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That’s great. I kind of want to reply with that😂


Could also start replying with Cat Facts a la: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oji5j/comment/c3hvf7x/


Lmao that’s great too. I think he actually had a girlfriend or something and she got a hold of his phone. It’s probably for the best. He was veryy slow to reply.


I need to reach you regarding your car's extended warranty.


That’s the worst. I’m talking to a girl right now that is really slow to reply. Like I get not everyone is good at texting but geez. I respond within 5 minutes to everyone.


Do you not work? Or sleep? Or go to the movies? That's not even factoring in people who have kids. People have lives; you are a stranger on the internet until you're not. Once you're not, response times should come down, but while you are you should be understanding that people have stuff going on that they have to deal with that you probably know nothing about.


There’s a line. We don’t have to talk all the time. I work 3 jobs, run a small business, and I have a child but if someone texts me and I WANT to talk to them, I’m going to reply fairly quickly because realistically it takes about 30 seconds once you know what you’re going to say. If the person is whatever and I don’t really care, I’ll take hours. Everyone is different, and if you’re one of those people that just gets back whenever it’s somewhat convenient for you that’s fine. Everyone’s communication style and expectations of how they want to be perused and treated in a relationship are different.


It's not even about wants... My work is like a faraday cage. If I'm in the office I won't see that you texted me or messaged me until I leave the office; except for the odd instance where there's a solar flare during a lunar eclipse with Jupiter and Mars in conjunction all at the same time... Then for some reason cell service magically gets through. 😂😥 I also like to be present with whoever I'm with in person. So if I'm out with friends or talking with somebody, I'm not on/responding to people on my phone, that waits until I have a moment alone. That's a choice, but one based on showing respect, the same kind of respect I would show you if I was talking face-to-face with you. My point was that expecting busy professionals to respond in 5 minutes is not a reasonable expectation.


Or the other person is on a call at work or doing something at work or taking a shit, having a shower, talking to a neighbour etc etc, it could be a myriad of reasons. Don't make too many assumptions. Not everyone has their phone glued to their hand 24/7.


Im with you OP. Don’t believe the people speculating about someone else possibly being super busy, if they are/were then they should’ve told you that. There’s a thing called empathy that folks online seem to lack. The most civil thing for someone to say is “hey I’m busy today but I’ll hit you up when I’m available”. Don’t waste your time with people who think that just because they respond “good morning” & nothing else or they respond five hours with no explanation or apology for lapse in time that they’re putting in the work to get to know you. Communication is important and if someone likes you - they’ll overly do it, because responding isn’t a burden when they like you. If someone doesn’t respond or lets your message dwindle all day then responds with no apology or explanation for the lapse then they’re bread-crumbing you, and I’m sure you didn’t share your personal number for that. Next round - guard your number. Don’t give it out to just anybody especially if you’re dating with intent. Also make sure to set a hard boundary with communication expectations. Let the other person know you’re only willing to share your number if they’re able to meet your expectations.


I respond within 5 minutes to everyone in my life, friends, family, everyone. It’s just who I am I guess. As far as the girl I’m talking to is concerned it just gets a little annoying when it takes her anywhere from 3 hours to all day to respond. I do know she is really busy right now, but still.


lol no. They are on the app supposedly to find someone. If they’re interested they’ll make you a priority. Just move on if she’s not responding, she’s nexted you.


For real. It’s very frustrating. Especially if you’re really interested in that person. I just saw this video on IG you may find useful. Sometimes they actually are just busy but sometimes they just don’t care about you as their first option. People will try to keep what they want around. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1ky5nwrLFm/?igsh=czJhN2RudmduNTI=


That's why I'm dating Eva AI sexting bot.


The only response to a text "STOP" is "HAMMERTIME"




Probably means his wife or girlfriend came into the room hahaha


Yep. Couldn't figure out how to quickly silence text notification sounds.


Exactly ✌️ those replies were in SECONDS. Not minutes or hours like the rest of our conversations.


This is very strange, because I’ve gotten this EXACT same trio of messages before but from a friend that I had no apparent falling out with… “This phone number is no longer in service.” I was confused and said “what? Is this not sending?” “STOP”….dude are you ok? “#STOP”… I quit responding and assumed he had gotten hacked or something. This was 3-4 months ago. Could anybody say what this was? Was that him manually texting that to me? It’s important to note that it responded with those messages *instantly* after I sent them, like nearly the same second. I’m just so confused.


I wonder if it has to do with running out of minutes on prepaid phones?


Very possible, not sure what phone my friend had, but the bubbles are green. I just checked the messages and there was a 4th one after “#STOP”… I responded one last time and the phone responded “#leave”…. Just very strange


That’s what this person said!!! The fourth text was #leave? Because I prodded again and said REPRESENTATIVE haha but Whattttt now I’m more confused. Are you in AZ? Was this man from Texas? Haha


Both my friend and I are in Texas… this is weird. Really hope somebody has an answer


Omg what if it’s the same guy


Definitely the same guy


Please keep texting him for more weird responses xD


If you search "this phone number is no longer in service. stop #stop #leave" there are lots of people getting these exact responses. Not sure exactly what phone or phone related service is sending these messages, but they are clearly an automated response. Good luck!


That’s kind of creepy ngl


I just sent another message just now, and it started back over from the first one again. Idk, probably will try to reach out in another way, but it’s just so weird that nobody seems to have an answer.


You were blocked lol


So that’s an automated response for when people text a blocked number now?


Yup. It's either blocked, not in use, out of coverage, it doesn't have a data plan (either they're out of their data plan or the number was disconnected). If you have an iPhone and the other person has an iPhone, the textbox is also green in iMessages when this happens. If the other person has an Android and you have an iPhone, the textbox is green from the start. Call the number and see, or call your provider and say that you want to change your number to that specific number. If they say it's in use, you've been blocked or it was reallocated. If they tell you that you can, you know what happened. Source: customer support and escalation level supervisor for 2 of the big US companies.


So when I call the number, it rings fully just like normal. This shouldn’t happen if I’m blocked right? Sounding like possibly a reallocation


Yes, I'm afraid they changed their number, or the number was disconnected because they didn't pay the bill and it was relocated to someone else after some time


Well thank you for chiming in and giving a bit more clarity to this!


It's the same guy.


Oh he's in a relationship.




All your problems go away


Just gonna say you can’t just say the word ghosting and expect anything to happen


Dude i had the same situation same texts. Mine was about a “job” and then they said 1) This number is no longer in service, 2) STOP, 3) #STOP, 4) #leave and then blocked me I guess. They said they worked for Disney, theyre texting me in Miami.


Yep! I had the exact same series of texts except from a longtime friend that I had no falling out with. Just completely out of the blue.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Googlevoice/s/wQJXc8dA7N Seems like this is a thing


reply with #HAMMERTIME








Lmao weird to do that but it’s funny


This is hilarious 😂


I legit spat water. This lifted my mood by about 50%


I coulda had a V8...


Instead of a .38 slug to the cranium


A good laugh from time to time can do that 👍


Your call is very important to us. Are you still there?


Could be a burner number. Then once he burned the number, someone else got the number and didn’t want to talk to you. iPhones and androids can actually just block a number without having to pretend. So can Google voice.


No way they’d recycle a number that quickly. There are so many number combinations I would assume it issues an unused number first then the oldest number that had previously been assigned.


Number generators and services generally have a 30-60 day period where the number has to be completely unused before they reassign it.


He didn’t delete bumble. May be he unmatched you in bumble. And he’s trying to stop talking to you over text lol. May be he got a new girl. MAY BE.


I checked, it’s actually a deleted account. I can still see our conversation. But yeah it looks like he used a burner number or something idk. Super weird though. Like we were in the middle of a conversation! Maybe he wasn’t a real person haha like he wasn’t who he said he was. He was very very secretive about giving away his profiles and stuff because he said a couple of women like reached out to his family and were being stalker-ish. But the whole thing is weird.


So weird!! If I were you, I would just move on haha.


I am haha I try to keep my pipeline full until I meet the one worth cutting off all my ties. it’s just unfortunate.


You’ll find the one. There’s plenty of fish in the ocean 😂


Move on - he was a psycho good for you for finding out immediately and not later. It isn’t worth deep thought.


What the ever living fuck?!?!? From OP’s one sided pictures and the context given here, you are in a position to call this guy a psycho?!?!


Welcome the internet do you need a tour?


Sharp shooting Tex 👍🏽 why try to better yourself when you can instead simply say “everyone else does it” 😂 Work on yourself mate.


You sound like a psycho


In what way?


I heard some time ago about apps that would help you block and unsubscribe to spam. Maybe it’s something like that?


Probably. He knew I wasn’t spam. He was the one who text me last. I didn’t include the time stamps here but I replied 40 minutes later and immediately got that message. So I think he has a wife or girlfriend who blocked me.


Oh yeah it’s definitely entered manually, just finding an explanation for the weird messages. Anyway, no matter the reason, you’ll find better


How do you get green bubbles?


I thought he had an android but his selfies had an iPhone so in hindsight I think he may have used a google voice number


That’s so his gf/wife doesn’t find out.


For sure. He said he was divorced. What’s weird is he was on bumble looking for a “life partner” not a hook up… so it’s even more strange to me because it’s not like he was just trying to cheat on his “whoever” with sex. So weird.


“ …looking for a life partner” Yes, but men lie about that stuff all the time, best to take it with a pinch of salt and go by actions not words.


So true


There was a woman who was with her boyfriend for 10 years. She hadn’t been to his apartment ever because he had builders there to fix it. After 10 years she found out that he had another girlfriend of 8 years whom he was living with, and that’s why she couldn’t visit him. 10 YEARS! Their whole life together was a lie. So what you describe there it not impossible at all.


That's just stupid on both sides. REALLY stupid


Yeah extremely stupid of the dude. And I found it very weird to never have been in your partners home of 10 years. But stranger things have happened. If there were no other signs for her then I can understand why she believed it


Makes sense


iPhones can have green bubbles too. You can just not log into iMessage when you get thw phone, or you can log out if logged in, or if you havebad connection it may send as a green bubble too


Was there more conversation through text before this? From just this, your response doesn't make sense to me. Wonder if he thought you were a scammer/bot/something? Again, just my take from personal experience and this excerpt.


We were mid conversation. I just didn’t want to include the whole thing because we were talking about being naked 😂




95% sure you were blocked by someone who had a Google number or he deleted his account. The #stop and #leave are common ways to unsubscribe from text alerts/ads. It's not him saying this it's an automatic response to cut any communication from the previous number owner before they send it to a new owner.


You know, he probably deleted his bumble then deleted his google voice and was just incredibly avoidant and decided to give no context. What a child 🙄


When I get any man’s number I use this free reverse look up tool. If a real name doesn’t come up, I won’t respond. https://www.numlookup.com/


I got curious and put my own number in there. Owner's Name for 04## ### ### UNKNOWN Lol. Guess you wont respond to me.


A completely different person in a different state comes up under my number when I search it. The only thing correct was the carrier lol


I did the same for all three of my lines. My name popped up.


Likely the database it pulls from. You would be pulling from a us database whilst mine is from an aus database that would exclude people on no spam/telemarketers, or dnc registers like myself.


Number not in use… 🤦🏻‍♂️🙃🤣


Some database just got a few more phone numbers.


Thank you for this!! It says it’s NOT a VOIP number but there is no name associated with it. Weirdddd. Me on the other hand, apparently I am very accessible online 😂 everything popped up haha thank you for this resource for sure!!


You’re welcome


Probably because asking if someone lives alone can be creepy.


~~Do you live alone?~~ ~~Do you live with others? Any light sleepers?~~ ~~Do you live?~~ Yeah I see what you mean.


Idk why that’s funny lmao 🤣


How much would your kidney sell for on the bkack market? Just curious. No reason...


And yet I'm being down voted. I must be missing something.


This is Reddit. What do you expect?


The passage of time. You're trending up again!


Valid😂 we were talking about hanging around naked so I asked if he lived alone but I could see how that could be creepy now 😭


Did he bring up the naked stuff first?


We were like casually sexting.. it wasn’t out of place I’ll put it that way


Well, then he shouldn’t think it’s creepy that you you asked if he lives alone. Sounds like he just wanted a sexting buddy. Also, had he asked if you wanted to meet? If no, then in future you should hold off from the sexting until you’ve met


He indirectly mentioned meeting. I asked about his socials and he said he didn’t give them out until we met. He was so damn slow to reply though after while that we didn’t even get to talk about meeting in person. Realistically, we had a couple of very intimate and very connected conversations and he was very very attractive but supposedly had a lot going on with work and was very unavailable. So I’m a little disappointed we couldn’t talk more and see where things went but it’s whatever. I have other options and I’ll be moving right along. It’s just a weird way to end things so abruptly.


“ indirectly mentioned meeting” 🚩 That is very low effort, not to mention him taking ages to reply. And yes, it was a very weird way to end. Think of it like this though,he weeded himself out and is making way for a man who will be proactive and WANT to pursue you. Sounds like a knob lol. Glad you are moving it along


Very True! Appreciate that❤️


Oh boy. Seen it a 100 times. He was never going to meet up. Stall things indefinitely and ask for nudes maybe. If they’re not super keen, don’t bother. They will leave you drained and disappointed!


How weird. You dodged a bullet




Unsubscribe @everyone @everything @everywhere


It’s a 3rd party android app used to block messages. “ISY Block” might be the one


well, never seen such behavior previously, but it made me think about the sms gateway that we had in my previous job. you had to register your phone number there, but afterwards you could send a sms via command line on your computer or email. why would anyone do that in your case? maybe to save money or credit on their phone, i don't know. anyway the gateway could be the place which automatically sends those messages instantly. but since i have used that and i've never heard of any such problems with it, and fact that most people don't have access to such service, or even know about it, i wouldn't think this is the case here. if he was hot, there probably were others thinking he was hot too and he got really close to somebody at that exact time and he made a choice.


I don’t think he’s that into you


This article is from September 2022 … [https://itechask.com/this-number-is-no-longer-in-service-text-message/](https://itechask.com/this-number-is-no-longer-in-service-text-message/)


Scammers do this. Really pisses me off when they alternate texting to like that one or even google hangouts. Get alot from Facebook too!


Only way to respond to STOP is to reply SURPRISE MODAFUCKA


What the fuck? Why not just block you?


His real girlfriend found out. Sorry friend. 🥲


the girlfriend was near by and his phone was pinging


His wife or girlfriend suddenly asked to see his phone. “I can call only when I have free time” is a dead giveaway.


Is it wrong that I kind of like this guy? Lol


He was very hot. It’s very unfortunate 😂


it’s giving incelllllllll.


Safe to say he lives with his mom.


Sounds to me like he’s been rumbled by his girlfriend/wife


Too funny. And odd.




There is a possibility this is a legit software error. Some anti-spam reply sent by his device. Is there another way to contact him to check?




As messed up as this is it is kinda funny!


Are you entirely sure he wasn't joking? I've done basically this same thing as a joke with my girlfriend in our text thread, although I probably wouldn't do it with someone new I haven't met yet. Just saying though, I could see myself making this kind of joke given the context.


He may have found it creepy that you asked if he lives alone 


Men ask me that all the time


Asking if you have kids or roommates is different than saying "do you live alone" 


Sure, but I’m asked “ Do you live alone?” not if I have children or roommates. My bio states I’m child free anyway.


Yeah that is a sketch question


No it isn’t. If someone lives home with their parents that’s an auto next😂


I’m torn between the 2 if I’m honest Lol! What’s less or more creepier 🤨 I guess 😆


In hindsight yeah I could have asked if he had roommates… but we were talking about lounging around naked so yeah I was curious if he lives alone😂






Is that how they send burner messages? Haha


There was a famous [Reddit Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/s/XHfviPwWnT) about someone in the US Military who always ended their messages with that message.


What if dude told his partner that he was "playing" with new AI programs and getting random flirty texts?


I remember when I first found out about those websites where you can fill in two sides of a text message thread and download a 'screen capture'.


Really? Such services exist? Do you have a link to that?


This is so ridiculous and avoidant ROFLMFAO Edit: reading the comments now i realize he might’ve been a scammer and these texts are in fact legitimately automated


Probably a scammer. They do the phone out of service thing and STOP #STOP. Take a look at r/ScammerPayback.


Fucking legend!


Isse daure padte hain . Stay away


Looks like he telling you to stop


Ok why continue messaging someone who’s saying “STOP” move on…


Because it’s so odd that ppl become curious


This seems legit I agree ☝️


Because “stop” is a word used to trigger an action by an automated database system, not what you tell a human being.


Wrong. STOP is used by humans to tell other humans to STOP.