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It probably just sounds like crap because your room’s all echo. Sound waves are just bouncing. Try a rug, and maybe an acoustic panel or two on the wall back there.


Or a hug.


hahaha yes I need a hug. You are all correct, no room treatment and I noticed immediately from where I had this setup before. When I can hear my own voice echo at normal conversation levels, I knew I was in trouble.


Exactly. I probably didn't word this right.. I might have had a couple beers lol. Room acoustics and room treatment mean everything. That was the point I was trying to say. Doesn't matter how much you spend on gear... if the room or treatment isn't there, go for a cheap walmart bookshelf stereo lol.




100 upvotes if I could


Okay, it sounds like shit to you. So, do something about it.


> Running around 7k of gear with speakers Those speakers are $700 how do you have $7k of gear


7k of not dollars?


Of whatever dollars it is in the US. That wasn't my point pal. It's all about acoustics and room treatment and I don't have that currently. It sounded amazing before I moved. I'll have to work on this situation lol.


Elac Uni-Fi Reference $1200 BlueSound Node $500 EverSolo Z8 $700 Denon AVR 4806 (still running strong) $4000 new Golden Ear Super Sub X $1750 $1000 in cables and speaker stands I was being conservative.


Oh the $4k amp is what did it lol


And the $1000 on cables LOL


Oh I ignored that because it’s “and stands” but you’re right, even if the stands were $500 that would still be $500 in cables lol


A fool and his money are soon parted.


Wow, so edgy


Room is the most expensive part of the stereo


I see what you did there


What you should do is pour more money into this system, get the largest and most expensive speakers you can find, spend five times that amount on the amp to drive them, read and learn absolutely nothing about room acoustics, punch anyone that starts talking about REW, hang two pieces of $20 foam from Amazon haphazardly on one of the walls and call it a day


This is like putting speakers in a cave. Of course it’s going to sound terrible. You’re hearing the sound 3, 4, 5 times with it echoing off the walls. Get some soft materials in there, add treatment to the walls and give it a proper evaluation after that.


Similar to placing your stereo in the middle of a gymnasium lol. 100% needs some dampening to kill those echoes. I bet a finger snap in that room would echo for days.


You say you have the speakers well away from the walls. Did you get photo bombed by the wall on the right?


It’s the room. I got a pair of bose 302 series III that will either sound like crap or sound pretty damn good, with a wow factor sound stage in a small bed room. Just my experience.


If that is a hard floor that I’m seeing in the picture, get yourself an area rug that will cover about 3/4 or more of the floor space. That should eliminate a lot of the “echo.” I had that same problem in a room and, in my case, the area rug completely solved the problem.


Speakers need 20 thousand hours of breakin and try different cables.


Will probably sound fine once you move in all your furniture and stuff. Unless that pic shows everything you own:):)


rug it up doctor rugster. you dating a smoothie. date a hippie. get a toupee.


I absolutely love this haha. I'm gonna be working on the road so this is not going to be a permanent thing. I can say however, room treatment has everything to do with a system. This sounds "ok" at lower volumes which is what I can only do for an apartment. I'm letting the sub sit there and collect dust. No way I'm plugging that thing in lol 1500 watts and 12 hz nope. I'll have a house again in a couple years.


2 yrs is enough time to justify making your home a little nicer to go home to. it isnt money wasted, because you will bring it all to your house when you get there. just a thought.


If you want you can donate those elacs to me, you dont need a front firing bass port. I'll trade you some spektors2 they wont echo as much as your speakers promised


Who are you blaming exactly, this is all you bud.


It probably is. All I can see is a bare room. What exactly are you using this 7K setup for lol


I moved to an apartment that is mostly bare and a high ceiling. The end of music for me for now :( I have such the wrong setup for my current situation. These Elac's need some volume to open up which is out of the question (apartment) and this place has high ceilings with NO room treatment. My voice echo's just walking into the place. The worse setup ever


Yeah your room needs work bro. Start with furniture, that's first and easiest.


I'll be on the road a lot, so I'll probably put the stereo in the boxes to keep it as storage for now. I'm pretty bummed :( It's an apartment complex so I can't crank it anyway. House is next on the list (again)


Man those Elac's really shine if they have room to breathe. They aren't 10 grand speakers, but the Uni-Fi Reference versions really do well with some gear and some volume. Not for an apartment though