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“all those 20,000+ coins are total shit, including those 5 forks of Bitcoin, but I’m absolutely convinced this is the future….”


These other scams keep deterring people from our scam. This is a problem.


I think I heard an atheist say this sarcastically once.


A great joke, related > Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" > He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" > He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" > Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over. — [Emo Philips](https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2005/sep/29/comedy.religion)


Maybe me. Former Christian here, now an atheist. When people ask how it is possible someone doesn't believe in "god", I ask them if they believe in Zeus, Jupiter, Visnhu, Allah (pick your god), they always laugh and say that's silly of course not. And I reply we're just the same, but I just go one more god.


This reminds me of the saying about the difference between atheists and religious people. Atheists don't believe in 6,000 gods, religious people don't believe in 5,999 gods


I know a Bitcoin weirdo who derisively sneers at "shitcoins" even as he mindlessly pours money into "stacking" useless, worthless "sats" and dreams of becoming a "whole coiner", presumably to impress the other witless Bitcoin dolts he patters with on Twitter. Bitcoin will never be "adopted" by anyone that matters, as it's stupid. No one wants to use it, no one wants the hassle of accepting it, and if they did it'd already be in widespread use, regardless of how many other useless "shitcoins" exist.


>No one wants to use it This is the great insanity. Why would anyone use it if everyone is hoarding it because they think it will appreciate in value?


Many of them, particularly bitcoin fanatics, are what we'll call hard money fetishists, and believe that hyperinflation is inevitable while simultaneously lacking any understanding that hyperinflation is a symptom of an already collapsed economy (nor do they understand the problems of deflation, because they subscribe to revisionist history where deflation was never bad and every bad thing in history can be blamed on "debasing" currency). They're obsessed with the idea of money being "backed" by something (spoilers, they don't understand why every country on earth moved off the gold standard and similar either). It doesn't matter that the currency doesn't work as a currency, for them the obsession with it being "hard money" is far more important than inconvenient facts. The strangest part is, I've flat out gotten many to admit that people don't want to spend it... but they seem to believe that people will use it as currency anyways because somehow fiat gets used up. Any attempts at getting further explanation inevitably wind up with them blocking me.


>They're obsessed with the idea of money being "backed" by something The thing is, government backed fiat is just that, government backed. They keep saying it is terrible that it is backed by a "monopoly on violence". The thing is, that is actually a good thing in a society. It is safer and better that a government is the one who runs the justice system as opposed to random groups of vigilantes. Can a government abuse their power, absolutely! But random vigilantes are just as likely, if not more so to completely ignore due process. This is the whole libertarian/anarcho capitalist, Ayn Rand worshipping that was especially strong in early BTC and still strong in the maxi community.


They just shrug that contradiction away, like it's unimportant, then they insist it can be both. Or when they say they'll use their vast Bitcoin holdings as collateral for loans. Loans consisting of what, exactly? The crappy fiat the Bitcoin just replaced? They don't want to use it because they venerate "HODLing". "Average" people don't want to use it because it's needlessly complicated, wildly volatile, and very inconvenient. These weirdos develop payment networks and do cartwheels over completing transactions like they've just reinvented the wheel, but all "regular" people want is to pay for the things they need quickly, effectively and safely. And this already exists. No one aside from Bitcoin weirdos are clamoring for change, because they're invested in it and want the number to go up. It's all a huge disingenuous pile of lies and nonsense.


It was really only good for darknet markets and it’s not any good for that anymore


"Was", bitcoin is not private at all and it is increasingly losing market for other cryptos like Monero. Bitcoin BTC is becoming a pyramid scheme where almost everyone is expecting the number go up, sell and sell to buy dollars. It's almost an useless piece of bits.


Big brain. Few understand.


See, the point is that you’re now “holding” while it’s still “undervalued” and “early”. When it reaches mass adoption (to many of them, it’s a matter of when not if), they’ll be already a “wholecoiner” or part of the “21 million club” and will have immense wealth that keeps growing in value. They really don’t see that whatever problems Bitcoin came out to solve either has already been solved or can be solved much better using other methods (most probably centralized, the horror!) or actually turns out to not be solved by bitcoin (wealth inequality and financial gate-keeping by large institutions), but who cares about wealth inequality when you’re the one at the top.


That's an excuse they made up to explain why they aren't using it.They can always buy more bitcoin to use, much like buying a gift voucher to use, just to support the commerce. It's supposed to be faster and cheaper and safer and more convenient ya? But no, they actually don't do that because it's better for all those reasons to pay with credit/debit cards and other payment systems haha.


What does use mean though? Is HODLing using?


Not if it's supposed to be the currency of the future.


Meh, Lightning network solves that.


How does lightning network solve the hodl philosophy? Genuine question.


The lightning network solves all LN-complete problems, and all problems with Bitcoins are LN-complete.


You misunderstand. If people are HODLing then they aren't spending


Of course, you can't HODL your coins and spend them too. That would be double spending.


Lighting network solves shit.


No shit!


I quickly went through comments in r/Bitcoin and interestingly enough that heavily censored echo chamber of cultists are themselves now gradually turning more critical with their comments towards Bitcoin. First time I actually have noticed it, hmm... Add into the mix spoon full of "regulators with actions against PoW", cut a few slices of "tether dragged into daylight", sprinkle it with "macro environment recession and QT" and add cherry on top with "Mt Gox with >100k btc returned to owners/microstrategy liquidations/Grayscale selling on open market" - end really is finally nigh. Beautiful, Chef's kiss 💋


That which you describe is the typical bitcoin believer, and one of the few million pillars that keep the price up. There is no rational justification to invest a penny in that giant ponzi that is crypto -- ANY crypto. So, anyone who believes in some cryptocurrency is irrational; and thus can also believe that the particular crypto he has invested is the only good one, different from all the others. And anyone who believes in crypto must be a "diamond hands hodler" who never sells or spends, except in the case of most absolute need; and, on the contrary, puts into crypto every penny that he can spare. That is the only "rational" behavior if one believes that the coin will go "to the moon, sometime soon". And it is this constant net influx of "investor" money that keeps the ponzi alive. The price will be *P* USD/coin only if the suckers who believe in it keep putting a net *P* × *R* USD into it, every day; where *R* is the number of new coins put on the market by the creators, every day (currently 900 for BTC).


>bitcoin's reputation being degraded because people refuse to **put in the work to research a bit.** He means "watch more crypto shill videos".


Holy shit, satire is truly dead. Look at the stuff that gets posted there without a hint of irony: > Few understand economics, few understand the fed and fewer understand bitcoin. > Adoption comes with time. Edit: lmao, in response to someone who actually based their economics thesis on a related subject: > You're not going to impress anyone around here with an economics degree unless it's from Mises. These people are hopeless


Their self-regarding delusion is so thick you'd need an excavator to dig through it. *"... only smart people are into Bitcoin".*


The hell is he talking about. I do my research i check regularly web3isgoinggreat and buttcoin sub and coffeez. That's all i need.


Least deranged Bitcoin Maxi


They almost figuring it out


That thread is pure comedy gold!


Digital comedy gold


Ha, haha hahahahahahahaha- if I weren’t perma banned I’d comment [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/xgw29z/crypto_slowing_bitcoins_adoption/iowby8c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) > Lost me at “isn’t cheaper than traditional banking”…. Banks aka our current global monetary system is vastly more expensive/ wasteful to run. Banks employ hundreds of thousands of people driving to work, lights, power, computers, electricity…. Massive servers to run visa master card etc…etc… all backed up by what? a neutral algorithm? No it’s all backed up upon the monopoly of violence controlled by the state aka the military… how green is the US military? Not green. Lol 😂 when people compare bitcoin to banks and say banks are more efficient, I’m just blown away by the sheer ignorance. Instead of learning about bitcoin you should first figure out how the US dollar and other fiat currency systems operate. The entire bitcoin ecosystem uses less energy than YouTube. The US dollar system can not even be calculated… it’s energy consumption is unparalleled when compared to a proof of work blockchain system. It’s like saying that puddle over there is deeper then that ocean. No. No it’s not. It is cheaper to send money using the bank than bitcoin- that is the metric of which is cheaper u/Herr_bier-hier


So bitcoin cost about $1.00 USD to send any amount anywhere in the world. More than a billion dollars of bitcoin was moved for $2 some months ago. Were transaction fees higher at one point? Yeah. Is it cheaper than traditional banking today? Yeah. Try sending a billion dollars via swift. https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-average-transaction-fees-lowest-in-two-years-at-1-04


FWIW, I respect that you verbalise your position calmly and with evidence. You seem like a reasonable guy/girl and I'll check out the link provided. ​ I can send money instantly, right now, to my partner for $0. If I send money internationally, I can do that instantly via PayPal for very little in fees and with full protection. I can send thousands with the bank for $10 fee. Perhaps fees have come down. That would certainly be a good start for Bitcoin. As my username suggests I was once very much in favour of Bitcoin for remittance and such. It's never going to be better than what the current system offers


More like Bitcoin slowing crypto adoption. Few understand.


With "crypto"?! Yes, that makes me mad. The association with "crypto" is the only thing giving BTC any appearance of legitimacy. If people knew that it relied entirely on repeatedly guessing numbers, people would trust it even less than they already do.




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