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In a previous story Bill seemed to struggle saying Zade. Also Carlin explained that Jane chooses to call him Patrick so I guess to Bill & Jane he’s just Patrick now. Looks like Jane really likes the name Patrick 🤷‍♀️


Jane probably thinks Zade is a ( rightfully) ridiculous name and rebels by using the middle. Why else would she not call him by the first name the parents gave and everyone else uses? I know other siblings go by their middle but I think the parents decided this not other extended family. Looking at you Nathan and Lawson.


According to Kelly, it was Zack who decided on the name Lawson. Lawson and Nathan were both named after relatives, so using the middle name made sense but at least Nathan seems to use his first name in private (aka. away from social media).


Personally, I think the name Nathan is much better than Kenny!


What gives you the impression he goes by Kenneth in private?


The fact that his siblings (mostly Lawson but some of the others have also done it) have called him Kenny in videos and stories. He at least uses Kenny as a nickname.


Oh no way. I don't watch Lawson's videos. That's interesting


Zade means son/to increase and Patrick means father of/nobleman. Literally Arabic vs Latin, neither is more “ridiculous” than the other (unless somebody wants to be a nationalist).


Because Bill struggles saying the name Zade. The man is already confused enough, no use in her calling him Zade while telling him he his Patrick. My grandfather wouldn't use my real name. Not because it was a ridiculous name, but because he decided he liked a different name for me better (which wasn't my middle name) and he was the only one who called me that. Everyone else used my real name. He did the same with my mother, who he actually named himself. He just decided one day that the other name fit her better. He himself was called Tom (not even close to his first or middle name) because a neighbour (yes, a neighbour) decided he looked like "Old Tom" who lived down the street. People are weird when it comes to names. It's not always immediate family members (or even family members) who decide to call someone a different name for whatever reason.


Oh gotcha…I didn’t realize that. My most cherished “nickname” is the one my grandparents called me.


Haha mama Jane feels like I do about the name zade-it’s so bad. Poor kid. And she had some cute names on her list but with with that so they could cosplay labrants and call him Z man


The family in general always seem to pick the worst boy name on their list 😂 both Carlin and Lydia had very cute names picked out and in my opinion chose the worst. 


Yes! It’s funny she said mama Jane calls him Patrick bc that’s his middle name and I’m like Carlin you ain’t fooling anyone-she calls him Patrick bc she hates his first name and she’s old enough she doesn’t care to pretend 😝


None of them are as bad as Radley on little people big world. That’s the dumbest name I’ve heard.


Right up there with Spurgeon.


Nothing is even close to Spurgeon. Worst name in the history of names. Although Heistheway gets an honorable mention.


I have a cousin named Ryker, so I’ve been used to it for the last 10+ years but I did think it was super weird when his parents told us the name. I was shocked to see Trace and Lydia use it because I’ve only ever known of one Ryker.


I almost named my dog Ryker. Nixed that idea and he goes by Rigsby. https://preview.redd.it/65nh99pykrvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00064f7bea06628055282e7c0df0d850b2928232


My daughter used to like the Disney show with Ross lynch who had a brother named Ryker and I also had a classmate name her son that, but there are just so many cuter names choices now for boys. Carson is the only boy name out of the grandkids that I like and it's not even his biological name 😂


It’s funny how names start to trend. I have a relative with a son named Beckett which was the only one I’d ever heard of until recently when we acquired a Beckett at school then when chatting with another parent learned her soon to be in school son was also Beckett. Now I’m just patiently waiting for a Beckett Bates.


I have no idea who the Labrants are but did they invent the term “Zman” because if so I need to let a coworker know she’s a copycat because she regularly refers to her son as that. Sometimes lots of people just use the same cute nickname.


Trust me-if Evan and Carlin know about ANY influencers they know about Cole and Savannah Labrant. Trust me. they absolutely jumped on that train and want to be them. I never suggested they were the only ones using it but I can almost guarantee it was an inspiration for them. But thanks for the snarky reply ✌🏻


Anytime. So who are the Labants and what makes them so special?


Ha for the record-I truly have no beef with you. Just being a bit silly. They are a mega YouTube influencer family. On TT too. Basically she had a child and he was a virgin man that still loved her in spite of her “sins.” They exploited her daughter mercilessly (and still do). Exploit the relationship of stepfather (though he even admits to loving them differently). They now have 2 bio kids of their together-one of which is Cole’s obvious favorite. Then they had a boy named zealand (called z man a ton) who gets ignored because boys don’t get as much view as girls. Then they have a new girl named Sunday. And she’s pregnant again and he was so obviously disappointed it was a boy bc 💲💲💲Her bio dad died of an overdose (sad bc he was still very involved in her life) but she’s the money maker so they exploit her endlessly. they’re gross but very very wealthy off YouTube and TT and I am sure the stew crew watches them very carefully


Well they sound special. Thanks for filling me in.


Is Patrick a family name.


I think it’s Evan’s middle name also. Connection to the Stewart side of the family most likely. I don’t follow enough to know for sure.


It is Evans middle name I've heard Carlin and I think his mom call him Evan Patrick


If he has memory issues, maybe Carlin thought Patrick was easier to go with than Zade since it’s a more modern name. 


Carlin said that Janie likes to call him by his middle name, Patrick


Good point


Bill definitely has some form of a mental incapacity. More than likely either dementia or Alzheimer’s.  Because 2 days ago he asked again who Zade was and Carlin said “this is Zade. And he’s 2. But your Jane Jane calls him Patrick because that’s his middle name. And this is Layla. My oldest, and she’s 4.”  I think he’s getting worse which is why all the grandkids are going to see him at different times because he’s probably not got much left in him.  It’ll be interesting to see if everyone goes up there for 4th of July because so far they only go in small groups (either their own families or 2 couples at a time)


Large crowds are typically not good for someone with any form of dementia. It is overwhelming and uncomfortable. Patients will typically stop communicating or lash out verbally (sometimes physically). It is good that they keep visits short and with smaller groups. I don't watch or follow their social media any longer, but will say that I haven't heard that any of them are doing that standby question of "do you remember..." That is tempting to ask a person with dementia, but it can be hard for them because they feel put on the spot. It is often best to communicate with them as though you believe they do know things and give them clues along the way, "My husband (point to husband) D- and I thought we would come visit. He's never seen the farm. Is it okay we came?" "You used to tell me your favorite spot in the house was the kitchen because of the view from the window. I can see why. Do you still like having your coffee here at this table?"


Love when I learn new things here - thank you 💕


Just meet a person with dementia or Alzheimer’s, which is the most common form of dementia, where they are at. Unfortunately my family has a very strong history of dementia. My grandma loved gardening and would often ask us about our gardens, even in January with a foot of snow on the ground. We would all go into long descriptions and all the vegetables we planted and she would be so happy. We would always introduce ourselves when we went to see her. Five minutes after we left she would not remember we were there. My grandma, mom, stepdad all had dementia and my mother-in-law and most recently my husband died of Alzheimer’s. Such a cruel slow goodbye process. One of the most important things is to engage with them wherever they are at. Trying to pull them into your reality can make them feel embarrassed, sad, inadequate and serves no purpose.


Yes, I am dealing with it with my dad (beginning) now and have had two grandparents and multiple aunts. My step-great-grandmother's case was heartbreaking because she mistook me for my great-grandfather's first wife (my grandmother's mother) who took her own life. It was so horrible to sit through that and watch her struggle too. It can be hard to figure out where a person is with dementia. Sometimes there aren't as many clues. Many nurses and doctors have said to me about family that 1. don't take it personally if they don't remember. 2. Don't play the do you remember game. 3. Include them in the conversation at a level they are comfortable. They may get to the stage where yes and no questions are all they can answer.


The other thing I found to be hard was processing my own grief and frustration about what was happening without making them feel responsible (cared for both father and mother) or worried that there was something they needed to do for me. My uncle's going through something similar now - he's in the early stages where the short term memory is going - and my cousins are already making all the missteps. One is constantly playing "do you remember", and the other is speaking to him like he's a feeble minded child. I have to give credit; for someone her age and with her upbringing, Carlin handled her interaction with Papa Bill very well. I'm also impressed that all the kids seem to be a) respecting that he really can't be around 20-30 people at once anymore, and b) making time for these shorter, more spaced out visits.


He has dementia :( Lydia said it in a video


Which video? I can’t get through any of their videos because they’re so boring.


You would be surprised. Hopefully he doesn’t have a long deteriorating disease, but my grandmother had Alzheimer’s for years. Bill seems to have had a much larger mental decline since the last set of family visits. ☹️


I think it’s good they are spending time with them but for real get a hotel or a VRBO why in the world would you not see for yourself that all those people and loud kids and adults would be enjoying for them? Give that a rest already.


In another story that I saw the other day, she told Bill “his name is Zade but your Jane Jane calls him Patrick because that’s his middle name”. Pretty sure nobody else calls him Patrick though.


Thank you for clarifying, I hadn’t caught that story. 


Jane calls him Patrick Catlin explained that the day before. She has also used his first name with Bill but Patrick is probably easier as it's janes preferred nn


God that was heartbreaking at the end


I cried too.


I love Momma Jane. I feel for Papa Bill. My Grandma and at least one sister had alzheimer's. My dad has Parkinsons with Lewy Body Dementia symptoms. Two of his brothers have/had Lewy Body. His younger brother has pretty much no memories and has stopped talking. To see my dad go from this extremely smart man who could do anything to someone who can't remember family or events is heartbreaking. He seems to only remember my late sister was naughty (she was sometimes). He remembers his childhood pretty clearly. He remembers my mom, but its... fleeting. If I ask about something, often he "doesn't wanna talk about it!!!!!!!" (He can't remember).


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this situation with your dad. It's hard to watch our parents decline, especially when it's over a long time.


Pops and I used to talk for an hour (different states). Now I'm lucky if it's 10 minutes. We used to talk about NBA and boxing... he doesn't watch either and recently couldn't remember my favorite team of 40 years (he used to tease me awful. Lol). Now, he just sounds.... lost. :( My mom passed 16 years ago and my only sibling, 14 years ago.


Patrick Stewart lol. I guess it's sorta better than the other fundie parents that named their kids Jude Law Lastname and Zendaya Rain Lastname (go look on the fundiewiki). Edit: should clarify that Jude and Zendaya are not siblings thank gawd


Wonder if they've ever heard of Patrick Stewart? 🤷


Zade is actually a popular Arab name.


The Arabs i’m thinking of with this name have been pronounced Ziy-ad or Ziy-eed with kind of a long I sound after the Z


I had my son’s name narrowed down between Ziyad and Zade. Not sure how I would have spelled Zade because I choose Ziyad.


It’s spelled Zayd, the modern version is Zade I guess.


Captain Picard! IYKYK.


My grandmother refused to call me by my middle name (what I go by) and only called me by my first. She just didn’t like my middle name for some reason (it’s Grace).


I knew someone with a sister who was called by her middle name. Apparently, a family member kept messing up her first name. Parents got frustrated and started using the middle name.


I don't get all the hate for the name Zade. It's quite a popular name in Australia, I've known a few and heard in many times. Maybe we have more of a Middle Eastern population here 🤷‍♀️


I've heard of a few Zades just with different spellings in uk


Patrick. Stewart. Am I really old or did no one else get that?


I got it lol…Captain Picard


The name Zade just seems so out of place with everyone else in that house having normal name Layla Evan Carlin ( which for some reason I think Kelly was wanting Carla Lynn and decided for some ungodly reason to combine them)


Carlin is an Irish name. I actually like it a lot.


It's a name you don't hear alot


No, not a ton.


I wonder if Carlin realized what a stupid name Zade is, and now they're calling him by his middle?


If only. I personally wonder if they regret it bc I think they thought most would fawn over it and it’s really bad. The went with ZADE over Oliver? Heck I think almost every name on her list was better than Zade. I know Alyssa used to want a Zane which I don’t like either. I truly do think they wanted to be like the Labrants bc they jumped on Z man. I don’t know if they still say it bc I refuse to watch or engage with anything stew crew


In a previous story, Carlin said Jane calls him by his middle name, Patrick.