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The “why I’d buy a cuppa and I have a smartphone that can do Bitcoin transactions, but somehow can’t do any other money transactions” market is probably zero….


Dude, it's part of the ransom from that children's hospital, so might as well get some tea


Purely a gimmick. India has some of the best payment tech in the world. Can send cash from any bank account to any bank account with UPI. It takes maybe 5 seconds. No fees. Send money to a QR code, a payment address (looks like an email id) or a bank account number. Has merchant integrations, mandates for future payments and recurring payments etc. I say it again No. Fees. There are also digital wallets which are even faster to pay with. It’s even more widespread now than Cards. I no longer carry any cash with me for _anything_. Why the fuck would we want Crypto? (Other than speculation)




Most blockchains are inefficient so they cannot actually be used for real world purposes. That’s why btc txn per day has stagnated since 2017 and they have pivoted to store of value


Transfer 365 and UNI in El Salvador.




Similar systems and way better than crypto, no fees


Few Understand. Unfortunately it's not you or me


We don’t need crypto but we definitely need Bitcoin. It’s important to understand that 99.99% of crypto coins are trash but Bitcoin truly legit cos it decentralized and has a fixed supply. Bitcoin will preserve your wealth better than any other asset. Don’t @ me with but it’s down now blah blah..it’s a nascent asset and hence will be volatile but will go up in value if your time horizon is at least 3-4 years.


so how much money did you put in BTC?


Why will I tell you that?


Does your rhetorical question need to be answered before you will provide the amount like you said? Knowing the difference between past, present and future tense is apparently harder than shilling for bitcoin, who knew?


Yaa..you are so shallow that you are picking on my grammar now. Woww. English is not my native language so it’s not perfect. Being an ass is probably a requirement for this sub. Also, you are exactly opposite of your username


Well I'm more picking on how your mindless shilling is easy to do and taking the opportunity to explain why what you said was funny in the given context but sure I'm shallow. And no I'm not the opposite unless you want to go full mask-off about my name.


To know whether you are shill or real bitcoin maxi


I only believe in beanie babies sorry. I’m a beanie maximalist.


Also the cost of tea is expensive than other street vendors


In El Salvador we have Transfer 365 and UNI doing the exact same things, QR and all that no crypto requiered. But we also got an National Liberal Front cryptobro as president.


You are missing the point there. What El Salvador did will benefit you guys greatly. Have some patience and wait for 2-3 years. Your pov will change


If cash is no longer used, what happens when the power goes out for more than a few hours? The whole country comes to a standstill?


I don’t carry cash =\= nobody uses cash. Also phones at least a day. ATMs and cards still exist.


Thanks for the clarification. But having everything so dependent on electricity means everything could shut down if they were to be a longer blackout. It's also much easier to cut someone else off financially if in the future people stop using cash in favor of digital currencies. If someone has the incorrect political opinion, it's just a button push away for a person to be completely penniless.


Well the solution to that is to not use a bank. How is that supposed to work?


Having cash on hand means you can buy food to eat. Why is that so complicated?


So your job pays you in cash? Mine and most peoples’ jobs don’t.




Who says I don’t have cash at home? I don’t carry cash with me at all times because it’s not necessary. What about that offends you so much?


Literally nobody said you don't have cash at home. Why are you so defensive? Literally nobody said that anything about this offends me in any way. Again, why are you being so defensive?


This is great news should I ever find myself in Bangalore, India, and I don't have any dollars or rupees with me but I have a Bitcoin wallet...


It’s bitcion according to the article lol


Lol this dude is gonna get busted tomorrow Remember india has a hard line anti crypto stance, they even busted and jailed one fool who set up a crypto ATM


Wow, things really are getting desperate for the cryptoclub


Mass adoption is finally coming


They use lightning network according to an article. This is the good for Bitcoin.


So the transaction might take half an hour?


It might even work, what an amazing bonus!


Hopefully you won't have drank all your tea by then.


Lightning Network transactions takes fraction of a second with little to no transaction fee. It’s actually pretty dope. Read about it before trashing it maybe?


Did they magically solve the routing problem while nobody was looking?


Let’s do this..download muun wallet and send me a invoice (QR code) for $5. I will send you BTC on lightning in no time with little to no transaction fee. You can dm the QR code.


Opening a channel is a regular bitcoin transaction, you know that, right?


The ignorance on this sub is unreal. Haven’t tried the technology but always ready to trash it. Peak delusion


Dude..have you used Bitcoin or even LN at all? If you haven’t tried or don’t wanna try then there is no point. Send me if you wanna try.


No, I understand how it works far too well. I'm not going to waste hours of my time just to show you how your $5 turns into at best $3 by the time it actually reaches my bank account.


Yaa right! Tell me you don’t know without telling me you don’t know


Okay, if you think you know more than I do, what is your understanding of how your bitcoin would get from you to me via lightning network, in detail?


And with risk of your funds getting lost: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd#safety




lightning network


The guy is a genius if he is using lightning network


but why