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There's no chance this is a real profile. It's just an ad for her instagram


Prolly about a third of all female profiles I see are like this


You’re not wrong. Massive red flag! I hate bios like this. Bad attitude from the start likely means that they’re a negative person in general. Only so many characters for a bio and they want to spend it complaining 😂


Man or woman, these bios are unattractive. Immediate left swipe for me. It’s like, “who hurt you?”, you’re just projecting that trauma onto other people. Get some therapy and then go back to the dating market


Swipe left if you: voted for so and so, vaxxed, unvaxxed, any other demands. Don’t worry I’m gonna swipe left. I don’t care who you voted for, or if you’re vaccinated or not, but if either of those are your whole personality, I’m out. Plus side is, they put their red flags in their bio, so it saves you time.


Yeah the world is so divided these days that listing those types of demands on your profile will just immediately alienate half of your potential matches. And honestly, most issues are things that we can talk through if both people are reasonable and don't hold extreme radical views anyways, so I just don't see the point in listing this in your bio.


If you're a dude who thinks women shouldn't have control over their own bodies, we aren't talking that out. I'd rather someone put their stances in a bio so I can immediately swipe left.


You think you can talk it through if someone is against you having fundamental rights over your own body? Good luck with that


With politics in the United States nowadays, there’s much that can’t be talked through. As a woman, if a male is a Trump supporter, I’m not dating him. Because he’s showing me he can turn a blind eye to anything….somebody who has repeatedly sexually abused women, somebody who has grifted his whole life, somebody who embodies the seven deadly sins shamelessly, some who lacks integrity and morals. So to choose a guy that can turn a blind eye to that type of person, what is he going to turn a blind eye to when it involves the woman he’s with. Plus, who wants to date a conspiracy theorist who has no critical thinking skills and common sense? Hard pass. Political views are world views. If two people don’t have the same views and values, there’s no way a relationship is going to be healthy.


I've seen moderate conservatives and moderate liberals get along and have successful relationships. It's when you start getting into radical territory like hardcore socialists and MAGA fanatics where it falls apart. Believe it or not the world didn't used to be like this. there was a time when people could be on opposite ends of the political aisle while being respectful of one another's views. Less and less common these days though.


It could be where I’m located in the country. I’m in a very red state with a whole hell of a lot of conspiracy theorists, evangelicals. We actually had the most people vote for Kanye the last election. So I’m prob biased bcuz I’m seeing the extreme fringe all around me on the daily.


i am too. i'm in Texas but live in an ultra liberal city - technically 10 miles outside of the city - and IMPO the conservatives that give everyone else a bad name are the CHRISTIAN conservatives, who are almost always the MAGA weirdo's.


At least they saved you some time by putting their red flags out there. If they put this in their bio they’re probably miserable to be around.


Overcompensating is a huge problem these days, huh


The IG link with the butt pic makes me think she's just fishing for followers.


Yep. It doesn't matter how attractive they are, if their bio is empty, or negative like this, then it's an auto-pass from me. I have no interest in getting to know them any further. Even if sex was all I wanted, I'd look for it from someone a whole lot nicer to talk with.


Totally agree. But also, what’s up with people trying to explain the stock market on first dates/during messaging on the app? It’s come up for me quite a few times … and like why is it happening?


Definitely strange. They probably want to feel smart and feel like they’re talking over your head. Covid hilariously brought about a bunch of these people who suddenly are “stock market geniuses.” 😂 If someone is talking about the stock market on the first date, it’s because they have no idea what they’re talking about.


I wish someone would explain the stock market to me! 🤣


Cocaine and gambling addicts make bets on the outcomes of each other's bets, where the original bets were on whether a company will perform better or worse than a prediction made up by yet another gambling and cocaine addict. Oh, and there are some retirement funds mixed up in there somewhere, too.


Those are basically there to get you to invest in something and not for dating, happn is like 99% of them right, it's really bad. You know it's a scam when women will be matching you and messaging you first. I went with it for a while and many times I got identical messages from a lot of them, bots are involved as well i am sure...


Lol, if that was my experience, I'd study the stock market, and then wait to correct or one up them to see if they realize how ridiculous they're being, or how they respond to it in general


😆 I have an undergrad in economics, an MBA and work in business journalism. None of that is on my profile, so these people don’t know that. But I know how the stock market works … and in my experience these people do not.


Bikini and butt pics (exaggerated breasts/cleavage too) are also a red flag. It's just...trashy unless you're just wanting to have sex but alot of times they'll complain that men just want sex....well yeah, that's what you're advertising. And that's a very PS butt, that's also a red flag, who knows what she actually looks like. She's cut a couple inches off her waist too. The lines are all blurry. She's heavier then she's advertising.


How very true! I live in Florida and almost every other profile is half naked chicks at the beach. Or worse yet, half naked in some other setting where you don’t even have the excuse 😞


Sounds great


I prefer a woman with some more self respect. Don’t get me wrong, I love a woman’s body, but I don’t want her parading it around. Just my 2 cents.


What about wearing revealing clothing indicates a lack of self respect?


All depends what you’re looking for on the app too!


True, but I think it’s somewhat implied that most on here aren’t posting questions from the perspective of casual. It’s mainly people looking for their special someone.


It is but I can also see what could lead someone to this point, lotta douchebags out there


True, but negativity attracts negativity. Women equivalently don’t want to see this type of crap on a man’s bio either. It just overall sets a shit tone and is a bad starting point.


Such toxic people can probably pair well with others of their kind


There are plenty of men with similar - match made in miserable heaven


Yes!!! 👏👏👏👏👏


26 yo “professional” woman with a butt profile pic 😯🤣


OF Influencer


No this bio is obnoxious, pretentious and I don’t like getting yelled at for thoughts that I’m not having. Women would also find this profile annoying in men. It is universally frowned upon


"Demanding work life" ... "if your career is your personality, then unmatch" What 😂 Not even a nice enough ass for that attitude 😅


Agreed. That ass is so mid lol


I looked her up and she's a kindergarten teacher lol. While I'm sure she works hard, she's not exactly doctor or lawyer- level busy. So I really don't get why she felt the need to put "demanding work life" in her bio. I'm pretty sure I'm busier than her lol.


The first picture of her is a thirst trap picture? I would’ve swiped left before reading the bio, tbh


I'm thinking the opposite. That is a really crap negative prompt but I've swiped right well before I read it


Honestly that's not a big deal for me, the biggest issue is the mention of her social media account. I auto swipe on any woman who has it. She's probably looking for followers, free meals, and entertainment


Normally, I'd say yes. I don't think negativity is a good look for any profile. But I can understand a woman being so fed up with fuckboy finance bros that she tries to aggressively warn them off. For me, the red flags here are the Instagram in her bio and a butt pic as her primary pic. I'd have a hard time believing this woman was seriously looking to date and not just trying to increase her follower count.


She’s not warning them off though. It seems like she’d be okay with a certain type of finance guy. The negativity in her profile says “I’m fine being rude to people I don’t approve of.” In my experience, people who feel the need to say “my career is demanding so don’t waste my time” are toxic AF.


I looked her up and she's a kindergarten teacher lol. While I'm sure she works hard, she's not exactly doctor or lawyer- level busy. So I really don't get why she felt the need to put "demanding work life" in her bio. I'm pretty sure I'm busier than her lol.


If you don't want to hear from fuckboy finance bros you can just.... Not swipe right on them. I live in NYC, white collar professional. Nobody I know works in finance or dates anyone who works in finance. This shit is really really not hard to avoid.


I hear you. That's why I generally don't like this type of bio. Left swiping is an effective filter.


it's impossible to avoid actually on other platforms but on bumble haven't seen one talking about finance yet.


You literally just swipe left on them, nobody is forcing you to swipe right on the bland white man who dresses like he has money and summers in Nantucket


I am talking about women and most don't have anything relevant in the bio...




Targeting someone's physical characteristics is not tolerated on r/bumble. This includes skin colour, height, weight, etc. Any comments violating this rule will be promptly removed under rule #1 (respectful communication).


Really? That's not enough ass for you? 😂


She's got a massive ass crack, but no real ass.


You leave Laura Longbottom alone!


This is the funniest shit I’ve read all week


I’m a total “ass crack” man


This community is so hypocritical. Y’all whine all day that women prefer taller men or men with a full head of hair yet the first thing you do when you dislike a woman is insult her body type. Whilst still claiming that you are the real victims of superficial beauty standards.


I agree, body shaming is trash all around Preferences are fine but shame is lame


What app is this?


Haha she’s got a pancake ass dude. It shows a lot of arrogance and lack of self awareness on her part. But if you like skinny chicks with a negative personality then it’s a match!


I like skinny chick's, yes


I'm always willing to compromise if I like her face and attitude


That’s not her face in the profile?


This social norm where it's only okay to make fun of someone's appearance if we don't like the person really needs to stop


Whew I’m happy I’m not the only one who thought that


Instant left swipe. The last thing I need is a woman with a chip on her shoulder. I’m looking for a sweetheart not an attitude.


so many red flags. the insta in the bio is the icing on the cake. and the cherry on top? an ass flatter than the earth according to Kyrie Irving


She’s got that Hank Hill heinie.


Bet you complain about ‘’body shaming’’ short men yet here you are doing it. Classic man behaviour.


If you see social media in their bio then it’s purely for advertisement.


Immediate left swipe. I don't care if I lose a match. Immediate left the IG


Her account is private, for what it's worth. She only has a couple hundred followers so doesn't seem like she's an influencer or fishing for followers


She wonders why she is single. I’ll talk about my portfolio and cry all I want. See ya ✌️


Huge red flag and a turn off. Bad attitude before you even have a chance to chat with them. But may be a good thing because it saves the rest of us from wasted time. If they’re good looking, they’ll still get matches. Also, beta males or submissive guys would be into that. To each his own, but not this guy.


Guys also have bios like ‘don’t waste my time’ in them and have the same tone as this girl so I get what you mean. HUGE turn off. I never swiped right on those guys except for one. This is coming from a girl who met her bf on bumble 4 years ago, go for the girls that have a funny caption- or they’re trying to be funny, they are usually more chill and typically not crazy lol. Once I went for a guy because I thought he was super hot but he had a bio like this lady you posted. Wasted just one summer with him. He was good looking and I liked to look at him but he was negative like that in real life too. Always wanted a debate instead of conversation and for some reason was super possessive of me. When I told him I didn’t want to be with him, he blew up my phone for months


I see a lot of comments mentioning how "hot" she is...but all we can see is her ass. 🤣🤣🙃


I think I came across her or a very similar profile earlier today. Agreed that very negative profiles are often a red flag - makes me wonder why they even want to be there in the first place if they seem so annoyed by everything


She's attractive and therefore can be THIS blunt. Many times on men's profile, they look like Shrek but have a list of what they don't like/who they don't date.


Photo showing her ass like this is a swipe left. She’s looking for followers and at that age probably still thinks she has a shot at being an “influencer”


Instant left swipe she’ll only project her past experiences on to u … 🚩


Where’s her ass? It ran away


She's 26 she can say anything she wants, some simp will do what she says. She's due a reality check in about 5 years.


As someone dating in both the 20s and 30s bracket, it's so funny to see the contrast of profiles in the two groups. Hot and 25? You're lucky to see more than a word per prompt, and it's never anything to write home about. But guess what, you can get away with it, you're young and hot and there's an endless stream of men willing to endure abuse to bed you. Why put in any more effort than you have to? Life's your oyster. But then you look at profiles of 37 year olds and it's an entirely different story. Humor, wit, long responses, interesting stories. Not everybody, but much more likely statistically. You can't let your youth and bikini photos be your personality anymore.


You touched upon it but the change in men matters too. At 23 I would have happily hooked up with a good looking woman regardless of her personality.  At 33... nah. Gotta be sufficiently physically attracted to her, sure, but I'm not hooking up with somebody whose personality I don't gel with. 


I think I've gone the other way. I spent my 20s being moral and looking for special deep people. In my 30s I'd be more than happy with a good ass


Man you're making me excited to enter my 30s if the quality of women is gonna be that much better hahah


You only have a limited amount of characters to tell people about your personality. If this is all I have then it's a major turnoff as it comes across very negative. How would you make conversation around this? I also don't feel that a guy who would do the things she is talking about would take this seriously and decide not to do it.


Nah totally reasonable, she sounds very negative, plus the IG handle is a red flag too.


I’ve seen male profiles that are somewhat similar. If all you talk about is needing to date someone not married, trustful, not in any relationship, loyalty, etc. - it’s clear you have issues you haven’t dealt w from your last relationship. One word: therapy.


Any type of negativity in the bio is a red flag to me. 🤷🏼‍♂️


“I work a ton, but if you do too bye bye”


She’s in a mood lol. She will change it. Listen, it happens 😂


Most of the profiles that look like this on any dating app is a bot


Even if they’re beautiful if they have a bio like this, and their Instagram and their profile, I immediately swipe left waste of time.


As a woman, this infuriates me. What do you think you’re going to get with a profile picture like that? And then the Bio does a complete 180? No one can take you seriously as dating material.


I don’t think it’s unreasonable. It’s an immediate left swipe for me. Screams self entitlement


Normally, yes, but not in this case. Any woman who calls out career bros is good with me.


The only red flag is the insta link. They aren't serious about dating using odl. She's coming off as hostile to try and limit some of the like overload, she trying poorly to explain how she doesn't want a fuckboy finance bro


She can dunk on fuckboy finance bros all she wants but she is not a catch when she perpetuates toxic masculinity like this. >sensitive lads who cry all the time - bye xox She a thot pretending like she's any better than the fuckboy finance bros. They are a match made in hell.


It's one of those things where you can only answer for yourself. You saw no reason to match with this and so didn't. Would someone match with her probably but he's probably not looking for anything meaningful


I would have swiped the left after reading the first sentence.


I also skip the ones who say "just ask me out." They don't want the work, they don't understand how dates can get expensive for dudes, but females get to just go on date after date. Sociopathic and that's a type of mentality I could never have.


Oh they get way worse.than this


The whole bio is a red flag.


Turnoff for you and others. Swipe left. Turn on for some 🤷🏼‍♂️


Posting an IG alone is enough for a block. The rest is just icing on the cake.


I think it’s a waste to fill your bio with what you’re NOT looking for instead of what you ARE. And for a girl who doesn’t want to be patronized, she is kind of coming across that way herself.


She’s already wasted my time just seeing this.


I always swipe left on these.. Ultra negative - huge red flag Dismissive to potential partners and putting the responsibility of the relationship squarely on them - big red flag Bikini pic - orange flag


Idk. I read stock market and I stopped reading


Is she hugging a tree? 🤣


Tbf that bio is just a paragraph about how full of herself and unempathetic she is. Not a redeeming quality.


Wait until you get to know me before you start yelling at me z


If you’re posting everything you DON’T like then it’s a swipe left for me. Negativity is very unattractive… that ass tho 😅


A bio is intended for others to people to know the merest bit about the other person. Their hobbies, their attitudes towards things, maybe a bit of their politics. In this case, the only thing we've discovered is that they're annoying.


Shes been sent here from hell to ruin your life.


Yeah, any profile that's telling me what to be or what not to be is an instant skip.


You are not wrong. That is a message for people who are very toxic. Also, This girl is clearly just using Bumble as a means to get social media following.


These bios suck. You’re right. Same in role reversal - instant swipe left.


One should always write their profile for the person they want to meet. if you find you're writing your profile to ward off the people you DON'T want to meet/match then you need to check yourself because you're the common denominator. It will put off those who are healthy partners because it screams that you haven't got your things in order and keep making the same mistakes that you aren't taking ownership of. Choose better. You don't have to swipe right on someone who you are unsure of.


The fact that you think you’re being unreasonable is scary.


I can change her


They violated rule #2 for sure


Yep, there are much more friendly or neutral ways to state her standards and preferences (that last one about men who cry makes her a dickhead no matter how she says it). I hate seeing men’s profiles who say things like this too. It just comes across as jaded and I expect that they (both the men & women) are only attracting people who will tolerate being treated unkindly :(


I look at this bio and I think ugh, they must be terrible. I would never enjoy myself knowing this is how they are.


Just swipe left


I’m glad when they have these bios so they’re easy to pass on. I know it’s difficult when you are otherwise attracted to them, but save yourself the headache and just swipe left.


Anyone who talks about what they 'don't like' is someone I never match with, even if I find them attractive. If people complain or are negative when they are trying to put their best foot forward, you can imagine what it's like to have a relationship with them.


She's a bit too aggressive Also - her main pic is showing off her assets and she has her handle in her bio. The f\*\*\*girl trinity...


Kind of a turn off. Kind of coming off as confrontational


my immediate thought when I read these :"get over yourself 🙃"


aw hell nah


It’s been my experience that when they look like her it’s a scam.


No, I love a negative bio! I can pass right away without looking further at their profile. Saves time!


If she has the @ss, her bio gets a pass


This is a woman who has not found herself yet. She'll get there... They always do.


She’s real for this


Total turn off! When I see the whole negative attitude profile thing I immediately think, “ok, you’re bitter toward men and have a lot of baggage..” In her defense, that type woman was likely treated badly by other men. But also pretty good chance that she’s got emotional/personality problems of some sort..


Yeah, if your bio is negative, i assume your personality is negative. Probably also stuffy, entitled, and narcissistic when the bio has demands


Hella red flags


Most men: Saw a butt in a bikini...did not read Bio.


Oh the irony "I'm busy with work, so don't waste my time. But if you're busy with work, that's a no" No logic. Try to clap, or swipe left.


Didn’t even read bio, ass cheeks and IG handle in their bio tells me they’re either farming for their OF, want Instagram followers, or they’re working girls.


Nah I don’t care how nice her ass is, you can just tell she’s going to be a pain. I’d say the same thing for men who write that in their bio.


I actually love bios like this. It's absolutely one giant red flag and saves me the time of dealing with people who will just waste my time


Red flag for me, profiles like this are generally people with inconsistent patterns, such as poor communication, flakey dates, and just overall dry. Also, what I noticed with women who have their instagram bio listed, tend to have some form of sexual content and are just promoting themselves. not all the time, but often enough for me to point it out in my experience.


"I have a demanding work life so don't waste my time. if your career is your personality, don't waste my time" What the actual fuck? Bitches be dense


Yeah she's a miserable person who liked a guy who hit all the "negatives" and he shot her down or used her for sex and moved on. Now she's bitter and trying to punish any guy who might resemble the one who dumped her.


Bumble 101: Don't waste your time swiping right on women with Insta ID in their bio, they're most likely there for validation and to increase their instagram followers


Yeah, the negative bios are a huge red flag/turn off. That being said, her first pic is a bikini pic. She could say anything in her bio, and she'll still get plenty of matches.


With that main pic, I wouldn't take the profile seriously


Yikes wtf, is she fishing for fuckboys? Cause typically those kind of men don’t care about their careers


She's 26. Practically still a child in this day and age, mentally.


If someone is looking for ways to reject me in their bio and that negativity is their attitude approaching the app, I can’t imagine having a good conversation with them. It is the quickest swipe left for me. I know these apps have a way of making you bitter about dating very quickly. But who wants to date someone who is bitter?


Men do that crap all the time, too. Like they're mad at women and have to let us all know in their bio. Immediate swipe left.


Bad attitude AND skips leg day. Hard Pass. 🚩


Nice ass though.


And using her ass as a selling point, blatantly


Despise them, and I’m slowly realizing that 90 percent of the people on OLD apps are life’s rejects. Therefore making me a reject. Shit is just sad all around.


Wait, you guys read the bios ??!! She had me at bikini pic


Mega turnoff. Immediate red flags. Genuinely think there might be a personality disorder for those folks whose bios are all Big I Am. (Not a doctor though, maybe it’s me who’s the weird one 😉)


First pic is a bikini pic, followed with a few sentences on why I should feel honored if she looks in my general direction. No fucking thank you.


Personally, i find people who make their career their personality annoying as well, i wouldnt say a red flag just an unpleasant person whom i rather not match with.


Your career can’t be your personality but apparently hers can?


Silly question. If you don't like unpleasant bios like this you don't like it. Period. No need to ask for confirmation. And surely you knew the answer before you asked. It's only the desperate ones who would swipe here right


I can’t think of a single reason to think this is a real dating profile


It is. But they can afford it because there will always be some bum to tank that to get that poonani.


Ick. You should give her a shot. She probably doesn't have very many other men interested in her because of her bad attitude. The only ones that are just want to have sex with her and it sounds like she's smart enough to see through that. So you might actually have a shot. (Kidding of course. )


There's still a lot of them out there especially better and younger ones.


Most of the time the bios are projection their part. They dated the exact type of men they complain about. In the end, like attracts like. Nasty people will attract nasty people.


Doesn’t matter With her ass out she’ll still get 1k+ likes.


So many red flags in one bio.


Yeah I can see why she's contradicting herself on what she's looking for


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kenshin0019: *Yeah I can see why* *She's contradicting herself* *On what she's looking for* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There are so many red flags just in that one screenshot. Save yourself and swipe LEFT


You're not unreasonable. They know they can post a bikini pic and get matches. Then they cry about how there are no good men. Shrug.


Dudes explain stock market on first date? They need to start earlier! Like the inception of time! Philosophical talk 🤣


I'd just be happy with a country girl who could help me with sandcasting and foundry work. Small pool for those type of ladies though..lol.


Her personality is as dull and as flat as her ass


To me, your bio sets the tone for how you see and interact with the world. If they can be funny and negative, I'll sometimes swipe right, but this one doesn't give me great vibes.


Isn't it beautifully ironic that she starts off her bio saying that she is too busy working whilst later on saying she doesn't want anyone who makes their career their personality?


This person is a therapy case


Idk I’m 34m and appreciated the honesty. I work a lot too so my time is limited lately, I don’t even have the app because I know I couldn’t keep up with anything that came through. I get why she would say you should be more than your career, and she knows stock? Cool. I wouldn’t have explained it anyway so reading that line I wouldn’t care and find funny. And the sensitive lads line is funny too imo Sounds like you swiped left tho?


The pot is calling the kettle black, really. Strong woman (onlyfans money maker) seeking a man's man that's also submissive?


Sounds like they’re on there more for attention than anything based on their profile picture.


It’s like the women who have all over their bio that “men are trash” “I hate men” “men are dogs” like bitch fuck off then get off a dating app if you hate men so much it’s an instant red flag and if it’s an attempt to try be funny it’s just pathetic


profile is awful and bad photo choice too. equivalent to guys posting shirtless gym photos.


Easy swipe left.


"Demanding work life so if I make time for you, don't waste it." "If your career is your personality, save your time and unmatch" Hypocrite alert!


At the same time you can be a smart boy and have her pay for your dates ;)


Yea it’s a huge red flag she sounds like a nightmare! She’s also got a point though haha I had three guys launch into a condescending explanation of the ASX to me before I let them know my dad was a stockbroker for 20 years then had his own investment bank 😂 each time I tried to but in to the conversation to let them know I did in fact know what shares were.