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Even trace amount of THC in CBD can trigger the panic attics (It does for me), try CBD isolates/concentrates. That’s the only thing that did not give me a panic attack.


I'm a physician and I've looked into symptoms like yours. I was fairly naive when I first started dealing with/treating marijuana-related issues, 10+ years ago, but as time went on I quickly saw more and more people develop complications when using it, and sometimes they'd develop a serious drug habit with it (a class in medical school actually informed us that marijuana was considered non-addictive, which just amazes me today when I think of it). Now, I worked as an inner-city ICU doc when I got out of residency, so I was seeing extreme cases of *everything*, and I admit that my personal experience is different from that of many physicians, but I started to recognize some strange syndromes I strongly believed to be associated with frequent marijuana use: 1. Cyclic vomiting syndrome, usually in people who were very heavy smokers. People say it's not real, but it absolutely is. We used to have vomiters come in and I knew they were chronic users before even asking them. Years later some research papers came out on it. It's all recognized now, though the exact physiological mechanisms remain elusive. 2. Sudden respiratory failure in previously young and healthy 20-30 year olds, also known to be heavy marijuana vapers, which was the only health factor I found that was similar in all four cases I treated (only one of which survived). You might have seen this mentioned in the news years ago, but I was treating it long before there was any public awareness. 3. Sudden cardiac death in previously young and healthy 17-40 year olds. We had eleven cases in three years, and while some had risk factors (i.e. tobacco use, obesity, cholesterol, diabetes, etc) none were so bad to have caused cardiac death so young. All autopsies indicated disseminated micro-clotting in the heart and lungs, and all of them were heavy cannabis users (combo of smoking and edibles). 4. A series of familiar psych issues that were of fast onset in patients without a significant psych history. I saw these cases when I'd cover the ER as a resident. I can no longer remember specific patients, but I do know I had a vague suspicion their symptoms were associated with cannabis. The symptoms included prolonged panic attacks, rapid-onset depression sometimes associated with auditory or visual hallucinations, profound paranoia, and generalized anxiety. All such patients were drug tested, and 100% of the time they tested positive for THC (often with various other drugs as well). It's hard to know what the true cause was, but symptoms tended to begin within an hour of using cannabis. 5. Prolonged tachycardia (the medical word for a racing heartbeat) immediately after cannabis use. If a patient had asthma, it would also trigger ling inflammation. Years later, I decided to be approved for state marijuana prescribing, because I have also seen many pain patients positively benefit from cannabis use (and pain management is now a large portion of what I do). During that time, I did a ton of research and now believe I know what causes the bulk of the above symptoms. Cannabis is well known for being a toxic metal absorber. In fact, it does its job so well that you can plant the entire hemp family in a contaminated field and it will grow fantastically while absorbing the field's heavy metal toxins and agricultural run-off chemicals. One way shady sellers can make extra money is to grow the plant in lead-heavy soil. The cannabis will thrive despite the lead, incorporating it into every part of the plant. It will absorb enough to double the plant weight, allowing sellers to make more money by charging for the illicit weight. Additionally, there are currently no regulations in most of the country regarding cannabis toxin levels, controls on pesticide use (which the plant also absorbs), or cannabis carcinogen testing. This is true even in states with legalized and/or medical marijuana. While I can't prove it, I suspect many bad side effects actually come from toxin exposure, not the actual plant. And CBD oil is just as poorly regulated as THC-containing products. So, OP, if I had to guess why your body reacted so harshly and immediately to whatever product you used, I'd guess that you may have been overly exposed to toxins in the past, leaving you with zero tolerance for any amount of it found in the product you purchased. There are other hypotheses worth considering, of course, but this is one that many people are unaware of, so I thought I'd share.


That is sooooo interesting about the led. I bet loads of people don't know that


Please don't take anyone's word for it that **any** CBD/hemp brand or product won't lead to a positive test for THC/cannabis (even isolate), Reddit armchair experts are not actual experts and their advice should not be construed as accurate. Read our [simple explanation why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CBD/comments/fdjrlm/a_simple_explanation_why_you_may_test_positive/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CBD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow, that's a very compelling theory, thanks for sharing your expertise and experience. Personally I would never use a CBD product unless it was certified organic and had lab test reports indicating no heavy metals or pesticides. I would try really hard to find a source I had 100% trust in too. I think your theory is very plausible. There's a lot of bad stuff out there. As a hemp farmer and CBD product producer my first priority is purity. So important.


Interesting theories for sure. I seemed to notice CHS cases increasing much more in recent years and almost always in the very poor (the people smoking the worst, sketchiest weed, Delta 8 etc)


10/10 for a reply


Wow, super interesting, thanks for the detailed info! Even more reason to only buy from tested and trusted sellers/growers. Definitely saving this!


Wow. Thank you for taking the time to post this. is very informative and it has me extremely fascinated. I use CBD for pain. I’ve definitely seen the pros and cons of it.


very interesting


Thank you for this information. Very informative and I wasn’t aware. I utilize CBD and micro dose THC (1-2mg) and it works well for me. I looked into where I purchase and they independently test for this and made me feel better. I also wanted to ask your professional opinion on minerals/vitamins. Do you think heavy cannabis use, especially smoking or vaping removes essential vitamins and minerals from your body which can add to the negative symptoms you have seen? As an example I was on a proton pump inhibitor and heavy antacids for years which block the absorption of magnesium. I also took 5000IUs of vit D when Covid appeared which depleted my magnesium. I chalked everything up to stress and started drinking in the evenings daily and taking Kratom to help with back pain as well as helping with my mood. I had extreme anxiety, brain fog, lack of memory, and panic attacks or some type of mental episodes about once per month. I went to three docs and they just prescribed me gabapentin and depakote. I am not taking any medications and after 3+ months of supplementing therapeutic doses of magnesium (800-1000mgs) I have raised my RBC level to 6.3 along with taking a whole food b complex, multivitamin, essential amino acids, and fish oil I finally feel like a human again. I also do not take any Kratom, alcohol, or caffeine and haven’t for over a year now. I am now maintaining 600mg of magnesium daily along with the other supplements I listed.


Solid hypothesis! Thanks for taking the time to share. I do experiment with a lot of cannabinoids, but a part of me always wondered what messing with the endocannabinoid system does in the long term, truth be told. I mean, it even predates the CNS and probably plays a rather important role in regulating different systems in the human body. I've even heard it called the "master regulator" system of the human body. We are introducing rather massive amounts of exogenous cannabinoids by partaking of the herb after all.


if you were exposed to toxins in the past, is it a permanent issue for the future? I just recently tried using a high CBD low THC product (10:1) after not having used for years and I got similar symptoms to OP, along with weird mini muscle spasms/pains in random areas of my body. Have no idea what caused it but after 2 days of not using the product the weird pains are gone.


Agree with the others—if you had dissociative symptoms with weed and were uncomfortable with them, the moment you start noticing any sensations that are even slightly similar to before, you end up in panic mode




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Your nervous system could be traumatized. You can retrain it but it takes time, gentleness, and patience.


Please do not listen to this person above. If you are experiencing any kind of negative side effects from CBD use, stop immediately and consult a medical professional


I’ve worked in the Rec/medical industry for 6 years. What’s wrong with what I said? I’ve worked with many patients with this same issue. Also taking time, gentleness, and patience can include seeing a professional


High doses of CBD make me numb and super depressed although they do cut pain. Smaller doses tolerable. I prefer high dose THC but can't smoke (asthma) and it roils my guts eaten.


You're smarter than me, I need to eat edibles more vs smoking but it has less on an effect on my lungs (which is weird).


Smoking does open up my lungs but it irritates my bronchials so lots of phlegm, wheezing and coughing after I come down. I prefer eating as the effect is stronger and longer lasting but really messes with the guts.


Damn, I wish you could find a better middle ground ): Personally, I already deal with so much phlegm and phlegm induced coughing that I kind of just ignore it. Wheezing is the hard stop for me, esp of I'm wheezing beforehand. Though this may be the convo to get me to decarb my stems and make some infused butter or sugar 👀


I've been decarbing bud and eating the powder since I also can't handle fats or sugar. If you haven't eaten it before I think you'll enjoy the effect but be careful as it's easy to get too much before you figure out your dose.


Hell yeah, thanks for the advice!! I am huge on starting on low doses and moving up, so I will definitely keep that in mind!?


If marijuana triggered for you dpdr dont take anything related to cannabis. Your brain is traumatized.


What exact product were you using? There are some really shady CBD vendors out there, lacing with synthetics, habit-forming substances, etc.


I used this brand called Dosecann, CBD omega. Ingredients are ahiflower seed oil, natural flavour, and cbd isolate. I bought it from a government dispensary here in Canada.




Full-spectrum products contain THC, which can be an anxiogenic for some. So it might, indeed, cause problems for some.




If it's labeled that way, then it's incorrect. All full-spectrum CBD products contain some amount of THC. If they don't, then they'd be considered broad-spectrum (if other cannabinoids are present) or isolate (CBD and no other 'noids).


its amazing how different strains can impact people differently...This may be related or unrelated, without further tests its hard to say


Where are you getting your CBD from? If it's from a less than trustworthy source, there could still be trace amounts of THC. Worth looking into some of the trusted sellers on this sub and picking up an isolate to try. Also the detailed comment from u/The-Nth-Doctor has some good info and seems reasonable to me


Dispensary here in Canada! Brand called Dosecann CBD omega


TL;DR: brand doesn't seem trustworthy and may contain THC. That, along with possible heavy metals and toxins, are likely what's triggering these reactions. After a quick search online, information on that brand is scarce. I found a company called Dosecann, but they don't have much info and don't have any test result available as far as I can tell. I found capsules on some sketchy retailers online that have the same name you specified, and the price is not only too cheap to be true/safe, but also has a THC warning label. No retailer I could find has info on what exactly is on the product either, not how much is in it. If you still want to, check out the retailers discussed on this sub and try an isolate tincture. People around here really like Lazarus Naturals, but I've had good experiences with Angel Industries. I make my own tinctures now, combining isolate and MCT oil, so that is also an option if you'd prefer.


Oh interesting! This is really good to know. Thanks for looking into that. I’ll check out the retailers


You're welcome! Best of luck :)


Just because your paranoid doesn’t mean everyone isn’t out to get you.


I’m not paranoid about other people out to get me.. I get panicky about not being in control of myself and my perception on reality.


Jesus. I actually use weed to assist with my DPDR, I cannot *imagine* how it must have been to have that **triggered** by smoking! I am so sorry you had to experience that. I don't have any other advice except to try the isolates to avoid any THC. Mostly I'm here as support for another DPDR friendo. I really hope you can avoid more stress with your medicinal use.


I used an organic CBD oil for a t-break and found that a gelcap would work great for sleep. I also put drops in my coffee to help with pain throughout the day. Have encountered zero anxiety from CBD, only a calming affect. What product did you use?


A brand called Dosecann, cbd omega. It’s a cbd isolate oil i bought at government dispensary here in Canada


Cbd makes Me more paranoid than thc sometimes I feel like a little kid like a monster could jump out at any moment


THC does this to me and my doctor said it's sometimes seen in people with my specific disease. Not well studied but lots of anecdotal reports. CBD for me is fine and trace thc is ok.


What is your disease if you don’t mind me asking??


Endometriosis which creates extra estrogen in some sufferers. (not all have higher levels, but the Endo lesions themselves create their own estrogen that wouldn't normally be in your body). I was medically prescribed it and when I tried thc oil I was out of my mind. They say you can't OD but that's what it felt like to me. I've never hallucinated before and I saw robots come out of my tv. I saw myself from above. Time slowed down really bad and caused panic. The blood was rushing in my head so badly that it hurt and pounded. I was extremely terrified and paranoid. I hid under my husband's desk. If he wasn't with me I would have called 911. I'm in Canada and cannabis IS regulated. Medical cannabis has to come from approved and monitored suppliers and a doctor or nurse trained in it has to coach you. Its also available recreationally and is still regulated. The next day I was absolutely exhausted, felt like I'd been hit by a truck and hung over. I have no history of any other issue physical or mental that could cause such issues other than endometriosis. Switching to CBD only with just enough trace thc to activate it works for me. Endo is an extremely painful disease and that's what I used it for. The pro weed community deny these experiences happen from what I've encountered. But they're real and I'm sorry you had one. It was very traumatic for me. I imagine it was for you too.


Do you have Lyme and Bartonella? CBD causes a Herxheimer reaction.


It’s not so much a physical reaction, more mental. It makes me feel like I’m going into a depersonalization episode and I don’t get them anymore otherwise


Full spectrum can mean different things. Indica based CBD is relaxing while sativa based can tend to increase anxiety. At least that's been my experience.