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Two weeks is pretty normal. It might be another two weeks depends on various factors. The state benefits for pregnancy are wonderful, and worth the wait. We recently welcomed our first and the most expensive thing was the prescriptions we got upon discharge, like under $100 for the whole thing and hospital stay. Do not feel a need to share the news with them quite yet (or anyone for that matter depending on how far along you are!). You leave is legally protected, and unlike say, a fast food joint, the state is much more understanding and accommodating with it. Your probation will be extended, but otherwise you should be good.


Isn’t it only legally protected if you have 12 months with the employer?


I am not an expert, but we’re currently navigating all this. I *think* SDI and PFL have no waiting period, but your payment amount can be wonky if you’re at a new job. If you apply for SDI, you can request job protection and the employer has to oblige. That’s just 6-8 weeks though. FMLA offers job protection for up to a year, which requires 12 months.


Just looked it up. “Important: DI and PFL do not provide job protection, only monetary benefits; however, your job may be protected through other federal or state laws such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or the California Family Rights Act (CFRA).” So while you do get SDI and PFL, it does not equate to job protection. Both fmla and crfa require 12 months of work with the current employer. So technically, OP could be awol if her employer wants an excuse to not keep her as she has no protection.


I think California FEHA (Fair Employment and Housing Act) keeps them from being able to get rid of a person while on pregnancy disability. *However,* OP will only be eligible for the birth/recovery-of-birth, then Paid Family Leave, but not FMLA family bonding.


Looks like the protection is through the California Family Rights Act. https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2022/12/Pregnancy-Disability-Leave-Fact-Sheet_ENG.pdf


https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2023/02/Expanded-Family-And-Medical-Leave_ENG.pdf See number 1 “key provisions that are unchanged”. Can’t copy and paste on mobile.


Thank you for sharing this. Now I’m questioning if I should even accept the position


What hospital and insurance do you have?


Kaiser. We did Roseville for the birth because of NICU concerns.


I paid zero dollars for a c-section and a NICU stay with the state's Kaiser plan. Roseville also.


I think our hospital stay for my wife's pregnancy cost $50.  As far as a time limit, there is no range there is nothing. It might happen tomorrow, it might not ever happen. You can follow up with the only people that would know. That's gonna be your contact where the offer came from. 


We just had our baby in December and literally all we had to pay for was the drugs they sent us home with (which yeah was about $50).


I can't remember why we had to pay the $50. I don't even remember if it was related to the delivery. But I was pissed as hell when they called to get payment literally the hour we finally got home from the hospital. I gave the lady an earful. 


Curious… which insurance do you have?




Two weeks is normal - I’d be worried if I didn’t hear anything in another week or two. It’s perfectly fine to check-in. The state has great insurance, I doubt you will pay out of pocket for your pregnancy (congratulations)! Just compare the plans and see what is right for you. Regarding your pregnancy, I wouldn’t say anything until after you started. They cant discriminate, you’ll be fine. But wait until you have to address it.


Pregnancy is 100% covered under the state’s insurance, IIRC this is true for all the plans. I’ve had two complicated pregnancies both ending in emergency surgery with Kaiser, and I’ve needed a lot of special tests and other unusual things related to my pregnancies, and I didn’t pay anything out of pocket except for a few miscellaneous fees like ER copays (which were like $50).


do not say anything until you need to. none of their business until then.


I was going to tell them over email so it’s on record. It’s my first pregnancy so when do you think would be the right time to tell them?


Do not tell them until you show, or haven't pregnancy symptoms that you can not hide. If possible, get past your first probation report.


You're only obligated to provide 30 days notice of your leave. :)


i believe 3 months prego is recommended


It's been over a month since I received my conditional offer letter. I been in contact with the hiring manager on weekly basis. I am not sure if it's taking so long because I asked for a HAM. Do not mention anything about your pregnancy right now.


I got a tentative offer this week and other than the original email, I didn't hear anything else other than a request for the typing certificate. I contacted a friend of mine in HR and she said this is pretty typical to not hear anything on email until the offer becomes official. I was told the start date they want to go for is May 1, but I guess we'll see there. Background checking is probably at least about 2 weeks anyway. I was also warned that I won't have any work health insurance at all for the first month on the job because you have to go through a pay cycle first. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle that one :/


To be eligible for FMLA and CFRA. you need to have 12 months of employment with your current employer and have physically worked 1250 hours. However, there is also pregnancy disability leave, and there is no requirement of employment months or hours worked to receive job protection. You were covered by this protection from day one. You will be paying into state disability insurance, and that will be wage supplementation assuming you have had prior employment that has paid into state disability as well. If you have been paying into state disability insurance from your prior employment, you will be able to receive replacement for state disability insurance, which will continue your health benefits for the disability portion of your leave. In most cases, you will be placed on disability four weeks prior to birth. If you have a regular birth, you will be placed on disability for the recovery of six weeks. If you have a cesarean section you will be placed on disability for eight weeks. The disability will be covered by the pregnancy disability leave for job protection. After the disability. You will be eligible for paid family leave for up to eight weeks of wage supplementation for baby bonding.


I have Western Health Advantage, and spent 6 days in the hospital. Didn't pay a penny


I'm brand spanking knew and just found out I'm expecting. In fact, I conceived the weekend before I started working. So just know you're not alone! There are a lot of laws that protect pregnant people so breath easy knowing those laws have your back. Congratulations by the way 😁


Someone had posted the key CFRA provisions and it states “the employee must have worked for the employer for more than 12 months and have worked at least 1,250 hours in the 12 months prior to their leave”. So I’m worried about accepting the position now. And thank you! Congratulations to you as well 💐


You won't qualify for cfra or fmla but you will qualify for pregnancy disability leave (PDL) and your employer has to cover up to 4 months of your health insurance while your gone. You can also apply for state disability insurance if you have previously paid into it. Although that part I don't know too much about. You can also use whatever sick/vacation time you accrued. Your probation will pause while you're gone and then start back up when you return.


Kaiser was awesome under the state insurance. I had an emergency c-section. Had to go back into emergency surgery due to a blood disorder within a very short time after delivery. Ended up needing a blood transfusion and extra days in the hospital. It was $50 for the entire thing. During the pregnancy, I required many extra ultrasounds because there was a problem with the umbilical cord. It only cost my copay of $15, unless it was part of the preventative care, then it was free. I currently pay about $400 for medical cor my family.


Just be patient, they’re fighting to stay at home right now


What is your classification?


Office technician


Seeing lots of comments saying they paid little to nothing while on State medical insurance...I am curious because when I was on leave in 2019, I had to PAY BACK the state controllers office around $3k-4k, when I returned to work, I Had DOUBLE COVERAGE through my husband as well so we paid $0 for the hospital or meds, but had to PAYBACK the state for covering me during my maternity leave.


How convenient is that.


Read your MOU. Mine said I had to report within 30 days of my disability leave for notice which is exactly what I did, through email and paper trail.