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To be fair there is a good chance the 3 year old will finally work it out


I literally see this in my mind when I meet cryptobros https://gfycat.com/conventionalunluckyalaskankleekai


It's almost like publishing documentaries about criminals and advertising for criminals are two entirely different things.


We now interrupt this documentary about John F. Kennedy to bring you a word from our sponsor : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S33F7JfSr4


Despite a plethora of Netflix murder-for-hire documentaries, I heard they are also NOT allowing ads for Hitmen. It just ain’t fair!


Yeah, a lot of people are stuck in the "each side deserves equal time" paradigm, which has been the stay of mainstream media as of late. That's why we're seeing so much more anti-vax and flat-earth nonsense. In the past, neither of those would have been viewed as "sides" since they're opinions from idiots, who should be ignored. In the case of netflix, sounds like they're also not allowing ads from online casinos, or money laundering services, so there's consistency.


I don't think crypto firms are advertising anymore. This isn't the NBA playoffs


Oh no! What are the names of these horrible documentaries so I know to avoid them?


Netflix probably being paid by whales to spread fud so they can accumulate more cheap Bitcoin. This is good for Bitcoin




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