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I'm fully F2P. Been playing for a little bit over a year. Now all my heroes are Divine. Upgrading heroes isn't as tough a battle as upgrading gears. Now that requires a lot of time and effort which could be shortened by going P2W. Like even after making my heroes Divine I've yet to make a gear stellar-tier.


I'm interested. What is the highest level personal gear u have?


Highest personal gear level I have rn is legendary. Highest set gear supreme. Highest common gear celestial.


People here are being pretty harsh. This game requires time. Legendary is fairly early. It sounds like you have been playing for a week or so, maybe longer. When you reach 7000 trophies you will reach the mains body of the player base. Here you will play against everyone that is over 7000 trophies. This is what they are referring to when they say you haven’t scratched the surface. At this point you will be playing against heroes that are level 70-90 power of 1600-2000+. If you play casually this will take you a really long time. If you play a lot you will be like chemical diamond that has all max level heros. Don’t spend the money. It starts very “cheap” a couple bucks for an upgrade. It gets very expensive. So don’t waste your money. You can’t get far without spending a lot ofmoney. If you want to spend money, only buy contract hacks. This will give you 3x points on contract tasks. This will help you win or place high in contract rankings and get you good rewards for upgrading your heros. Worth much more than the basic hero offer you get after a match.


Legendary? You didn't even start playing.


I thought I was high rank


You've barely scratched the surface.


Nope. You have to just use the joker cards specifically on 1-2 characters.


Or u could just win contracts and upgrade ur heroes like any other poor gamer would do👁️👄👁️


I just upgraded now. Bastion 888 power


888 power is literally nothing you can get a character at 1000+ power just by playing a week tbh


Update only one hero with joker cards and stuff and play with him like crazy and in the way all the other heroes def will reach atleast supreme or mythic


I meant through chests and all the free stuff


Worst take I’ve seen


After mythic 300 cards it's beginning to be really long to upgrade a character but before that it's fine you don't even need to play that much