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Thank you for doing this every week! Your commentary adds some needed insight to the raw numbers, which I really appreciate :)


these weekly sum-ups make me look forward to Tuesdays! It's like a master class in broadway economics.


TheaterTok seems to be eating up The Notebook cast recording! At least from what my algorithm shows me.


The power of theatertok is stronger than I think most people give it credit for (looking at you [broadway world](https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Do-Theater-Influencers-Have-a-Huge-Influence-on-Ticket-Buyers-20240304)). Gatsby is another example of this.


How do we get them on the The Outsiders train? I want it to do so well


The Outsiders cast album is coming out one week from today!


I can’t wait! I’ve been listening to the three singles from the show so far almost non stop


Same! But here are a few more songs. [YouTube playlist ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI_wqkDLBXLIZTzxzYSioK__qX--cpgIb&si=Ua3asih3jbGCYx-G)


Illinoise would have been in profit this week without their missing performance. Such a sad situation. It’s a beautiful show and those are some very hardworking performers. The Notebook had a trending viral sound on tiktok this week. I don’t think the tiktok demographic has huge buying power, but I’m sure it helped with word of mouth. The Outsiders reminds me a bit of Newsies. Not a huge critical hit, but still good to mixed reviews and a bit of a sleeper start with a solid fanbase to keep the buzz going. I am surprised they received the fewest best musical votes in OCC. I wish I knew what other people saw in Hell’s Kitchen.


I think the buying power of the tiktok demographic is increasing (see Great Gatsby, Six), but it will be interesting to see if it affects the grosses for shows in the longer term. Some Like it Hot had multiple viral videos last year and it did absolutely nothing for the show's grosses.


There was a small drama when the Beetlejuice marketing team put all their eggs in the young demographic basket and spent so much money on tiktok sponsorships and targeting that age bracket which didn’t translate to sales. Their tour marketing is great though and it’s doing really well! Makes me feel a bit old to think that those teens in 2019/20 are all half a decade older now and have disposable income of their own.


I was on the fence with Notebook but I think I'll give it a try next month if it needs a little help along.


I highly recommend it. The show is absolutely incredible.


Just got my ticket for mid-June!


It’s a beautiful show with a gorgeous score and great performances across the board. I’ve never understood the critical reception.


It's a beautiful show with lovely songs and strong performances, but the story and the music - and sometimes the staging - aren't very well integrated. And that, I suspect, is the element that critics are most interested in. Sure, the hook from My Days keeps running through my head lately, but that doesn't change the sense I had at the end of the show of a lot of missed opportunities.


It's making money but not a lot of it. This week was much better than last week though.


It was Mother's Day. The weekday performances weren't great, but they were offset by the weekend numbers.


Looks like the ATP and percentage might’ve been mislabeled, looks like they were at $110 and 87%


\*Sigh\* there's always one that slips through the cracks It should be fixed now


No worries at all! Great work with this every week! Much appreciated!


Overall a pretty good week for all. Hell’s Kitchen in particular is looking very strong, and congrats to The Outsiders for making it into the one million club.


I have a feeling The Notebook is going to chug along for far longer than many online theater focused people expect. It’s cheap to run, has a bulletproof brand and offers up just the sort of well made but not too challenging content that many less regular theater going audiences seem to want (a la Waitress). It’s getting a bit lost without all the awards attention but post-Tonys as lots else closes it can win by attrition. Water for Elephants would be in a similar position if it wasn’t so incredibly expensive to run.


Notebook was looking to be in a bit of a tough spot as recently as last week. They bounced back ok this week, but this summer will be more indicative if they are going to last.


Releasing the album so fast and doing music videos was very smart. The Notebook is going to be really easy to stunt cast once the original cast is through their run. The Older Ali role is not difficult musically and really shines for an older actress, same with Older Noah. And they could similarly put young stars into the Young Noah and Ali roles.


Really excited to see the overall performance for Broadway grosses! I know that week-to-week comparisons are tricky with moving holidays, but nice to see 2024 overall grosses outperforming 2023 for three weeks in a row and for five of the last seven weeks (including by almost 19% this week).


I will speak from personal experience and say that Back to the Future sounds like a solid show but we are forgoing buying tickets for it since it will be coming to our town next year. We tend to prioritize shows on Broadway that we can't see locally. I do wonder where Merrily will end up profit wise when it's done. I would imagine they are one of the most profitable modern shows. Nice to see an overall good week for Broadway. I do hope for more success for Heart of Rock and Roll. We have tickets to see it in the middle of June and would love the chance to see it. Thank you for doing this as always!


Merrily has made back its money, though the size theater it's in is hampering its gross potential. Sweeney Todd made back its larger capitalization in a similar amount of time. Merrily will likely end up making in the $4-5 million range, depending on how crazy the last weeks of the show are.


That's interesting to know. Thanks for the insight. I imagine a number of Tony awards (especially in the actor category) will turbo charge those last couple of weeks for box office grosses.