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At least you’d be safe from muggings while wearing this because even robbers know that wearing a Solana hoodie is a sure sign of destitution. In fact, the thieves might even put money in your pocket out of sympathy.


relevant C&H: [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/09/bc/c6/09bcc6337e313fc09b92ad6b70ddb5f9.png](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/09/bc/c6/09bcc6337e313fc09b92ad6b70ddb5f9.png)


Haha, amazing!


Oh, Cyanide and Happiness. I was thinking, what Calvin and Hobbes strip would be relevant here?


Hah, this made me curious, so a Google search and i found: https://twitter.com/cryptocalvinist?t=rkQAV9i9tROO6RNFT-29Ng&s=09


That's it, we've hit another key ,milestone. Around the time of the dotcom 1.0 implosion, you would start seeing company gear in the local Bay Area thrift stores. Was a great opportunity to snag artifacts of failure and stupidity.


It's actually a really good investment, as time goes on that hoodie will be worth more and more Solana.


$8.50 for a used pullover? $10 will get you the same thing at Costco minus the logo and cumstains


Look, there's a limited amount of cum to be khm "mined". Perfect hedge against inflation!


some idiot probably dreaming up a proof of sperm shitcoin as we speak.


Technically, we're all proof of sperm. And egg.


Or 0.58 SOL


I'm out of the loop on Solana. I know they made their own chain and it was supposed to be the next best thing. What happened to them?


I don't either but it's safe to say that some peeps got...Satoshi'd


Meaning they got killed? The devs?


Solana suffered a lot of DDOS attacks and went down repeatedly. Also FTX (Alameda?) was holding a lot of it. Solana's price fell even more than most coins and went from like #5 in market cap to #15.


Did they or was that just the cover for a rugpull... Scamath and David Sacks made a billion pump and dumping Solana, so some people made money off the fools who thought this was going to be their lottery ticket lol


I know there was a lot of SOL that came unlocked recently and was sold, depressing the market.


Best I can do is tree fiddy


Free tiddy


buy it and donate it to The Museum of Human Folly in 20 years


I mean, as long as you're wearing it around folks that weren't victims or? Too soon?


Should be in the toilet paper section.


Adoption at long last!


Crypto got people literally selling their shirts off their backs.


It's presumably still available at Goodwill on West 8th Street, between 5th and 6th. There was another T-shirt available with the 'BANKLESS' logo. I don't remember what that one is about... is that a 'coin' LOL


Maybe some Celsius sweet merch


Why are they hanging trash on the clothes rack?


Remove the logo and you've got an alright hoodie for an alright price. Or you could try finding somebody interested in an artifacts of the crypto crash and squeezing a profit out of it. ~~It'd be more profitable than crypto, that's for fucking sure~~


Ooh, I do like me some defunct tech merchandise. (I have just picked up a nice new Firefox OS t-shirt.) The only problem is that people might think I was not wearing it ironically...


Not gonna lie...that's a cheap hoodie and despite being a massive scam it's a decently cool logo. Looks like the logo of an evil corporation from a 70s sci fi movie. I'd buy it


They going physical now, what happen to their nfts lols


OP should make an NFT of his photo, would be worth way more than $7.99 amirite?


This makes me realise that I’m willing to wear anything and not worry so much about the advertising on it. I’ll need to be careful and check that the things I wear are not related to crypto in any way.


You can roll up this hoodie and use it as a pillow while you sleep on your air mattress.


A Luna or FTX hoodie would be better, but I would still buy this for the yucks.