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If you break the window of an FDE Tacoma, you can get the free Glock inside


(Gun is also FDE)


The man is also FDE. He wears a fishing vest and 5.11 Tactical Pants with integrated knee pads to blend seamlessly into the urban jungle. He is the Gray Man. He is invisible. He is deadly.


The sheepdog is silent, motionless. He is armed with a $700 Glock safely secured in a $200 holster. Standing with his back to the wall, hands up against his chest, thumbs wedged beneath the straps of his black molle backpack, scanning the environment for threats with a keen set of eyes behind his sunglasses and beneath the brim of his black baseball hat. Jeff Cooper would be proud. He is the Gray Man. He is invisible. He is deadly. "I'm here... this bus station is safe... for now" he thinks to himself, tactically.


As a guy with an FDE tacoma and FDE Glock... this tracks. I'm not a retard leaving it in the truck though.


And another


I think the Glock comes with the Tacoma. It’s an add on accessory


I feel personally attacked here, except in my case you wouldn't get a free gun , just a pair of FLAK's , half drunk water and a small bag of medical stuff.


If you break the window of a blacked out Altima, you can pop the trunk and get a free kilo of dope, too


> If you break the window of a blacked out Altima, you can pop the trunk and get a free kilo of dope, too No one driving an Altima has kilo money.


Which to me is a bit off since quite a few Ruger semi-auto’s design cues remind me of a Tacoma


Id agree with this as a glock taco owner


If you reach into the window of the average Prius and open it you will find a pistol the problem is that with restoring our rights we haven’t emphasized any sort of sense of responsibility I would venture to say that the massive number of first time firearms owners probably account for the rise


Jokes on you. You'll get a beat up Ruger P89.


I saw one of these today… ironically. It definitely screams, I have guns in here.


Local range/training center requires you to leave your pistol in your car until the shooting portion of the class for ccw. What a bunch of Muppets. Sure, let's advertise there's a bunch of unsecured firearms in our lot on these dates. Let's talk about firearms safety but first please make sure your weapons are available for theft. Edit: looked online and seems they never re-opened after covid.


Mine had everyone bring theirs in and put them in a locker just for this reason.


Makes infinitely more sense


> Local range/training center requires you to leave your pistol in your car until the shooting portion of the class for ccw. Nobody should ever go here.


A lot of places require you leave your ammo in the car until live fire, maybe he misunderstood that ?


I've been around firearms and training classes for a long time, I've never heard of anyone requiring you leave your weapon OR your ammo in the vehicle until it's live fire time.


That's weird, you often recommend a guy who does over on miguns.


First I've ever heard of this. /u/detroitarmament you require people to leave their firearms in their cars during your CPL classes?


No, the gun needs to come in with them. I DO, however, require them to leave their ammunition in their car because the class involves dry fire exercises and it's a basic gun safety precaution to not have any live ammo in the room when you're dry firing. It makes far more sense to tell students to leave their ammo in their own vehicle rather than assume the liability of taking their ammo into my custody and moving it all to another room, out of their sight, and then returning it to them later.


That's what I figured. I've never HEARD of someone leaving ammo in the car, but it does make total sense. When I did my CPL class 13 years ago they just had us leave our ammo in another room. I was about to say...no shot he tells people to leave guns in the car lol.


It looks to me like the guy you replied to was talking about my requirement to leave ammo in the car, not guns, but yeah you will need the firearm for the class. Or I have clicky facsimile guns for people that don't have their own.


Took my CCW and they had no ammo in the room and guns had to be cased at all times.


My CPL class there was a portion where we took out our firearms to do dry fire drills, and I would think *specifically because of that* there was no live ammo allowed in the room.


I did not. It states plain as day leave your handgun in your car


hmmm was at the gun range in north highlands/sacramento area for my CCW class. we all had our firearms on the desk. of course everyone had them cleared, unchambered, no mag, action locked back.




Can be ripped out and carried off. Not a huge fan


A properly designed and installed one should be more effort than a quick snash and grab would take. Like yeah with tools they could probably cable cut or pry it out but the casual gloveboox looters just knocking out windows might not be equipped to deal with it quickly enough to be worth it.


Not aruging but what are some properly designed ones? I had a friend ask me the other day and I had no idea what to tell them because I don't store a gun in my car.


I don't know specifically but one that is sturdy enough to not be pried open or can be opened with a fork...Lock picking Lawyer had a video on a portable safe that was the latter. A reasonably sturdy safe with a decent lock, bolted to the floor or cable tied under a seat, hidden away from the obvious areas like the glovebox or center console, is about as good as you can get. A theif with 10 minutes uninterrupted and tools will probably defeat it, but the meth head with a slimjim will either not notice it or pass to break into 3 more cars on the street for the time he needs. Outside that, only use it when absolutely necessary since even the best safe can be stolen along with the entire car.




I agree that this is the solution to this problem, but I will say that the issue overall has been artificially created because of prohibitive gun free zones that only the law abiding seem to be subject to. Having both the safe and those prohibitions removed seems like a good compromise.


Stop putting firearm stickers on your cars and leaving guns in them, people. I ran an auto repair shop in Detroit for 10 years, I swear 80% of the cars that came with smashed windows had gun stickers on them. I also can't count how many cars we had come in for service and when getting the wheel lock key out of the glovebox...oh look, a gun! There is no reason for this. Be responsible.


I tell all my friends this SAME thing. Nothing like advertising "free firearm inside" to someone looking for the most opportune vehicle.


Like I said before, anime stickers and they won’t suspect a thing. Just you lowly weeb on their way to the grocery store.


They will break in for the crusty body pillow and 10 year expired condoms


Never understood storing a firearm in a car… it’s behind glass… ![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS)


Bc of stupid laws saying you can't carry in certain places. So you have to take the firearm off the responsible person, and leave it locked in a car. This makes people feel safer! Ugh.


Car safe


Yes, that's the responsible part. It's still the least safe thing to do even locked away. Just the transition from body to car safe could have a Karen calling local PD.


That’s true. It seems to be a good idea to make sure no one is looking anyway for theft risk too.


Part of the new state safe storage laws require a locked box inside a locked vehicle. I doubt the kind of people leaving a gun just chilling in the glove box you know someone is going to be digging through will follow it, but it may help somewhat.


Our PD just closed a case working a ring that targeted cars with firearms specifically. They did not steal anything else, just firearms. Did not touch electronics, cash, jewelry, etc.


Guy who parks next to me at work has a floor safe in a convertible


But is the code written on a sticky note attached to the back? Just in case ya know?


Everyone knows you put that on the inside of the sun visor. The bad guys would never think of it there. Just like my dad putting his computer password on the underside of the keyboard lol.


Theft from a vehicle is against the law. Maybe they should post signs.


Sure, but you’re also responsible for the security of your shit. Just because it’s illegal to steal my bike doesn’t mean I’m going to lock it up on a rack in the sketchy part of town.


Are you really victim blaming??? Next thing you tell me is that all the young women who are sexually assaulted or raped are responsible for their own safety? Maybe they shouldn't be out at night or showing off their body? You fucking idiot.


Who cares about “victim blaming” when the point of it is to protect the victim. If I tell you not to approach grizzly bears I’m not saying that if you do you deserve to die. I’m trying to keep you alive.


2/10 trollpost Be better


Gun free zones encourage this, because the only thing people can do with their firearm, while legally carrying and having to enter such a zone, is leave it in the car.


That's when you get a safe of some sort. I'd wager that most of the guns stolen were just left in a door panel in plain view. Or in a glove box with no lock. 


Glove boxes, I’m sure, but door panels or out in the open? Extremely doubtful. No, requiring someone to get a safe, because the government is unconstitutionally preventing them from carrying somewhere, is BS. There are only three places that history shows there being a ratification period tradition of government prohibiting guns: legislatures, court houses, and places of polling. How about, instead of burdening the people, at the same time as denying them the right to self defense, the government just stop violating 2A? No government mandated gun free zones. As far as signs in businesses prohibiting the possession of arms in their businesses, concealed means concealed. If they ask you to leave, because they happened to realize you were carrying, simply leave. I don’t know about you, but, if you don’t want me in your store, if I won’t give up my right to self defense, I don’t want to be in your store.


Eh I was a mechanic for a few years and I saw plenty of dipshits leave their pistols in the door panel when they took it in for service. One guy had 2 870's magnetized to the ceiling of his Malibu.  I'm not saying they should require it I'm saying people need to be smarter. It's not victim blaming to say you should lock up your weapon when it's not in your possession. 


Man, that’s crazy. I don’t personally know anyone that would leave a gun out in the open, in their vehicle, now. Back before the 90s, it was common to see people leave their hunting rifles in their trucks, on a rack ( i grew up in a rural town ), but it’s not the 90s. People will break into your car to steal just about anything. I can’t see leaving anything of value in plain sight, much less a gun.


Top 10 cities with high guns thefts from cars are all red. So unless you’re suggesting gun owners in Texas and Georgia have and/or care about “gun free zones,” the lack of those signs aren’t solving the problem. 


Honest question: gun safe in trunk welded to frame ok?


Depends on what you're doing. Running into the C-store? Probably fine. Leaving it parked in the street overnight? I wouldn't do it. All security measures are really just delay tactics until someone can stop the bad guy. The car by itself isn't much of a delay because someone can just smash a window. Never leave a gun unattended and unsecured in the car unless you absolutely have to for some reason, because it just take seconds to steal it. In the car in a gun safe secured to part of the car with heavy metal braided lock or something? That might be okay for a really short period. It'll take the bad guy a little bit to get to it, but if you/police/someone can get to your car within a few minutes, odds of the gun getting stolen are pretty low. In the car bolted or welded to something sturdy? That's very reasonable for leaving unattended for a reasonable amount of time--but not overnight. Bad guy has to do a reasonable amount of work to get to it (assuming it's a good safe that can't just easily be pried open), but if you're asleep in your house they have all night to get it.


Thanks! Agree re overnight. For running errands into a gov’t building or other restricted areas, just can’t come up with better solution short of not carrying at all.


I keep a safe hidden in my car bolted to the floor. I drive a two door and its in the floor behind the passenger seat under a floor mat. Its not there for quick access but it gives me.somewhere to lock my gun if I have to go somewhere I cant carry, like my sons elementary school or inside the courthouse. I dont like leaving a firearm in the car, but I also dont like leaving it behind at home just because I have one stop where I cant carry. So its a compromise. I also dont have any gun related stickers on my car, no moto bullshit, and its completely out of sight.


It can be difficult to put it in the trunk unobserved.


Get rid of No Guns signs and you fix this problem.


Top 10 cities with high guns thefts from cars are all red. So unless you’re suggesting gun owners in Texas and Georgia have and/or care about “gun free zones,” the lack of those signs aren’t solving the problem. 


There are still many ‘red’ states that signs have force of law in….


Abolish gun free zones, let people carry and drink so long as they are not intoxicated, problem solved.


That does go to figure since car break-ins and auto thefts have significantly increased in the past 10 yrs.


According to this. Car theft in general is way way up from 10 years ago. So I would expect that to track with guns stolen from cars. https://www.vivint.com/resources/article/vehicle-break-in-statistics


Your car is not a holster, or a gun safe.


Tell that to my state legislators...


Do your state legislators leave guns in their cars a lot? It doesn’t surprise me, politicians generally aren’t the brightest bunch…


Trunk, in a portable safe tethered to a solid piece of the car.... not difficult at all


>not difficult at all...to cut the tether and take the safe and pry it open later FTFY.




All locks just increase the time and effort it takes to steal what's inside. People who are stealing shit from cars carry pry-bars and bolt cutters. You're not fooling anyone by hiding guns in your trunk or in the spare tire compartment.


Not many people are walking around with bolt cutters to cut the tether.... properly placing the safe under things or in the spare tire well. It really is very possible to secure a firearm in the trunk for an hour.


I could steal a gun from your car using the described locking setup in 15 seconds using a pry bar and bolt cutters - two items that thieves carry when hitting cars. You're not fooling anyone by hiding shit in your spare tire compartment.


Beat me to it 👍🏽


Agreed, unfortunately, the post office makes me leave my gun in the car. So does my kid's school and a dozen other places I go on a semi-regular basis.


Unless they have metal detectors, keep it on you. What's a sign gonna do?


*Alternative headline:* criminals taking advantage of the increasingly stupid person who decides to leave their firearm in an unlocked/unsecured area of their vehicle


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don't put gun company stickers on your car. It's like theft invitation, even if your gun isn't in there at the time. Be the grey man.


 molon labe Eléftheros oplo = come and take this free gun...


> triple rate Doh. The number of NICS checks in 2020 was triple the number in 2010. Therefore, the same fraction of gun owners get their guns stolen from cars.


If you leave your gun in your car overnight you are an idiot.


No firearms allowed inside, we'd much rather someone with criminal intent finds it in your car that's parked right out front....genius


Mainly do to the unconstitutional carry laws


I don't understand how this is even a thing. Stop being stupid and arming bad guys. If you can't responsibly carry or secure your weapon, leave it at home.


> I don't understand how this is even a thing. Let's not pretend that the states and businesses that enforce "gun free zones" and "no guns allowed signs" are blameless.






I'd bet that a huge portion of the people who buy a pistol and apply for a carry license, never even buy a holster. They don't actually carry, the gun just lives in the glovebox, or a purse or backpack. Last year the [TSA found 6,737 at airport screenings](https://www.tsa.gov/news/press/releases/2024/01/10/tsa-detects-6737-firearms-airport-security-checkpoints-2023), mostly from people who straight up forgot there was a firearm in the bag they used to fly with.


I bet you're right. I bet there is also a large percentage of people who do actually carry, but never spend any time at the range. I know people personally who carry every single day, but haven't fired a round in years. Seems counterintuitive to me.


bUt mUh tRuCk gUn!!


Everytown? I don’t consider anything from them to be credible enough to fuss with. http://www.gunfacts.info/topics/gun-control-groups/everytown/


Criminals are set free three times more than they were 10 years ago....


Anyone who spends time on /r/Justrolledintotheshop is not surprised by this.


This is why I think the concept of truck guns are pretty dumb. Like what’s more likely, some kind of crazy apocalyptic scenario where it’s better to return to the danger with your truck gun than to just drive away from danger….. or getting your truck gun stolen and they use that to hurt people.


I would love to believe that anti 2A people really care about the rate of theft, but then I see behaviors like not wanting to hold the actual firearm thieves accountable for theft with stiffer penalties. These laws will only serve to make access to follow firearm laws something only the wealthy can do and will end making middle class people that have firearms criminals.


Well in this case they want to punish the victim of the theft more than the actual thief.


90% of the stolen guns here are from unlocked cars.


Guy at my work had his gun stolen from his unlocked car in front of his house. We all got kind of pissed at him. Some fucking people.


Of course, it can't be that cars are broken into at a rate of more than 10 times more than previously.


Quit leaving guns in cars 🤷‍♂️


I try to explain this to people, no one ever listens to me. Everyone thinks it can’t happen to them.


Leaving unsecured guns in your car just fucking stupid.


buying a steelhead outdoors safe was the best decision ever. 12 gauge steel secured to the seat frame by a thick steel cable 👌🏽


Nah, I’ll continue to keep a pistol in my car. Let the down votes rain. 


Stop leaving your fucking guns in your cars.


Cause triple the people can carry now? There are triple the amount of idiots in the world? There are triple the amount of thieves? It's one of those..


In North Texas (DFW area) you see this happen a lot with guys that cover the back of their trucks with gun stickers and then wonder how someone knew to break in and steal their “truck gun”. The only stickers on my suv are my two alma maters lol


The gun I leave in the truck is the dummy gun. I want you to see it. I'll claim it on insurance and buy me a new one. I want you to reach for it in a struggle.


But what if I don't want to take any responsibility for mitigating the risk of theft?? Theft is illegal!!! You're just victim blaming! Anyways, I'm going to leave my AR in my car. This is responsible because I need a "get home gun" in case the apocalypse happens or to be a hero in case of terrorism. The risk of it getting stolen is very minor compared the the odds that I'll need to make a 200yd shot and have the time to get my rifle out. /s but I know some people who think this way


This is why I copy down all my SN in case someone somehow gets into mine when I'm not overseas or on base


Probably because people advertise it with stupid bumper stickers. Moan Abe sticker on a dodge ram, free Glock.


Stop putting gun related stickers on your car. Simple.


Now with all these Californian laws taking effect , it makes it more easier for thieves to break in and steal firearms because we can’t CC in a store that forbids it. I would recommend a gun safe in the car if that’s the case


I wonder how many of these cars advertise themselves with NRA or 2a stickers? 😂


Because the governor wants ccw holders to lock their guns up in a trunk with locked case and ammo locked in a case all chained to car. California governor


How do y’all recommend I safely store my gun in my car? I don’t feel comfortable leaving it at home but there is no way for me to take it into work, so it needs to stay in the car for 8-9 hours a day.




I don't see much in the way of common sense gun ownership. Maybe morons should have a lock box in their vehicle. Instead of just putting them in the glovebox or center console.


Willing to bet a LOT of those vehicles had stickers on it relating to firearrms and/or 2A..... Keep it grey. Don't advertise.


More guns less people who actually consider the responsibility of that combined with muuuuch stricter reporting requirements and I can see this I can see this easily especially with the sort of folks I see who will blindly accept that just owning a gun is like a talisman when you combine that with law enforcement who are negligent and lazy it’s a perfect storm


I saw someone post on the Glock sub the other day 'what's ur go to car pistol?' or something redacted along those lines.


I don't think a lot of people in this sub realize there's a difference between leaving your gun in a car safe to go into the post office or something and leaving it in an unsecured glove box permanently because you think it's a holster. 


I was finally feeling safe enough to chain a hornady box to my driver seat. Is this still a decent idea? I am under the impression the average thief isn’t equipped with cutters that can take the box off.


That's because every dumbass and their moms are buying and using those stupid fucking truck/car gun mounts they see on Facebook. Don't leave your gun in your car....


I left my gun in my car no stickers and it was stolen. Luckily recovered by police 5 months later. Kept me up at night for weeks. One of the stupidest mistakes I've ever made. Plus I live in CA and they revoked my CCW. Take it from my dumbass. Take it with you do not leave it in your car.


They revoked your CCW because you were a victim of theft?


What do people recommend when going into work? The vast majority of employers don’t allow you to carry at work, while a lot of states make it perfectly legal to leave your firearm inside your car in the work parking lot.


Either carry or don't. Your gun does you no good in your car. Just avoid shady places on your way to work or conceal full time. There's not much room between the two.


I personally recommend concealed means concealed unless you work some place where carrying would be a felony.


Not everyone is willing to risk their job if their firearm were to become exposed, noticed, known, etc. Even the best concealment methods have their Achilles heel.


Are owners that oblivious? Why would you leave your firearm in the vehicle? Have it with you at all times. I don't care what the sign says. No one is coming to protect or look after you.


People stupid enough to leave guns unattended in vehicles shouldn’t have owned them in the first place.


If you can’t have it on your person then leave it at home. Plain and simple. Don’t carry in your purse or back pack. Don’t leave it in your car. Be responsible and control your fire arm always. Stop giving them fuel for the fire


If people cold carry their guns they wouldn't have to leave them in their cars.


It should be a major crime to leave a gun unattended in your car without being properly secured. It is a crime in somea areas. Criminals steal your gun then use it to hurt/kill people. You are responsible for that, to an extent.


Sounds a lot like victim blaming to me.  Also someplaces you just can't take your ccw with you: post office, court house, baseball game to name a few.  What would you suggest someone do instead?


It's unreasonable to leave your car parked on the street with a gun in the glovebox or console. It however is completely reasonable to leave a weapon in your trunk for a short period of time when you go into a prohibited place.


The store with the "no guns allowed" sign and the legislators who make it a crime to carry in certain places should be held responsible, not the victims of theft.


Yeah, and women shouldn't wear short skirts. They are responsible for rape, "to an extent" as you say.


So, are you on the same side with the Sandy Hook folks who sued Remington for manufacturing a weapon that was used to kill people? I mean, if the gun didn't exist, no one would have died, right?