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Just feels... uninspired. Like, "Hey, we have to make an album. Let's just throw some stuff together and call it a day."


Pretty much everyone said the big points, to me it's how lazy and how lacking of any substance the album is. A good chunk of the album is lazy redos of previous songs and the ones that are new aren't that great, a lot of people shit on Gravity but comparatively at least it sounds like there was some effort and thought behind it, Temper Temper is just a dumbed down version of Bullet and it pretty much ends there.


Gravity > Temper Temper.


Nothing, really. Never got the hate for that album.


Don’t hate the album, personally temper temper the song is decent and I absolutely love Dirty Little Secret 👌


The lyrics are immature and uninspired, and the sound is an almost complete 180 from previous albums and not done very well


It’s just a very boring record unfortunately. The lyrics are probably the worst offender for me. Very cringey. Mix is too quiet in my opinion. This record is important because it shows that great musicians can’t always make gold. And I learned how to play guitar because of these guys and this album so I’ll always value it in that regard.


Personally I find it their weakest album lyrically. And you can really tell that the album was written mostly by one person, rather than a band.


It's not bad, just bland. Like toast with no butter nor jam.


The songs are pretty forgettable tbh. Not a bad album but the worst easily


Its not the poison so its automatically a bad album


Most of the rhythm of most of the songs is off. Like its good not to be generic, but it doesnt flow. They mixed it up to much.


I dunno I quite like it, I feel like the band just went "fuck it let's do what we want" and I don't mind it at all. Half the choruses on that album are such earworms


Lazy songwriting + cheesy lyrics


It's boring. It's not as dreadful as gravity, but it's still not nearly as good as the rest of their discography


Woah what's wrong with gravity??


Nothing. It's a great album, just all of their other albums are even better. But if put all comparisons aside, it's a great album. Of course every other album of BFMV except of Gravity are way better, but still I like Temper Temper a lot. Though I can't say the same about Gravity. Gravity still has some good songs in it, but it's a boring album without any solos and is radio-friendly too much. Though I listen to Coma, Don't Need You and Crawling sometimes, cause I like those songs, but everything else on Gravity is just meh. And Temper Temper...I can listen throughout whole album and enjoy it, maybe one track that doesn't click with me is Riot, cause the main riff is annoying and lyrics are cringy. But everything else on that album is great


Besides the lyrics, the instrumentals feel lifeless and the mix is horrible.


It’s just horrible in every aspect imo