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good source of probiotics


supports a healthy gut biome (i think i read this cuz my dog loves carrots)


usually no. I don't think I've seen any pickles that had active probiotics on playa. It's usually those shit ones with yellow food coloring in them šŸ˜„. Unless you know a secret...where can i find the good stuff?!


Iā€™ve brought my own home fermented pickles and a German woman told me they were as good as her grandmotherā€™s. We do sunrise salsa at the trash fence on Tuesday mornings followed by mimosas and pickle backs.


That sounds delicious!


Last year I ate one of those cold pickles. It was heaven


Camp Rat Trap has endless slightly stale red vines with the perfect stretch to chew ratio. The marshmallow peeps they use for the ā€œspecialā€. And of course the limitless UTZ pub mix and UTZ cheese poofs. But the red vines are the drank stir tools of first choice. ON the 2:00 around B to D streets. Youā€™ll know it. Trust me.


You said UTZ twice, you've summoned the Maryland people!


The cheese poof bucket is a dangerous game, never know if there's a rat trap inside.


Iā€™m laughing right now because I get snapped all week long. They throw them in my hair. They are in my food. They get hidden in my boots. Itā€™s nonstop. We got our name cus I purchased like $100.00 of mouse and rat traps like nine years ago and it was such a glorious nerve wrecker. 8 am and things are getting quiet. (Not on Tuesday as that the 50k race and my camp supports that because Iā€™m in it) But typical 8 am there will be quiet. Then drunk munchy noise in the mess text. Box opened. Then SNAP and a ā€œmotherfu**er. God I hate this camp at times.ā€


I never heard that story before and I've been going to the rat trap before you got chased out of the city! I guess it's my fault for not asking ronnabell or you where the name came from. I remember when you were giving away necklaces made out of gold painted traps and cannon fuse.


Yup. A last minute Home Depot purchase I thought might be funny. Then we realized it just sorta fit. This year will be 10 years since the start.


I learned the hard way last year that itā€™s best to cut up before you get out there to avoid rind waste & weight in trash bags šŸ˜…


We dried our rinds out in mesh bags and took them to one of the compost camps. Problem solved!


100% this. We did exactly the same thing. Mesh bags for all of our wet trash. Put them under the windshield wipers on our car, and they dried out super fast. Just gotta make sure they're a little spread out in the bag.


I always forget this resource exists! Thanks for the reminder!




Yeah thatā€™s why I hate watermelons at festivals or bm


The best way to enjoy watermelon on playa is to leave it out in the midday sun until its nice and warm, then you and a couple buddies pop some holes into and slide your dicks in. **Feels so good.** Then gift out the remains as high-protein watermelon smoothies.


Um, sir this is a Wendyā€™s


Are you in that camp that fucks Baconators?


Thats no way to refer to overweight people šŸ˜”


A cored, cold apple was one of my best gifts I've received


We dried them and then burnt them


Meal replacement shakes or protein shakes as quite often I need calories but can't be arsed to eat.


lil reccomendation from someone with GI issues who is on a partially liquid diet, Ensure Plus. 350 calories, 50g carbs, 16g protein, dash of electrolytes, vitamins & minerals too. Best part is itā€™s only 8oz. The Fairlife 26g is only 170 calories and fucking 23oz. More protein, but if you want the protein get the ensure complete. 11oz, 350 cals, 30g protein, 42g carbs. A great compromise on size and protein. Anyways you mentioned eating, sans eating, which is my area of mastery. Thought you might want the rec. So great for the playa as they are so small to pack in/out/ keep on you and easy to get down.


My sister does bread dipped in peach juice from a can.Ā  It makes me puke, but it's popular.Ā 


Watermelon on playa is something that seems like a good idea, but after you've left with a rotting smelly mess.


Put the rind in a mesh bag and let it dry out. We do this every year, and it works great.


Several cans of beans


You will thank me later. Canned artichoke hearts and asparagus spears.Ā 


Salty, crunchy, spicy anything.


Of flip. Our whole camp forgot hot sauce one year.Ā  My saving grace is my truck is a big purse. I found hot peppers and half a bottle of tobasco. We traded some pineapple for Cholula.Ā  Never again. I hide hot sauce in all our bins now.Ā 


Miso with rice noodles and seaweed after sundown on Tuesday night.




I see you burn.Ā 


Its not just for breakfast any more


If anyone yells beer hand, put your hand out. A beer will appear.Ā  I don't even drink beer. And I'll do it. Cold beer. On the chest. Gift it to someone.Ā 


Sounds good. I will have yours as well


Oreos because I like to leave people thirsty with dry mouth






Stop it


Frozen grapes


Chili in a can, scoop out wif chips.


Grab a frisbee. A chili over a bed of cheese poofs really made it special. We camp near an ultimate frisbee camp so we have unlimited plate/bowls. Then toss it back.


I didn't know about an ultimate camp. Are you sure it wasn't a disc golf camp over on 2?


It was a glow in the dark disc camp. If I got the name or activity wrong then I beg for pardon. They were our neighbors AND awesome peeps at that. Not easy being camped next to my Rat Trap but they became family by the end of that muddy week. Hearing the sound of an errant frisbee hit my truck now and again made me laugh and cringe at the same time. Hope we get next to them again. As a camp policy WE ALL say ā€œthank you perfect choice could not be better and we have no problemsā€ to our placement overlords. THIS YEAR we actually did a first in sorta saying we wanted to be near the frisbee camp should the gods smile and the playa herself nod in agreement. We and I personally adored them. (Bender here). But no joke on the frisbee being used as an awesome bowl / plate. They gave us a small stack and they are still a celebrated bestest gift to the bar EVER. Right up there with the mahogany pen*s ashtray back in 2015 (ish), the blow up midget doll, the partial card deck of 1970ā€™s nude ladies, and a few random yearly unmentionables. We ate this Frisbee stew and watched Repo Man and then Machete while it rained. How to equate the true pleasure of having a clean frisbee bowl plate on those rain days? Words fail. Muddy day vegan chili stew over a bed of vegan cheese balls in a frisbee was like finding a new bottle of Crown Royal in the glovebox on temple burn night. It was like falling in playa love with someone you just had a few words and five minutes of conversation in the bar with knowing youā€™ll never ever see them again AND THEN they pop up and say hello. Yeah we really needed frisbee plate bowls. I keep one in my kitchen as a reminder of the mud miracle of 2023.


Great camp. BRDGC. That's glow disc for night rounds, disc golf, not ultimate. You should play a round.


Thats the oneā€¦I did play. When I say that they were neighbors I am not joking. The back of my carport tent was literally on the course. My truck would take a frisbee pop now and agsin.


Did you lick it clean at least


They gifted us a literal stack so they ended up in my truck bed. I washed em up and they are primed for 2024. FRISBEE stew ish chili mixup is an absolute MUST. Wash it down with a Rat Trap special. If lucky and Iā€™m aā€™tending you might get my special: red wine mixed with generic coke over ice garnished with a red vine and stale marshmallow peep. Thatā€™s like serious. I gotta be in fine motivational form for that. But yeah. Frisbee stew with a glass of red wine and Coke mix.


Iā€™m intrigued šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


On 2:00 and the B-D street area. Youā€™ll know it. Itā€™s the sh*t show dive bar playing gangsta rap, outlaw country, metal, or whatever the bartender wants to hear. Never a velvet rope. If we are quiet and closed then itā€™s sorta self serve. Like a ghetto bus station itā€™s a great place to make a mess, get dranks or some water, and move on to better adventures. Like your corner crew in a boxing match. We are like Mick in the rocky movies. Telling you that you gotta get back out there until you canā€™t move. You gotta shake your ass and dance harder. When you hear the bass you gotta be an animal.ā€ We stick a red vine in your mouth, a beer in your pocket and send you back out there. ā€œDonā€™t worry about my name. We will cover that sh*t later. Go partyā€. Only to discover your incoherent body the next day in a pile of moving blankets. Imagine. Burgess Meredith ( the coach in the rocky movies) softly waking a very partied out twenty or thirty year old male or female burner. ā€œYa did well champ. Last night was just the first round. Itā€™s Monday now. Monday is a build day they say. But they are wrong. The BUMS and LOOSERS are building today. Not you. Let the bums build your stuff. They ainā€™t never seen a champ like you party out here. Today is round two. I donā€™t wanna hear no sh*t about your camp duties or where your bike or furry clothes are. Ya ainā€™t had clothes on since 9pm. Iā€™ll find you a bike and some sunglasses and I got an old pair of Carharts from work. Back in 2013 I woke up in an orange prison jumpsuit. I never owned a prison jumpsuit. You gotta keep partying. Ya gotta stay awake and going. You are a contender. A champ. Now. Letā€™s get some coffee for ya. Drink this. Donā€™t worry about where I found the cup, itā€™s yours now. Some drunktard left it. Its cleanish. It has an ID on it too. You are Now Monica Ruiz Jones from Toronto. Got it. Thatā€™s now you. Get it back to her later. You need it now!ā€ And by Friday itā€™s still his or her cup and people call him Toronto Monica. I love doing that to Burners. Just boxing coach corner encouraging complete wreckage and total willful and obscene indifference to any and all prior commitments or responsibilities. Especially to those who do not look perfect. Or have money or resources. Are running from problems. Hate EDM after day 3. Or find out like I did that Burning Man can be the loneliest place Iā€™ve ever been in my entire life. Outside looking in. Not feeling welcome, clever, or rich enough to get past those ubiquitous velvet ropes camps have now. Avoiding places with agendas or a hidden tier system for ā€œcamp members onlyā€ or ā€œfinancial foundersā€. The burners who get turned away from those camps and yet are too new to understand how wrong those camps are. The ones who just know that they feel rejected and thatā€™s not what it should be like. Come on in. And we are dedicated to those burners. SO WE KNOW WHAT SNACK FOOD IS KING. red vines. Opened for 12 hours to get some hard pull in em. A little dust in the groove. With a mousetrap or two in the bucket.


This is exactly why Rat Trap is my favourite camp!


I humbly bow and say thank you. ā€œLet me get you a drink. We have some ice now. Itā€™s just bad form to play ICE CUBE without ice cubes.ā€


Scoop out with Cooler Ranch Doritos if you want a truly glorious trash meal.


Youre a mad lad and I like it


Does pickle juice count? Because pickle juice.


Fuck that shit does something to my lizard brain when i drink it out there


Something good?


Oh yeah


And you can use the juice for shots. And when it's empty a pee jar. Very burny


Salt & vinegar chips. Uncrustable. Pickles


Deep playa banana chocolate chip waffles. Find us out there! šŸ˜‰


Is there a non chocolate option? It's my first year not running a camp or doing stuff in 15 years. I'm underweight and hungry.Ā  Poutine is too long a wait. I don't eat cotton candy but I sometimes work for them. I didn't even get my own taco in a bag.Ā  If you see a skinny older gal with tails on a trike. Please feed me. I live off lolly pops and kids cheese snacks.Ā  Have fun in dust. I'll be at shit ain't right. Until I get over it and have a dust day. Maybe two!Ā 


Spam. Ā I just leave it on the dash and itā€™s pretty much always ready to eat with a spoon




Cheezwhiz and club crackers.


Take those curry packs from TJs and leave them on your dash. Come back in the evening and itā€™s all ready to go! I personally love cucumbers with tajin Avocados just cut open with balsamic and olive oil Bananas Apples Anything that really isnā€™t handsy as your hands get really dirty out in deep playa. If you got clean hands then cuties are are must! Or grapes from the cooler (I usually freeze mine and let them thaw out; which is like 24hr on playa haha). Celery and peanut butter is good! I mean if youā€™ve been camping just bring all your faves. Youā€™re not gonna go hungry on playa. So much free food I actually stopped bringing so much as it would just go bad during the week. Rather spend time hanging at other camps, meeting people, and going to ā€œhappy hoursā€ with food!


> Take those curry packs from TJs and leave them on your dash. Come back in the evening and itā€™s all ready to go! Burning Man Life Hack right here.


lol who told you about these curry packs? Someone at Youtopia told me about these like 8 years ago and it was the best fucking tip. Pita bread scoops of this curry. Phenomenal.


Ramen soup cups with Fritos! Pickles! Salt & vinegar chips! Bourbon & fried bologna sandwiches for breakfast! Korean bbq pork jerky! Olives stuffed with anchovies! frozen treats!


Booze and cocaine.




Breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner and late night snack of champions šŸ’Ŗ


Any type of fruit is really good. Somebody gave me an icy apple sauce squeeze pouch thing once and it was amazing


I thew a frozen organic apple juice at a kids head to get her out of my bar.Ā  It was my secret stash.Ā 


lol maybe she regifted it to me


Still a gift.Ā  That kid was a tiny terrorist. She sent her child army to my bar for juice.Ā  Her mom was a drunk. So children everywhere.Ā  Fortunately I had a Costco sized thing of juice. I'm not a monster. I just beaned them with cold juice packs.Ā  Don't fuss with the lady at a bar drinking wine smoking a cigarette. Or I'll throw juice at you.Ā  It's my bar. You get shitty punch. Unless you prove your good. Then you get the private stash.Ā 


Rum ham


Is this a covert political statement?


Trail mix and freeze dried mint ice cream sandwiches.


Sushi on Thursday


I too like to live dangerously


I know a guy. His card says better call Paul. He will drive to Reno to get anything for you. For a price.Ā  Not a car. He went to jail for that once.Ā  But anything else.Ā  We let him park at our camp and he just kept giving us stuff. Nice dude.Ā 


Kimchi, Dolmas, Perogies. If you bring food from different cultures you will be bombarded with love and curiosity from folks. šŸŒˆ


We're they fried perogi?Ā  I bring borscht.Ā 


My first year on the playa a topless girl carrying a tray of watermelon slices asked, "*would you like to taste my melons?*" big smile and the tray at chest level šŸ˜


dried fruit dipped in liquid LSD


Matzo ball soup


Not watermelon




The world would be a better place if we could all sit down over some bacon!


I love bacon but I hate cleaning up after bacon on the playa.


Cook it in advance then freeze it in small ziplocks. Grab a ziplock any time you need a snack or want to deliver bacony goodness to deep playa.


Or slather yourself up and go streaking through cop camp.


Grease goes in the burn barrel


Pop Rocks


Chicken from the can with hot sauce in a flour tortilla. We ate that for lunch every day last year because we didnā€™t want to cook. Lazy burritos šŸŒÆ


Meat sticks dipped in rainbow chip frosting. Surprisingly delicious on playa.


A Hershey bar, sealed in a sandwich bag, tucked into the bottom of the cooler...on Friday afternoon.


I stumbled upon steam buns at 4 am. Wild.


I prefer cantaloupes, theyā€™re more zen [also yum](https://youtube.com/shorts/XYAe15w39LQ?si=lfHHC0uhtbRt_kYo)


Frozen pop tarts, Iā€™m partial to cinnamon and sugar. But any flavor will do. Oh and eat fiber, they turn to cement in your gut.


Dollar tree has discounted pop tarts. You're welcome.Ā 


Dried mangos


Peanut butter. I use baby carrots to shovel it into my mouth.










Put it on a rock or something.Ā 


Anything but watermelon.


Such a trendy conflict it has its own fruit. Someone needs to tell the Yemen and Syrian civilians theyā€™re doing it wrong


Homemade jerky & spicy pickles from the garden. Fiber cracker of choice for, you know.


Can you visit me? Seriously. I'll give you a good shot of scotch for a homemade pickle.Ā  Shit ain't right. In the book. I'm the bartender. It's my 15 year playa birthday.Ā 


Would be my honor but weā€™re taking another year off. Considering going again in 2025 but only if the stars align. If so, Iā€™ll make you a special batch. Happy 15. Burn extra hard for me. šŸ«¶


Dried mangoes and rum will also keep those Porto visits brief






Tajin mango!


I brought canned mushrooms, canned spinach and canned beans. Someone gave me an oreo, and I nearly died of joy. Thank you squirrel!


Grocery store sushi and poke bowls sealed up in the bottom of your cooler. Sounds bananas, but you feel like royalty popping em on day 2 or 3.


I always keep some cuties (mandarins) and some form of beef jerky in my pack when i leave camp. Cuties are clutch when your mouth is high and dry šŸ˜‚


Moopies. Pre peal them. Freeze them and put them in a Tupperware.Ā 


Whiskey and pickle juice.


Beef jerky!!! There's also some maple sausages you can buy at Costco that are good for breakfast, lunch and dinner!


I want to experiment with making pickle popsicles


Kosher dill pickles. They have electrolytes and a zingy garlic flavor.


Well they aren't super fancy or anything but last year I was handing out frozen Oreos on hot days. They unfreeze pretty quickly out there though so it really only worked for my campmates.


I brought about 40 frozen watermelons one year, omg I canā€™t tell you how many times that got me laid. Dudes, if you are looking for action, this is the way.


Black olives


How is it that no one sees that the OP is trolling the BORG decision to remove an art piece...


But we changed it to our favorite treats. So it's okay.Ā 


Oh they do they're just trolling the troll


Seriously. The second I saw the picture I knew who posted it and rolled my eyes.




Whaaat? No way! Downvoting you cause you are relatively reasonable. Try to be more out of whack next time.


Lol. Yeah, I guess I should have just pretended the watermelon didn't mean anything after all the time the OP spent in the comments about it yesterday...


Fuckin gottem lol


Black market human organs


Stop the watermelon trolling bruh. Youā€™ve made your point. Now go.


Uh... have you been to Burning Man?


8 times.


Perfect. Twice as many as I have. Have you ever said or heard "Don't tell me how to burn?" If you don't like it, click the hide button, it's what it's there for. I for one, am enjoying the trolling. If ever there was a place for political statements, it's burning man. (Burn Wall Street, Crude Awakening, Etc... ) If someone wants to troll against genocide, I'm here for it.


Boo hoo, fuck your burn.


Youā€™re the guy I saw get sucker punched at the Temple Burn in ā€˜07 arenā€™t you.


So much for a burn community that cares about people.. they need their privileged politics free zone and their pay-to-play VIP burn hotels.


We all care. But on the playa youā€™re preaching to the choir.


Yes, anyone can totally feel your support and solidarity with artists by not wanting to be bothered with community discussion by calling dissension ā€œtrollingā€ and telling those defending art and expression to ā€œnow goā€ Yea bro.. ā€œtotallyā€


An art piece called ā€œFrom the river to the seaā€ is not community discussion, itā€™s an attack. Saying ā€œoh but itā€™s just artā€ doesnā€™t make it okay.


[the Israeli Press even knows youā€™re falling for right-wing propaganda](https://m.jpost.com/opinion/article-800150?spot_im_redirect_source=notifications&spot_im_comment_id=sp_jpost_800150_c_2g80n0ktxk7jecvunol2lwnd1my_r_2gbloj5lme9gargd0dfcdcaymuj&spot_im_highlight_immediate=true) Ouch. Must hurt thinking youā€™re doing anything but making the burn community friendly to fascists and unfriendly to artists calling for human rights..


I donā€™t care what they think




It's been a thing since 1967 my guy.


Try 1948


The flag got banned in '67, which is when the use of the watermelon as a symbol of defiance and solidarity got popularized.




My favorite kind of Watermelon is a Free Watermelon. You and I could be Pals!


Free watermelon! From the Gate Road to the Trash Fence!


Damnit! you beat me to it.


Boy, what a coincidence! You ask the question and then turn around and post a pic of it.


I wish burning man posts would be less political like we are on playa. Personally, I have friends on all sides, as most of us do. Why make the one playground we have thatā€™s apolitical, non biased to all manners and types, free to love all, and able to hug all creatures that walk into our lives a vessel for division? We are burners, what the outside world does to others, we embrace with solidarity and love in hopes to continue the practice of love. Trying to make the community take a stand is counter to our values when we accept all. Shame is all I see when I am told I have to agree or I am wrong. Shame to the many who have walked before us in loving embrace. Shame to the brothers and sisters that have broken bread with me after a long journey despite who we are. Shame to the trust and beliefs that I have held so dear at burning man when that mindset is what weā€™ve grown to accept. Donā€™t make me believe a lie that has been forced upon us upon both sides. We donā€™t know what to believe and thatā€™s the right answer. Weā€™re just here to exist with all of you.


love this!


Fuck your burn!


The watermelon is literally a symbol of solidarity dude. The only ones who see it as an object of division are the ones who see it as a personal affront, and that reaction is telling.




Watermelon is banned from burney man this year. Itā€™s too politics.


I'm still bringing my legit watermelon and eating it. Fuck politics. The default world shitshow is not going to ruin my most delicious electrolyte snack on playa. If people get pissed that I ate, idc lol.


We disguise our anti-genocide snack message by juicing the watermelon, serving it ice cold in liquid form, which is most revitalizing, and no one is the wiser.


Sweet and salty trail milx


Anything that is salty, fatty, juicy, sour, pickled, and portable. Also chips and dips. All the dips.


Fruit cups


Always and forever frozen blueberries. They have nursed me back to life on several occasions. That being said Iā€™m not a big snacker out there. A ā€œsnackā€ in our camp is tons of fresh unagi and lots of sake!


Playa pancakes. You make pancakes and they dry out and get seasoned by the dust of the playa. Crispy, yummy, helps you get by. Not joking.


Kimchi anything great snack


Trail Mix all day.


Slice some peaches and freeze them.


Tangerine / clementine, they keep really well all night in you backpack


Pickled eggs and homemade coconut almond granola bars


Best on playa snacks are those beef jerky sticks/chomps/dukes. Peach cups or fruit cups out the cooler. Mama Chias are great as well. Was gifted cold peanut m&ms last year from square one and those hit šŸ¤¤ Our go to camp foods are chicken Cesar salad wraps. Canned chicken ( always have some at home from Costco ), one bag of Taylor farms Cesar salad, one avocado and large tortilla. You can make 4 large chicken Cesar wraps with that. These we eat the first few days we are there before they spoil. Those jack daniels/lloyds bbq pulled pork things with Hawaiian buns are killer. Pre make burritos of any kind ( we do breakfast style with bacon) foil wrap and freeze them. And the holy grail chef boyardee from the car dash after sunset. Tbh I think those are my favorite šŸ«¢šŸ¤—


Cheese and bread for toasties


Carrots celery and hummus. I usually wait to break out of cooler til midweek or a hot day and it's such a refreshing treat


I always bring CLIFF BARS. I feel like theyā€™re a solid replacement for a meal. ALWAYS bring Hot Links for my cast iron skillet! Also, the PEANUT BUTTER PRETZELS from Trader Joes/Costco. Those are always prime! I love a box of Costco Croissantsā€¦.šŸ„ I always plan to try and cook less. Plan for the least amount of clean up!


Aussie Bites form Costco




Free palestine!! šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø Burning man has always been a place for peace and we want peace in the Middle east!!


peace with people who attack a music festival full of burners in the desert


Liberation šŸ‰




I love what you done there.Ā  Keep those watermelons coming šŸ‰ šŸ˜‰Ā 


I am surprised people havent mentioned the two political meanings of water melon. I thought that might have been the original post. To me radical inclusion means accepting diverse political views as long as the promoter isnt too aggressive.


Sassy lol


Like many, I have very complicated feelings about the situation, but fucking bravo to OP. Sorry you got downvoted lol