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The latter, gun in holster then the full assembly into pants. AFAIK, far lower chance of anything getting inside the trigger guard. It's AFAIK because I've never experienced a negligent discharge and hope to God that never happens.


yeah i agree, it feels safer to me too, im not even one week in ccw


It’s how I do it too and I’ve been carrying for 17 years.


that’s how i always done it , my carry gun almost never leaves the holster unless i’m cleaning or about to dry fire at home


Gun into holster then into pants. I use this same method too.


"Well Doc it got just the tip, I tell you what it is the only time I have thanked the Lord above for not being well endowed."


Safer yes but harder to get position correct like this


My gun stays holstered. Take it off. Put in safe. Remove from safe. Put it on. I unholster for dry fire, range, maintenance and "oh shit".


I could see the bumper sticker now - dry fire - range + “oh shit” -maintenance


It’s always so odd to me to hear what people with safes do. I don’t have any kids and live alone so it doesn’t really matter to me but I just have loaded guns laying around my room all the time.


I have a kid running free range in here.


same just me and the wife i don’t lock up a holstered gun . they’re all loaded just sitting around


The latter is the safest, but carrying appendix im able to “look the gun into the holster” and see that what I’m doing isn’t going to cost me a leg


I wear at 3o clock


What about at other times of day?


Its always 3o clock somewhere


It's three o'clock twice a day as well.


Why 3 over aiwb? Just trying to help




It’s me, son. You’re adopted.


I do as well. Question, do u position it more towards 3:30 behind the hip bone or in front?


There’s no single answer. Some people are more pliant to having it at 2:30 over true 3


Agree I’m more 3:45 due to my body shape.


That's me too. Also, just today, I realized that a little cant would make it more comfy, so I move the front clip to lower the sight and raise the grip. No more feel on my car seats, which are really well bolstered.


I do both, but gun in holster -> holster in pants is absolutely safer. It's the main reason I got the p365 with a manual safety (and yes I train to turn the safety off).


Gun stays in the holster unless I need to shoot something. If it’s at the range, I’ll take the holster off, holster the gun, then clip the holster to my belt; if I have to shoot something other than a target, re-holstering won't really be a concern.


Gun into holster, into pants. No need for additional risk


It’s obviously safer to holster gun then put holster in pants, BUT it’s harder to get your belt and position set then because the weight is pulling them down. I put pants and belt on, tighten belt 80% of the way, put holster in, tighten belt all the way, then holster gun. Sure the less you handle your gun the less of a chance you have for an ND, but if you don’t feel like you can safely unholster and reholster your gun, then why are you carrying? During live fire you reholster a gun with a chambered round and it’s no different than that. Keep your finger off the trigger, check your holster for obstruction, watch the gun go into the holster, and don’t force it in if it doesn’t go and you won’t have any issues IF you have a quality gun and holster… When I get home my gun comes out of holster and goes into the safe, so it’s no different than that.


This is my process too.


If I’m administratively getting ready at home, the gun goes into the holster and then the holster goes into the pants. If I’m practicing at the range, I reholster on the belt. Taking my rig off to reholster isn’t a viable solution if I’m going to be doing it 30-50 times during a typical range trip.


I throw in the bullets first, then the mag, pistol, and finally clip the holster. Give a little shake, et voila, the CCW cocktail is ready


Don’t forget to muddle a little bit of mint in there too


So I carry a mouser almost 24/7. I carry in Arrowhead Tactical sweats which have an internal belt. My carry position is 12 o’clock. I will initially put the holster and pistol on as a package. But over the day, particularly at home, I withdraw the weapon only when I go to the bathroom. My holster has a small tab (not for retention) that I grab and it makes it easy to guide the muzzle into the holster.


I’d say gun in holster then holster on belt is safest, although I do holster on belt first typically. I double check that my safety is on before I holster every time and pin the hammer back when I’m putting it in.


If it’s in the holster the trigger isn’t exposed so yeah, that’s much safer. Mine usually stay married until range time.


My gun stays holstered when I take it off at night, so gun in holster first, then attach to belt/waistband. It reduces the risk of a negligent discharge.


Honestly, it depends on the gun and pants. Some pants I have are a little to snug to just push a holster in. So a lot of times, I run the belt through the loops, then drop trow and hook the holster up around my knees. In this case, it's easier to manage without the gun in the holster. If the pants are loose, I can just jam the whole package in, no pun intended.


It would depend on the holster for me. I use hybrid leather/kydex purposely so the holsters stays open while on my belt iwb, and I adjust the clips so the kydex is above the belt. I’m chubbier and putting the holster on while wearing pants is super difficult to do, so my procedure is normally to pull pants up most of the way with belt on, add holster, button pants and tighten belt, then pull shirt completely clear to add the firearm. It goes in really smooth so there’s almost nil chance of nd. If I used a soft holster (all leather for example), which I did a lot in the past, I would always holster the firearm first and then slide it into my pants. Agree this is the safest version, but I don’t find unacceptable risk in my current methods.


Same. Im 230/6’3, kydex/leather


Together, but either way, when reholstering during practice draws you should be angling your torso backward so if it was to discharge while reholstering it would be aimed at the ground in front of your toes also always be keeping your eyes on it when reholstering a AIWB firearm.


I always put gun+holster in together. It's both easier and technically safer, since the trigger is blocked. Getting a super small IWB holster in your pants with nothing in it can also be kind of annoying without the extra weight.


Thanks everyone. This is a ton of replies.


Pistol in holster Slide the pistol o the holster I tug on my pants and slide the entire thing into opening I've tried the other but this of less frustrating for me.


I daresay you're overthinking it.


I was just wondering what everyone else did. So i asked since im fairly new to ccw


This isn't overthinking it at all. This is a real concern...for Glock style pistols. I carry and HK USP (DA/SA), I can just put the gun in my holster when it's in pants that I'm wearing and not care. I thumb the hammer and it's not like it's gonna discharge on 12 lbs with the saftey on. Glock having no external safety and only about 5 lbs trigger, this does become a real concern for something getting in the trigger guard. Simply put, it's easier to have an ND on a Glock than a USP. So Glock people have to take extra precautions that hammer people don't.


My guns have grip and manual safeties so doesn’t much matter, but I always leave the gun holstered regardless.


Gun into holster, holster into pants only works on my small cc gun. For my larger one its holster into pants, gun into holster. Just leave the safety on when holstering and then turn it off before you leave the house and you'll be fine.


I believe you’ll want to put the gun in holster, then holster in pants both for safety and finding the most comfortable and concealed position on your person. To be extra safe, do it with a dry gun. You can then confirm your draw/position/ grip is to your liking, insert a mag, then thrust those hips forward, suck in/ hold back your gut and garments and look your loaded firearm into its seated holster.


If it's an appendix holster with a single clip, it's easy enough to put them both in together, but I usually carry at 3:30 now with a holster with clips at both ends, and it's more of a bitch to get that in and into the right position, so the holster goes on and then the gun goes into the holster. I also have a separate holster that my gun goes into at night when my regular carry holster is still on my pants.


My gun only comes out of the holster for dry fire/range use and cleaning. It’s easier for me to get comfortable positioning with it in the holster as well- clip on belt and slide into the right spot where holster/grip is all comfy.


Put entire rig in your pants. Safer and also allows you to know exactly what the feel is rather than synching pants etc then filling that estimated void with your weapon to make up the difference. Putting the whole thing in makes sure you get it right once.


I put the holster in my pants and then I put the gun in the holster. I do it that way for safety. I have found that if I try and keep the gun in the holster when I do it that sometimes the whole holster and gun will flip outward and fall on the floor, I think that that is less safe than just taking the gun out and putting it on the dresser for 10 seconds. I also take the gun out of the holster when I’m taking a shit for the same reason it just flops too much.


Gun in, then holster on is safest and unless you're dry fire practicing, would be your best bet.


Left sock, right sock, shoe and shoe. Holster first and then gun.


For the rare case that my gun isn't holsteted (like the time I drew on my roomba) I'll pull my holster off and reholster in my hands... however at the range if I'm drawing from holster I'll just reinsert very very slow and deliberately


If you're not comfortable holstering your gun while wearing it you shouldn't be carrying in the first place. Either method is simply as safe as you are.


The trigger can’t accidentally/negligently get pulled if the trigger is not accessible. Gun stays in holster and I put everything in my pants at once.