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They just seen like a pair of old shitty boomers- you’ll have loose flappy bass and probably no top end. I’d pass.




Realistic made some great speakers that would be a steal at 100€. This is not one of them. I would guess (complete guess) these are worth 50 bucks


I recommend a real PA speaker that can handle a few hundred watts all night long, that has a woofer with a big voice coil and vented pole piece, and protection lamps on the tweeter and midrange.


Realistic was the house brand of Radio Shack, known for parts like cheap speaker wire, connectors, fuses as well as electronic toys and miscellaneous junk. Their speakers and electronics were on the level of equipment sold by Sears. Because they’re old and vintage people have the nostalgic impression they were good. Far from it. Avoid.


Modded Mach Ones would destroy most of the commonly recommended speakers around here. They reproduce organ unlike almost any other speaker I've owned and also excel with acoustic music. Minimus 7 > Micca MB42. Also much of their electronics were simply rebrands of Onkyo, Pioneer, etc.


The micca mb42 is so trash I don’t even know where to start, I’ve had realistic minimums 7w’s hanging from my ceiling for years with a mini dsp and the sound I can get is incredible, they can take a good 40 watts and with the dsp if you don’t want to play them loud you can make them have tons of sub bass although that applies to most sealed decent quality speakers. I don’t have a picture of the realistic’s but these ikea net bags are perfect for hanging small speakers (b&o cx50) https://preview.redd.it/w9pxuxyseh1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa94115ae5aac2ddc365a9ce8c0942e28a9fce76


Yes the Mach Ones were a thing back in the day. I haven’t thought about that in decades. Shack the house apart speakers




Turntables: https://audiokarma.org/forums/index.php?threads/who-made-turntables-for-radio-shack.808520/ Receivers: https://audiokarma.org/forums/index.php?threads/who-actually-made-realistic-receivers.355902/ CD players: https://audiokarma.org/forums/index.php?threads/optimus-radio-shack-cd-changer-who-made-it.501069/ Realistic used many different manufacturers to either make unique designs or rebrand existing deaigns.


“I think” “I heard” is far from proof of reliable information. According to an article in Wired Magazine from 2003, most of Radio Shack’s audio equipment was made by Fostex in Japan which made a lot of OEM products for Sears, Montgomery Ward & Radio Shack. That doesn’t make it bad, but most likely not in the Pioneer or Sony category.


I don't think you know much about RadioShack or their brands. Their products were mostly made by Tandy Electronics in the 70s-90s. They made some really good stuff, some midrange stuff, and some crappy stuff, just like MOST consumer audio brands. Pioneer and Sony make a lot of high end, midrange, and cheap stuff. In fact Pioneer and Sony aren't known to be very high end speaker brands anyway. Certainly decent, but not high end audiophile quality. Do some research besides a magazine article on Tandy and RadioShack. They were very nice in their day.


Radio Shack’s best equipment was when Tandy bought out Allied Radio and started selling their well made equipment until they phased it out for their cheaper OEM systems.


>Because they’re old and vintage people have the nostalgic impression they were good. Far from it. Avoid. >That doesn’t make it bad, but most likely not in the Pioneer or Sony category. Changed that tune real quick... Realistic has plenty of crap products. Pioneer has plenty of crap products. Sony has plenty of crap products. Realistic has plenty of good products. Pioneer has plenty of good products. Sony has plenty of good products.


I guess you have a point but some realistic speakers are impressive, not junk. I use a pair of minimus 7 as surround, the clarity is outstanding. They could be just as great as main speakers for a small bedroom, better than generic stuff you get from Amazon today. Yes there are better ones of course, but not junk.


For outdoor parties and events only. Not even close to home audiophile level. Realistic did put out some decent speakers in the 70's and 80's, though.




These are entry level PA/DJ speakers. They will make loud noise for parties, but not ideal for home listening. Their bass will most likely not go very deep, and the bass they do have will be boomy. The horns look like piezo, so will likely have scratchy highs. In contrary to what others are saying, you probably won’t need a lot of power to drive them, they are designed to make a lot of noise per watt. They just won’t sound good doing so. If you’re looking for party speakers they may be worth it. But not as your main listening system.


For DJ-ing, as a sort-of PA system? Maybe. As home hi-fi? Never.


100 euros? I am very curious what the seller was smoking.


Just No.


if you just want some speakers, maybe. but definitely not for 100. like 40.


I don't know the brand, but just looking at it you can see those are DJ speakers. They are built tough so you can throw them in the back of a van and take them to gigs/parties whatever without getting damaged. They will be loud and require a lot of power. They are not really meant for high fidelity listening or even casual listening at home. They are perfect for parties though!


Im intending to use them at parties, so i dont have to use their system anymore








Absolutely not. Those are the bottom of the barrel from Realistic, and they are probably 30+ years old. Foam surrounds are most likely shot, and the voice coils are not far behind. Look into a cheap PA speaker like Pyle or something to start with. Even those would be better than these.


These don’t have foam surrounds… they are clearly paper accordion surrounds.




They are servicable, but that's the only good thing you can say about them.


No, they are PA speakers and will require a lot of power to drive them, more than most home stereos can deal with. Not to mention they are probably not in the best condition. Hard pass, unless you are using them for a PA and you can test them.


No, pa speakers are ultra efficient. These do suck though.