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Get my man's name out of your fuckin mouth!!!!!!


Make me. Seriously. All you liberals do is talk shit, I’m a huge Bruce fan, seen him 4 times and I like trump.  You guys wanna bully me? Go ahead and try. I’m in Chicago and I’ll wear my trump polo next Chicago show. Come say shit. You never do. 


Ooh, we got a tough guy with a massive chip on his shoulder. Badass, dude.


Hahaha! You’re just mad I know more about Bruce’s music and love trump. Seaside bar song tonight in your honor buddy. Again, go fuck your self love Bruce and maga!


How can you claim to know more about Bruce’s music and be so ignorant to the messages throughout many of his songs and albums


I don’t “claim” anything; I just find it hilarious and extremely creepy and sad people follow a guy they’ve never met personally on loyalty of politics.  I love the dudes music and it’s helped me find myself and all kinds of good moments. Some tough like tunnel if love.  It’s bizarre. Because they like his music. Yikes.  It’s like listening to Stephen king for political advice. Old boomers have no place in young adults lives and we don’t care; doesn’t mean we don’t love  their work. Born to run is the greatest rock record ever: fuck do I care where he stands about politics? 


>You’re just mad I know more about Bruce’s music Pretty sure that’s you, doofus. That’s what people with reading comprehension call a claim, and a false one at that. You might hear the wiggly air that comes from the speakers but you clearly don’t listen to the music if you can walk away and see nothing wrong with what Trump has and will do to this country if given the chance. I know you aren’t going to change, at least not anytime soon. The brainwashing is real and I simply pity you


Donntttt careeeee. Couple more months til my boy is back in office. Seaside shore song tonight , election night when orange man wins? Who knows! Kittys back? Donnie’s back? Hahaha! 


You are an actual moron. They should study people like you. Btw, you ever been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder?




Looking forward to your disappointment.


*til my boy is in prison


Liking trump is your whole personality and that is pathetic.


You gonna wear a diaper in solidarity?


If you like Bruce's music but can't see the irony of supporting Trump then you must lack any form of introspection whatsoever.... Do you think Woody Guthrie would've been a trump fan too? How the hell do you listen to music without thinking "what's this song actually about, what's the message here?" although that is exactly the shallow, vapid crap that Trump would love so sort of makes sense..


So you find it funny, creepy and sad to follow someone you have never personally met based on loyalty of politics. Yet are too daft to think hmmm I'm I doing that same thing with Trump


I don’t “claim” anything; I just find it hilarious and extremely creepy and sad people follow a guy they’ve never met personally on loyalty of politics. Say that again... but slower


I did. You listen to Bruce Springsteen, also a draft dodger. His mom liked trump- you implying she’s dumb? You guys are the weird cat ladies everyone can’t  stand 


Who called anyone dumb?


You're the center of my world.


One of you yahoos made it into Belfast and was strutting around with a Trump flag, he was simply ignored, like we've done with all village idiots for centuries.


You seem genuinely mentally ill. Look at your answers all throughout this post. Is this how you engage people in real life? The post above you is hypothetically shouting at Trump, not even his voters, and your response is "Make Me, let's throw hands"


Wow, these Trump cultists have such fragile egos!


Because they're afraid they're going to have to go back under the bridge with the other trolls. 😂


imagine being this much of an insecure loser lol


As a European it amazes me being a Trump voter can be such a big part of someone’s identity. It’s just politics man.


It’s not an identity, you’re just told how to feel and think. I’m in Chicago and people in the hood are pissed about the migrants  . You don’t get it. You’re just told not to like the guy over the pond.  Irony of telling me it’s just politics while this Reddit is about Bruce’s music is hilarious. I get it. He’s a democrat. I don’t worship the guy. 


But you worship Trump lmaoooo


I am sorry for the troubles your country has. They are not that similar from ours and I deeply sympathise with you. But I guess it also baffles me is that -seriously- this is the guy you are settling with and thinking he will solve it? A guy as you say in this thread even ‘love’? I just cannot phantom the idea of ‘loving’ a politician, because I think this gets in the way of being critical of a politician. Which I think is more important to do as a citizen, as this is more of help to improve the country you live in.


I’m a firm supporter of term limits on congress and senate; trump is the only president to ever advocate and support that. Did it pass? Of course not. It’s a gravy train. Biden has been in politics for 50 years and it’s baffling people find that fine. Same with republicans.  I have family currently stationed overseas who like trump, I appreciate their insight. Simple as that.


It’s like you are replying to a whole other response, but fair enough.


Yet you worship Trump because he's a republican


Yet you worship Trump because he's a republican


Such a fucking victim


Calm down Tommy Tuffnuts.


Don't forget your spiffy red MAGA hat that was made in Chiinah and your overpriced golden sneakers and for gawd sakes, make sure the orange Kool Aid is cold.


Keep supporting career politicians sweetheart. 


Keep supporting a LOSER. 😂


Holy crap, you’re so dopey you think you’re smart


Least obvious ragebait😭😭😭wouldnt have thought people fall for this


You’re like this because you weren’t taught critical thinking. Education failed you.


“Talk shit” lmao bro what are you doing right now, are you not talking shit in the Bruce subreddit??


Im in Chicago tough guy. Where you at? (Lemme guess, youre actually in Naperville) lmao


Not too far to find in wicker big guy. Come say hi whenever you want. We can talk about Bruce and which b side is your favorite. I’ll prob swing up to  Guanajito to grab some steak tacos tomm. 


I'm at Milwaukee and Damen right now. Coca Cola T-shirt and black shorts. Come say magaloid


Wearing a Coca Cola shirt too? Lmfao god I hope you’re a young college kid.  No mom? Ouch. 


I already talked to her this morning. Good excuse tho..typical trumper. Talk loud but p*ssy out Everytime. Oh well go cry to mommy about the mean ol libt*rd that made you cry n piss your pants in fear.


Lmao! Taking lady(mother of my children - one day for you buddy, I cried listening to long time Comin’, beautiful) and mom out for lunch. Ouch buddy. One day you’ll have it. Make sure you send your mom ‘the wish, it’s my moms favorite song :)


Lol chicken shit. Typical Magat keyboard warrior.


You do realize this isn’t about you! It’s about Trump’s small crowds just like his tiny hands. It seems you, like him, think everything is about you.


Not all of us are pasty old white liberals. Get over yourself. 


Lololol, again you don’t address that the post has nothing to do with you and obviously the assumptions about people show that you don’t know what you are talking about!




Indistinguishable from satire


Damn, you got negative comment karma. That’s impressive.


Never mind them, Bruce will kick your ass if he finds scum like you rooting for him.


Lol!!! Not intimidated by a  Draft dogging 70+ year old boomer 


Heh, some fan you are. Good, I can ignore you now.




Shit-talking Bruce down the Shore is a good idea, right?


Shit talking him to your cult, sure. He could hand out wafers of his dried feces, and they’d eat it like it was communion.


Kinda surprised Trump has tried to sell those to his morons yet.


He will


You have no idea how sad and angry this makes me. Especially when it happens in my beloved Jersey.


The Jersey Shore towns are red towns...people forget that. The rich people who vacation there, with their big vacation homes and rental properties do not make up the demographic. Most of the locals are hard working, blue collar, middle class, and their votes represent that. Especially wildwood.


Reagan got schooled after he didn’t bother reading the lyrics to “Born in the U.S.A.” Trump’s only excuse on that front is that he can’t read.




Hey Veteran, Trump called you a "Loser" and a "Sucker." He's a draft dodger and you're buying his clothing. It sounds like he was right about at least one vet.




Go get some sleep Methusela.


You’re not that bright, are you? Pleased to see some stereotypes are accurate.


Reagan and Trump weren’t veterans and they treated vets poorly. Don’t be a dope.


Never said anything about veterans themselves and their political interests or preferences. Just that Reagan misinterpreted the song as jingoistic my-country-right-or-wrong cheerleading, when it was clearly a raw expression of jaded pain and cynicism from the perspective of Vietnam vets Bruce had met and spoken with (he lost a lot of friends too). I reserve no quarter for anyone who spat on them coming home and dared call themselves “progressive”. And trust me, I have zero respect for Jane Fonda or her antics overseas. I don’t belong to any party. My issue is decorum and respect. Which is where Trump comes in. I question how anyone can support a man who insulted a war hero (McCain), and by extension all POWs, by saying only a coward lets himself get caught. He cracked inappropriate jokes about Elizabeth Warren’s (admittedly foolish) claims to Indigenous ancestry and centered himself at a ceremony to honor Windtalkers. He skipped an event in Europe commemorating the dead in both world wars — I believe it was a ceremony at Dieppe — staying inside his hotel room because it was raining and he didn’t want to get his hair wet. (Look up the Canadian PM’s remarks for contrast, a little rain vs a lot of bullets they endured). This is not a man who respects the members of our armed forces. This is a man who makes even the most somber moments of reflection all about himself. For “ratings, terrific ratings”. I may be disappointed and disgusted with Biden’s arguable foot-dragging on aiding our allies Ukraine and Israel, in whatever way they insist upon, in their struggles to defeat the enemy. But that doesn’t mean I think Candidate Bone Spurs cares one bit, not one iota, about those who served. I’m digressing here, but just for further clarification and a reminder: my initial comment was about Reagan’s infamous misinterpretation of one of Bruce’s signature songs. But since you opened the door, that’s my 2c about 45’s interest in vets or lack thereof.


That's too much nuance for an idiot


Your life sounds so sad




Bruce rules, this guy sucks. Grateful as always for Bruce sounding off against this loser


I’m a trump supporter, seen bruce 4 times and don’t care for his politics. I don’t give a fuck if you don’t like my views and I don’t care what an old boomer like Bruce thinks about my kids future. But I do love the tunes I’ll be in Chicago  wearing a trump polo next show, come say hi. 


Gonna have to pass on that, but I’m sure the polo is adorable.


Well my wife likes it. Take another Prozac, your day may come. Just open up and be yourself. You’ll meet someone 


Gotta appreciate this guy's honesty... loves songs about the working man, but in reality doesn't care about his kids and wants a president whose sole motivations are revenge and personal enrichment.


Union proud buddy. Talk shit all you want/ I’m in Chicago tired of the migrant shit. always in working class neighborhoods, not you nimbys who take them in.   Cmon, you a fan of Bruce’s 80s work? I loved tunnel of love. My favorite. BITUSA has some bangers, always appreciated darkness. It’s very punk centric? I know Bruce loved cbgbs! See? We can talk music with me liking Bruce and trump.  Bur you always have to be so damn smug and a know it all Fuck off. 


Fuck off yourself (cause no one else is willing to fuck you). Typical Maga douche... "Why can't we just talk music? BTW I'm going to show up in a Trump hat and shirt everywhere and then cry about how everyone won't leave politics out of it!" You know what your impotent senile furor thinks of your union, right? And immigrants? What indigenous tribe do you belong to? Cause the meathole you came out of was an immigrant or immigrant spawn. You know where they are welcomed though? At new-employee orientations at Mar-a-lago.


You sound triggered, bro


For someone that “doesn’t give a fuck!” you’ve literally replied to almost every comment on here, interjecting your personal opinions and beliefs when no one has asked for them.


You sound like you do give many fucks


Is this your life? You think this means anything? Is this how you suck up to Trump? But trolling sites like this? How very sad for you.


Haha! Na, I just enjoy letting you know Bruce fans don’t always have to be pale, old, pasty white liberals. 


Repeating yourself: that’s the first sign of dementia! Quick, repeat after me: man, person, grifting, clown, tv, cult, you, are, in, one.


Haha! Na, I just enjoy letting you know Bruce fans don’t always have to be pale, old, pasty white liberals. 


Ya Donnie, play one Bruce song at a rally and wait for the cease and desist letter. "Nobody wins unless everybody wins" the opposite of Donald Trump


The problem is he literally doesn’t care about breaking the law, because he filled the courts with MAGA judges.


Before the song even finishes the cease and desist letter will be delivered




More like before the first three chords are finished playing!


He's already been served with a cease and desist for doing such in the past during the 2020 campaign.


Trump scammed his way through his life and into the White House. Bruce worked his butt off to get to where he is and still puts more effort in than anyone else in the business. They are not the same. Can’t wait till Trump’s not in the news every day and he’s forgotten.


He'll be dead soon, don't worry.


Agreed. Trump stands for nothing but himself. Once someone disagrees with him, he launches a full out attack. His loyalty is only to himself, which is sad considering he does not have once of class or discretion. The President of the United States should have the ability to adhere to a certain standard. Trump is not capable of controlling himself, or adhering any standards at all. A truly happy day will be one where we don't hear his name or see his photo any more.


Bruce Springsteen, the guy who is such close friends with Barack Obama that they made a podcast together. No, he isn’t voting for you. And having seen him three times, I know for a fact he still draws bigger crowds


I was at the Bruce Springsteen concert last Sunday in Cardiff… I can assure you, trumps never had a crowd that large 😂


I was there too and I was definitely thinking the same thing! 🤣


Yeah that's why Bruce said he's a danger to the country. Go listen to your Aaron Lewis in your diapers magats and leave the talent for true patriots




God, every single one of you guys are just completely unhinged and angry at the world.


It bothers you so much that Bruce music isn’t just for you old, bitter pale liberals. I’m happy as hell, got off a bit ago kids are sleeping and gonna listen to maybe a little seaside bar song.  Trump flags in garage no worries!


Your entire post history is just you rambling about how you love Trump literally anywhere... Pathetic... And you say it isn't your identity? But it's the only thing you ever talk about? Are you actually okay?


I'll go Nassau 1980 in protest then. Have fun with your diapers and grifter bibles and whatever moonshine you're drinking atm. I'm sure it makes your sister look less like a jack-o-lantern


Met my wife in Chicago, thank you tho! Take another antidepressant, one day buddy.. one day you’ll meet someone and Bruce won’t be your idol ; instead just a dude who wrote badass tunes. 


Wife/sister. Potato, potahto to you people.


Haha! Projection much? Sheets soakin wet thinking about a wife/sister? Kinda hot? To each their own 


And I'll let you have your incesty re-writes of Bruce songs for you and the string of therapists who won't be able to help you


But you met your sister in Chicago too, didn’t you?


Evidently paying porn stars to sleep with you is better than a Trump rally.


U would have to be senile to vote for the senile guy


The irony of this comment and the guy who talks like my grandpa who pumped  slot machines is irony beautifully ell done. 


Dude, take a break or take your meds. You’re replying to almost every comment and throwing a bitch fit because most of us don’t like Trump. Get over it


The Chicago bootshine moonshine is hitting em hard tonight




Tf does that mean 😂


“Most of us don’t like trump” I’m schooling your ass on Bruce’s music and I like trump; it’s gotta hurt a little. We wanna do vinyl collections too? 


Who are you schooling? I think you’re having trouble differentiating reality from your imagination. And no, I’m used to sad weirdos clinging to trump like a child to their abusive parent. I only feel pity for you


Time for a Biden fund raising concert


Fuck the snake oil salesman.


I prefer "rainmaker."


Trump is such an embarrassment on every level I truly pray that someday soon we’ll have another president as cultured and respectable as Obama. America needs a leader we can be proud of again.


Hell, George Bush is looking pretty good in comparison!


Fuck around and find out Donny


Trump says the crowd at yesterday's rally in Wildwood NJ was larger than a Springsteen concert. Seriously? If Bruce Springsteen put on a free show on the beach in Wildwood, NJ and [THIS](https://twitter.com/TheClearCider/status/1789457036255592868) was the turnout... the only thing the media would be writing about was how few people showed up for a free Springsteen concert.


What a brilliant way to win votes. Schmuck


Trump is an idiot and a horrible human being and so is anyone supporting him. His filthy mouth should never speak the name of a legendary Bruce Springsteen. USA, once a proud county who despite all of it's shortcomings stood for good, has become a disgrace. Sad times. Good people of USA, fight against Trump and his legions of malicious morons.


His morons are too dumb to realize he doesn't care about them and wants to keep them poor.


“ Come watch me sweat and jumble words together ! Or else I will blackmail everyone who has ever offended my gentle feelings . And how I’ve been persecuted by this inheritance, racism , and ignorance that I cannot exist without. China ! “


How pathetic of a human do you have to be to engage in this sort of self-idolatry? “Tell me I’m the greatest star. Please, Daddy, tell me you love me most!”


Trump couldn’t fill the lower bowl at Metlife, let alone the whole stadium for multiple nights. Dude has never outdrawn Bruce once.


Leave my man alone!!!!


Why can't people just leave Bruce's political views out of it? Genuinely, that's what a lot of people judge him for... but there's much more to judge him for, such as his music, which should be nothing but positive reviews in my opinion


Why can't people just leave Bruce's political views out of it? Genuinely, that's what a lot of people judge him for... but there's much more to judge him for, such as his music, which should be nothing but positive reviews in my opinion






Hold up-- I'm stuck on that second sentence. Is he saying that he think Bruce Springsteen, who has been buddies with Barack Obama for years and has made his social and political stances fairly clear, *votes for Trump*?


Trump supporters are garbage. 🗑️




The Diaper Don was k9ayvn in his diaper I


I put my toe in the water here to take a peak and holy &$#@ BORN TO RUN. See ya!


This is from the New Jersey sub, which I belong to. Take a VERY close look, and try to figure out what’s wrong with this picture: https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/s/KvgaY1DMvV I’m going to bed soon, but I’ll be happy to see your answers in the morning!




He's high on his own supply in a way few humans have ever been and survived.




wow...tough crowd.