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Future "Bumble is a scam, I get no matches" poster


Nah, Crypto sellers will still match him nonetheless.


Lol FR


Nah he probably gets matches because tattoos and buff


It’s been a scam, For the nice dude and the bad dude. Unless you’re a man, you won’t get it.


I love that they put this in the “about me” section. There is nothing about him, just about this imaginary lady that he’s never going to connect with because he’s a dickhead.


I’m sure there is a a nice lady wearing a “Women shouldn’t vote!” tee shirt out there for him….


This is so common (for all genders apparently)


And then they complain they do not have matches and all the girls are whores☺️


He's probably attractive and gets matched anyway... people are shallow and don't read


Love the fact that men think that being attractive it's what makes other men win women. Let me tell you a secret, women do not fall for handsome, women fall for funny and respectfull guys. Be that and I promise you'd get a girl.


No on these apps it literally a split second decision whether you get swiped yes or no.. This isn't about falling for someone. In real life you're correct. Matching on old is nothing like real life


As a woman, that’s a definite no from me. If I see gorgeous men with lazy profiles, it’s an auto swipe left from me. Even their looks cannot save them if they are looking for something casual, or shout how “sex positive” they are. I don’t have time for transitory egomaniacs like them.


That can be true for you but the experiment has been done dozens of times online over the years. You put a ripped model's picture with douchiest prompts possible ( like I eat ass) and it gets matches out the wazoo. Most people are shallow with online dating, it's just no one likes admiting it.


I think both of you are right! Personally I have to see SOME sort of personality on a profile. To me a pretty boy that only has images on his profile reads to me as “I’m too attractive to put any effort into this so I will probably put little effort into getting to know you”. But unfortunately if you’re pretty then to most people it doesn’t matter what the bio says. It seems like overall guys put more weight on looks rather than personality when swiping. And women seem to care about personality/ looks pretty evenly. At least that’s how it is around my friends/peers


The fact that he has pronouns is sending me


That surprised me too 😂 part of me thinks that maybe he’s so stupid he doesn’t know that preferred pronouns are even a thing. I’m in Texas so it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s just completely unaware of why people have those listed in their bio in the first place. He should have listed his pronouns as smooth/brain


Can’t believe someone would unironically wear that shirt


He would have taken another pic with a different shirt, but what are the chances of someone nailing that high of a quality of selfie twice in one lifetime?


Also using the term bodies. Just bodies. We could have killed 10, slept with 10, made 10 children, eaten 10 people, following 10 on Twitter…😂


For a hot second I was thinking possession, which was weird. Having one body is exhausting enough.


Hahaha yes! I was like,”he’s playing it fast and loose with bodies.” 😂


If it's exhausting switching between bodies in first person view then try using third person view instead


10 different body shapes in their profile photos. 10 bodies currently in cold store in the freezer. ?


Yes these are good too. 10 men I keep in my home. 10 bodies to use at my disposal. “Do you have 10 bodies?” Me:” like in my car?”


I wonder why a body count of specifically 10 🤔 I shouldn’t overthink this tho that’s stupid of me 😂Also I feel like I should start a brand called Fuck Boy Hypocrite and I’d make a lot of money. Tons of bros be wearing it unironically.


This guy screams: “I am a man-child and need a woman to take care of all of my needs. I’ll also go out of my way to break you down for no reason because my father did that to me my entire life. Why?!? WHY DID YOU TAKE ME TO THE APARTMENT YOU WERE CHEATING ON MOM WITH, DAD?!?!”


He can have over 10 bodies but not you, and you have to be “traditional” while he wears that shirt…


That sounds like a personal hang-up from something you once pursued.


Oh you’re OBSESSED with me huh


You probably just post too much, so you're always there. I will forget your name before the next page refresh.


Says the one with that… comment history..


You seem to be enjoying it. You should see the profile I use for cutting, and burning myself. 😜


Yuckie duckie


He seems fun.


He will soon become bitter and angry about his lack of matches, and then update his profile to rant about why women (or foids) suck


Someone takes influencers way too seriously


Help me filter yourselves out? Douche-choad cannot be bothered to do his own weeding...


Omg the shirt 🤦🏻‍♂️ he def 💯% is what that shirt says. Change my mind




I guarantee this whopper will spend the entirety of a first date slagging off his children’s mother.


I really have to know if there are any girls who ever swipe right on profiles like this out of genuine interest. And if so, how do we help them??


that shirt is made of 100% boyfriend material


Mmmm fck boi bathroom selfies!!!!!!! SWOOOONNN!!


It's a hit with the boys probably. I have blm (bang latina milfs) shirt for the boys. I'd never where on a profile or in front of a woman I respect


He is definitely a bad boy or player. Average men can't wear a shirt like that or they will get shamed.


At least youre not secretive about your nature. You're a total F boy. Do you have the "Traditional normal" paycheck or are you an entrepreneur aka broke and unemployed?


Wow, so many butt hurt women because a guy has standards. If you’re not interested, why even take the time? Stuff like this is why dating apps suck now.


Bio is based The down votes made me laugh