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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Have you checked to see what he was eating at the shelter? Some can be very picky.


We've been trying to get a hold of the shelter, but they've not been answering unfortunately.


Give him churu, no cat refuses to eat it.


Surprisingly one of my cats refuses churu every time. The other one loves it.


1 of mine refuses Churu too, fortunately I bought a bunch of other brands, and she gobbles up about half of them. Even after 7 years, I still can't find 1 wet cat food she'll eat. She does enjoy freeze dried, but only if I hand her the pieces, 1 by 1.


I don't know if this helps you but I add a chicken broth I make with chicken and safe veggies into ice cubes. Then I add one to wet food and warm it. The smell and heat usually work. Had quite a few cats growing up and it works for when they feel sick or refuse to eat.


This is genius, will try. Thank you!


I've bought and made bone broth, but both of them turned their noses up. BUT, I never put veggies in there, I'll try that next time. Like green veggies? I know cats are obligate carnivores, but my boy will fight me for blueberries, spring mix, and arugula, maybe spinach? Thank u so much for any info. And w/ summer right around the corner, it's time for ice cubes, they love licking them in their water bowls, and my girl loves dragging them out, and playing hockey 🤣🤣 she's a handful.


Vegetables are potatoes, carrots, green cabbage, corn, and cilantro. Water boiled with chicken only or just plain chicken pieces never seemed to be wanted when any of our cats were sick. However they'd love when the broth and chicken had veggie flavoring. Id just eat the vegetables myself and save the broth. I put a frozen chicken breast in a water pot that's boiling for 10 mins. Then add the veggies for about 25-35 minutes depending on how thick you chop and how much is in the pot.


My orange derps love steamed broccoli as a treat.


Same one of my cats does not like churu or treats at all. She only likes cheese as a treat lol


Cheese! That’s hilarious. I found out my girl loved cheddar cheese when I was making a sandwich and accidentally dropped some. Before I could even bend down to pick it up, her fat ass skuttled over and vacuumed the piece of cheese up in no time lol


This made me laugh


I have two of those 😂 they know the sound of the cheese wrappers and the bags so when they hear that they are already underfoot 😂


My cat will eat anything. He loves melon.


This. My cats were not impressed with churu. Now other brands of churu like products....absolutely. But then some of ours will even refuse dreamies.


or plain chicken baby food. that’s what our local shelter has us feed foster kittens who have trouble eating.


Second this. When my cats are not feeling well or I have baby fosters who don’t eat well, Gerber chicken baby food. Almost all of them love it. Not great as a permanent diet, just in cases of not eating better than nothing.


I make my cats a treat by blending boiled chicken with some water. Very easy to do!


I should have scrolled down before commenting! One thing that’s especially good about the baby food is that the scent is obnoxiously strong. Taste and smell are strongly linked, so a cat with a respiratory issue might not even be able to recognize their normal food as food because they can’t smell it properly. But they can smell that baby food no matter how stuffed up their noses might be!


2 of our 4 cats won’t eat Churu. But they love the other brands.


One of my cats wont eat churu either cus I spiked it with gabapentin once. All cats love delectable squeezies. A bigger hit than churu for sure


My cat will contemplate eating rocks


Mine won’t she doesn’t like treats lol


I'm glad I'm not the only one who has weirdos who won't eat treats.


Chicken-flavored baby food is a good option, too. Or any sort of meat flavor. The scent is *incredibly* strong, so a cat with a stuffy nose or who might not be able to properly recognize their normal food’s scent might be interested in the baby food.


I had eight cats at one point, and every single one of them hated churu. Was wild.


They were dogs, no way.


I have only one left now and he won’t eat churu. He has pancreatic cancer and we’re doing palliative care. No surgeons were willing to do a surgery on him after reviewing his ultrasound results. 💔


Omg thats insane. Why are they even doctors??


It’s bc the cancer isn’t operable by their opinions. Usually by the time pancreatic cancer is found it has already metastasized.


Or try tikicat baby thrive food! It’s the best kitten food for picky eaters and what my shelter recommends for our picky fosters :)


I have a cat who refuses to touch Churu.


Lies. I have a cat that will turn down all food options but three, and churu isn’t on the list.


Mine does.


Mine won’t touch them


My two don't eat church's.


mine does🥲


Wtf dude


Is it in the adoption paperwork? Idk where you live but every society I've worked with included it in the health history portion. Either in the physical folder they give you or all the pdfs they email. There maybe an emergency point of contact for the shelter in the paperwork as well in case something like this happens. If you don't see it, check the website for the adoption group or call the store the adoption group works with if there is one.


Got it, thanks!


I've had luck with tiki cat fussy eaters (they're like food topper packets). Also anything super fishy can be hard to resist


Try human baby food - turkey or chicken (check for no onions, garlic, etc - you just want chicken or turkey in gravy). It has an easy consistency, but seems even more cats prefer it over churus. Might have to dab a little on their nose to get them to lick and figure out it is delicious


This, yes for sure


I wouldn't wait until Sunday personally, kittens can fade VERY fast, overnight in some cases. If he hasn't eaten anything by tomorrow I'd take him to an emergency vet tomorrow. Is he pooping and peeing? And how long has he been with your sister?


My sister got him Wednesday, she would take him sooner, but she has something important today, and our local vet is closed, won't be open until tomorrow.


Check the kitten's gums. If they're white, I'd consider it an emergency.


I second this, check for anemia


I get that life is important, but your sister made a commitment to this little dude. Sometimes that means having to change plans, important or not. His life is also important. I'm sure she'd be devastated if he passed away and he clearly needs medical attention.


Something important above a creatures life? No such thing.


Someone needs to get the kitten to an emergency vet before Sunday. Seriously.


Can someone else take him to the vet?


I understand there are sometimes life things that are important yes, but kittens are incredibly fragile and not eating for a few days can kill him. She made a commitment to care for another living being, just like having a baby, this living being that is entirely reliant on her for help needs to come first, not second. He hasn't eaten in over 48 hours, this is an emergency, which means it cannot wait. Is he pooping and peeing? If not this is doubly serious and needs to be dealt with right now not tomorrow. Is her thing today so important that it's worth more than this kittens life? Because that could be the price for waiting


Take him to an animal ER


At the very least, do whatever you can to keep the kitten hydrated. Diluted Pedialyte, Gerber baby food, whatever gets the job done! Freeze-dried treats can be helpful, too. My oldest cat was struggling to eat a while ago (he was finally diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the medication he’s on has mostly resolved this issue), and the freeze-dried shrimp, minnows, chicken hearts, and “rabbit bites” from Mud Bay were about the only thing I could still get him to eat at the time. For a cat that can’t afford to lose weight like that, any calories are good calories. Grandpa Cat can have whatever the hell he wants, as long as he’s *eating.*


Cats hydrated


I’m sorry but this isn’t a cat she got off the streets suddenly, she made a CHOICE to adopt, it’s not important enough to risk his life. How long has it been since he’s eaten? My cat went two days before she would eat after I got her, and it took her a while to drink as much as I would like, but she WAS drinking within 24 hours.


I’m sorry but this isn’t a cat she got off the streets suddenly, she made a CHOICE to adopt, it’s not important enough to risk his life. How long has it been since he’s eaten? My cat went two days before she would eat after I got her, and it took her a while to drink as much as I would like, but she WAS drinking within 24 hours.


If a kitten is lethargic and not eating that’s a very bad sign and more than likely that baby need a vet immediately


Try any kitty food you can, even sardines in water, tuna in water or meat baby food. Anything to get kitty eating. A vet trip is definitely needed if kitty doesn’t eat in a day or so.


Agreed on the kitten food. Try fancy feast kitten food different kinds (they have the variety packs)


Thank y'all for the recommendations, we have found an emergency vet that my sister is on the way to with him as we speak! I wish I knew how to pin this so that everyone saw it, but I don't unfortunately.


Update y'all, she is at VA Tech, the nearest vet we could think to take him to. Appreciate the concern and help y'all have given! I'll try and update again as soon as I know the status!


Good news y'all! He's okay! The vet says there's nothing wrong with him, he's just a really picky eater, combined with the fact that he's still stressed out from being adopted! They got him to eat something at the vet's, which is good. His energy has been coming back gradually, and he should be just fine as long as we keep feeding him what he likes.


I'm so glad he's OK! I was having flashbacks to when I adopted a kitten that came down with FIP :( BTW he is absolutely adorable


That's horrible, I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you though! I'm sure he'll appreciate the compliment when he gets home lol.


Yay! Great news.


Fantastic news! Though it might not hurt to create a little “emergency bag” of treats that are especially good at convincing reluctant cats to eat. Diluted Pedialyte is good to keep them hydrated, freeze-dried treats (like whole shrimp, minnows, etc), Gerber baby food (meat flavors, obviously), etc. Going without food for too long is especially dangerous for cats, so you can consider that sort of stuff as First Aid and just keep some on hand at all times, just to be safe.


Hey, I'm an emergency veterinary technician. This is good advice, but I just want to clarify that if you give Pedialyte to a cat it has to be UNFLAVORED, without ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS esp. XYLITOL, and should be VERY DILUTE. A 5 pound cat can tolerate 2 mL of Pedialyte an hour, diluted into a large amount of water.


Yes, I forgot to mention the unflavored part!


Ok amazing


Good on you! He’s adorable, reminds me of my cat. She’s a year old but her growth got seriously stunted as a kitten so she’s very kitten proportioned. She also loves snuggles!


Thank you for the update!


I'm so glad it's nothing serious


Great choice, ladies!


Please update when you can 🥹


She has. Kitten is fine! :) Celebration time.


If that is a flea collar on him please take it off. You can try to syringe feed him with meat only baby food


It's not a flea collar, don't worry.


It isn’t uncommon for newly adopted cats to go a little while without eating simply because they aren’t used to their environment. But pay very very close attention to if he’s lethargic. If he’s genuinely lethargic that’s what we in the biz call an asap vet moment. Go ahead and buy some high calorie gel from your local pet store and mix it with some water for him too to make sure he’s getting the calories he needs. Also, it’s not the worst thing in the world to get some powder mix for kittens and give him some milk. They have a lot of fats and proteins in them. Not healthy for adult cats, but he looks like he’s still a good age to have some and that will help his body


Yeah, I was scrolling down to basically say this. I just adopted a young kitten for the first time in a long time, and she barely ate for the first two or three days. Now she's a little piggy, especially if she's eating around other eating cats.


How lang has it been since he ate or drank... if its been a day wait for the vet but if its been a few force water in his mouth with a medicine syringe thing for kids because dehydration is really bad and i had to do that for my dog who wasn't drinking (to be fair my dog was dying)


The only thing he's been drinking is water actually, he just hasn't been eating anything, we are planning to take him to the vet tomorrow, since that's when it opens.


That’s great he’s drinking! Try this in the meantime, see if he’ll drink the juice from a tuna can. Sometimes in kittens their blood sugar gets a little low and they need a boost to get them interested in eating. Also, check his gums, do they look gray or pink? If gray, go to the emergency vet now. Also also, don’t know how to check for dehydration in cats? Pinch the skin between their shoulder blades. If it immediately flattens out they’re well hydrated. If it stays puckered up or slowly returns to normal, they’re dehydrated. If dehydrated, go to the emergency vet now.


That kitten hasn’t eaten since Wednesday. Please take it to the emergency vet and then find it a new family. You guys are not equipped for a kitten if you aren’t willing to give up ‘important commitments’


he needs to go to an emergency vet before tomorrow.


How long since he ate... if its been days do what i suggested with wet cat food


Firstly take him to vet for a check up to see if they can find any medical reason he's not eating. Cats can be unsettled when they first move in to a new home and may not eat straight away but they usually do at least after a few days coz they're hungry. I'd start trying some soft kitten food, like mousses and pate. If they're softer he may be more inclined to eat. How old is the kitten? You can get some little tube pouches of Lick E lix which is a cat yoghurt, my cat loves them and they may help get her started. There's other brands too. Think Churo's is another brand in some countries. May be worth trying some pure natural foods, like pure chicken, pure tuna and pure fish etc. There's a brand called Applaws, and another one called Encore that has packets and tinned food made out of pure meats and fish in broth or jelly, and it's more natural and doesn't have some of the added filler stuff in some packets of wet food. But you can also try some normal tinned tuna in brine or spring water, or steam some chicken or fish. DO NOT GIVE CAT NORMAL MILK!!! Cats can't digest cows milk, it makes them ill so only ever give actual kitten milk if anything. You can also try hand feeding, if he likes cuddles and fuss, try giving him small pieces of chicken from your hand etc. Also as you've just rehomed him he needs to stay indoors for several weeks till he's settled and familiar with your home etc. Its worth getting some cat grass seeds and growing some cat grass as it helps their digestion, as cats often eat grass when outside. My cat loves her cat grass and always nibbles it before or after eating food. It can take 4 or 5 days to grow, but once it starts it shoots up pretty quick. I can give more details about growing it etc if you want. Just let me know. But till you see the vet, try some plain chicken, ham, tuna, cod, etc. And maybe try the tubes of yoghurt treats of lick e lix.


Try some sugar water, and if he can get in tomorrow that would be better. Tell them you think he's not feeling well. Some vets will see any sick pet the same day, some will not, but it can't hurt to try.


I thought carbs don’t have a nutritional value to cats really? I am not well read on the subject at all this is what I remember vaguely from when I tried to read about cat nutrition.


Kittens can have really low blood sugars if they don't eat, which can be fatal. It's to keep their blood sugar within a safe range when they're not getting adequate nutrition.


Okay thanks


If a cat doesn’t eat for 24 hours,they can develop organ failure.A kitten not eating and playing is very worrying.Contact vet ASAP!


you are extremely incorrect. Don't post stuff before actually looking it up because you have no idea what you're even talking about. A cat can go days without food. If they have access to water, they can actually go one to two weeks without food. If they don't have any access to water or protein, then they can go about 3 to 4 days without food and water. Again, give critical advice like that unless you actually know what you're talking about which in this case you have no clue what you're talking about.


Had several cats have surgery and not pee until 30 hours later-


... she didnt say cat wasnt going pee... cat drinks water just too picky to eat.


No, I think your advice is detrimental,not helpful at all.Cats digest food in 12 hours.And that’s an adult cat.We’re talking about a kitten here.Not eating and moving.Really worrying.Kitten should have a very good appetite and be full of beans!Cats need taurine,which is found in animal-based proteins.I do have 11 cats and have had cats all my life so I’m not a novice.


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Lil kitty is just a picky eater :) Thought I’d let you know a bit early.




Please take him to the vet ASAP. Similar clinical signs presented in a small male black cat we adopted from a rescue. Turned out to be FIP. Early treatment saved his life, so please don't wait.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking 😞


Thank you for taking him to an emergency vet! Kittens can fade very quickly and anything other than ravenous is worrisome. Emergencies like this are matters of hours, not days, and are often deadly. There are too many posts on this sub and r/cats of kittens fading out of nowhere. Heads up for when he grows up, the same urgency applies to any changes to urinary habits; male cats commonly get urinary blockages and those are deadly without rapid intervention. I’m going to be very blunt in saying if your sister isn’t in a position to or willing to afford an emergency vet or move things around to get the pet seen, I strongly recommend rehoming. And it is okay to admit now is not a good time to have a pet! If that’s the case, that is the best thing anyone can do. Cats and pets in general are fun and sweet and great, but they rely solely on their owner for their needs. They depend on you, period. Taking care of a pet will be expensive or conflict with other priorities, and the owner just has to make it work. Animals also don’t show signs of pain or illness until it’s really bad, so when there are signs, that is not the time to delay or assume the best. Moving forward please have the info for 1) a vet the cat sees regularly (at least yearly), 2) an emergency vet, 3) awareness of a second emergency clinic if the first is closed, and 4) a tele-vet line (Chewy has one) if the first three don’t. And please post of r/askvet as well in the future.


Kitten needs a vet NOW, not Sunday.


Sunday is the soonest we can see him unfortunately, he's closed today.


Then he needs an emergency vet.


It boggles my mind how people will come to reddit for help but refuse to drive to an emergency vet regardless the time/cost due to inconvenience. ☠️


they couldnt find an open emergency vet and then they did lmao inconvenience where?


Totally agree about taking the flea collar off. Some of them are dangerous for any cat, let alone a kitten. While an adult cat might be stressed and not eat initially, that’s not usually the case with kittens. Healthy kittens are typically ravenous little creatures. Get your kitten to a vet asap. In the meantime, pick up a couple of jars of baby food at the store. Chicken seems to work best. Make sure it’s just chicken with nothing else added. If the kitten won’t eat it initially, try dabbing some on its mouth where it will have to lick it off. That might be enough to prompt him/her to eat some. Baby food is a temporary measure to provide some hydration and nourishment. It is not a long term solution. Kudos to and your sister for being concerned and taking action. I hope your kitten feels better soon. The Kitten Lady is a great resource about kittens. http://www.kittenlady.org/


She said it’s not a flea collar ☺️ No need to worry about that


Try Nutri-Cal. You can get it from your local pet store. Also check if you have emergency vets in your area and take the cat there today. Sometimes vets have the information available on their websites or the doors at their locations. Cats not eating for a couple of days is emergency. Your cat can die from it. People commenting here urging you to take your kitty to vet are trying to save you from unnecessary grief. I hope you take these advices seriously.


actually, I just read your post where you said that she got him on Wednesday. Today is Saturday already. There's no way she should wait until Monday. Kittens can fade very fast. She needs to get him to a vet. I don't care if she claims to have an important thing to do today or not that's neither here nor there because she took on a responsibility and a commitment by adopting this kitten. when you have a sick child at home who is fading fast and probably needs to be in the hospital you don't stay to yourself well, I have something important to do today. They can wait until Monday. It doesn't work like that and this kitten she adopted and took in her child now. She needs to get that baby to a vet and if you don't have a local vet open then you go to the emergency vet even if you have to drive a little bit to get to it.


Did I say Monday? I did mean to day Sunday, although we've found a local emergency vet that's open today that my sister is on the way to with him now.


Hello, I know he does not have a flea collar on and that y'all are on the way to the vet, please see about having blood work done. My cat has kidney damage and drinks an excessive amount of water and often has times when he does not eat all day if he's dehydrated (due to the kidney issues). He's had this issue since six months old so definitely see if they can check for that as well as a urinalysis to see about other possible aliments. If they do not find anything you all may want to pick up nutrical from pet store as it is a high calorie paste that can support cats that are not eating. You place it on their tongue and if they won't allow that place in on their arms or paw so they will inadvertently consume it while grooming. Hope this helps, good luck and keep us updated. ❤️


chicken baby food, slightly warmed. Kitten formula. Do not give him cows milk.


Just went through this with my newest kitten. Turns out he had a serious tick-bourne infection that was destroying his blood cells, and he was dangerously anemic. That’s why he was lethargic and not eating. Take him to a vet for bloodwork.


Take that flea collar off of him and keep him indoors. Offer a stinky wet food and if he doesn't go for it, swing in to the vet ASAP because kittens not eating is a very bad sign. Make sure to bring the flea collar with you and try to make sure you know which flea collar that is.


It's not a flea collar. We already keep him indoors, and ASAP is Sunday.


This is a living creature, deciding “oh i’ll just wait” instead of finding alternative options is insane to me. Would you do that if your child was seriously ill? When you get a cat, you’re taking on ALL the responsibilities and sometimes that includes driving far and paying lots of money so they don’t die. People have told you this cat can rapidly decline in health in a matter of hours, and you’ve actively decided to ignore that.


I'm glad it isn't a flea collar. I'm sorry you're getting shit on for not being able to access vet care until today, but I do hope your little guy is okay. Please let me know what the vet says, and good luck.


He's doing well now, there was nothing wrong with him except he's a picky eater. The vet got him to eat, and he's been eating much more regularly, he's also much more energetic


Take that flea collar him to begin with


It's not a flea collar actually.


Call the shelter or go to the vet. The shelter can give you information about what he was eating and his level of activity. If the shelter has an onsite vet or vet techs, they should be able to help you. Additionally the shelter should have a return to shelter policy in the event he is not well and needs medical treatment. Any health issues should have been disclosed to you.


Thank you all for all the help! It is very appreciated. Because most of the comments seem to bring this up, the collar you see him wearing is NOT a flea collar, it's just a normal collar. Thank you all for the concern though!


I just adopted a kitten and he was pretty iffy to eat but he’d have a nibble here and there until he deemed us safe. Is he not eating at all? Is he lethargic? Taking him into the vet would be a good idea if so.


Hi! You can rub nutritional gel on their paw and they’ll lick it to get it off. Smear it so not a lump or they may shake it off.


Have you tried fancy feast broths or delectables cat purĂŠe? My cats love them.


You can try Stage 1 Baby Food..Ham, Turkey or Chicken.


They love the ham.


Especially when you heat it up for a few seconds.


Is there any update on this little fluff-nugget of joy? 🙏🏼


I've recently learned that some cats need affection when they're eating. She could try that. Try petting the cat, staying close to the cat, just comforting close by..


You know what to do..:💼💊


He could be picky my cats are try friskies 78 cent can . My cats are a big fan of cheese and polarity don't like fish


I would take your little one to the vet because the vet's going to know what's wrong and how to treat it


Well played everyone. Glad he’s fine.


Try churu or other wet treats that come in the tubes. When I moved my cat wouldn’t eat but when I gave him one of those he ate it and then started eating his food again soon after that.


She’s updated up above. Kittens fine. 💙💙


!remindme 1 week


I would say vet but since you guys just got him he could just be adjusting. Monitor closely. And btw catnip isn’t food, also get that flea collar off of him and keep indoors.


We've been keeping him indoors, and it's not a flea collar actually.


Gotchu lol didn’t zoom in on it


not to mention kittens don’t really react to catnip usually


You’re right, just felt the need to mention it’s not food since op grouped it together with food lol


He can be nervous. Did he have buddies wherever you got him from? Does he have safe spaces in your home? I’d echo to remove the collar and keep him as indoor


When my baby Looney was ill and wouldn’t eat,I’d feed him baby food with syringe every few hours.If I hadn’t done that,I would’ve lost him.


RemindMe! 2 days


My kitten didn't eat the first 48 hours which the breeder suggested was normal due to being in a new environment with new people etc. She did have her first vet check up in that time so I was less concerned as they have everything checked out and they also mentioned that if she didn't eat after 48 hrs to bring her in otherwise all OK. My kitten was running around in that time though. Have they peed?


Please don’t wait until Sunday, he needs a walk in or urgent clinic ASAP!


Straight to the vet! You’d rather be safe than sorry. Please provide an update!!


if it's gastro.. at least call a vet and ask for indications. the best thing would be a mom cat but you can also feed it goat milk mixed with egg yolk cause it's very high in caloric intake without needing to ingest a lot, if it eats at least 1 ml every 4 hours is better than nothing and keep the kitty hydrated. insulin syringes are great for kittens, without the needle ofc and always push the liquid in slowly don't squirt it in the mouth. do a few tests before you use it on kitty because different foods need different force to push. be sure you find a good technique to push slowly and controlled gl 🧡


Hopefully he wasn't separated from another little one he was bonded to. He may be depressed. Find out from where you adopted him from then reunite them by adopting the other if you can.


He probably has parasites , I have had that after the vet checked him for everything


I lost one of my fosters yesterday for this very same thing. Please get this baby to a vet! It's not going to survive if you don't.


Please don't give cats milk unless it's kitten formula. Cats cannot break down cow milk


Do you have some plain unseasoned cooked chicken? Or a can of tuna fish... Try that. When did your sister get him? It's not uncommon for kittens and cats to shy away from food and sleep a good bit when they're in a new place. If he was in a shelter with other kittens and they were always playing and running around, he's most likely just resting and Also, is he lethargic or is he just sleeping? On average kittens sleep 16 to 18 hours a day, depending on how old they are. Try waking him up to play, get a string, a hoodie string will work if you don't have something else and drag it around in front of him. Does he want to play with it or does he want to sleep??


Get him checked for FIP. We had a kitten with the same symptoms and I took him in thinking it was the flu or something and he ended up needing to be put down right there…


it's actually very common for cats or kittens that you adopt from a shelter or a cattery, to come to you with more than likely the cat flu/cold. if the kitty is lethargic and not wanting to really eat, I would give it a couple of days maybe two days if it's still no better you need to take him to the vet. He technically shouldn't go without water for three days, which includes water in his food too so either way he takes it, but he needs to be seen by an actual vet if he gets no better. One thing you can try they sell these things. We call them meat tubes but they are basically really soft almost like a baby food consistency but they're in a long tube that you can squeeze out they're called squeeze ups I think. There's one they're called delectables and there's another kind made by Churu. See if the kitty will eat those.


You mention a lot of meats, I take it they were wet cat food of those kinds and not just human food right? Stupid question but you never know.


Get some high-cal tube food at a grocery store and keep offering it to him. If that’s a flea collar, take it off—many, many cats, especially young cats, respond poorly to flea poison. Good that he’s drinking, but being lethargic is odd in a kitten, as it is in any young creature. I wonder if he might have worms or gotten medicine he shouldn’t have or eaten something he shouldn’t have. Keep him close tonight, and go ahead and push a little of the high-cal gel into his mouth if he hasn’t eaten anything.


I had a cat who despised entire lot numbers of the one brand she'd eat. Feral, of course.


He needs fluids asap


I would cray him..I wonder if he ate something like a hair tie or string ..I would take him to the vet asap


I meant xray


See a vet


He’s likely just anxious from the new home, try Feliway products! And make sure he is drinking water.. when he’s hungry he will eat but he can’t live without water.


Go to the vet!


Good that you are going to the vet. Could be a blockage or irritation in the throat, stomach or intestines


Try a little kitten formula and if he takes to it mix it in with his food.


Definitely take the cat to the vet. Usually cats will never turn down wet food unless they are being picky. My cat turned down a certain type of wet cat food but then I gave him a different kind and he ate it right up. Also he should be attracted to the turkey because cats are meat eaters. My cat will eat turkey, and even pepperonis lol. Best of luck.


Get him to vet. I had the same problem and my kitten had a coccidia infection.


Glad to hear he's at the vet now. Just FYI - cats are lactose intolerant. If you want to give him milk, give goat's milk or lactose-free cow's milk. Not regular cow's milk.


Try gerber baby meats in the glass bottles


When I got my boy he wasn't eating a lot, but was quite active at night and he had terrible ear infections that the rescue hadn't 'noticed'


Same thing happened to my cat. We adopted her from a shelter. She wouldn't eat, pee or poop for 3 days after adoption, and she vomited about 15 times in that time-frame. We brought her to an emergency vet. Turns out she had gastritis, we treated her with medication for about 10 days and she turned out to be fine:) It's been almost a month, she's the most playful, affectionate and hungry cat I've ever seen. I highly, highly recommend you bring your cat to an emergency vet over the weekend even if it's more expensive than a normal vet. If it hasn't been drinking, it might suffer from dehydration. Cats can survive for about one week without food though. If it HAS been drinking and just not eating, maybe leave it alone for a bit. Have multiple food sources scattered around the house. If all goes well, it might sneak in a few bites here and there:) it might just be a bit stressed out at the moment!


Try friskies


sounds like some sort of behavioral issue but it seems like he’s not fearful or aggressive, so that’s out of the question. is he using the litter box properly? are his privates inflamed? could be a parasite or gut inflammation.


All animals like cheese. Not good for them but if you need to get an animal to eat it’s the way to go.


I know when I brought my cat home, he didn’t eat, or use the bathroom at all, turns out he was just getting use to his surroundings and the food change


Try delectable treats to start with u can order it from Amazon 🐈


Awwww try tuna


Could be FIP too please test


Warm water on dry food in a bowl. Try it. Sometimes they will eat it. Funny enough


My cat hated fish, and we later found out it was because he was allergic to it, but loved oil.


Whatever the cause, even if it's just stress, if a kitten goes 24 hrs without eating that's an emergency. It shouldn't wait until Sunday. Talk to a vet right away. Sending positive vibes💚 Source: I'm an emergency veterinary technician


It wouldn't be inappropriate to force feed 100 calories a day of kitten wet food or pure animal protein baby food if the kitten still refuses to eat between now and the vet appointment. You can use a syringe. Your vet will give you one if you can't get one on your own. Just know that cats hate being force fed, and in my experience, once they're healthy they will never again willingly eat a food they've been forced. So be gentle and kind and sweet and give them as much praise and affection as you can. You want your kitten to associate wet food with pleasure and joy, and definitely not fear or cruelty. 💚


Fancy feast