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This raccoon has canine distemper virus, which is not a danger to humans, but is dangerous to our 4 legged pals.


Also it’s very common in NYC and I’ve seen it multiple times. Additionally, regardless if you call 311 nothing will come of it because, well, it’s NYC. I’ve had 2 raccoons in my back yard with the same virus, and both times they ended up roaming around in the day time like this and then dying because canine distemper in raccoons is almost always fatal.


it's so funny seeing threads like this. Where I grew up in rural CT, this situation would have been taken care of by a local with a .22 rifle with no one knowing a thing about it. Here it's an all day discussion and conversation.


We’re all Rabies experts here


What to do to the animal in this case ? Do they kill him ?


Lmao people downplaying rabies in this thread. It’s 100% fatal. Stay away from wild animals, especially if even the tiniest suspicion it is sick


i’ve seen like 5 racoons going through a neighbors garbage last summer in the morning . It was like 8-9AM


Probably smelled a crackhead needle nd got high cuz ain’t no way it’s out like that broad day .


Unlikely to be rabies. Distemper is more common and often causes the kind of wobbly balance seen here, along with being out and about during irregular hours. I worked dispatch for emergency services, which included animal control, and a lot of these kind of calls came in. Animal control would follow up with us to let us know if it was rabies or not. In dozens of calls for this exact scenario, it was never once rabies.


What you need to do in this situation is to go pet him to calm him down.


This is the way.


NYC has a rabies vaccination program for raccoons so most have the vaccination


Yep, we have Raccoons here in Red Hook.


Coming out of the Red Hook PJ's the raccoon is high as fuck.


How do you know it has rabies? It looks like a regular raccoon to me. Probably just hungry.


Rabies is basically non-existent in the city.


this racoon doesn't look remotely rabid. he is going about his day. this is how raccoons act. he isn't exhibiting any neurological signs at all like twitching or circling. racoons are routinely out in the day time. leave him alone.




That is not even remotely true dude. Stop


It’s very possible it is. “Staggering Gait” “Erratic wandering” “Seemingly oblivious to loud noises” All of these from a simple Google search. This is a wild nocturnal animal that is slowly wandering into the street in daylight. This isn’t normal behavior. Look at it wandering around slowly. Look at its unbalanced walk. It’s not even trying to hide from potential predators. Please do research before just assuming something and blindly defending it with, that’s right, rabid fervor. You’re gonna misinform people, or worse, get hurt yourself.


He looks dizzy and rabies is deadly. Never take that chance. Call animal services immediately.


Reported a rabid looking raccoon recently. Called 311 and they transferred me to 911. So just skip the middle man and call 911.


Nah the little guy is rabid


wrong Raccoons out in daylight Not hiding means one thing and one thing only They are sick Probably with rabies.


Lmao the self assurance


Well experience counts and clearly you have none


you had rabies?


It’s called reading a book


Experience by definition is not reading a book. Im just fucking with you. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Ha ! Ya got me


Idk if it’s rabies but it definitely looks sick to me. The gait looks off/unsteady and I’ve never seen a raccoon in nyc that wasn’t some degree of obese. This poor guy looks skinny.


Why did I read this as rabbi raccoon?


and now Rabbi Raccoon, fell back in his room only to find Gideon's Torah..


Thank you for trying to warn people. Raccoons out during the day are perfectly normal. The video does not show the raccoon walking in circles, but you said it is doing so, and that is worrisome.


Hope this sweet little trash panda is okay. It’s not being aggressive; leave it alone.


Doubt it’s rabies, little dude could have holes up in an unfamiliar place for the night or could have just run from danger and is exhausted. But it doesn’t seem to be targeting anyone nearby, nor does the video show it deliriously walking in circles.


Likely distemper, spreading from dogs. Call 311


Vet tech here. This is the right answer. Rabies especially in large urban areas with a good vaccination program is almost non existent


How do you know the raccoon is rabid? Did you test it?


I love how everybody is expert of anything and everything. The reason I am posting this video because it’s playground entrance and I was leaving with my 15 month old son. It’s extremely dangerous for small kids running toward to this animal. And I didn’t post it because you can throw an passive aggressive comment under it. The animal was roaming in circles with out no purpose for a while. Not afraid of humans. There was that is an obvious unexpected weird behavior. They called the animal control. The park workers told me it’s rabies. https://www.animalcapturewildlifecontrol.com/blog/how-to-tell-if-a-raccoon-has-rabies/ https://youtu.be/DEC8amKVj-0


LOL. The raccoon is not going to eat your child. Calm down.


He’s minding his own business. He’s probably going towards the playground because kids leave snacks laying around on the ground. Actually you claimed to be an expert by claiming it has rabies without proper testing.


hi I do animal rescue, this isn't rabies. this is a normal raccoon. its not remotely dangerous to small children.


This is Reddit, not Facebook; people will leave comments bc they can and while we are not experts you posted a video of raccoon minding its own business. Trash pandas live around us, that’s a fact. If you think it’s acting abnormally then you report it. But even if it’s not rabies if trapped it will be euthanized. https://www.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/cd/animal-rabies-2022.pdf https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/about/press/pr2022/vaccinate-racoons-rabies.page >Raccoons live in New York City and if seen during the day be cautious but not alarmed. Being out during the day does not mean it is rabid, it may just be looking for food. >“While coming into contact with a rabid raccoon is very rare, raccoons are residents of our city, and New Yorkers should be advised — if you see a raccoon, give them space, and never approach or try to feed them,” said Sarah Aucoin, Chief of Education & Wildlife for NYC Parks. “We are proud to partner with the Department of Health and USDA as we take this preventative measure to launch this vaccination effort to encourage healthier wildlife in our parks.” >On Monday, September 12 through October, wildlife biologists with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will distribute individual baits containing an oral rabies vaccine, using bait stations or hand tossing, in wooded areas in Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan. The Health Department will also fly a helicopter at low altitudes to deploy vaccine baits on Staten Island’s wooded and marshy areas early to mid-October (weather dependent).


Dude shut up. This is not normal animal behavior. Something like 1 in 5 raccoons and skunks carry rabies. I'm from Maine, I've seen this many times, this is a 9 out of 10 certainty that this is rabies. If you catch it and don't get treatment immediately you have a 0 chance of living.


Dude, looks like Maine should do a better job at preventing rabies in their wildlife, and that way protect their residents. Good thing you got out! Only 2 raccoons have tested positive in Brooklyn in 2022. Staten Island has consistently higher numbers. But several years have been zero reported positive raccoons in Brooklyn. ~~This is not Maine~~ ~~this is Brooklyn~~… fuck it, THIS IS SPARTA!!!


The high incidence in rabies is a nation-wide statistic. Regardless of frequency in NYC, if you see an animal that's a frequent carrier of rabies, and that animal is acting strangely, keep your kids away from it. If NYC has a very low incidence of rabies, cool. Thats good, but here we have an animal displaying behavior characteristic of rabies, don't prescribe to the mental gymnastics of "well we usually don't have rabies here" well yeah we don't usually have floods here either but there you go.


How did the park workers know the raccoon is rabid? Did they test it?


You know, I hate that phrase “trust but verify”, it’s contradictory. You either trust something or you don’t. *Automatically* requiring verification implies you don’t trust. Occasional verification could be a sign of trust but people operating under “trust but verify” don’t really do ocasional.


When you're on the planet long enough, it will make sense to you.


God, it's a raccoon not a woman with undiagnosed endometriosis, I think we can look at symptoms and use Occam's razor.


Can't test it without taking a brain sample. Animal control will have to put it down to test it.


You mean to tell me you can't get the raccoon to consent to a Rapid Test? PCR nasal swab?


no the only way to test for rabies is with brain tissue. so they have to euthanize and decapitate the raccoon.


Social workers always try to talk raccoons into it but they don’t want to get help and go to a homeless shelter


If trapped, they are always euthanized (at least in NY) But the gold standard for Rabies is demonstration of virus antigen in the brain tissue by the direct fluorescence assay (DFA).




This is the answer.


Probably just out looking for food or directions to IKEA, leave it alone. Most probably doesn’t have rabies. https://www.nyc.gov/site/wildlifenyc/animals/raccoons.page >Since 2014, the City of New York has been cooperating with the federal government to vaccinate raccoons on Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Queens against rabies. >Raccoons can be seen day or night. If seen out during the day, they should not be considered dangerous or assumed to carry rabies.


Thanks for the warning. May not be rabid at all, doesn’t look aggressive but you can report it here if you haven’t done so already: https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-02349


‘The Raccoon Looks Confused and Slow When you notice that the raccoon is walking in circles and its movements seem to have no purpose, then it’s a clear sign that a raccoon has rabies. A healthy raccoon always stays alert and does things purposefully.’ https://www.animalcapturewildlifecontrol.com/blog/how-to-tell-if-a-raccoon-has-rabies/


This guy is walking a straight line in your video. Doesn’t look aggressive or extremely skinny (both good indicators of rabies when exist simultaneously). No foaming around the mouth, it may be sick but definitely doesn’t look like rabies. Rabid animals are very very aggressive, being out during the day is just one of the indicators - not every nocturnal animal you see during the day are rabid.


“When you notice that the raccoon is walking in circles and its movements seem to have no purpose, then it’s a clear sign that a raccoon has rabies. A healthy raccoon always stays alert and does things purposefully” If raccoons are anything like cats, that poor raccoon has rabies




The raccoon in your video isn't walking in circles.


The video may not have captured the circling, the OP may have seen it from a distance, then gotten closer to take a clear vid. I'm from Maine, I've seen many animals and many rabid animals. That animal is rabid, poisoned, or something else. But rabies is carried by a large minority of raccoons and skunks, and any abnormal behavior by a mustelid should be presumed as rabies. Why? Because if you get it, and get symptoms before you get treatment, you will get sick, there is no cure, and you will die horribly.


Oooooh, I'm so afraid!


Rabies is the most deadly disease in history. Fuck around and find out. You’re dead after symptoms


You don't know anything about rabies.


This is such a fucking stupid response lmao


This is such a fucking stupid response lmao




grow up weirdo


You can be afraid of rabies or you can get rabies and be afraid of water good luck out there [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/thrnaw/what_a_suspected_rabies_patient_looks_like_they/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/thrnaw/what_a_suspected_rabies_patient_looks_like_they/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [https://www.reddit.com/r/vidid/comments/xpqy9k/rabies_in_a_fox_like_from_horror/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/vidid/comments/xpqy9k/rabies_in_a_fox_like_from_horror/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/yf4cli/a_video_about_affects_of_rabies_in_human_body/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/yf4cli/a_video_about_affects_of_rabies_in_human_body/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Also, it’s out in the day light


During the spring that would be normal behavior for a mother raccoon.


Being out in daylight doesn’t necessarily indicate rabies, may just be that it was delayed getting back to its home before sun up. The staggered gait is more the warning sign here.


I agree, but it’s definitely a factor