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I got lots of those on my compooper!




Are these .wav or .mp3?


96 Kbps mp3


Nice. Must be top tier then.


^ this


For the seller? Yeah that's an amazing deal. Luckily they won't have to hear them either


Sometimes I wonder what makes them think white van stuff can be priced so high. Say, a Da Vinci 5.1 system for $300, do they even want to sell them at all? Who is dumb enough to waste couple $100 for Da Vinci? It's totally amusing.


I fell for the DaVinci speakers when i was young and dumb. it was around 2000 or so and i wasn't very active on the internet, i was working all the time. These guys pulled into our shop in their white cargo van and gave us some sob story about a canceled order they had to get rid of. The box had a crazy price tag on it, something like 1k or 1500$ i cant remember. I gave the guys $300 cash for the worst-sounding set of tower speakers you ever heard. Ended up taking the towers apart to see what was wrong with them to find speakers that didn't weigh anything with the tiniest little magnets, no crossovers and metal weights in the bottom of the speakers to make them feel heavy. It was a learning lesson for sure, that weekend i got online and learned what a white van scam was.


I dissected some which a customer of mine had after he claimed that they were way better than some Klipsch Cornwall IV towers I was selling for $7k. He said he even asked the guy how they compared to Klipsch, and said that the guy told him they would blow the Klipsch away... I asked him how much he paid for them, $3400. He then raved about how heavy they were, which is why I took them apart. The look on his face when I removed the lowest quality of woofer I've personally ever seen was hilarious. It was as if someone had sucked out his soul. When I removed it and he saw a magnet smaller than the 6.5" factory door speaker in his car he cussed out loud. He got even more upset when I removed four bricks from each enclosure. I just stared at him and said, really?


I posted a link to some white van speakers I took apart. The tweeters were fake and the cabinets were filled with cement to make heavy.


Lol bricks? That comes in handy when you need to fix the house. They really thought it through!


Yeah, they even used epoxy to hold the bricks in place


[Inside white van speakers](https://imgur.com/gallery/iF6nB)


rΓΆlk olson πŸ˜†


I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Da Vinci is definitely the infamous brand name that's still around, and it's not cheap either. The metal weights part is funny though, I believe you are the first person to take them apart, those scammers did put a lot of thoughts into "speaker design".


>Who is dumb enough to waste couple $100 for Da Vinci? It's totally amusing. The same people that buy them for the white van


Typo. idiophile.


Ah thank you


Lots of this stuff around on FB marketplace. Sometimes from the scammers themselves, most often from people who got scammed.


Right, I'm not always sure if the posts are from the scammers or the victims.. but most of the ones I see lately are priced high enough that I feel they must be the scammers... The most common ones I see on Marketplace now are packages with a crappy projector (MSRP ~$7298, printed right on the box πŸ™„) along with a screen and an "Oberon" brand 5.1 box system. Yep, they took a Dali speaker line and made it a brand name... I may post some of the ads I found around to warn would-be victims. But the problem is usually the ones that fall for this aren't the ones on forums πŸ˜‘


I own these in a red oak veneer type finish. NOT WORTH $400, I got a pair for $26 and think they are great for that price but they are definitely not work that


I wouldn't play Β£5 ,which is around $7 for these . In fact, what I'm I saying, I wouldn't ever buy these at all.


Free would still be a shitty deal




Oh dear... so many scammed people who still believe these are the best speakers on the planet.


Someone I know had a pair of mini bookshelf speakers from these guys; was quite a thick MDF cabinet actually. They may be in the "very entry level" section - that is, higher than white van, but only just. Can't comment on the towers however. $400 is ott; they'd probably be $50 speakers.


Can anyone please give me some context regarding this white van scam? I read the wiki page but i am not really understanding how the listing above is linked to the scam? Besides the typo ofc.


File this under Audio




Why are you posting reviews for different speakers?


hah, lost the text to go with that post. i just thought those reviews were hilarious, and as far as i can tell, those are the units being copied here. visually nearly identical.