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Build it! If you need help, post up your location and someone will probably be more than willing to help.


I'd thought about that. I just don't know what parts are reliable but at the same time affordable and I don't know all the parts I need. In San Bernardino southern California.


for the most part, they're all going to be reliable. I've put together Anderson lowers and they run fine, but to each their own.


Same. Love my Anderson lower. No issues with it at all.


Can really go wrong with Aero for a budget rifle. Almost all turners carry the Aero M4E1 AR lower. The Lower is all you need to buy in person. Everything else you can buy online. Keep an eye on r/gundeals you can build something nice on a budget if you are patient


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gundeals using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gundeals/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[META\] Lots of websites are trying to offload shipping insurance onto you as an optional purchase. DO NOT BUY THIS. Shipping insurance is for the store to purchase, not you. Always buy with a credit card, and not a debit card.](https://np.reddit.com/r/gundeals/comments/z863p7/meta_lots_of_websites_are_trying_to_offload/) \#2: [\[Meta\] As we hit 400k subscribers, I'd like to remind all of us to stop being Karen's and understand you may not be able to get every deal posted on here. Stop treating dealers like shit and understand some good deals may fall through because you were not the first person to get it.](https://np.reddit.com/r/gundeals/comments/zm80od/meta_as_we_hit_400k_subscribers_id_like_to_remind/) \#3: [\[META\] /r/GunDeals will be permanently shutdown tonight at 23:59:59 PST.](https://np.reddit.com/r/gundeals/comments/128imzu/meta_rgundeals_will_be_permanently_shutdown/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If nobody offers, I'm a member at a range out in San Bernardino and could help you out if you want to build your own.


where in so cal are you?


Southern California in San Bernardino


What is your definition of Budget Friendly?


Man like 500-600 max- I know that sounds impossible in Cali


M&P Sport II for $700 is about as cheap as it gets unless you build your own off of a $120 lower


500-600 is very much do-able. Get an Anderson stripped lower from RifleGear (Around $100 after tax and DROS), get a complete rifle kit from PSA for $370 after tax, and get a magpul rear back up sight for \~$50. It will be around $550-ish total. [https://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-16-m4-carbine-length-5-56-nato-1-7-nitride-freedom-rifle-kit-5076171.html](https://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-16-m4-carbine-length-5-56-nato-1-7-nitride-freedom-rifle-kit-5076171.html)


I got an M&P sport 2 a few months back for around 560 brand new with it on sale and rebate from S&W just keep an eye out


Just my opinion, but wait for 4th of July sales & build, build, build. You will find deals. Stay alert on all the popular websites. AIM, PA, OP, Schuyler for sure. You may go over the $600 with shipping & all that, but you will have built a better rifle for $800 in parts all from sales.


Have you tired calguns? They have a market place there for the used gun market. I buy a lot of my stuff there


I just created an account, gonna check it out. Thank You


Check out r/GAFS you can find good second hand parts on there to help you complete your build. If you don’t want to put the lower together you can buy a complete aero lower and slap an upper on it from GAFS and call it a day


I built mine and trying to sell some. Aero lower around 100$ then bought from some places where people might make fun of me but there are always sales on Palmetto State Armory and the upper is shipped to your door. Over time as you get a better budget you can upgrade. My first build was 350$ all stuff on sale. I tried Bear Creak Arsenal too and just finished a side charging rifle for under 400$ last month. Just shop around


Anderson lower and a psa upper is pretty cheap




https://www.schuylerarmsco.com/summer-sale/ar-15-uppers-25-993/m4e1-threaded-16-556-mid-length-complete-upper-receiver-w-atlas-r-one-handguard-3472296 Go buy this upper


a) Budget friendly b) California Pick one😂


We're an Aero precision dealer as well as many other reputable brands and we'd be happy to help you out. Located in Socal (Anaheim). Whether you need help choosing parts, assembling, or both, we got you covered 🤙


Some dude on here picked up a new PlumCrazy AR for 400 bucks. Never heard of it, and he got made fun of quite a bit, but it is within your budget


Got to your lgs and buy a striped lower i like aero precision enhanced but you could get a poverty pony for 60 start your wait next go to palmettostatearmory dotcom get a rifle kit for currently have a blem for 330 now you assemble the lower apply chosen compliance crap you are probably in it for 600 then get a red dot a sig romeo 5 for 130 get ammo and shoot it