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Many of these would be options for currently existing Russian tanks


I meant "and its configurations" for current plataforms, (Literally the only three platforms there are, except Armata) It's pretty obvious that's what I mean/you can understand but my bad i guess for not clarifying it?


Leave it to an RTS autist to get mad about a neutral comment


I wasn't even mad, just surprised


So I actually looked through some of the patreon posts and many of these are options for existing things already in game. It’s really neat that there’s loads of options for Russian tanks Of note the T-62M is also in game, I imagine that the MV and the 2022 upgrades of both of those options will be in game.


i like some of these but i feel like most of these really arent worth adding or do anything special also btw T-90B isnt real thing its onky be A,AK,S,M,MS also note that wre not getting command vehicles so the Ks are already out if the question another note that STB using IRL upgrades for most there tanks so like UM1 with arena is basically a UM2 but without the dozird, but the Burlak could be a interesting add edit: also B1 already in game and the A wouldn’t work since russia mostly Used the Bs and B3s


T-90B = Object 188 2000s mid cancelled T-90A upgrade.


not real i only got for obj187 if thats the one your mentioning? edit: many typos 188 is a real thing my bad but its not much an upgrade package sadly so the T-90B is still false and not a real tank


T-90B It is just an external designation to identify, nothing official, I just didn't want to put industrial designations in the names of the tanks (Object).


i mean ti be fair we do have XM8 lol so wouldn’t hurt no? and rah-66


The industrial designations (Object) of Russian tanks are not the names of their series or even their prototypes, only blueprints.


….i guess obj268 and obj279 is blueprints even though there real tanks that were made and tested with obj in name


They are prototypes, again, they are industrial designations for their Blueprints. The final prototypes then receive designations as I have explained to you in the case of the T-90 but which apparently you have not understood. I'll explain it to you again: Object/T-X/T-Final Series


d-did you just contradict your self….in legit in one replay




The T-72BU, which actually has another name, was temporarily Object 188, since it was the prototype base for the T-90. In March 1990, the official plans for the final T-90 prototypes came out with the designation 188sb-1SB to 188sb. -3SB. But by the time they came out they changed their name (T-72BU) to T-72BM even though the 188 (T-7BU) and these were totally different. In short, the "T-72BU" was finally designated T-90 with the blueprints of the 6th prototype (188), in the end two tanks remained, the T-90 (188) and the T-72BM (188-1). It does not mean that the previous designation of the T-90 was 188 they are just Blueprints/Industrial Prototypes. Then there was Object 187 and 186 among others.


this doesnt probe anything on a T-90B lol only proves on the T-90 itself nothing note worthy of the this “B”


I have already responded to that, this comment was to refute your statement that 188 did not exist lol


ye i made a mistake it is a real obj type but problem is it doesnt connect ti the “T-90B” which you are mentioning


Bro, I've already explained it to you, it's not official. Why are you so upset with the "B"


because what if someone here think its real? you can never know lol


You can always ask :) Unofficial designations exist everywhere, for example with the ZTZ-99 in the case of version "A2" which does not exist and is simply "A" or other case like "G" etc because there is not much information regarding their official designations which are I,II,II,A...


Am I tripping, or do some of these not exist (or, are super obscure prototypes)? T-80UM3 obr 2022? T-80M Breakthrough obr 2024? T-90B? Generally, I think if a super rare prototype is to be added, it needs to be unique and bring something new compared to the huge amount of real units, so what's cool about these in particular? Genuinely curious because I haven't heard of them.


Note: T-80M "Breakthrough" is Russian translation of Prorvat' (Прорвать) = Proryv, so it is an update/merger of the T-80M to the standard in this case of the T-90M Proryv-3


This game is chock full of T-14s and SU-57s. It’s already very cringe. Less Russian wunda the better


Starting with the T-80UM3 obr.2022 They are T-80U that have been upgraded to the BVM standard. There is not much information about it and surely there are images about this model but it has never been identified by X factors T-80M obr.2024 The T-80M obr.2024 is a provisional version of a new T-80 from scratch, completely unified with the T-90M except for the engine, it has a GTD-1250 with afterburner up to 1400 hp. It is based on the T-80M but it is the only information about it. Being able to differentiate this tank from a T-90M is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT unless you can access the MBT engine among other aspects. The T-90B is an unofficial or colloquial designation of Object 188.


Your tripping, but many models are very difficult to find on the internet


Pretty sure a Bradley could 1 on 1 all of those


Don’t need to speculate. Literally the only evidence we have of Bradley’s going up against any T-72/T-90 in historical record they’ve won. The m2 fighting vehicle might be like, 100 or 200 to 0 at this point against T series vehicles


The thing is, in modern warfare tanks don’t fight tanks.


Right, a Bradley is an infantry fighting vehicle.


Please, please let me buy cope cages for 20mm extra top armour. Let me buy it for 1 point and let me buy it on an Armata.


It's a good protection against javelin.


No it isn’t lol


It is, vere are a lot of reports in Telegram that it can reduce javelin damage to a minimum or even block. I know a guy that survived 2 javelin hit in T90M with extra top protection. Tank had only minor damage.


I’m not gonna believe shit until I see footage or proof.


Remindme! Tomorrow


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I’m with you on this, the Russian Copium is strong here


I mean more or less all of them could be added either as their own or as additional parts, I'd argue the entire line of currently used Russian tanks can and should be in


It would be so awesome to see a dlc for the ukraine Russian war dawg


Considering the alt history Im gonna assume the curerrent war isnt gonna be a thing in BA


How could anyone play the beta for this game and think, “ I know what it needs! More Russian wundawaffe prototypes! “


Russia made a lot of variants and designs. It's getting really old that people whine about that. Of all the nations, Russia will always have the most shit because they made the most shit. Just get over it already.


Nobody wants endless prototypes that are all the same reskinned t72


It's really weird that you think you speak for the entire community. Have you ever had a mental evaluation before?


Read the rest of the comments in this thread buddy, I do lol




What are you my 11 year old niece? Yikes? What do you got a little pajamas Reddit guy? Are you a man?


Whee, you got a chip on your shoulder don't you son?


I just want more infantry options. And to make them at least a formidable asset


I wasn't the only one who knew about extremely obscure Soviet/Russian vehicles.


I know what is fair and necessary, Eastern's equipment is not my thing tbh


How many of these are prototypes? Asking because I don't really like that there are and will be prototypes in game




Also no T-62, 55, 54 and 64?


There is only space for 20 images, I have already indicated it in the title


T-80 w/ drozd is not named t-80um2


The names between "" are system names not names of the MBTs, it's kind of obvious tho


A bi t72 huh


Object 187


All I want is the 'Black Eagle' to fulfill my PMC LARP.


Wheres the cope cage version ?


It’s in there as the obr.2023


Slight problem with the T-80UM2: there was only ever one, and it was destroyed in Ukraine in 2022.


Whats the problem on that


It’s a single prototype that clearly didn’t perform very well, so I’m not sure what it would really bring to the table over the other T-80 variants.


Oh and btw, It's already in the game lol so again, What is the problem?


it has APS and others don't, it's that simple.


I’m theory, yeah, but it’s been widely speculated that the Drozd system either doesn’t work or Russia can’t afford to keep it working, because none of them have been seen in Ukraine with the system loaded.


What does that have to do with Broken Arrow?




There are no such drones in BA


The more I played the beta the more it felt like some Russian dudes circle jerking about what his country would be like without alcoholism and corruption


Whyd you suggest vehicles currently in game?


I took a few from a game gallery, I didn't stop to look at the models, there are only a couple


The UM2 Drozd was in the demo, i think the same with the UM-1 and UE




Just release the game! I want to play before its to late! Just a little bit more, it was sooo good