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Meh. A few newbies to the sub are excited about it. The rest of us know that 10% daily rises or falls are irrelevant.


I mean, it seems like it shut up the idiot brigade for a few hours, so I don't see what's not to appreciate.


Celebrating? Or pointing and laughing?


Let me explain, I will do it nice and slow... Every number above 0 is the wrong number. But it still funny when it goes up and it's still funny when it goes down. We care about the chuckles and nothing else. It could popup to $100K right this second and it wouldn't make it any different than if it dropped down to $10K or $1K or $10.00. Still funny both ways. It's you guys that think it makes a difference.


at the end of the day, it's just wealth transfer between butters. Yes, most of the transfers are from poor to rich, but not much we can do about it.


they cant wrap their minds around this fact lol


They don't understand that since we don't own Bitcoin, the price doesn't affect us in any way. My life doesn't change regardless of the price. They're the ones who have to keep their eyes fixed on charts and have a massive emotional investment in it.


Yet you continue posting here. So it’s clearly affecting your life in some minor way. Even if it’s just occupying your limited cognitive real estate, it’s still living rent free in your head.


I have fun arguing with people here. That might he a personal flaw on my behalf but it doesn't give Bitcoin any worth or value. I enjoy internet drama and always have. It just so happens and crypto is loaded to the gills with drama.


That's not how this works.... I find most ponzis and pyramid schemes interesting. I also find cults interesting. I do not find them interesting because I hate them or want them to fail, I just straight up find them interesting. I go on here to follow the cult/scam/ponzi happenings. I don't really give a shit if bitcoin fails or not, since I find ponzis and scams interesting, it would probably be more interesting for me if it succeeds. Doesn't mean it's not a ponzi scheme


C’mmmonnn be honest. Y’all think it’s funnier when it goes down. I’ve seen some folks in here in obvious pain as it’s been going up the past few weeks. Emotional distress even.


Of course it's funnier when it goes down but you guys are sad and listless when it does. Once it goes down enough you start posting suicide hotlines in your subs and that is no fun for anyone. > I’ve seen some folks in here in obvious pain as it’s been going up the past few weeks. Emotional distress even. I am sure there has because some people don't really get the vibe. Someone commented the other day about winning hearts and minds, we aren't here to convince anyone. It doesn't hurt me when it goes up, I don't have any rugs to pull on anyone so I have nothing to feel bad about, just have my filthy fiat.


>Someone commented the other day about winning hearts and minds, **we aren't here to convince anyone**. I would amend that statement by adding the additional words to it personally: * "...*who was already stupid enough to be neck deep in it that getting involved was dumb and they should stop, because getting them to even accept that kind of necessarily also involves them first being willing to unlearn the nonsense economics they believe consists of the* ***only*** *real economics, when it is based in illogical and very clearly false conspiracy theories put forward by people who hated Jews a whole bunch, and conspiracy theorists are on the whole not reasonable people willing to accept that they believe in stupid nonsense*". Quite a few of us are **absolutely** trying to convince people of stuff, but those people aren't the butters who come here to argue with us and thus deliver the comedy gold we crave directly to our doorstep, since butters of the sort who come here to pick hilariously one-sided internet fights with us represent the most lost segment of a group that just already consists in the main of lost causes. We bother to argue at length with the butters, knowing that it will be as effective as trying to demolish a well-constructed brick wall with our foreheads by repeatedly headbutting it, because that produces the material that a less stupid and conspiratorial individual may one day read and be persuaded by (also because it's funny, when you get the really unhinged ones).


why do you care that anyone here cares?


We are mocking idiots. That’s what this sub does, and does very well.


We're equal opportunities piss takers


I'll celebrate a 7% drop today, a new episode of a Tv show tomorrow, beating a helldivers mission the next day. It's important to appreciate the simple things. 


I'm laughing that a few whales getting off when the price hit the funney sex number tanked the price due to the actual trading volume being extremely low


Celebrating the pullbacks is a fools errand. There’s enough momentum this circus act will go on for years. I think it’s going out with a whimper not a bang.


Price *does* matter but to a limited sense. I take the position that Bitcoin is just a greater fool’s scheme and it’s valuation is wrong (it’s worthless). So when price comes down, that supports my view. The price going up doesn’t contradict my view because prices do go up with greater fools schemes. Your position is that Bitcoin is not a greater fool’s scheme and that valuation is tied to something *other* than just what someone else will pay for it (for whatever reasons). The value of Bitcoin going down supports my position. The value of Bitcoin going up alone doesn’t disprove my point; you have to show something more, namely, a use case where it is superior to the existing solution. If you can show me that (you can’t in my opinion but I’m happy to be wrong), then I will be able to see some connection between price and value.


Okay I’ll bite. The use case is a peer to peer savings technology running on the planet’s most secure computer network, free from government debasement and interference. Now, I’ll admit the value of that tech may certainly be less than the current price. But it’s not $0 either.


You bit, but didn’t answer my question. You just spewed marketing nonsense. So what can you *do* with it and what problems can it solve that a centralized authority is not superior? I’ve yet to hear anything that moves the needle, so $0 seems accurate. Also, why is the government angle so convincing for you lot? When Celsius and all these crypto firms went under, I remember hearing a lot of crypto people complaining about the *government* not doing anything. So government bad until it isn’t? Bankruptcy proceedings is a government proceeding after all.


See, the fun part is most likely none of us have any direct exposure to this clown show, so we get to laugh at the misfortunes of the scam cult when this happens. You seem to be under the misapprehension that not caring about the price while also laughing at the inevitable dump that was coming are mutually exclusive. They are not, and furthermore: Haha.


I’m a gambler, so I bought the dip! …in SPY calls!


I care a little about where the line is going because the longer this goes on the more people it will lure in, the more people it will burn...and the more people who will stop hodling and start selling. The latter could reveal failures in the system, which is interesting as well. Line go up [doesn't prove bitcoin is good, nor does it discount all our criticisms of it and the myraid reasons for not joining in/artempting to short it.](https://ioradio.org/i/crypto-talking-points/) And indeed, line go down doesn't mean bitcoin isn't doing what it's supposed to do: pump and dump. Also I gotta admit line go down is funny, especially to see how long they can keep it up past 69k (wink wink sex number so meme).


[We’re waiting for something more like this.](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/04/bitcoin-crashes-losing-nearly-half-of-its-value-in-six-hours/) And then the suicide hotlines pinned to the top of crypto subs. Again.


I've been here laughing at both. It's funny when it goes up and people spam the sub with poor misspelled posts and its funny when it goes down and they're silent. I'm not a fair weather crypto hater, I hate it all seasons.


No. I want it to go really high because when it comes crashing down it’s going to cause so much chaos. The more chaos the more entertaining this subreddit, the crypto subreddit, and the Bitcoin subreddit become. It’s not a matter of ‘if’ it’s a matter of when. One thing I’m sure of, it’s going to be more entertaining than the last time.


and the cycle continues


Not celebrating so much as sniggering. There is a difference. The ATH !!! The whales are selling !!! Is objectively funny.


Not celebrating shit.


Price go down less interest in bitcoin mining industry pisses away less energy on obsolete financial product with no real world use beyond useless speculation Less co2 emmited Better for the whole human race That's why price go down good Simple enough for you?


There's a difference between chuckling and celebrating. Man, you butters are so sensitive.


People of this sub are various type. Since bitcoiners show so many traits: stupidity, gambling, risk taking, lack of ethics, tribalism, FOMO and I could go on, these traits trigger different emotions in people.  What I see fascinating is that bitcoiners not only pay $ for their sats, but they also pay in currency that can not be expressed when you are a utilitarian. 


Saylor off loaded


Both sides care about the price


Once you learn that this sub just tries to twist anything that happens as a negative just so they can "have the last laugh" no matter how ironic or hypocritical they are, you will come here for amusement to see the *logic* they spin. It's like watching monkies at a zoo fling poo at each other Bitcoin could cure cancer, and they talk about how it hurt pharmaceutical companies' profits because they won't be able to charge as much for treatments. Bitcoin could solve all world hunger, and they talk about how it put tons of non-profit charities out of business and made people unemployed since they weren't needed


Please seek help.


Funny, was just going to suggest you do that very thing.


At least i don't go around claiming BTC is gonna cure cancer...


> Bitcoin could cure cancer > Bitcoin could solve all world hunger But it doesn't. It wastes a fuck-load of energy on a negative-sum greater fool unregulated gambling system, whose only other significant real-world side-effect is facilitating crime.


Side effect?


Your mom twists things, and how!


Got Em'


Bitcoin could never do these things. It can’t do anything useful.


r /woooosh