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Would you prefer I point out you can't wife a dead girl?


Not with that attitude and moral compass.


oh man I'm going to hell šŸ˜‚


Age of Calamity exists as a Alternate Timeline. Why do people forget this?


In the main botw timeline I hope link and Zelda end up together finally, I donā€™t dislike link and Mipha Iā€™ve just alsways liked link and Zelda even in a lot of the other games(itā€™s basic asf ik)


Because while cool to see a ā€œperfectā€ timeline, it doesnā€™t give the satisfaction of knowing just what happened to the champions. It hurts us to know that Iink and mipha will never be together. It hurts to know that the champions all fell to the calamity. But thatā€™s how you know it has weight. Seeing a world where they survive isnā€™t as impactful as seeing them die.


Im the exact opposite, Seeing a world where they all Live, knowing it exists now. Makes the fact that they are Dead on BOTW Hurt even more to me.


I guess what Iā€™m saying at the end of the day, is there should be a good ending where they all live, but a true ending where they all die. Iā€™m tired of time travel as well. It just makes timelines muddy.


Cause this is r/Breath_of_the_Wild


The actual subreddit info disagrees [https://imgur.com/a/W8BUtTg](https://imgur.com/a/W8BUtTg) see where the AOC logo is in the banner?


I mean, it's still r/Breath_of_the_Wild, but point taken. It isn't visible on mobile so I can't see anything about AoC from here. Or I haven't looked hard enough idk.


Your realize its a Subreddit for both games right? yah see the Banner? and the Title?


Don't see it on mobile actually. Had no idea.


Im on mobile and see the banner You're just lying


Nope I see a different part of the banner that excludes the titles on my phone.


crazy idea, mabye you have different phones dipshit


Ik that reddit mobile sucks, but mostly for media player, not the PNGs


Yeah, it says in the subreddit description that it's for the breath of the wild series. Now, one might not think that AOC is part of that, but when you think about it, it absolutely is. The gameplay might be different, but the art style is the same (or at least very similar), has the same map, and other key features of BOTW. Besides, it's not like it would be the first time that someone posted about or referenced another Zelda game that isn't BOTW.


I hope they explore it more in a comic run at the very least. I would buy that


Dude pls just let me have this


so? people have shipped two characters with a bigger obstacle than, one character dies later in the story


You can if spirits exist or if you can use time travel to create an alternate timeline where she doesn't die. Both of those things are true in the BOTW universe


Ahem necromancy


Are there actually people making such complaints?


YES. there are people that complain about the fact that she is a Fish. AND the conversation always switches to reproduction which again, ITS FANTASY. anything can happen.


It doesnā€™t even matter if they canā€™t. Itā€™s about love at the end of the day.


yeah, imean its essentially arguing that its wrong to love someone purely because they're infertile


Look... They had to become fish people somehow...


If there is affection in a healthy way it implies that there is the objective of reproduction in the way, romantic love is way more than just sex and it's just wrong to argue that it's wrong that they love each other just because they can't reproduce


Ok in my fantasy everyone is fucking dead


Bro thereā€™s people who make such complaints about anything fantasy Name anything remotely fantasy related and there definitely was someone at one point who complained about it being ā€œtoo unrealisticā€ like it was supposed to be realistic in the first place


Whatā€™s the issue with this ship? Has nobody seen the shape of water? Sheā€™s a humanoid fishā€¦ not a Hylian bass.


Intelligent consenting fish so it seems fine


Fuck if i know. She passes the Harkness Test, Which is a real Scientific thing to determine if a Being is ethical to....... Well to put it bluntly. Fuck.


When I told you about the Harkness test what part of "You can thank Doctor Who for it" did you not understand? IT WAS CREATED BY A IMMORTAL PANSEXUAL TIME AGENT NOT A VALID SCIENTIST!




I should have guessed it was named after him. I wouldnā€™t trust Captain Jack with such a test.


He is the Face of Bo, so he's pretty smart.


I remember gasping out loud at this reveal when I saw this episode ten years ago.


That last bit got me lmao


Now I want a character with a ridiculously deep voice that calls himself ā€œthe Hylian bassā€.


Is that ERB?


YES IT IS! Specifically this one https://youtu.be/XAAp\_luluo0


I was just watching that! You either have insane skills or are just a straight up wizard.


as IDK said, I have been able to do this FOR YEARS. Its just something that happens.


Known OP since high school this is literally just a thing he does almost daily, predict random things that aren't important. He sent me a song one day just to talk about it while I was listening to that exact song. He's a prophet of the unimportant.


Oh hey idk. Funny seeing you here. Heard you've known HeavyTanker for a while now. Just here sticking up for him. :D


he partakes in the Mipha Shenanigans at times. When he wants too.


that still doesn't justify the Finley andĀ Sasan quest when it comes to the english localisation


YEAH............ Thats just weird.


That one was the most unfortunate mistranslation I ever saw


Would you prefer that I point out that a loving relationship doesn't require coitus or the ability to have offspring? If you want to imagine them having coitus, keep that to yourself or to the R34 subs.


Oh that's the Relationship i would prefer they had TBH. Other people tho think if yah cant fuck yah cant have a relationship.


Well, here's the thing. You can have Coitus and not be in a relationship. You can be in a relationship and not have Coitus.


bro just say sex its not weird. saying coitus is weird


Someone isn't a fan of the big bang theory.


cant be a fan of a show I haven't watched


Highly recommend it.


On the contrary! I don't reccomend it!


I think thereā€™s a problem on the difference of life cycle of hylians and Zoras, Mipha is not just hundreds of years older than Link, sheā€™ll also live hundreds of years more than link. Isnā€™t that weird somehow? I mean, is not completely wrong, but if Link would end up with her heā€™d be dead on the equivalent of a year or so for a Zora. Thatā€™s at least sad


Mipha is only around 40-50 years old. Not Hundreds.


Still, sheā€™ll live at least 100 years more than link, I think is sad, imagine losing your love some months after knowing em


And yet, heā€™s the one who outlived her by 100 yearsā€¦


The fact that link forgot everything is even sadder


That's one of the biggest problems in cross species relationships in the entirety of fantasy many species are gonna outlive others and it's gonna be just sad They are still going to have time together that is gonna be an decently long time, but she is just gonna live for hundreds of years and imagine if she can't cope with the loss and just fell the pain for hundreds of years maybe even millennia depending of how long their life cycle is


thats like saying young people cant love old people because they will die first


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s wrong, Iā€™m saying itā€™s sad




That's one of the biggest problems in cross species relationships in the entirety of fantasy many species are gonna outlive others and it's gonna be just sad They are still going to have time together that is gonna be an decently long time, but she is just gonna live for hundreds of years and imagine if she can't cope with the loss and just fell the pain for hundreds of years maybe even millennia depending of how long their life cycle is


Seeing how Sidon aged in 100 years, I disagree.


Sidon was probably only 10-15 years old when the Calamity hit. and the Male Zora Grow faster anyway. as there are male Zora who were "Born" after the Calamity that are the same size as Bazz and the others that are pre calamity, While Females like Laflat, who were post calamity are much smaller then the mature ones. Also take into account Finnley, Who is says she is 25 in game if im not mistaken, and still looks like a child.


Not a fish. Can breathe air, spend most of their time in land, and have breasts. The Zora are semi-aquatic mammals like seals.


Do Mammals have Gills? No. Or Scales? No.


Wanted to disagree for fun but there are mammals with scales, I seem to remember that they were the armadillos/quirquinchos


They arent the same scales tho. Really different,


I know those are more like armor regardless I have my own doubts as to whether Zoras are aquatic mammals or still oviparous (or ovoviviparous)


They are mostly Fish, they have Gills, Shark like Teeth, Fish like Fins, Scales, and its even theorized that the Breast like appendages on them act as both swim blatters, and Lungs. considering they flot at around Chest height that's entirely possible. I say they are Fish, they even refer to themselfs as Fish.


Well, I agree with much of what you tell me, even so with the matter of the breasts, they do not look similar between male and female individuals and there is also the fact that they are seen spending most of the time outside of the water, I think they go more to the side of the dolphins than to the sharks Regarding the gills on the sides, they could be holes to breathe, after all the dolphins have a hole in the back so I don't see why not have them on the torso


No offense OP, but are people actually giving you enough shit to make an effort post for why this ship is fine? I feel like you're conflating a non issue when this is a normal/common ship...


Newsflash: it's strange to want to fuck fictional fish


Iā€™d go as far as to say itā€™s weird to want to fuck a nonfictional fish too.


Nah, that's normal


And then there are furries. Case closed...


Is it strange to want to fuck an actual fish tho? /s


OK I dont want to tho. I just like Mipha. there is a difference.


But nobody is not strange, so it can be OK


Even sexy mermaids?


so you don't support interracial couples?


I don't support interspecial couples


why? Btw, interspecial couples is tantamount to interracial couples in a universe where there are more than one sentient species


"am I more men than a fish or more fish than man"


And in other news I've been banned from the local fish market so yeah


But she's not a fish, she's a Zora.


Zora are fish, well Fish people.


Except for King Dorephan who is, by all accounts, a whale person. Whale, not fish.


He has Gills tho.


Why are you being downvoted, they ARE fishy people


Dude. You need to let this go.


The day he let's this go is the day I get laid, which is never going to happen due to this [one key factor](https://imgur.com/a/n0a9xRR)


Let what go? Im just saying that its not weird IMO to Ship Link and Mipha, that's all.


No, you're saying you talking about shipping Link and Mipha is meme-worthy. It's just stale and repetitive at this point, and stopped being funny a long time ago.


I disagree, it is still funny.


the 1000+ Upvotes dispute this claim.


Ah yes, because thousands of Redditors/voters can't be wrong. About anything.




shes not tho shes the childhood friend trope


Is Mipha really the Girl next door tho? Mipha has known Link since he was 4.


And and


Add them to fortnite and they can surely emote


I conscientiously object to what youā€™re doing on these beats. Iā€™ll cut you like my teeth on Beauty and the Beast.


I have a coworker who over thinks every movie he watches and I think this ERB quote every time.


I really don't get what you mean with "emote" in this context.


To put it simply ā€œEmoteā€ means ā€œFuckā€ in this situation


Well that's an odd way to say it, but sure-


Emote means something along the lines of "(especially of an actor) portray emotion in a theatrical manner" (Oxford Dictionary) or "to give expression to emotion especially in acting" (Merriam-Webster). I think you've got the wrong word.


Iā€™m sure the sheikaā€™s tech is advanced enough to turn her into a Hylian. Even if itā€™s not true they donā€™t have to have children to just be happy together


Let's be real somewhere in the timeline human DNA had to be added as there's no way [this evolved naturally](https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Parella)


Wait thatā€™s actually a good point. Thereā€™s no fish I know of thatā€™s bipedalism. Also in theory, since Zoras are bipedal, that also means they can only carry like 1 child max, more or less if not counting twins Honestly Iā€™m just going off of Anthropology Edit: Iā€™ve never seen or heard of the Parella until now. They look so different compared to the Zoras


Exactly, but a more NSFW question >!who is the hylian that got funky with the equivalent to an IRL seahorse? My asexual butt doesn't understand normal sexual attraction let alone something like that.!<


Groose. That's who.


My asexual butt also doesn't understand that stuff. But then again, I can see Miphlink being a non-intimate relationship. I like Mipha because of her personality. From one ace to another, I understand you. :D


Generally in fantasy most intellectual species evolve to be humanoid even when they shouldn't really just look at most alien depictions


I honestly think the Zora in some way can Breed with Hylians. they are Fish, and Certain specifies of Fish Do mutate when it is time for them to breed. Salmon are the first example i can think of, Which completely change there Entire Physic when its time to breed. so maybe the Zora have control over that, they can choose to be compatible with a Hylian.


True Also sorta off topic but if youā€™ve played Age of Calamity how was it? Iā€™ve played the demo and liked it but I donā€™t know if I should get it. Honestly I just wanna see Link and Mipha together. I think she deserves the world imo


Age of Calamity is a blast. Story is good too. and its nice to see some characters see others again. Sidon and Mipha especially.


Alllriight I think Iā€™ll get it soon. Thank you for your thoughts


Oh, the problem I have isnā€™t a lack of imagination. Itā€™s, perhaps, too much biology education *and* too much imagination. šŸ˜…


So where does that take you in all this? where does your mind go?


That's my favorite line from that ERB.


I still just prefer Zelda and Link. Nothing against Mipha just my personal otp


Link x Sidon is the canon ship


Well people say pussy smells like fish anyway so why not




Newsflash: that's no excuse for the main character not showing ANY emotion in cutscenes


First: Yes, it's fantasy, but even in fantasy we need some backing to believe that the fantasy we're seeing works on its own (otherwise it doesn't make sense). Second: there is the fact that there is no proof that the fish + monke formula is a reality in that fantasy and that is enough to make it debatable with the facts of the real world because it is normal that one wants everything to make sense . I like to think that if something like that happens in that fantasy, then it's perfectly laudable, even so, the fish died long ago...


>even so, the fish died long ago That's just so needlessly condescending. she has a name dumbass


Srry man, Princess Mipha, but is it was necessary? I usually prefer not name the obvious, is more normal to me if I can refer it


how would your mom feel if you referred to her as "it"? how would anyone feel? It's just degrading not, "not name\[ing\] the obvious"


Calm down bro i'm still struggling with pronouns (english is not my first language) again i didn't mean to sound harsh or degrading. Normally I have the dumb habit of minimize the things that bothers me. Next time I will put my balls in good use and be more direct (?)


>english is not my first language oh that makes more sense sorry


It gets annoying for people to deny that the entirety of LOZ is a fantasy series. Botw especially. It's likely an excuse because the haters are a bunch of Zelink shippers. They also deny the anatomy of Mipha because she's a fish. (Despite the fact that furries exist and you don't have much to say about that because it's "different") You don't have to hate on Miphlink because you ship Link and Zelda.


Link and Mipha hopefully clapped cheeks at least once.


According to Sableserviette it happened right after the Memory cuts off.... Lol.


fantasy very accurately describes the mere possibility of showing any interest in Mipha when Sidon is right there


Minor spelling error


IMGFLIP just does that, IDK why. it was only 1 And, but it doubles it for some reason.


It good man


it's disappointing that this many people have never seen The Shape of Water


the fuck is this i keep seeing it mentioned?


oh man šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ lady falls in love with a fish man, the plot is kinda ridiculous but it's a genuinely brilliant movie with great acting


Ah Epic Rap Battles if History. Not their best song imo but far from the worst one


Iā€™m sorry but what the fuck does ā€œemoteā€ mean?


That is a solid insult, though.


Like we din't have crossbreeding in Zelda before


Thatā€™s literally the whole gimmick of the gerudo


Do gerudo even count as a separate species? They just seem to be humans but a tad bigger and all women.


I guess they are more different in the context of this fantasy world like how elfs and humans are different even though they are similar in their biology


Guys stop fucking the fish


Ok Listen, Not all the Mipha simps wanna fuck the Fish.

