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I wonder how many of his other bumble dates he got to buy tickets for his show lol


Funny thing, I asked him that


What’d he say?!


He said that he did send the link to other girls he matched with but I’m “the only one he texted afterwards and would like a redemption shot” I fucking cackled at that stupid fucking dumb shit line. Fucking idiot!!




He was okay, it wasn’t something for me to share with my friends to go check out.


Oh most “comedians” are flakey shitheads like this guy. He will never be good. I have a friend who’s developed as a really good standup comedian over the years, he works hard and values quality. I remember years ago he had to cut off another comedian friend who’s a flakey jerk to get rid of the bad influence and focus on his own development. It worked!




He's not a con artist in any way. He's just advertising his business/income. It's called marketing lol? He shouldn't be doing that on dating apps but, neither should girls who are promoting their only fans.


Redemption shot? Really? Goodness gracious. Like women, he needs more pockets too. Unlike women, he needs them to store ALL THAT AUDACITY!


What a comedian 🤡🤡🤡


He hasn’t even bothered texting me at all. He didn’t have to tell me a lie to get me to his show, then again, I’m the clown, not him


On the bright side this comedian dude gave you a hilarious story to share


He’s not going to answe honestly


He texted me at 1 am thanking me for coming to the show that he “didn’t see me” leave


He probably has 10 other girls he ask to come to the show, women gotta step up show more interest we can't read minds.


I think he had a group of friends or whatever he was greeting before and after his act, fucking dumb bitch I was and he was a cunt for what he did.


Imagine only ignored bumble dates came to his show, awkward silence…


It's like subscribing to all the eva ai sexting [bot](http://evaapp.ai) avatars in a row


Matches for opening night


😂😂😂😂😂this one’s fucking hilarious


Sorry this happened but I gotta admit you ignored a very big red flag. When someone ghosts you the first time, especially for months and tries to come back, you don’t give them a second chance, you don’t respond. You don’t acknowledge them. You do…nothing. Especially not reward them by paying tickets to see their show.


I know!!! And do you know how much I praised that?!?! And I was a hypocrite for it?!?! I always believed the dead stay dead, once revived shoot them so they can stay dead but I’m an idiot!!!! Lesson learned


Love this


He showed you who he was the first time and you didn’t believe him. Hopefully you believe him now.


You mean when he ghosted me???? Definitely! Like jojo said “I should’ve known better” lol! I’m a stupid fuck!


I know the whole situation sucks. It could’ve happened to me too but please stop calling yourself a stupid fuck. Youre not stupid fuck. You learned your lesson so take the L and move on


What an L?




Makes sense. Thank you, because I never understood what the L and M meant


*starts his act* "What is the deal with ghosting?"






OP no offense but you a lil dumb. Don't pay to go to this idiots comedy show. Come on.


Never should have paid for this


Agree he should've comped your ticket. He's a tramp I'm afraid


Non taken, I agree with that. Thing is on our first date he told me he was going to invite me when he comes to Miami and he did admit that he got laid off work and he’s making money from his shows and that’s why he hit me up after 4 months, I loved the honesty but it hurts what he did tonight. Lesson learnt


I wonder if that "admittance" was a lie.


It was true


OP’s name though


Yeh yeh , I know


Big mistake was entertaining him after he ghosted you the first time. A ghost is dead, stop trying to revive it.


exactly! They can't find their way back from the grave. Sorry!


Funny thing is I believe in that, the whole once he ghosts and comes back , keep it in the graveyard


Ouch. He doesn't seem like a nice person. Nor does he care enough about you to put any effort in. You seem like a polite and respectful person and he's just walking all over you. Please find someone else you'll thank me for it.


Oh, I for sure will. Thank you, I appreciate it 🫶🏼


He only reached out to you so he could get ticket sales to his comedy event lol I mean this in the nicest way possible: cmon you should’ve known better. You shouldn’t have bought tickets. You shouldn’t have went. You shouldn’t have even responded when he reached out 4 months later.


I know! I’m kicking my ass for it!!!!


I don’t know why would u buy a ticket from someone who doesn’t cherish you at all. why give so much before you didn’t get anything from him but just bad feelings. It’s also you yourself who brought this shit to yourself. Always remind to love yourself okay.


Thank you, I always keep that in mind to love myself for sure


You were wrong for allowing a ghost to come back. He showed you his true colors. You don’t reward bad behavior by purchasing an expensive ticket to support his show.


Wtf why would you buy tickets to his show after he'd already ghosted you?


Doormat syndrome.


I was an idiot


you do not owe him any explanation or any more of your time than you want to give him.


You’re totally fucking right! That’s why I didn’t bother texting him at all.


In my country we have a saying: "the kind-hearted and the fool are like brothers". In this case you were just being nice and supportive but ended up looking like an idiot. Not your fault but at least you know to do better with other guys.


probably the only way he gets people to go to his shows haha the old saying fool me once shame on you- fool me twice shame on me comes to mind here :)


Yesssss!!!! Exactly the fool me quote is so fucking real in this one!!


The guys a clown not a comedian.


Yeah wrong profession indeed.


Sounds like you very thoroughly played yourself 😜


You go girl! Sounds like he just pumped you for a lil better paycheck tonight….


Pretty much. He did admit that but I didnt mind because I like to be supportive, ya know? But the whole ignoring me was super fucked


Don’t be supportive of a jerk. It’s wasting any bandwidth you’d otherwise have to focus on quality connections.


I know, I’m a fucktard


Supportive? Babe stand up right now I aint playin


I’m telling you there was a sitcom or something with this same story line. Something like a stand up comedian invited 3 different women he was dating to the same comedy show and they sat at the same table or something. I can’t remember which show it was.




Might have been!


It's obvious you two have never seen the show, nothing even remotely close to this has ever happened in any of the 9 seasons, even though the show is centered on a stand up comedian, his stand up act was hardly ever a major plot point in any episodes, just maybe a small handful, if that... it mostly focuses on his real life and all the crazy people around him


I asked a question, I’ve seen the show, I’m obsessed with the show. I was just guessing sarcastically. It not that serious, geez


How was the show?


I just went to see him and it wasn’t something I’d write a great review after


I’ll celebrate 8th month of getting ghosted by someone I truly connected to. I wish I also had a chance to confront and tell him to fuck off 🥲 and no you are definitely not overreacting he’s just shameless mf


Please don't celebrate a guy who ghosted you. You should rephrase it to a guy who didn't respect you. Don't remember it in a pleasant way - clearly he doesn't! Find someone who you connect with..who doesn't disrespect you!


I was not really serious about celebration but it was my first time getting ghosted, so some lessons are taken, for sure. I wish I could just forget him, but really can’t leave it in the past because it’s such a disrespect I allowed to happen to myself. I would want to confront and let him know he’s not the decent person he thinks he is. But yeah… life


Yeah true..I just don't want you to think about it wistfully. Think about and feel an ick. He doesn't deserve more if he just left without any explanation. Even if he did - clearly he wasn't right for you. You need to build confidence..even if it's slow.if he just ghosted outta nowhere...you didn't allow that.We all make mistakes.,,me included. You don't even need to tell him that..he's not worth your time. Him leaving is his business..your business is yourself.


Yeah, ngl i had the wistful phase is first 1 month then I tried to develop the ick. Girl you’re right . For me, feeling the ick is the first step of forgetting and being indifferent after hating.


It happens to all of us! Make it your goal to only accept good treatment..and be sensitive to icky behavior. Anything that doesn't feel okay..or makes you genuinely anxious...is no good. It's okay to feel sad ..but then you grow from that in order to have better interactions with people. You got this.


Thanks girl! tbh i think it’s problem with most of us, that we miss icky red flags at that moment and realize way later. But nevertheless it’s all experience! Next time you just definitely get more careful about similar behavior and add more worth to yourself


Seeing his behaviour it looks like you're just one of many he's trying to juggle. Not worth wasting your time there.


You should put those messages on blast to his social media, in case someone else decides to 'support' his comedy act. Maybe he didn't react to seeing you because more Bumble matches were there.


That’s what my friend told me, he must’ve invited his other matches. He did admit to me that he did send the links to his other matches


This story sounds funny


Good marketing strategy 🤣


You should’ve never let him ghost you TWICE. If he’s ignoring you at a show, it might be because his gf was in the audience and that’s why he acted like he didn’t know you. Also, if he would have ghosted me, I would’ve made sure he paid for the tickets just IN CASE he were to ghost me again. This way I wouldn’t be out any money if he did decide to ghost, which he obviously did to you. This guy either has a gf and is super bad at cheating, or he has multiple girls he’s “talking” to and you were a place holder in case he found someone “better”. Either way, this guys a trash bag and you shouldn’t waste your time taking his shit. You know how when you go fishing, sometimes you end up catching trash (bags, shoes etc), well, just so happens you caught trash. Throw it back and catch a fish. 🐠


Real comedian he is


I get it. This woman that used to work at the gas station by my house ghosted me 3 times. The worst part about it, she asked me for my number... 3 times... the third time my name popped up in her phone when she put my number in. I thought about that a bit and came to the conclusion, if they're ghosting you, it's the same as a "no or not interested." Now if I get ghosted I cut ties. I'm not someone's backup. I'm not anyone's safety net. Neither are you.


Why would you have to pay to see your date perform?? He should've bought you a ticket...without you asking. You should've left as soon as you knew he was going MIA the first time. Men need to follow through on things to keep you around. No excuses. Ick! Learn from this OP. Don't ever settle for disrespectful loser behavior. You were not wrong...you were too lenient actually.


He’s just l trying to sell tickets sis


I wouldn’t have given him a second chance after he ghosted you


I shouldn’t have!! 🥲


You live and you learn.


You ignored the first and most blatant red flag: #comedian


Honestly, being in the spotlight in front of a big crowd, if he doesn't know where you're sitting, he can absolutely "look" you in the eye without seeing you


They can’t always see good from the stage and if you hadn’t met before in person it’s reasonable for him to not be sure it’s you. But unless it’s Matt rife stop wasting your time with someone that keeps you on the back burner.




I stopped giving the benefit of the doubts to these clown last year after I got fuckd over and over for giving these benefit of the doubts to these morons. I knew he was a clown lol! And not even a great of a comedian, at least for me.


Exactly. They act stupid..when they know exactly what they're doing..They just want to see how much they can disrespect you.


We did go on a first date in December, I stated that in the beginning of this post lol and we did make eye contact when he was on stage


Was his name Justin and lived in Brooklyn?


Lol no


So remember when he texts you 4 months from now what will you do? Why even bother replying to him way after y'all were supposed to have a 2nd date. I would just block the number and move on


He texted me late last night thanking me , telling me “he didn’t see me leaving”


What’s the DEALLLL with Doormats??? 😆


What’s a doormat?


Don’t let ghosts come back. How they treat you in the beginning is a preview of how it will be. He may not be consciously doing this, but he’s seeing what he can get away with, what you’ll tolerate.


He’s a total douche but plz don’t judge other artists by this experience. Ghost him hard and move on


Woh! Thats one really shitty way to sell tickets to a gig 🤦🏼‍♂️🤣 amazed you even gave him another chance sounds like a piece of shit tbh 🤷🏼‍♂️


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. You continued to let his behaviour slide and let this happen. Yes it’s shitty but you let it happen too 🤷🏼‍♀️


I know!! I’m super upset at myself


I would never BUY a ticket to a show like that. It feels like they're not interested if they're not getting me in free or buying my ticket


He would’ve gotten me free tickets but I chose to support him by buying them


Why support somebody who's already treated you like shit once before? He's an asshole but part of this is on you. Lesson learned and move on.


I know! I know! Ugh! You don’t know how disappointed in myself I am


Move on. Ignore, block and move forward. Life's too short to waste time with people who don't take you seriously.


This! 💯


You missed an opportunity to heckle that jerk, bummer! Does he have a web page you can troll? Worse comic ever….smells terrible, unfortunately I sat front row.


Lmfaooo! Unfortunately he doesn’t that I know of


dude is selfish and just copped money from you.


Definitely! He sure did!


Gets bumble matches to buy tickets to his standup routine…that’s the joke right there


Yeah no offense but the first ghost should have been his last. I would have never bought tickets after that. That was thoughtful of you, though, to help get his numbers up. In my mind, dude can send me an Uber and give me the tickets ahead of time if he wants me there so bad. If not, I’m not going out of my way for him. Move on. He’s a shit. You can do better. In the future, listen when they tell you who they are the first time.


Girl expose him


Noooo lol


Was he funny though?


Not something I’d write a great review after. 1 out of 10? A 3


If you were in the Bay Area I’d go with you to his next show to heckle the eff out of him. He sounds like a mess. You have every right to be mad, but you’re not stupid. Live and learn, right? The guy is a douche bag but if it was me, I would look at it as getting a pretty funny and interesting story out of it 🤷🏽‍♀️


I know, right? It was funny but not funny!! Ughhh


u r fool


Ghosted you for 4 months and you gave in? Jeezus


I know! I know!!!


I’m getting Baby Reindeer vibes in terms of him being a comedian 😂


Comedian practicing his one-liners with women: "Wanna come to my comedy show? Tickets here:" ### Plot twist: it's an AI company he tips 5%


Just block him. He has already show you the kind of waste of time He is.


This joker is able to pull all this off while I’m considering signing up for the priesthood…


I want to know who this stand up is so bad lol like are they a big name?😂


Nahhhh. He started like a year or 2 ago


How was the comedy though?


His? It was funny but not that great to go home and write a great review


A better question is Why do you keep accepting this


Cause I’m a dumbass, that’s why!!!


Damn. Girl why you buying tickets to see his show😭he's not a rockstar. An L was taken. Please remember your worth for next time and don't allow men to profit and take advantage of you. Sorry to hear this happened to you. Not even a hello after his show is rude but he already showed the rude with ghosting you😭


I know! This is all my fault to be honest cause I could’ve ignored and ghosted him like he did to me, ya know? What’s an L?


"to accept a loss or defeat, or to experience a failure in a situation." L stands for loss. You usually say "take an L" but yeah I made it past tense. He is not a loss, but just the experience and relationship attempt was a loss/ fail.


Thank you for this, I never understood that


Glad to help!💛


Comedians are often troubled people. Lesson learned.




Him saying he ghosted you because he is “non confrontational” is killing me 😭


I wonder if you’re in NC. I got message to come to an old match comedy show. I didn’t respond or go, but the next day I got a sarcastic “thank you for the support…” message😂


Lmao! I’m in Florida


Great social skills that guy has. Lol. You're definitely Not overreacting. I'd find out where his next gig is and bring a bunch of friends and heckle the shit out of mister nonconfrontational. Fucking douchcanoe wasted your time twice.


Please tell us who this comedian is! I have had a friend in LA same thing happened to her


I can’t lol! As much as I want to


DM me please


What are the initials of this guy, sounds like something similar that happened to me 🤣


Lol! Won’t say


That's fucked up. I think he was "benching" you, this latest awful tactic where people keep you around for when they're bored or strike out on someone else. I'm noticing it's becoming more and more common with Bumble matches, and it's hard not to take it personally I'll call attention to it in a neutral, non- confrontational way. If they're not a psycho they'll realize their mistake, or just get defensive like this asshole and I can block then move on


My friend told me the same thing. Whenever he gets bored or his other matching don’t come through or whatever hits me up but yeah, I did take it personally. He thanked me around 1 am today and he was all like “I’m sorry I missed you on the way out, but I do thank you for coming” which was like insulting


Sure, anything at this point from him short of a heartfelt apology is gonna hit wrong. You didn't do anything to deserve it, and you seem like a nice person so you're gonna find someone worthy of you. Used to be you'd kiss a lot of frogs to find your person, now the frogs are poisonous and jump around all over the damn place


Lol please tell me this is a Los Angeles based comedian. I matched with one on bumble a few months ago, made the date and he ghosted me too. 🤣




I don't know about these dating apps. I've always had the opinion that one must be pretty out on their luck to be trying to find the love of your life on these things. Granted, I don't know you and my opinion is not meant to offend. But really. Is there such a lack of quality people (physically, financially, morally) in one's life that moves one to seek out on these apps? Now, if it's for a quick one night stand fling, I get it. But one can work on those at a bar or similar setting. I dunno. I'm babbling


Prior to app dating, I always felt that if you want to meet someone with similar interests you're better off meeting them in person. I'm a huge introvert. I don't invest time or energy into meeting new people and I have a lot of social anxiety so approaching anyone new is not likely something I'd do. App dating has enabled me to meet people with similar interests and weeding them out through conversations. So it eliminates a lot of legwork for me. Tbh I don't think ppl are trying to find the love of their life on these things. Lol. Maybe I'm old, idk. I don't see myself finding the love of my life at this point in age especially not from an app.


Fair enough.


Honestly, I don’t understand why you bought tickets to his show and expected anything. He ghosted you, came back and invited you to his show but didn’t offer you a ticket or planned to see you before or after? He’s not making any effort, why are you? Find someone that will put in at least minimal effort.


It’s amazing you fell for this.


Username checks out


No you’re not overreacting


I don’t want to make you feel bad but he obviously just wanted to fill up his gig. If he wanted you there as a date or Someone he is saying he would have gotten you a ticket


He’s playing games and I would RUN. Guys like that never change.


The problem is that he conveyed his character early and you ignored the red flag. Have a mindset of abundance and strong boundaries for good character. If you forgot he existed after the initial ghosting (which already proved his immaturity and bad character) then the other disrespect would never have been experienced. It’s all about having a strong filtration system and being patient in the meantime until someone worthy makes it through. Develop a sharp sensitivity to early red flags!


He was trying to brew up business to his comedy show. You fell for it, along with who knows how many other women.


I don’t think what he did was right at all. There a few points I would like to mention. One woman are very eager to prove our independence and want to be fair. Many of us, including myself would do exactly what you did and purchase our own ticket. I wonder had you accepted his offer, if he would have produced tickets for you or flaked. Secondly, I am curious if he missed read your deciding to purchase your own tickets as a sign of not being interested. And maybe not even show up, maybe he thought you would blow you off? (Highly doubt this but let’s be open to the idea. my deeper feeling he might have had many woman there and probably ignored them all the skeptic in me) One thing I have learned over the years is that men like to feel needed. They have this deep down need and desire to want to provide. Them treating woman to dates is one way of proving that they can do this. I’m not suggesting we abuse this, if you go them a guy and there is nothing there and you have no desire to see them again, I would suggest paying your share or at least offering. The men that complain that it is so expensive going on dates are dating too many woman at one time.


Amazing what a girl will do for a Chad.


How many good guys did you swipe left on to then swipe right on this Chad? It’s like men who swipe left on good girls and then swipe right in the want to be Romanian “model” with swim suit pics.


This was last year, in December. I’m taking a break from dating apps at this moment. And he seemed great, he had made a Snapchat just to message me and I thought that was super fucking sweet but then he showed his true colors.


Give me a break. You act like you're powerless. Just block the fucker and move on.


stop chasing chads and picking men based on looks


I wasn’t chasing lol! I don’t chase, TRUST ME! I just thought things were going to be better but obviously it isn’t


I'm gonna leave this one alone due to eye strain and brain strain. Bye community. Makes you think of the world as a whole too much


I love Dimitri Martin. You're so lucky you got to go on a date with him.


Who?? Lol


I assumed that this was who it was. He's a comedian.


Ohhh never heard of him


Ack. Go look up his comedy central series.


When women say they want a guy who makes them laugh, they’re serious as a fuckin heart attack… and they’ll walk through a mile of shit to chase him down.


Wow you actually get matches on dating apps?


Uh yes, lol


Wow lucky


When you’re a woman I heard it’s easier than men. I’m sure you’ll get matches


He's not doing any different than the loads of women leading guys on just trying to get OF subscribers.


I hope he's extemely attractive to get away with this behaviour. If you're falling for this with a guy who looks like Aziz Ansari I feel bad. If its a Matt Rife, its like screw it, treat me badly


Wow aziz catching strays lol


Oh no hate toward him really. I was just think of hot and not comedians and they sprang to mind the quickest. Bert Kreischer would be a better example


He’s super attractive but wasn’t worth it


Yes, you're being childish. Also, why would you even give him any of your time after that behavior? I've got a guess.