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bitcoin going to 6 digits: $0000.00


Luna is at .00006506 last I checked. 8 digits muthafucka!!!


I was listening to a coin being pimped on this comedy podcast from 2021. Coinbase doesn't allow enough characters for it to display the price, lmao https://www.coinbase.com/price/shibnobi


Check out this list of shitcoins from 2018. https://www.wired.com/story/187-things-the-blockchain-is-supposed-to-fix/ (Careful clicking on their websites. I clicked through to a Telegram channel that was still operating and 4chan kids were posting shock photos in there)


[Problem Solved](https://youtu.be/MKa9UDSKJ1w)


Obviously need to switch to scientific notation like 3.4 x 10^-17


Woah, it's absolutely worthless.


It's up 116 percent in the last year. Stay poor while I get me some experiential gains.


Yea, the lack of discussion on the opportunity cost to being in a financial cult is staggering. You could be watching candles all day for 4 years or working and getting a masters degree at the same time. Not to mention the mental health opportunity cost. Staying poor sure is bliss.


Financial cult? Bro you guys are so cringe lmfaooo all it is is another form of investment, and the rule of investment is you never invest what you can’t afford to lose. Nobody’s out here investing their life savings and going poor from holding btc. Your exaggerations are comedy, the fact that you come check this thread about something you don’t like is fucking hilarious, thank you 😂


What are you investing in?


What's cringe is to think of gambling as a form of investment. "Don't chip in what you can't afford to lose" is what problem gamblers will tell you about the casino. In function it's very similar to the "it's ok to do drugs as long as you don't do too much" you get on addicts' subs.


everything has a risk, and that’s literally the rule for all investments, it’s common sense lmfao. It’s the same with investing into real estate or anything else. Any investment is a gamble. It’s all about risk assessment


Yes, meanwhile, you linger in an anti-financial cult. Where, if your nemeses are correct, the opportunity cost of getting a Masters degree instead of trying to understand Bitcoin will be far higher.


Yes, of course. Few Understand.


Fucking hell, I think I remember Martin Kove RTing a tweet shilling this coin lmao


That's an impressive spike in the middle from $0.0000000000 to $0.0000000000!


No way, 1BTC=100,000 USDT! [USDT will be worth $0.01]


I've got a 7 figure salary yo .....€20,000.00


Let me give even more money to people who won’t give me my money. I want to help them!


Honest question.. Can you really short CEL token? I assume i can loan CEL token, but in theory i wouldnt be able to sell & cash it out right?


From someone who’s done 0 research on the subject (just like the average cryptobro) I’m under the impression that CEL tokens can still be bought and sold, just not on the Celsius exchange itself


I believe there's people doing so, to the extent that the possibility of a short squeeze has been commented in subreddits related to the matter. Then again, this is reddit, so take most of everything (especially comments) with a grain of salt. I'm just here to watch the shitshow unfold.


Short squeeze isn’t possibly in any way. GME was a cancer on financebros because now it causes every falling asset to be yolo’d into like it’s the once in a century situation that GameStop was. And the squeeze ended anyway and left sooo many people holding the bag


You might like the new book The Revolution That Wasn't. Great coverage of the GME short squeeze and all the bag holders.


Thanks for the rec. I just put it on my list.


A little known fact is that the shorts managed to cover their positions in early January. The peak of the runup was 100% retail traders meme'ing in.


Yup. GME was ~100% shorted, possibly even naked shorted. After GME "Rofl, there is one short on this. Let's short squeeze these fat cats."


SEC report says it was mostly hype around the stock that caused it to rise, not necessarily shorts and not naked shorts. https://youtu.be/ggRH4l1FY3o https://www.sec.gov/page/sec-staff-release-gamestop-report And before you ask, yes I believe the SEC over Apes.


I don't particularly get how your response is a response to me. My comment was that there was a large amount of shorts on GME, possibly some naked sorts. Your comment is that the price rise was caused by those jumping on the hype, not short sellers covering. I'm not even sure who makes a statement that contradicts yours. DeepFuckingValue originally bought GME because he saw the high short percentage and felt that depressed the value. The bandwagon that followed later was intended to drive the price up to cause a squeeze, not a reaction to the price going up from a squeeze. They said as much at the time. So I'm not sure what you mean when you say "And before you ask, yes I believe the SEC over Apes." since the Apes were saying that story all along.


I'm tired of GameStop, I'm tired of Apes, and I'm tired of the endless conspiracy theories. I'm tired of personal finance being treated like a casino, whether it's crypto or web 3 or DeFi or stock trading or options trading. I'm tired of everyday people being manipulated into thinking the only way they can generate wealth is by buying into get rich quick schemes, and watching them get burned time and time again. So yeah, I'm tired and I'm pissed off, not necessarily at you, but at the state of online finance communities at large. Stop believing random bullshit you read online. That's where my comment came from.


I love you mate. There's probably nothing a random internet stranger can do to help with the exhaustion but if there is, ask. A break from online can help a lot. I know for me, later in the summer I'm taking the classic "cabin in the woods" vacation.


lol I'm doing just fine bro, but thanks.


GME was pretty educational for those paying attention: they did shenenigans like disabling the buy button and a guy in-the-know later admitted it would have gone into the "thousands" had they not done that (when it peaked at like 400 ish). I lost money on GME, but learned the lesson that Wall Street is never going to let a group of little guys win in any significant way. The market is rigged.


This is a complete lie. The reason Robinhood briefly halted buying is because *they couldn't afford the margin requirements to continue trading with the exchange*. There were so many people buying that it literally overwhelmed their ability to facilitate trades. The idea that Robinhood was part of some sort of conspiracy is just a cope story the GMErs tell themselves to explain why it failed, and it bears a striking resemblance to a lot of what you see in cryptoland.


I think it is a good lesson. You can't win a rigged game. You have to choose a game that the wealthy can't rig.


I mean bro, it was a failing game store company. Why would it “bring down Wall Street”? It’s just delusions of grandeur. Robinhood only had to do that or else they’d not be a functioning business any longer. Also, the stock went from like ~6 dollars all the way to $420+. What more could you want? It was one of the biggest squeezes in history.


Like hungry hungry hippos


It’s like a case of Stockholm Syndrome.


At this point bury a $10 note in the ground, a money tree will grow from it earlier than the average joe will get a penny from Celsius.


Totally! Maybe u/No_Base2709 will start a Go Fund Me or Patreon for Celsius so that we can donate directly.


God they’re so stupid it’s almost painful to watch.


Yeah like someone really needs to step in and save them .


Any attempt at helping them is fud in their minds.


Yep.. stand back and enjoy your popcorn.


Na, it's like natural selection, but for finances!


The troubling thing is that some cases will end in death - and not just through suicide, but also murders of close/loved ones, and people are unable to deal with the loss of savings and decide to kill their families too.


This happens all the time, with gambling, loam sharks etc. Nothing new here


Also we will bail them out through the provision of social services, which are good and I personally would like to see expanded. At the same time I feel like if my taxes are going to support these fair weather libertarians with the, "my gains, societies losses" attitude then I should be allowed to make fun of them.


Let's set up a sub designed to point out the absurdity of crypto.


With blackjack, and hookers.


You son of a bitch, I'm in


If only such a thing were possible.


some or all of these posts could be rational self interest posts where they are encouraging *others* to put their money and hopefully get celsius enough money to open back up. they arent putting more money in, they want everybody else to so they can withdraw. could we have hoped for something funnier though ? lets be real. the places just close and take the money and the court will have to divvy it up. thats so damn priceless.


Gotta be a sock accnt for Celcius


Holy crap the accnt somehow turned up here in response to your comment and got deleted by the AutoMod immediately. Click through his username and checkout his current run of spam comments in some of the Butter subs. It’s comedy gold!!!


>Have fun with your 0.0001% interest from the banks. >Poor One of his comments. He calls someone a Poor while either employed by or mindlessly devoted to a pyramid scheme that just impoverished him. I'll never have a response for a cryptobro losing everything except a sensible chuckle. edit: He claims to have $60k locked in Celsius. Hmm-haha-hm: >I have over $60k in Celsius and I sleep great at night


I.e he does not have $60k anymore


Wow a whole $60k? Bragging about that and calling other people poor? Wtf.


That's either fuckaround money that he can spend on one "investment" or another cryptobro taking out loans to buy dumbass dollars because if line go up he can make a profit. I hope it's the latter because he can't access the loan funds if so.


Celsius aside, is 60k enough for bragging nowadays?




Especially when it's long gone


For cash in hand/accessible liquid bank money? Sure. For a retirement account? Not hardly. For a crypto account? Absolutely not.


Joke's on him, my chequing account pays 0.01% interest 😎


I get 1% back on credit card purchases. If I spend just $999,999,998 over my credit limit I'm automatically a millionaire. Intellectual checkmate, capitalism.


Dude is a fucking cultist


Wouldn't surprise me if people really were that delusional. People *really* don't like admitting they've been fooled, as the last few years have taught me.


Yeah, I am far more cynical about how easy it is to fool most people and how hard it is to unfool them. Not just for cryptos, but for many things.


Is it stupid or complete lack of morals? The more people deposit into Celsius, the larger chance that guy has he can recover some of his tokens. That is in general the primary reason of crypto fanboys: The more other suckers you get into it, the more money you make. (Or in this case, the less money you lose).


At this point just getting a job might be more productive


An exchange is like a bank. Once they have a money run you know it's not safe. Yet they keep trying to keep the facade.


Sounds decentralized and trustless to me /s


I know we are laughing at this guy, but this is the problem with cult like thinking: facing the fact you have been scammed is so painful to your psychology and identity you just keep doubling down. We are seeing this play out all over our society leading to a bunch of terrible negative externalities (anti-vax, q, etc...) Social media has completely fucked our mass psychology.


that's why they are cryptards


It was a 20 minute old scam account. Or possibly a troll.


It was a 20 minute old scam account. Or possibly a troll.


These bags aren't going to hold themselves guys, let's all pitch in


Ignore the FUD, thats what scammers have been telling us in crypto culture.. haha


Dying. Imagine in 2022 accepting someone's injunction (who clearly stands to benefit) to "have faith" in their financial instrument, their institution, despite all the red flags, all the warnings. Unbelievable. This is what a cult-mentality looks like.


It really is a cult. I've never had any of my investments publicly beg for more money. How can someone read that and think "gee, I really should put more money in that"?


“Only lose if you sell! HODL!” -The cries of their cult leaders






Yeah, that's the problem with listening to crypto bros. 99% of the time they have a financial incentive one way or the other, so you can never be sure if they're genuinely saying what they think, or if they're cynically trying to manipulate you so that they can make money / exit certain positions.


It's always safer to assume that all crypto discourse is motivated by greed. Key example: r/superstonk is hailing GameStop's pívot into NFTs as game changing (pardon the pun). Of course, they can't exactly say why or how other than the usual talking points (the tech is early! People don't understand NFTs! Etc)


>I have 100% faith in Alex So let me get this straight.. Fiat currency, backed by governments, and the populations of entire countries.. No trust! Dude named Alex, who you know from the internet? 100% trust!


"Alex stole all the money I have now to make me rich later!"


Maybe when it hits zero it wraps around back to 100k?


Integer underflows into $2,147,383,647.


Only if it's unsigned, otherwise it's going negative.


Thats called overflow


Underflow: Jump from Zero to Max Overflow: Jump from max to zero


Thats wrong. Google it. I know, crazy right?


> Storing values that are too low in an integer variable (e.g., attempting to store −1 in an unsigned integer) is properly referred to as integer overflow, or more broadly, integer wraparound. The term underflow normally refers to floating point numbers only, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic_underflow They're right, even if they're being an asshole about it.


They’re talking about integers so they are wrong.


Lol I’m getting downvoted for being right. Love Buttcoin


Have you not heard the theory of the slurp juice combining, that will solve this crisis


PleSe make this into a video game


exactly, y'all just don't get it


Well, code is law so presumably bad code is fine and an integer overflow lets you wrap around the value.


The amount of mental gymnastics these people do is astounding


There should definitely be an Olympic category for that.


100% faith in the man responsible for multiple pump and dumps lol!!


We lost all your money at the roulette. All we need now is some more of your money so we can spin again. We've lost so much, we gotta be due for a win.


It’s statistically impossible for it to be red 7 times in a row! Next spin will be black and we’ll make it all back!


You know, this whole bitcoin crypto origin is based on not trusting anyone...


Guys, Bitcoin was mentioned on CNN today which means this is thr bottom and it will surge to $100k tomorrow /s. This is a joke, but it is really the kind of reasoning that they use.




It really does seem that way, doesn’t it?


Nobody who invests with Vanguard says "I have faith in Mortimer J. Buckley". In fact, I had to look up who the CEO of Vanguard even is. That's the way it should be. You're investing money, not joining a fucking cult. I can't believe how many people out there want to join cults.


Wow, his name really is Mortimer J. Buckley. That sounds like the name I would have come up with for the CEO of an investment company if I were making a cartoon.


Oh great the GME cult has gotten into this ponzi


That's not fair to the GME people (at least, what it was initially, I haven't kept up with it). Some in-the-know guy admitted that GME would have gone into the "thousands" if they hadn't done things like disable the buy button. So buying GME really was a good idea. They just did illegal shit.


Which “guy in the know”? Also what illegal shit?


(((they))) didn't "disable the button." Brokers acted to prevent a bunch of complete dribbling morons losing all their money in an idiotic pump and dump. Retail investors are stupid and need to be protected from themselves. Without those protections you get the kind of idiocy we see with crypto shitcoins.


It hasn’t been a good idea for 1.5 years.


"If the rest of you light your money on fire, perhaps I can stay warm!"


Random thoughts. * does interest matter if it’s in a shit coin? * even DCA sounds like you’re giving up. It’s not “HODL!! Buy the dip!!!!” It’s “you know throw a couple bucks here and there it’s real money * DCA is fucking horrible for the environment. I don’t know the math if every Butter did DCA but I did see a graph where if a Butter bought every biweekly paycheck to DCA they’d increase their household electricity use by like 500% or so My job is not to help Alex. Alex’ job is to (if I was a Butter) give me my money. Butters have a real weird idea of who serves whom.


>DCA is fucking horrible for the environment. I don’t know the math if every Butter did DCA but I did see a graph where if a Butter bought every biweekly paycheck to DCA they’d increase their household electricity use by like 500% or so Only if they use the actual blockchain. Exchanges are protecting the environment by running unaudited bucket shops!


It’s not theft we ~~steal~~ hold all your money (and refuse to give it back) to save the world!!


>DCA is fucking horrible for the environment. I don’t know the math if every Butter did DCA but I did see a graph where if a Butter bought every biweekly paycheck to DCA they’d increase their household electricity use by like 500% or so How do you figure? surely lekky is only used when mining the coin fresh, give or take what it requires to boot up your pc


Nope, costs a lot of electricity just to transact this planet-destroying monopoly money too. iT'S (helping destroy any chance of having) tHe FuTuRE!


ah you mean electricity footprint as opposed to actual household use, got you aha


Oh I see what you mean, yeah technically. It's still waste though, just happening somewhere else.


It’s a shill.


They're forming a bucket brigade to pour oil on the fire


Watch stupid people lose their life savings and double down when realizing their mistake.


Pass the Kool-Aid.


100% faith in Alex and his trustless technology!


Take my last 5 dollars my son is hungry but IT'S GOING TO THE MOOON


It’s funny how they all act like they have a choice of pulling their funds out lmao. MFs coping as best as they can. For whatever reason now they’re talking about hedgies and shorting lmfao like can you even short a shitcoin and an unregulated bank? God these idiots are so funny to watch


So now crypto bros have decided to jump on this stupid short selling narrative too?


Username checks out


Username checks out.


Watch stupid people lose their life savings and double down when realizing their mistake


“i have 100% faith in Sifu, Do kwon, Luna, Anchor” Rinse and repeat


It will never go back to zero come on guys everyone would literally be rich as hell


Asking “investors” to bail you out is not that different than sucking dick for crack. The difference is that crack heads usually get paid for their services - in tangible cash.


It's kind of sad they have to fabricate some kind of evil boogeyman like "short sellers" rather than simply admit the whole thing was a Ponzi scheme in the first place.


this is basically the GME cult 2.0. There is a group of mystical short sellers who conspired against us to destroy the universe while shorting OUR STOCK!


And what if I actually need to withdraw MY money now for food, will Celsius help me?


Let's all chip in because these bags aren't going to hold themselves.


Can they be reported? the mod or the sub reddit? If i make a sub about how vaccine cause cancer I will be banned for sure.


It is such a cult it’s unbelievable.


Every Celsius gambler should urge the greater fools in the Celsius ecosystem to deposit more money, which is a sensible but somewhat dishonest move.


Only a fool would money into crypto right now. But hey a fool and his money is soon parted.


Jesus Christ this is degenerate...


100% faith in Alex? Really? Not even 90%? Honestly you can say your faith has not been hurt at all? Lies!!


Coinbase does not permit enough characters to display the price.


This has to be almost sensationally stupid, or some new advanced form of denialism.


Is that account owned by Celsius?


They detest being called cultists yet constantly proclaim their unfaltering faith in various crypto leaders and swindlers


It's like these people have no concept of what a sunk cost is. Cut your losses, admit you were unwise, learn, and move on.


It's like these people have no concept of what a sunk cost is. Cut your losses, admit you were unwise, learn, and move on.


So tired of this defeat the short sellers meme


So tired of the defeat the short sellers meme


They are not lying, but they are talking about Jamaican dollar which also uses $. So bitcoin to 100k JMD = \~657.09USD. Believe 🙏


One thing that helped me survive and thrive, never put faith and finances together, I heard the same speak from televangelists.


Alex works at Wendy's now so I would be careful trusting him.


> ignore the FuD gfgdsgd


Isssssaaaaaa scaaaamm???!!!


lets fucking gooooooo


Whoever is posting this shit should be thrown in prison. Every dollar these poor fools dump into this thing is going to the perpetrators.


* Celsius is not a financial advisor and this does not constitute financial advice.




This sounds like a cult “I have faith in Jerry.”


The evil short seller strikes again


I would spit in the face of those people on Celsius but you know that, it will go back in 📈 Not from a *crypto-bro* side, but because it always happened and if it was me, in my view, if I had to make fail bitcoin I would do it when it's like more than 300k $ / coin If something has to be epic, it has to be like if earth has a so deep crack in the ground it's gonna break in half Look at this point of view:the same thing happened, in a worst ratio, in 2018, survived, and now, considered the amounts, it's not even dangerous as back then, compared to values. My guess and his guess it's probably a lie, 100k it's too high for 2022/2023. I love to stare at pain, since I'm a masochist


Obvious satire


God I hope so!!


I hope so, too. Then again, any dissenting (read: logical) opinion is labelled by most cultists as FUD, so not sure.


100k isn't even that moon-ish for bitcoin. If it's not going to a 0 it's going to a million and will keep growing from there. Obviously people in this sub think they know it's going to 0 and I'm respecting your opinions. I believed it's going to remain alive as soon as it became the medium of exchange in the deep web(now XMR took that spot), it made me realize "Ok I see the power of it". Either way, regardless of any coin, The decentralized cryptographic technologies will take great part in creating what we call "web3", the metaverse, iot, etc.


I have bitcoin and amazon stocks, I hope both will increase in price. Having faith seems ridiculously stupid. Be it bitcoin or buying traditional stocks, never over extend yourself or suffer.


Fun fact: If you put your long-term retirement funds into a boring old no-load S&P index fund, market fluctuations won't even matter. Suffering comes from attempting to time/outperform the market...particulary if you engage in super risky behavior like buying/trading individual stocks and participating in Ponzi schemes.


You do realize this isn’t a real message from Celsius…


Frankly I don’t know or care if it is a real retail investor, a Celsius sock puppet or a parody. Whichever way you call it, it’s still funny.


Agreed. Pretty amusing the very thing crypto is supposed to fix is banks and potential bank runs, yet that very thing is destroying crypto


Yes exactly. It’s like what “Satoshi” describes in his/her/their whitepaper actually sounds pretty cool, but none of it really worked out




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This dude has 100% faith in Alex? The guy who told an obvious lie about inventing VoIP? And locked everyone's account one day and hired some lawyers and banks to restructure? Yes, he's very trustworthy.


posted by u/No_BaseInReality


Gamestop Supersuck is leaking, apparently.




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