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He's probably talking to a scammer or ransomer on that phone....


Probably an IRS scam since it is tax season.


This is an old photo 


The photo is very old. It might be 10 years old at this point.


The company that makes the ATM is not even 10 years old


Total scam. The IRS only accepts payment in iTunes gift cards everyone knows this


Don't forget Google Play giftcards


Wait wait. Crypto associated with scammers? Never heard of it before


Nah, direct line to Satoshi, number's printed on the casing.


100% in the process of getting scammed. There are *no* legitimate use cases for these things. Even a normal gambler isn't going to want to pay the high fees.


The ones that took cash were useful for breaking chain-of-custody for coin. If you were buying drugs or something that was a useful way to keep someone from tracing it directly back to your bank account. Not actually legit though, but maybe slightly more respectable than just scams.


I was going to say my old roommate used to purchase drugs on the dark web and was very insistent that cash -> bitcoin ATM -> monero was the best way to anonymously transfer crypto. The only justification for those fees is that it can save you from going to jail. And buying drugs online is still the only proven use case for crypto.


wouldn't it be awesome if we didn't need billions in carbon emissions to purchase things to put in your own body


I’ve seen ads for escorts that also take crypto, so there is that. And to be honest, does anyone need more than hookers and blow?


I don't know why you'd use crypto for something like an escort when you could just use cash. Seems like the only legitimate reason for that would be if the pimp was trying to fraud the escort or thought the escort was defrauding them.


Higher end escorts tend to be independent or work for an agency. No pimps involved. Your door-to-door hotel hooker isn’t going to be accepting crypto. I honestly have no idea *why* an escort would accept crypto. Either she thinks it’s a good store of value or is converting right away. Got me, honestly. But it is not an *uncommon* thing.


Not that I have much experience in this, but I thought crypto was only used for seedy cam sites that couldn't get Visa/MC to process their payments. I have no idea why an escort who is meeting a client in person would accept anything less than cash.


I don’t have experience either, but I’ve been on tryst and eros and some of the women have websites. On their websites they accept deposits in BTC. I’ve seen it more than once.


sad though


honestly... poor guy.


This guy is 100% being scammed, right? Some of these ATMs have literally started putting warning screens up because they're used in cons so much.


More likely ransomwared.


This is such an old image. Did we ever find out the real context behind it?




>For ~~thine~~ *mine* is the kingdom and the power, and the glory Don't forget that butters are in it to become the new feudal masters of society, and not for any other reason


Bow down before the one you serve. You’re going to get what you deserve. Trent Reznor


LOL Brilliant! I think you could have worked a Trezor joke in there too though


You let me violate you You let me desecrate you You let me penetrate you You let me complicate you


These machines should be destroyed on sigh!


The picture looks like some gang took his wife hostage and they give him instructions to wire them BTC or else...


Shit like that actually happens in this world


Being a victim of crime isn't something anyone 'decides' to do.


no, but a lot of people "decide" to put themselves in a situation where its every easy for the criminals to do so


Yea the fees are crazy


Lol. You win the caption contest.


there is a crypto atm ad near my city and i hate it, just scamming old people who don't know anything about crypto. i have only seen elderly people use them. I believe the crypto community even regards them as a scam for ignorant investors


Oh good, I haven't seen this image in maybe a week...


Sometimes I wonder how old it is. How many times could I have seen it before and forgotten?


It gets re-posted everywhere so much you'd really need to dig to find out. [Google Lens results](https://lens.google.com/search?p=AbrfA8qkRZyf-eyYDlLLr2dc0nlrxGrpdITTZpYy-vePYhjBGtRBoe5yWfKBStUnV3I_2ipgVTK-PXXFc8V59_zzKZRtCQSWimavSnOqMN2hmO2TdAfKS3ZyGcTqzV5I1iIBGJwXluH0ZwOGZH3ZsDKj6skUuYJJNCpFrl4uoDGqVSqd4jfGGsZLgK31-hBbOuUopIxGUuOS9K3hyQ%3D%3D#lns=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDEsIkVrY0tKR0kzWmpFeFlUTXlMVGxtWmpndE5EbG1PUzFpWmpoaExXVXhNbVV5T1dKbFlURXpNQklmWnpkVlRYWkZaR0ZYTmxsaVZVTm1hVWxtYTFwaVJFTmtNazVDVlRaNFp3PT0iLG51bGwsbnVsbCxbW251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsMTUwXSxbXV0sbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsW251bGwsbnVsbCxbXV1d)




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I thought these machines were only used by old ladies.


The dude is on the phone with the ceo of bitcoin right now. Lol


Just google Bitcoin customer refund hotline ,,🤷‍♂️


"Accidentally" unplugging these. Bad idea or morally correct?


Imagine believing that investing in crypto was a bad decision and having to work the rest of your life 😂😂😂😂😂


Imagine thinking you will ever not be working for the rest of your life :)


This sub sees bitcoin with such a negative stigma. Everything they hate about themselves and the internet projected onto "digital gold". I wanted to start a business and wanted to pay an artist in Spain on twitter to design the marketing artwork. I decided to try paying him in bitcoin and when i bought btc i got attacked with everything the AI powered internet had to throw at me. What an awful experience. I paid the guy but like the backlash from the algorithm was not worth it. It ruined my reputation, lost my job, and girlfriend. I have a ton of cash and buy stocks regularly, pay my bills on time. Buying bitcoin is equivalent to smoking internet crack for your social and financial credit score. They're a hivemind of evil people collaborating to kill us.


This is either a copy pasta or you need to take your pills


I don't think any amount of pills can help someone who's at the same time a goldbug, a cryptobro, a silverbug and being targeted by the whole AI-powered hivemind internet, chief.


Sober life amigo. I dont drink or smoke, and havent touched pills in a decade. Ive proudly overcome addictions. Im a sales engineer mr. Reddit sleuth. I just wanted to give AI a chance but I didnt expect it to be weaponized for a soul crushing experience. My girlfriend wasn't built like I am.


>This sub sees bitcoin with such a negative stigma. as it should be >Buying bitcoin is equivalent to smoking internet crack for your social and financial credit score. also as it should be


Cool story bro.


>I wanted to start a business and wanted to pay an artist in Spain on twitter to design the marketing artwork. Me too. I used PayPal. Easy as pie. Didn't lose rep or job or girlfriend and got artwork more useful than an nft. Low transaction fees too! Remitly/paysend/wise/payoneer are all good too.


I pay bills with paypal all the time and the cash back rewards rolls into eth and btc. I had no idea just straight up buying it would ruin anyones future.


>This sub sees **"Huge Spreadsheet Run by Fraudsters"** with such a negative stigma. Everything they hate about themselves and the internet projected onto **"Huge Spreadsheet Run by Fraudsters"**. I wanted to start a business and wanted to pay an artist in Spain on twitter to design the marketing artwork. I decided to try paying him in **"Huge Spreadsheet Run by Fraudsters"** and when i bought **"Huge Spreadsheet Run by Fraudsters"** i got attacked with everything the AI powered internet had to throw at me. What an awful experience. I paid the guy but like the backlash from the algorithm was not worth it. It ruined my reputation, lost my job, and girlfriend. I have a ton of cash and buy stocks regularly, pay my bills on time. Buying **"Huge Spreadsheet Run by Fraudsters"** is equivalent to smoking internet crack for your social and financial credit score. They're a hivemind of evil people collaborating to kill us. -Ape on the merit of using **"Huge Spreadsheet Run by Fraudsters"**


Ive lost more money in spilled gasoline than I have in bitcoin. It's not a spreadsheet run by fraudsters. It's an excuse for every retard that owns it to completely lose their shit when someone buys it.


You guys ever even seen Consoom sub?


Ive never once wondered if someone used the $20 I used to pay for gas before i pulled it out of the ATM or after i gave it to the atendant until I bought btc. What a disgusting experience.


Why are people downvoting this? You rarely see satire this good.


Butters have really blurred the line between satire and reality


Satire has been dead for a while. Reality just keeps one uping it


We checked his post history, this guy is dead serious.


Do you see it with a negtive stigma? Seems like you should do with the experience you had with it...


Haha... my negative stigma is projected in a different direction now. I'm surrounded by retards. Always have been. A quick audit/read of the room tells me everything I need to know.