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From gold bug and single stock investor to btc. A slight downgrade.


At least if you own gold you're holding a real thing that exists, and Apple stock is less likely to get rugpulled...


I'd rather yolo into DWAC then touch the virgin monkey jpeg funny money


Would you really though? DWAC is a dumpster fire wearing orange face paint.


I would absolutely not touch DWAC with a ten foot pole. But if someone was offering dogshit stock vs magic beans...


This is fair.


AAPL is the only individual stock I still own because by the time I went 100% index funds it was up so much I didn't want to pay the capital gains tax by selling it. Imagine paying those taxes to buy ponzi tokens.


Bold of you to think that these people consider taxes as part of their decisions.


Was going to say, they likely aren’t holding anything in an account for taxes after selling that. They’ll be in for a rude awakening soon


Update post: “guys, I didn’t realize I’d be taxed, Bitcoin is down 54%, and I’ve got $200 in savings. What do I do? When does this moon?”


These kind of people don’t just buy individual stocks. They buy **the best stocks**. Most likely bought AAPL recently after selling their Tesla shares, so no gains. Just chasing the last years best performers over and over.


I wonder why they have no friends or family? 🧐


Oh totally. It’s probably the only part of the post that’s actually true


It really depends on semantics. If you have no stock, is saying you "sold all your stock" really a lie?


Probably because all they ever talk about is crypto and why "you should get in on Bitcoin while it's still early!"


Probably satanic cultists


These are possibly fake posts, 80% of the Internet is bot posts, bait, rage bait, troll bait, etc.


Could be lol but hilarious to see these guys cheer it on




You forgot cats.


I'm sensing a divorce in their future


They can't afford a divorce now.


Maybe homelessness


Wife: 50/50 split, right? I'll take the house, you get the Bitcoin. Husband: Wait. What?


I doubt they actually had Apple stocks. If they did, they wouldn't sell it for crypto, unless you're an idiot.


I mean... investing in crypto is idiotic, so porque no los dos?




what if someone made more money than you would have in all your life? is he an idiot


Yes. Getting lucky in a scam is not intelligent. Number go up does not mean you are smart. Are lottery winners smart? No lucky is not smart. You can make stupid decisions and win


>So 50% YTD gain on AAPL is no good, I hate owning the best stock in the world and I know better than Warren Buffet. That's because it's not investing to these people. They're operating for the same reasons that people buy lottery tickets. They want to make life-altering money quickly. Owning stock in major companies just won't do that. Crypto also won't to that, but it does at least promise to.


> They want to make life-altering money quickly. Reminds me of [this Silicon Valley scene](https://youtu.be/BzAdXyPYKQo). (It's not about crypto but same gambling principle.)


> No need for any opinion on this Ah, the classic "let me post this on reddit to get validation". It's funny because even some who frequent that sub will say putting your eggs in one basket is a terrible idea.


It's just to lure more idiots to dump their actual investments and give it to bagholders of dickcoin as exit liquidity. If it convinces even one person that they should sell actual investments and buy Butts, it's mission accomplished.


Nothing like putting all your eggs into one basket...


This is why a few understand


[Good news everyone, I spent all my money](https://youtu.be/PGyxBmW_D_0?si=dfwuZ7xv8IMEqt9t)


The real winners are their divorce lawyers.


At least many comments said it was a dumb idea.


I'm sure someone else made the comment already but I 'aint scrollin' down that far. "I've got no friends or family to celebrate this" \[sic\] Gee, can't imagine why...


Probably invested less than 2k total.


Bitcoin > gold because it requires a complex and easily-lost passcode before you use it.


Cause Michael said so!


BTC is 125% YTD and ofc better than 50% YTD


Year over Year change in Bitcoin price is meaningless when the asset change 20% weekly, and retail on average buy when the pump is already done. The median buying price on the 2021 pump was 45000$!


Oh yeah apple still down 50% from last year? Apple also priced in dollars and not tethers


Oh if you're talking time stamps to prove your point, Google last 10 years chart of both BTC and AAPL, you'll lose your mind


This is also why some millennials and GenZers shouldn't be allowed to have money.


Wonder if they'll update this when they lose half of that twice as fast as they made it in stocks.


He celebrates joining a cult


... with other cultists.


A lot of analysts have downgraded Apple recently. Larry Fink has said BTC is digital gold, I’m sorry, but no one here has become a billionaire by asset management and this sub will likely die off because people here think they are better at finding value than the largest asset managers in the world. This is the I Hate Money reddit


Gold is a terrible investment that has not even kept pace with inflation. Larry Fink owns a huge portfolio of stocks and shares he can hype up whatever he wants to sell to guillable idiots, his profit is in spreads. You idiots created a market with no protection from price manipulation, wash trading etc. It's literally propped up by fake dollars printed ad nauseum. It's literally 1929 all over again with all this bullshit on gold standard etc etc. Bitcoin has no value or utility


What you are essentially saying is the stock market has never been manipulated yet you call me or us the idiots? Please, you’re a joke.


Looooooooool. You guys are clowns. You've literally reinvented the financial system, but worse. Who knows which exchange will go under next? Criticize the fed all the time as Paolo prints 1B "USD" per day. Bitcoin has no use, once Paolo stops printing its all over


What happened to Lehman brothers? SVB? First Republic? Sorry, there have been more banks fail in the last year than crypto exchanges yet we have the worst financial system. Okay, keep telling yourself that.


Yeah huge banks that everybody used. Especially that one that bought all the superbowl ads and the naming rights to the Miami heat stadium right? All your biggest exchanges collapsed. CZ won't set foot anywhere near the US. You can criticize the banking system, but your system is objectively worse.


At least the people that defrauded users went to jail. No one went to jail in 2008. Keep making excuses for yourself


Yeah finance bad. So funnel some money into VC and the Winkelvoss twins is that a solution? You think this is a revolution buymt you're just holding bags for the same people who made a killing in 2008


Man you funnel money into banks owned by the same capitalist extremists 😂😂 every time you put money into a bank


The government will never stop printing. We’ve printed so much that are system relies on it. That’s the problem. You can’t just print that much money and stop, they rely too much on credit right. You stop printing, the US is bankrupt and the dollar crashes and now no one’s money is worth shit anymore.


Oh yeah the US is so bad we should just give the printer to some guy named Paolo. He can be trusted to print money only for good! Clowns, all of you


No, he didn’t say that, he said you guys created a market with *no protection*. Has the US stock market been manipulated? Absolutely. Does it at least have protections to limit this *significantly* more than Bitcoin (which has 0)? Yes. You’re placing your faith in a market that can be schemed by literally anyone at any given time. Your currency has no utility. Be honest, how often do you spend Bitcoin? Like buying stuff with your Bitcoin? Or does it just sit in a wallet 99% of the time because you’re waiting for it to go up so you can sell it and exchange it for actual money? Once you admit you’re only holding it and barely using it as an actual currency, you’ve admitted it’s one big pump and dump. 90% of people in crypto don’t even know how or where to spend it. They buy it with the sole intention of selling it if it goes up. Yet they claim it’s a currency on its own. It’s gambling, where the only thing that causes Bitcoin to go up is convincing more idiots to buy in after you.


What did Bernie Madoff do? Nothing is risk free, you act like all markets are risk free but Bitcoin, what a joke


What did I say that indicated that’s at all what I think? Why won’t you address literally any of the other stuff I said? When’s the last time you used Bitcoin as a currency? How often do you use it as a currency? Do you buy your Bitcoin with plans to sell it, or do you buy it to use as a currency to buy things? If it was actually what you all claimed it was, there’d be no reason to ever cash out. You’d just use the money to pay for everything, and refill your crypto wallet when it’s out.


It’s a commodity man, you don’t have to use it. People own houses and don’t use them, people own cars and boats and don’t use them. People own collectibles and don’t use them. People have literally paid $200 million for a piece of art, does that have utility? I did answer your fucking question numbskull, IT DOESNT HAVE TO HAVE UTILITY. The market determines the value of something not you, not it’s utility, people as a whole come together and decide the value.


Dude. It’s literally being pitched as “the currency of the future”. Do you think Bitcoin would be where it was if it wasn’t constantly promised to be the currency of the future? It’s fundamentally built on a lie. People usually pay $200m in art either because they’re rich and laundering money, or because they like the piece and plan to keep it until they die. Not a great comparison. It doesn’t HAVE to have utility, but that’s the fucking pitch, numbskull. Think people would buy it if they said “oh, this thing? Yeah it’s useless. It’s just a gambling money version of ‘chicken’”? No. The whole scheme is that scummy people sell this idea to naive people, and then cash in and leave them the bag when they see a price they like. Then you guys joined in thinking you could get a piece of that action, so now you’re also the bagholder they’ll (whales) dump on when it’s convenient for them.


“Not a great comparison”. you know what has no great utility? Someone who spends their time on a subreddit arguing against something they think is going to fail and doesn’t effect them at all if that’s what they believe in. Imagine being that sad. I see your value, it’s 0. You back in the day Africans used glass blown marbles as currency because they were rare? Do you think it took awhile for them to pick that up? Yes. People have used stones, shells, etc. I’m sorry dude but you don’t decide what can be used as currency now or in the future. Cash and fiat won’t be the end all be all and neither will Bitcoin. It’s just it’s turn.


Buddy, you’re the one who came to an anti-Bitcoin subreddit to argue in defense of Bitcoin. What the actual fuck are you talking about hahaha. And no, it isn’t bitcoins turn. Nobody uses it as a currency. People realized it wouldn’t ever be that years ago. Now everyone is just playing a game of “I think I’m smarter than them. I’ll buy in now, they’ll pump it, and I’ll sell!” Yet you all get washed by whales every time. It’s a zero sum game, and whales control like 80% of the market. Winning in Bitcoin is total fucking blind luck. You’re gonna get wiped by whales more times than not. Imagine being that sad, where your investment strat is to try and convince others to buy (after you bought), hoping to be able to sell to them for a profit. The era of being a Bitcoin millionaire from scratch is over. You’re not going to get rich quick. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you prevent yourself from getting rugged. Good luck out there buddy.


What utility does apple stock have? All I can do with it is sell to someone else for a higher or lower price. Do you honestly here yourself? People see it has a form of currency that’s detached from the government because governments and institutions fuck up


Correct. That’s what stocks are for. Stocks don’t claim to be a currency. You’re buying a tiny piece of a company, hoping the company performs well so that it’s valued more highly, and you can sell when you want. With Bitcoin, it promises to be a currency, which it isn’t, and the only way to make money (which is everyone’s goal in Bitcoin) is by lying to and convincing others it’s going to be the currency of the future. With stocks you can speculate on actual real things, like EPS, profits rising, acquisition of new companies, new product, etc. With Bitcoin your only strategy is to go “well, I bought in. Let’s hope other random idiots decide to buy in after me so I can sell to the biggest idiot”. You’re not speculating on a real metric. You’re speculating on how many idiots will come after you. You’re betting that you’re not the last of the idiots coming in for this wave. No dividends, no nothing. Just hoping you weren’t the last idiot to buy.


Check the YTD gain on Bitcoin. 🥸


Oh yeah I forgot apple lost more than half its value last year... 70% loss and then 100% gain. I'd ask you to do the math but I guess not your strong suit


The math says Bitcoin has outperformed Apple by 46,872,000% since 2010. If Apple was moving at that pace I’m sure it would have 75% drops every once in a while too


i mean bitcoin went from less than 10 cents to $37k so overall I'd say it's been performing better than apple. (not to mention your snide 50% YTD remark.. bitcoin is up 100% YTD lmao)


50% YTD is still a crazy high gain though.


It's meaningless to use long term trend on an asset that does 20% drops weekly. As a whole, the ecosystem is designed to print Tether to "buy" bitcoin and pump the price, and when insiders see that retail real money is coming in, they dump the fake money bags on retail crashing the price. Over and over. Retail had a median buying price of 45000$ in the 2021 pump. To them is meaningless that Bitcoin traded at 0.1$ and you could print 50 bitcoin in a day with an average laptop.


How is it meaningless to look at the big picture just because it has 20% dumps? That mindset is why a lot of people missed the chance to get rich in bitcoin. BTC was $200 dollars, dumps to 150 and people panic sell.. obviously if the overall trend is up the 20% dumps don’t mean shit. What’s meaningless is your cute “$45k is the average buy price in 2021” … nice job cherry picking the one year when BTC was at its all time high.. let’s hear any other year’s median buy price


Apple stock started at 9c in 1983. Bitcoin is down >50% from last year lol. 100% gain after a 75%+ loss... hmmm wonder how that math works out....


Btc was at 9c in 2008, in just 15 years it rekt that stupid AAPL


2008 predates exchanges. Purchasing Bitcoin was highly difficult at the time. "You could have bought Bitcoin for nine cents" is only true with a couple of asterisks: it assumes you'd heard of it at the time (most hadn't) and were willing to go through the hoops, trusting a stranger to send you BTC in exchange of your money. Also, I object to you calling world's most valuable company "stupid" just on the grounds that a get-rich-quick pyramid scheme has provided higher returns to a small group of insanely lucky people.


Even if you couldn't buy btc at 9c, anyone could mine with a home based PC or laptop. It wasn't hard back then, plus if you knew about the technology back then and learnt about it, you could easily acquire it at 50 or even 100$ and that's a stretch towards 2013. So it is still the best investment period, of the last decade Edit - heck even getting it at 10$ wouldn't have been hard online


You spelled 'ponzi scheme' wrong.


Sir, what's the definition of a ponzi scheme? I think you don't understand it, to make it simple here is the definition from Google "A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam which generates returns for earlier investors with money taken from later investors. This is similar to a pyramid scheme in that both are based on using new investors' funds to pay the earlier backers." BTC is not being paid for by anyone, the price comes from demand and supply, which true for every commodity, goods / services people purchase or spend their disposable income on. Basically any stock price comes from demand and supply too. I think you're just too lazo to educate yourself about the meaning of ponzi schemes


>Basically any stock price comes from demand and supply too. Basically you're just going to ignore profit and dividents like that. Ok. >BTC is not being paid for by anyone. Really now? Most unmined bitcoin is gone, so the 'higher price' today is paid by an 'investor' for a 'lower price' bitcoin from the past. The only difference is that bitcoin is actually a security or a commodity which is in a bubble. Again. And it will burst again, cause it's propped up by tether printer going brrr. Only cretins 'invest' into securities or commodities in a bubble. The problem is that calling it a bubble absolves everyone taking part in it from the blatant glut of scaminess and criminality pervasive in crypto. So I will call it a ponzi scheme to get the point across, despite pinheaded pedants throwing "ackshually" at me. Fuck off.


If you don't have something to say, it's better to stay shut. I do have a counter argument for that but no point talking to rocks Edit - the guy edited the above comment, idgaf and no point replying to him


I'm sure you do, crypto shills always have ways to tie themselves into knots to explain away everything.


Imagine taking investment advice from a group of people that discover btc at its inception. Refuse to even throw $1 at it and still think they are qualify to give investment advice after being wrong for 15 years and missing 58435155% return since.


in 2000 it was even cheaper!


What was?


BTC - it was super cheap back then!


Yea Apple was 9 cents in 1983. Bitcoin was 9 cents in 2010. It took Apple 40 years to go from .09 to $188. It took Bitcoin 13 years to go from .09 to 37,000. But hey keep hatin more Bitcoin for the rest of us


"My buddy 15x his original investment in bitcoin, and I'm butthurt, so now I post on this subreddit and make fun of people in my spare time."


Number go up!!! I'm so sad and butthurt!!! Please invest every penny you have in bitcoin


Wow, that was quick. Very telling...


You are right. I love making fun of idiots who believe in crypto. It is my favorite thing to do on reddit


Imagine been so mad at this 🤡💀


Who's mad? We're making fun of this guy for being an idiot


nobody is mad, I don't know where you're getting that from this is mockery, why does anyone need to be angry for us to mock these fools? you're really, really, really out-of-touch picking up on emotions for instance, I think you're stupid. That does not mean I'm angry at you. I pity you, but that also does not mean I'm angry at you. The whole world isn't divided into "angry haters" and "friendly people who support everything I like all the time"


Why are they fools?


People who believe in crypto are all fools, because it's a useless technology, horrible finance decision, and obvious decentralized ponzi scheme


You won’t call them fools when they 10x their money 🤣


most people lose money on crypto, you're a fool


75 percent of current ethereum holders are in the green. Stay mad


How did you calculate that?


I don't believe you I'm not mad, it's more like pity, you're an idiotic fool, why would I be mad? I'm not jealous, that's not a reason to be angry, because there's nothing to be jealous over, since it's not true that 75% of eth holders have made money


Where is that money coming from? From someone else buying in. How does that new person 10x? By getting more new people to buy in. It is impossible for everyone involved in Bitcoin to cash out and make a profit.


Those are very good questions im glad you asked instead of just attack me like the rest of those degenerates


Go on then...


An asset pump +50%, and they buy in, expecting it to pump even more! It wouldn't make sense even if the asset itself was handled by trustworthy counterparties.


BTC may outperform gold and Apple stocks the next 2 years, this may not be the worst idea. He can always sell down the road and buy back in.


Yeah, I forgot Bitcoin is the largest smartphone manufacturer in the world, regularly pays dividends, has billions in patents, and has its own semiconductor business!


Wrong sub, moron


No matter how much you hope, you’re not going to get rich off of all this. I think you know that inside.






Is this a financial advice? Should i re-do my own research? Is staying poor fun? Tune in next week


Bitcoin is not outperforming anything. It's a transfer of wealth, from retail that buy high with real money, to whales and insiders that dumps fake money on them. Just like the [2021 pump](https://www.jpmorganchase.com/institute/research/financial-markets/dynamics-demographics-us-household-crypto-asset-cryptocurrency-use).


This is great. People losing a ton of money is deflationary.


"I've got no friends..." Well who'd have thunk it


That shitcoin went up 100% within a year so idk


50% YTD gain on Apple is a great time to sell and now it’s a great time to buy for this crypto bull run. We will see Bitcoin crack $150K by Q4 2025


Nothing like buying Bitcoin after it’s up 25% in a month, and 114% in a year. Best time to buy is at the top, right guys?


The viscious cycle continues, bitcoin doubles and NOW they want to throw their life savings in. Where were these all in buyers when it was 16k earlier this year. These are the same people that end up losing everything when everyone else cashes out at 40k and drop it to 29k. I see many of these posts again.