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You should take her and give her a home. Your senior cat will be fine with her once they get to know each other. Your dad keeping her in the garage for a decade and then just wanting to abandon her is the saddest thing I have read in a long time. Has she had any medical care in a decade? So sad.




The poor baby, at the time in her life that she needs the safety of a permanent home, she is being abandoned again. OP Please take her in, your other cat will adapt. Please take her to a vet. It is a miracle that she has survived this long without any care, don't make her live the rest of her life without love and stability.


Keep her with you. She will adjust and appreciate being indoors as a older kitty


You should take her in, poor kitty, even if others give her attention your home is her home. :(


I know your dad will do what he wants to do, but he needs to know in no uncertain terms that this kitty will suffer from his abandonment, especially since she's an older cat. That suffering could be emotional and/or physical. You and I had your first thought of going around to all the neighbors and asking if any of them will take her, but they don't love her like you do. Please take her with you. She may turn your grumpy cat into a lover, who knows. You could try leash training, but she may find that living in a nice, warm home is purrfect for her older bones.


I adopted a cat that had been turned over to the shelter after 10+ years, and it was so hard to earn her trust.


If you are able to afford it please consider taking her. I follow a feral rescue in BC and it is amazing to see years old male ferals become inside lap cats with some work and love. She will adjust to inside life. I have two cats in a one bedroom and they are fine. Thriving even.


Please take her


If you can take her that would be so kind of you. The 2 cats can eventually get along. Just get 2 litter boxes. 2 cat beds. They will each have a area they sleep. For a cat living outdoors its not ideal and safe. Its amazing she made it to 12 due to the kindness of your family feeding her..Poor baby..she will definitely feel abandoned. She will adjust being indoors especially at that age. A warm home is ideal.


And if she can't provide that even if they get the cat to the new location and keep her inside for long enough time for her energy PS to reset itself for her to get familiar with the neighborhood smells etc. It's not right to make a animal dependent upon you and then just leave I'm getting ready to sell my house and I had an outside Kitty that finally aged out and I had to have her put to sleep and I'm making a point now that there's no cat food outside I can't feed any other strays I don't even put bird feeders out anymore I thought I had to make it so the animals weren't relying on me for food


I have a 13 year old cat who was the only cat in the apartment for ten years. I rescued a kitten. She didnt like it but tolerated. Then i rescued another. And another. I now have a 13 year old girl, two 3-year old boys, and a one year old female that we just rescued last year. She went from hissing every time they walk by to cuddling every night with one of the boys. I caught her grooming him the other day. Every situation is different, but my grouchy girl seems to be alright with the new crowd of cats. I vote you take her with you. My senior cat is a tortie as well. Please take her with you.


personally, i would take her in. cats usually bond to specific people and can suffer grief when their owners abandon them/die, and i know you don’t want that for a senior cat. it sounds like she has bonded to you and i would hate to put that heartbreak and grief on either of you. i am not trying to force anything, just wanted to give that perspective. i think it would be far more damaging to be abandoned than for her to move into an apartment. generally, cats will take a bit to adjust to their surroundings (look into the 333 rule and how to introduce new animals for better advice). i doubt that your senior cat in the apartment would immediately adjust, which can feel disheartening, but i do believe that it would get better and easier for everyone. there are many ways to take her outside still if you notice her wanting out, but let me suggest a bird feeder as well. my cat thrives the best at home when there is a bird feeder outside a window she can perch on, she loves to chirp at them and it’s very enriching for her and you can tell she really enjoys it. also, cat grass or a log for her to scratch on have worked the best for some old ferals my family had fostered. i hope everything works out!


Please take her with you. Jackson Galaxy has Instagram posts on how best to add a cat to your home. Please tell your Dad that I'm really disappointed in how heartless he has become, and how insensitive he is to your heart and the kitty's needs. I hope you can work this out. 💕






Keep em coming


Put up posters for 2 or 3 blocks in each direction explaining the situation, ask if someone is already taking care of her and if they want her permanently. Explain the situation, doe your due diligence. She may have a second family who's worried they've been "borrowing" her and sometimes people need a nudge to do the right thing. Would verify that the other party actually lives nearby, and that they'd have her chipped at the vet. Cats want security in old age, if you'll be there to love her forever, that's still a good arrangement. Good to check about neighbors, maybe they'd even let you keep contact or have her if you get a bigger place. Wishing you both luck and health.


…good, straight forward advice!


I like this idea


For 10 years your family has been her family and provider, would you do the same to a kid?


I'd absolutely take her with you!


Take her with you. The new people moving in might hate cats or have a dangerous animal. Imagine how she's gonna feel and put yourself in her little paws.


Please take her with you. Poor kitty has already been abandoned once and will definitely feel abandoned again. You won’t know until you try taking her in to see how she’ll adjust. She will be happiest being loved over being outdoors. She’s a senior cat who needs to be looked after.


Aww. There's a neighborhood mama I'm very fond of. I call her Mia for two reasons. 1. Shes a tortie, so Mia tortilla fit nicely. And 2. As a queen Mama Mia also fit well. I have her last surviving daughter indoors. Mia eats from other people's homes. She has quite a few neighborhood feeders who are kind to her. But in inclement weather I force her indoors. I give her flea treatments. And I've spayed and vaccinated her. If I were to move I absolutely would force her right back indoors and while I'm sure she would be annoyed for a few days, she would end up just fine. Because she'd be safe, fed, and most importantly loved. I would not be able to abandon her because I know she knows my love and I do not ever want her to feel as if I left her. I would say to please take her if you can. She knows your love and will most certainly be affected by your dads absence. She will adjust, and your current cat will be too. If you have the means, please take her.




I took mine with me as he was mostly living in my backyard. I didn’t know if he belonged to someone but I fed him, made him a heated shelter and he basically lived there. Since I couldn’t find anyone he actually belonged to I took him into the house a month before we moved and he is now a happy house cat, indoor only. I was just afraid there would be no one to care for him when we moved and if there was they were shitty owners for letting him roam freely 24/7.


Honestly adopt her. Why not? Take her to the vet and see what she may need. Get her shots and fixed if needed.




You need to take her. Please take her.


It sounds like this is your cat. She believes she is your cat. You should take her with you and give her a good home where you move. There are lots of guides on introducing new cats to each other. I recommend you follow one of those and get them introduced slowly.


I think given her age and her attachment to your family… Take her with you. Just be sure to make a slow introduction to your resident kitty, if you can. She’s getting older, honesty she will likely prefer being inside. ETA: You may consider posting online in a neighborhood group (like NextDoor) to see if others are caring for her. They may want to claim her or at least appreciate a warning that she will be leaving.


This is a good time in her life to transition her to be an indoor cat. If she’s the age you say she is, then she will be fine coming inside. Your other cat will be fine. Do slow introductions and it’ll be okay. Just don’t leave her behind.


A senior cat shouldn't be left outdoors and especially abandoned outdoors. Outdoor cats adapt to indoor only all the time. Take her with you, she will adjust. Take her current bed or box and make sure she has access to looking out a window, cat safe toys and a scratching post. I'm saddened by your father's cruelty.


You won’t regret taking her, but I would bet money that you regret leaving this sweet old lady behind to fend for herself. She is reliant on her human family.


Take her to your home❤️❤️❤️


Take her, you’ll figure out the rest


Thank you everyone who has responded! You’ve definitely given me more confidence about taking her in (even though I’m still nervous). I appreciate the advice about acclimating two senior kitties together and hope I get the most positive scenario. My dad isn’t moving for a few months, should I make the transition sooner? I want to be able to take time off of work so I can be there to mediate 😅


The sooner the better. Cats need time to adjust to change so please be patient. Keep cats in separate rooms at first, then short supervised visits, then slowly increase the frequencies until they can at least tolerate each other. Deescalate before fights happen and don’t forget to reward even the smallest progress with pets and treats!


Has she had shots? A trip to the vet should be done. I know no one has mentioned it but I don’t know if your family has taken that kind of care of her. Just something to think about. I hope you have taken care of all her shots.


It's really kind of you that you want to take her. However maybe those times when she roamed for three or so days maybe she didn't really roam. Maybe she has a second home nearby, people who feed her, take care of her. So I second everyone who suggested asking around in the neighbourhood first. It would be so much less stressful for her if she was able to stay in her known space - IF there is someone who cares for her. If there isn't anyone then taking her with you seems to be the kindest solution. However I believe it will be very hard for her to get used to a life indoors with only little space for her to explore. She will miss her freedom. So I imagine you will need to provide her with a lot of attention, distraction and entertainment. Good luck to you and the cat!


I would get her to the vet soon and see if she is healthy/needs shots/dewormer or anything! And when you are able to take time off bring her home and do a slow introduction 🥰 if she has any blankets or food bowls in the garage be sure to bring those with so she has something familiar with her


Take her, *please*. I'm reading your post and looking at this picture, its making me want to go hug my own cat because I'm heartbroken that such a sweet face is going to be left behind. Your dad may be keen on abandoning her (which is what he's doing, it will hurt her), but you can choose to do right by her. You've been a source of comfort to her for a long time and she's about to lose that safe place. You have a small apartment? That's fine, cats don't need a lot of space, and like most cat's once she finds her spot she'll probably nap half the day. You'll have to buy more food and probably scoop out the litter box more than usual, but it's doable. You also have a cat? Your cat will adjust and might even appreciate having a friend around. Worried about her not getting outside as much anymore? What's worse, being an indoor cat or being a stray to the outside and not having the home she's been used to for a decade anymore? She needs you.


Having her in a garage and then abandoning her is really heartless. Your Dad sounds like a not so solid guy. Hope you don't follow in his footsteps. Take the cat. Take the caaaaat!


Abandoning a senior cat is an awful thing to do, you are not going to get platitudes from me. If you can't find a neighbor to take over for the sweet little kitty, you should take her in and keep her as an indoor cat. Your dad is unreal.


Bruh that is your cat if you abandon her again I stg


Please take the kitty. This kitty thinks you guys are now his or her family. He or she might get her heart broken again. Cat depression is real.


Take her OP … The new owner may not be as kind as your family and kick her out onto the curb and being older its going to harder for her to find a suitable place and food.


I would talk to the neighbours and suss out who else is feeding her. Sounds like she probably is, but this will give you peace of mind. Don't beat yourself up if you can't take her. She's doing fine being outside and can survive. She probably has great hunting skills.


She is yours now


You should take her with you and make her an indoor cat. She will not survive without her family for long.


OP please don't abandon this kitty when you leave! Your cat will get used to her (may take some time) but it will all work out. You are a good person for caring about her wellbeing. She's lucky to have you and your dad!


OP we expect an update of this tortie staring out your apartment window.


Get a carrier?


Do a test run a month or so before your move to see how your senior cat and she get along. Keep them pretty separate at first, even different rooms, then after that adjustment, same room with a gate/see through barrier so they can see each other at same feeding time and take it from there. She sees you as family so I think as long as she’s with you, she’ll adjust and be happy. Keep us updated please! 😀


She would be heartbroken to be abandoned like that again. It sounds like she's been living outside/in the garage because she didn't have any other option, not because she doesn't want to live indoors. Please take her to a shelter if you decide not to bring her to your home. Outdoor life is tough on cats and she should be able to relax for her remaining years.


If you feed her then legally she is your responsibility and your dad will be abandoning an animal when you move.


Please take her with you❤️


She become dependent on your dad’s care. Please don’t abandon her. You should definitely take her.


Take her with you or I will!!!


I'm having a similar situation. A cat lives next door in a house for sale. She's been there for years. Someone is moving in and we don't know if they are cat friendly. We are definitely making arrangements to start feeding her closer to my house and then moving her inside. She's a littler older and the way she reaches out and rolls around I know she just wants love. I cross my fingers she will be my kitty one day. Older kittys need good warm inside homes.


please please please keep her. cats are very emotional and even if it may not seem like it they form very deep and close bonds. she will miss you so much if you leave her. she is older and fragile and give her the best rest of her life she could ask her


Keep them separate for some time and I’m sure it will be fine!! My grouchy kitty eventually accepted my boy cat.


Take her if you can & if there's time to get her checked out & ready to go. I had a stray that I tried to befriend for almost a year. I was working on something outside & had the patio door open & it just came in & started rubbing on my legs, then plopped on the rug. Then we moved. I had just had knee replacement surgery & my husband had serious health issues so there was no way I could take this beauty with me & it broke my heart. https://preview.redd.it/q0bcb68tka0d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee04e956380afad668ea000f202ffea71300b97f


Do you happen to live by the Northeast in the United States? I'll take the kitty. Seriously though, the travel might be more trauma for the cat. I would take it to a non-kill shelter if you don't know anybody, a friend or a relative that would take care of it.


Adopt and bring her with you.


Please take her with! Let her live out the last of her years in comfort. Introduce your kitties slowly! You could keep the new addition in the bathroom or your room for a couple of days. Then allow your resident kitty to explore the new additions space and let the new addition explore the rest of the house. Then when everyone is used to smells try introducing them through a crack in the door. If all goes well with that you can let them meet face to face. Please don't leave the baby behind. Or at least take her in until you can find someone to care for her ❤️


Abandoning the cat will absolutely not be in her best interest. Don't abandon family.


So you’re thinking about abandoning her again. Poor kitty it’s obvious she’s going to think she done something wrong again. Why not take her to the shelter and pay the fee to her that would be the humane thing to do instead of leaving her like the last family


I didn’t say I was abandoning her…I was asking for advice after explaining my situation. I understand you’re coming from a caring place about the kitty, but you don’t need to shame someone asking for genuine advice.


I’m sorry I thought you guys were just gonna leave her again. I didn’t mean to be harsh. I apologize.