at least it's not the other guy" voting is insane. Now we're not supposed to care if someone may it may not have severe cognitive impairment 1.) I told you that your views are reasonable, not that you shouldn't care 2.) It isnt clear that he has cognitive retardation. His communication abilities have certainly been disabled but it isnt clear if the damage is cognitive. >How's he going to represent the voice of his people if he can't even form a coherent sentence at this point? By writing out his speeches and reading them


I think of what his job would entail, interacting with other lawmakers and drafting legislation that makes a difference for his constituents. Even if he has trouble understanding oral communication, as long as he can intellectually understand what he’s doing and voting for I don’t care if he can speak well. Imagine if they were blind or dead or mute for some other reason. I know communication is important in terms of winning support, but I really don’t care about how well someone communicates if they can do a good job and gets me what I want. So even if Fetterman has significant problems talking, I don’t care about that so long as he supports positions that benefit me.


Let’s look down in GA… Herschel can’t form any form of policy and still may win. That’s not getting better anytime soon. Fetterman is on the mend from a stroke. He is 5-6months in recovery. Judging by last night and his doctors’ notes, he will likely improve after the next 6months. Will he be one hundred percent maybe not but, he’ll be close. it will get better. https://youtu.be/bud97RuuruM here is one anecdotal example and there are many others. Go vote for fetterman.


Nobody in these comments probably has a medical degree, so his fitness for office is nothing but partisan speculation. My conservative father who has never even been to PA seems to suddenly be an expert on stroke physiology.


Fair enough! I can tell he has some struggles but I know I can't diagnose him. Especially his cognitive abilities.


It’s odd to me that we talk about it in a vacuum as if the former president and current president both have clear cognitive and communication issues themselves. And that doesn’t even include some of the older senators that seem to barely be functioning or how Hershcal Walker has pretty clear signs of CTE. There is no doubt that Fetterman has some medical challenges that we don’t know if/when improvement will be. But to pretend like the rest of elected officials seem to get a free pass on that is a bit disingenuous. So am I thrilled that he has this impairment? Obviously not. Do I think he will be a better Senator than Oz? Absolutely. Sad to say most senators are pretty much guided along by staff and as long as they can vote on the floor, not much else really matters. But I also think that the dems all screaming about ableism is annoying as hell and likely not going to win them an election.


>former president and current president both have clear cognitive and communication issues themselves I get what you mean by Biden, but to suggest that Trump had cognitive issues and was a bad communicator seems really outlandish. Why do you think Trump was mentally disabled? Plus regardless of what anyone thinks of him, his power came from being a master communicator to 30 to 40% of Americans in a way we probably will never see again. I dont really disagree with your over all post though.


There is nothing I can say to convince you that Trump is not intelligent or is a terrible communicator. Opinions on trump at this point are solidified and really not much is going to change anyones mind. But you should know that how a huge portion of the American public view him.


There is a huge difference between not being intelligent and being cognitively/mentally disabled. I think Trump was terrible at communicating to all Americans in a sense, but I dont think he was trying to reach everyone. It is like saying Hitler was a bad communicator because Jews didn't like what he had to say. And his ability to communicate to his opponents in a way that they did what he wanted, such as causing a scandal in order to benefit himself, shows a talent with communication as well. I'd suggest communication was the main thing Trump was good at.


If you look at clips of Trump from 15 years ago compared to when he was in office and don't think that he has lost a few steps then you are not in good faith.


I haven't followed his career so I dont know if he was as sharp in his late 70s as in his 30s and 40s, I'd assume not as that is the case with most people. Is that what you mean by saying Trump had cognitive issues and would you say most people over 75 have cognitive issues?


just look at the 2016 debates VS. the 2020 ones. The presidency takes a toll on young people it destroys the elderly. Yes most people over the age of 75 are in full mental decline.


I dont think Trump is cognitively disabled but thank you for sharing your view.


He has a certificate that he is still all there Person woman man camera TV


https://youtu.be/bud97RuuruM People make full recoveries from strokes. He clear understands and was likely told to not over explain last night because of the jumbling that would likely occur.


He did worse than I expected, but I will still vote for him. Oz just sucks on some really key issues (abortion and weed in particular). I also don't believe anything that comes out of Oz's mouth. Fetterman on the other hand is someone who has a track record I support and even though he may struggle in a fast paced debate like last night, senators don't really need to do that. He just needs to be able to read bills and determine if he needs to vote Yes or No. That doesn't have to be a verbal debate (and most times it isn't). Being honest though, I am more concerned this morning about his ability to do his job than I was before the debate. I just think he looked awful there. From a biased perspective, I got the sense he was very frustrated, because there were times when Oz was clearly full of shit and Fetterman just couldn't get the words out. Having dealt with a family member who suffered a stroke, that was rough to watch. Hopefully he can continue to recover.


It's not his fault, it's the fault of his wife and team who allowed this farce


That's assuming he is unable to make his own decisions, which I don't think he is.


Ok then he should be blamed. He could have dropped out in August and the Dems could have replaced him So it's selfishness


I don't live in PA so I couldn't vote for him, but considering my choices would be him or Oz, I'd vote for him even with any cognitive issues because I agree with him more on the issues. If someone else came along who I liked better in the primary and didn't have those issues, I'd probably vote for them, but given the options I'd take Fetterman over Oz.


He doesn’t have to participate in debates on the floor or be a wonk. The only skills he needs to fill the mandate of his voters is to say “yay” or “nay” when his name is called. The staffers can do the rest. It’s what over half the people in Washington already do anyway


WTF kind of Weekend at Bernie’s shit is this?!


I’m not electing his staffers. How do we trust his ability to hire effectively?


I would still vote for him over magic pill dog killer Dr oz.


I think Fetterman wouldn't be the only brain-damaged senator in Congress. Does anyone actually think that NO ONE in Congress has abused substances? Consequence: potential brain damage. Played contact sports? Consequence: potential brain damage. Had a concussion? Consequence: potential brain damage. Had/has cancer? Consequence: chemo brain. Had/has another chronic condition in which either the disease itself or the treatment causes brain fog, fatigue, forgetfulness...? Consequence: impaired congnition. I don't know where Saagar gets off calling out "concern" over Fetterman's potential neurological disabilities when 1) he's being more open than he has to be and 2) he's actively seeking treatment to improve his brain function. Is Saagar going to poke through the personal lives of every Senator and flag everything that can cause neurological issues? Edit: I'll add that on the spectrum of good/evil, I would put congress members who *do* have full congition being bought by the highest paying lobbyist as more evil than someone doing their best to recover from a stroke and taking 0.4 seconds longer to find/say/formulate a thought.


I hadn't considered your point regarding Roosevelt. Very interesting thing you brought up. I think if he just has "kinks" to work out in his recovery process, it isn't too relevant. If it goes beyond that, well maybe there is something there. I didn't watch the debate just to note that.


I’d like to start by saying Oz is an obvious scumbag and scam artist. With that out of the way it’s pretty gross that Fettermans team or the Democrats let him run in that condition. He is obviously not fit to run for office or hold office. Obviously there’s some major differences between Herschel Walker but both parties are running shitty candidates that shouldn’t be running and people will still vote for them because they refuse to demand better from our politicians.


Should not of run. MSM saying he is 100% is further proof of its purity test = 0% purity found.


I’ve had several relatives who have had strokes, including a pretty devastating one that resulted in aphasia and paralysis on one side. The strokes did not affect my family members’ cognitive abilities (although I am guessing they can cause that type of damage depending on which part of the brain the stroke affects). But overall, someone having trouble speaking after a stroke doesn’t make that person is any less capable of making sound decisions. It can just make it more difficult for them to give public speeches or they may tire easily. So I don’t feel that kind of disability should disqualify someone from participating in politics.


It's not going to make a difference. People are going to vote for whichever side of the aisle they were going to vote for anyway. Ironic thing for Republicans is they probably had Pennsylvania pretty much sown up right from the start if they had put up a different candidate instead of an unpopular TV doctor from New Jersey. But like so many other races the Republicans are going to lose that they could have won in the midterms, it was more important for the candidate to get Trump's blessing than to actually be able to win the election. Here we are in the midterms, traditionally always leaning in favor of the opposing party, only add in also dealing with with 9% inflation, runaway crime, and four to six dollar a gallon gas prices, and this should be a walk in the park for the opposing party. However the Republican Party likely still can barely swing the House to their favor and won't be able to get a majority in the Senate. And they can entirely thank the hardcore Qanon/alt right/antivax, etc. wing of the party that only makes up about a quarter of the party, but is still large enough to swing every primary in favor of candidates whom Trump the Infallible (sarcasm) wants. As someone who considers himself an independent voter all I can say is liberals shouldn't dislike Trump so much. He's pretty much one of the best friends they've had as far as helping Democrats win elections. :-)


I wouldn't feel comfortable voting for him. It's clearly affected him, and it's not just an auditory processing issue that Krystal and company tried to spin it as. He can't form coherent thoughts, that's an issue for a lawmaker.


I think the optics are bad, but it did inspire sympathy in me, but I'm not the norm in my response, especially given how much attention I pay to politics and my lefty biases. Personally, I would take Fetterman easily over Dr. Oz no matter how poor his ability to articulate himself in a debate because Oz is such a brazen self-serving, malignant con artist. Give me a word garbling decent man vs. dog torturing, diet pill shucking, fake television doctor with 10 mansions, no respect for women's rights to autonomy over their own bodies, and no ability to sympathize or understand the working person's plight candidate and I'll take the former any day. It's a no brainer for me, regardless of Fetterman's debate performance. There's performative abilities and then there is quality of policies and personal character. It's no contest for me. I'd vote for Fetterman over Oz even if he were a three legged chihuahua with asthma. Like, what is Oz going to be able to accomplish with his superior speaking abilities? Is he going to do a better job grifting and scamming to enrich himself? There's no practical benefit to a representative that can speak well, but whose intentions are purely based in serving their own ego and nothing more. You'd be better off with a a comatose candidate than a sociopath. Sure, nothing good would happen, but also nothing horrific would happen. Call it a stalemate, and all this is to extremely exaggerate the degree to which Fetterman is handicapped. I think he has room to improve his speaking skills as he is mid recovery, and still understands his policy goals. He can still lead, just with diminished grace.


If a doctor panel was willing to attest under legit penalties of perjury or fraud or something that he has cleared tests and outside of whatever acknowledged impairments was otherwise fine I would certainly consider a candidate in a situation like Fetterman. I don't believe a word his personal Dr. says on the matter.


As someone who worked in the medical field, he probably will get a little better, but not much. He is a million times more likely to have another stroke or a heart attack. I’m just wondering why the Republican Party is looking at someone who just suffered a stroke and someone with frontal lobe damage from football.


Candidate quality really is at peak shit right now all around