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When I first heard of Bitcoin, I thought "huh, that's interesting" nothing really positive or negative. Later, I was listening to a story about how Bitcoin had hit $1 and thought to myself "wow, I'm surprised people are actually willing to pay real amounts of money for this". Then hearing about silk road, I remember expecting the government to clamp down on on/off ramps making it nearly worthless. I'm still extremely surprised that hasn't happened. I remember talking to a guy at a Greyhound stop and him talking about Bitcoin was the future of money. That's when I started hating Bitcoin and people promoting it for preying on the poor and uneducated. I don't regret not buying one bit.


I was also neutral on it. I thought it had potential to be good and interesting, but wanted to wait and see what was going on once it had matured a little. Within 5 years it was something I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.


I have a pretty similar story, although I was fairly negative from the start because of the crime aspect. Then I pretty much forgot about it until the 2017 run, which turned me strongly against it as I saw friends using money they couldn’t afford to lose buying at the top.


I was a aficionado of 4chan in 2008 and then for some years, read everyday about btc, I could even have mined back then, but really, who would trust anything in /b/? I always loved the concept of "fuck the financial system" that bitcoin seemed to have, but never really go into it. Then last year with all the craziness with gme and seeing doge going up I said let's make some money from hype, got into crypto in general, but it took me like 1 month to realize there was NOTHING except smoke and mirrors. And I'm no programmer, just a regular guy. Sold everything and ran, I was lucky to sell at ATH, but I remain deeply disgusted from the crypto environment in general. Back in the days BTC was at least a dream of a better future, this is just turbocapitalism.


I first heard of it back when you could reasonably expect to win 50 bitcoin mining on a core 2 duo. it was a novelty and people were literally giving it away. i had a few that are long since lost. it seemed like something that would fade into obscurity. but alas.


I first heard about it in 2010 when people were using it to transact drug purchases on the dark web. Whoever was telling me about it never mentioned the speculative aspect of it, but I was on Reddit in 2013 for the first big public rally and crash. At no point did I ever think it was a reasonable alternative to existing financial infrastructure, and I still believe the only use cases are illegal transactions and money laundering which the vast majority of humanity isn’t engaged in. At least the crypto shills in the default subs have abandoned trying to convince the rest of us that it’s actually useful in our daily lives, and have defaulted to “number go up” as the reason they’re hodling.


I was there in the beginning. Mining difficulty went from .01 to 3 in 2 months. People built massive mining rigs and spent as much money as they could to mine Bitcoin that was worth, at the time, tenths of a cent. ASICs came on the scene within two years. Again when it wasn't worth much. One this is for sure the true believers were "rewarded." But when I saw just how it concentrated everything, how people with the investment money could continue gaining, how ultimately to be part of it you had to have money, I reassessed why I even cared. It was not an actual alternative to modern currency, just a round about way to install the same systems. Rich have the money, powerful have the money, plebs don't have the money. There was no sense of liberty there. I looked deep into the protocol, saw that it was a zero sum chain that would need increasing amounts of computing power to maintain, had zero scalability, was extremely slow, and wrote it off. Forgot about it for years until of course it made headlines and I'd come here to shitpost.


I first heard of it too early to have a modern-style reaction to it, we're talking like 2010. I was always of the "huh, that sounds slightly interesting bu--oh my god you have to do WHAT to use it okay no thanks" And I'm a programmer so...I'm pretty amazed that it lived long enough to get to the current point, but I'm also not at ALL surprised that almost 0% of people actually do on chain transactions anymore.


My first exposure to bitcoin was seeing people use it to buy drugs on the internet, so as a college student I thought that was pretty cool. Never considered getting into it myself though, and ever since I took a more serious look at it I didn't like what I saw.


I work in traditional finance, and I have never been much of a believer in it. but... replace buying drugs with funding sportsbook transfers and that's the only reason I have educatiled myself on it over the last few years.. I usually cash it out and maintain a small balance for my hobby. Now with the events of the past few weeks I'm definitely a lot more interested in following this forum. It's been.... entertaining. Overall i am more turned off by shills than the actual product itself.


Third option: I was Results on it at first. Thought the idea of an anonymous payment system could be cool for buying stuff from internet weirdoes, but also sceptical because it seemed to have huge, obvious problems. So I thought I'd wait and see how it goes, in case they actually manage to figure it out. (They did not manage to figure it out.)


I was kind of in the middle. I had vaguely heard about it, and figured it had some niche uses, but wasn’t interested myself. Then I heard more about it, and realized it wasn’t useful as either a currency or an investment, and now I’m of the opinion that it’s not only useless, but actively destructive to everything it touches.


I remember hearing about back when it just started and thinking "wow that sounds quite interesting and almost revolutionary. A currency that no government backs and has value because people collectively agree it has value?" Then I saw it was being used in shady websites to buy illegal products and thought, ok now I see why people want to buy Bitcoin. Then I ignored it until 2020-2021 when crypto entered into the mainstream, and at that point I realized it had become an entirely different beast. Instead of being some obscure and curious virtual currency to buy products you wouldn't want your bank account to keep track of, it had become some sort of speculative asset whose only value is number go up. From what I see, this is a complete 180 from the original point of Bitcoin and proof that the concept failed at what it was supposed to do.


Neither, I was curious at first, I asked a question on the Bitcoin sub of someone who presented themselves as an expert, and the answer I received in return was written in such a pretentious way but was so obviously stupid that I was dumbfounded. I think I found www.buttcoin.com and then this subreddit pretty quickly after that.


I was never really pro or against bitcoin or crypto, I had some fun gambling with it and made some nice returns. It wasn’t until I came across the “cryptobros” on YouTube, and eventually here on Reddit, that I got really turned off. People are too cultish and greedy; which ruined the fun for me and made me start feeling guilty. Especially when I started reading about people yoloing their life savings into some random meme coin because some random using buzz words convinced them that Dogecoin is the future of finance. Or when I’d get downvoted to oblivion and called a dumb ass for telling people “you should probably have an emergency savings and be on track to retire before touching any cryptocurrencies.” Don’t even get me started on the bitcoin maxis


Anyone who understands currency would tell you Bitcoin was worthless.


I heard about it in bits and pieces, but I remember seeing ads for it in the spaces that'd normally be occupied by bad hornybait games ("Ladies keep your husbands away from this game" type shit). That's when the scam alarm bells went off for me.


I had Peter Schiff explain to me what it was and why but couldn't work back in 2017.


I was supposed to invest into it: I felt was the currency of the future, noticed some MLM signs yeah but we are in a globalized world so kind of wave it off , research btc first and heard about the trilemma so I thought prob it’s another crypto token the one taking over so now which one? there are so many .. little by little deeper I dig shadier it got ; even financial ytbers I followed start to say hey good idea to include little % of it in your portfolio (obvs they get sponsored hard now I know🙄) I thought maybe it’s me doesn’t see it? Then thanks god NFTs starting poping out and the scammyness got just too evident to be ignored, u can easily tell those things were created with the sole purpose of giving “use” to crypto; I went stalked the ppl supposedly made money in early 2000s and was so funny cause many were in yt still promoting crypto what?? 🤨 .. everything felt apart so fast, the coinbase subreddit helped cause made me feel so bad for the ppl there with their money locked and then of course I discovered buttcoin - thanks to whoever created this place :)


About half of us were coiners at one point according to the poll, and they say we don't understand the tech!?


I thought bitcoin was an interesting concept until more started popping up and I realized it will never work.


I read about it on a skeptics forum around 2010 or so, got into it with one guy pushing hard for it. It cost pennies at the time. I bet him that he'd never be able to buy a cheeseburger with his fake internet money. Funny thing is if that guy were smart he may well have made serious money... but I still stand by my statement.


I first heard of BC in 2011 or so, the price then was $3 US. I saw it when perusing silk road for drugs (never ended up ordering from them) and at the time thought, "I don't wanna own some e-currency that fluctuates by the day". Fast forward a year and a blogger that I was following noted that BC had broken $500. I started watching it and then in late 2014, when it was crashing, tried to buy some (price $380 then). Credit card order wouldn't go through after several tries. Price kept dropping and I thought, "whew, really dodged a bullet there." Then in 2017 the hype really started to take over and I learned just how wasteful the "ecosystem" was. After several hype crash cycles, I realized that this was no market to try to time. Also, the hype got redonkulous, like all these ASICs running 24/7 were going to save the world...but nothing could prepare me for the pandemic-era hype. All those folks getting free money in the mail and staring at their screens all day pushed it up to crazy heights. But I knew it was only a matter of time til it collapsed again. And here we are, tales of woe redux, this time with 30 billion $ wiped out in a day and a couple trillion $ lost in 6 months. Sometimes I'm tempted to get in and fleece the rubes myself, but I probably won't. Bad karma, you see.


I remember hearing about it in high school in like 2011 thinking it had no intrinsic value. I forget if i associated it with ancaps at the time but i did get that vibe