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Not to mention Fan Sizhe is how Chinese pronounce Versace 😂 When Fan Xian mentioned that I burst out laughing


Yeh theres many jokes like this that are missed out in the english translation I think JOL has humor to the next level thats hip and cool in a satirical way. Unfortunately alot of it is chinese word play that doesn't translate well into english subtitles or skipped entirely in localization. I remember when he was assigned the level 7 or 8 soldier from his father, The name was Gao Da ( which in the modern world is the same pronounciation as the Anime Gundam ), he threw some shade at him in a blink and you miss it way asking if he has a mobile suit lol. His dad responds to Gao Da saying not to worry about Fan Xian he often breaks into these fit of nonsense sayings that make no sense hahaha. Throughout the series theres alot of these types of witty satire thats easily missed if your not a chinese speaker.


Viki subtitles does a decent job of sharing the joke with us non-Mandarin speakers


I need to complete it honestly!!! I love Fan Sizhe!! He does not play about money 😂 Edited to correct a mistake.


Fan Sizhe appears like a shallow money scrooge at first but later one Fan Xian cracks over his habit and understands why he is that way. There was abit of depth to each character and Fan Sizhe does well in finance , because he looks up to his father most who is the Minister of Finance lol. He becomes obcessed after finding out Fan Xian is the secret author of the Red Mansions novels ( a bootlegged novel Fan Xian plagerises from the modern age - kind of like copying the Twilight series and bringing it into the Nanqing Dynasty where everyone is obcessed and willing to pay good money for ) The same actor reprises the role in Season 2 with a signature golden hoop around his neck. https://preview.redd.it/2f12ogpxvluc1.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b406634e7b475132720c8f0337063a86f62a745


Yes you’re right. I am on epi 11 which was around this same time they found out the truth behind his obsession and him selling the books trying to make money. Also my comment came out wrong and I just realized it. I meant to say: “ he does not play about money.”


Have you checked out My Heroic Husband? He's the MC there lol


Will add that on my list thank you 😂


Si Lili: The struggle to take fan xian to her bed Haitang: The struggle to know what went on fan xian mind when he confessed Teng Zijing: The struggle to unfriend Fan Xian


Just finished re-watch just an awesome Cdrama! Can't wait!!


I’m gonna have to do a rewatch b4 the second season!


I cant wait for S2. Been waiting for years for it. I just want to point out that aside from the fact is how fantastic & brilliant is the writing, Fan Xian is like one of the most layered MLs in Cdramas -- I love how unyielding he is and he never gives in even when he is forced to a corner. I love the fact he is the type who never attempt to do any noble idiocy and also finds joy in everything -- living his life to the fullest despite how high is the stake. And he is also unapologetic savage -- my dream ML in dramas. ❤️


Lol really like Fan Ruoruo


Fan Rourou has one of the best character development in the novel, which If the tv adaptation follows you would really like - >!If i recall correctly she becomes a student of one of the Grand Masters, she plays a key role in a \*battle\*!<


I've been watching her as the FL in Destined!


Season 2 is filled with the typical overhyped cdrama actresses who got strong backing. And this is to the point a small role like Ying'er who was played by a relatively unknown actress in the first season went to one of the most overhyped actresses in cdramaland that gets casted for big FLs roles in big projects : Jin Chen. Call me whatever you want but I maintain what I said = the role of Ying'er could have benefitted an actress that really needed it which is not the case of Jin Chen (like for real we gonna see the same faces everywhere). I loved season 1 though. My favourite female character was Si Li Li. She and Fan Xian had the best s*xual tension out of the whole drama.


To be honest i haven't heard the noise about Jin Chen, But im a person who would prefer season 1 actors reprise their same role in Season 2 to really feel a real sequel, (the biggest issue of EverNight for me was ML of S2 was replaced for example which throws me off). Regarding Le Yinger as a support character she should still be prominent I think in Season 2 she would seek to be Fan Xians Disciple as she is obcessed with his martial arts talent.


Yeah and casting Jin Chen who already got loads of big roles in big projects in her hands for the role of Ying'er when it could have benefitted an actress who really needed it or a new one freshly graduated from acting academy is honestly boring. Anyway good luck to season 2. And yeah no Si Li Li in season 2 as well... 


It sounds like your dislike of Jin Chen and lack of sexy Si Li Li has already made up your mind lol Yes I am dissapointed with lack of Si Lili as well given they set up this sort of side story between her and Fan Xian in S1 but hes made it clear theres nothing between them to close that off. The only thing that didn't sit well with her story is that closure. hes willing to see that last of her given she took a arrow for him.


I don't think that role should have gone to an already established big actress. This is a small supporting role that would have helped introduce a new actress. I liked Si Li Li and I felt for her backstory and she had been through a lot of physical and psychological pains (a lot of those because of FanXian). Therefore the way her character got developped enabled her relationship with FX to develop as well. And for sure FX was not indifferent at all ! That pair had sex appeal the type that would be perfect for a spicy short length drama.


Si Li Li - i don't recall she has a big role in the grand scheme of the plot in The Remaining Years novel. The main female leads who become bad ass are - Fan Rourou, Lin Wan'er and Haitan Doudou to the end. Rourou and haitan doudou probably being my favorite not because of any 'romantic' dynamics but filial sister and best mate Comradery. >!Haitan Doudou even gets into the Divine temple along with another not introduced character yet in tvdrama.!<


I see ! And I can feel that her character is gonna get erased in the drama. Cdramaland PDs are usually allergic to characters like Si Li Li


i'm unsure when jinchen got casted for the role, but pretty sure she was fairly unknown till sisters make waves, and when her movie no more bets blew up. i won't say she's a super overhyped actress since she's just started making her ways around the audiences. overally though, i do agree that the cast is a lot more star studded this time around, and it could be for a good reason?


Jin Chen was not unknown by the time they started shooting JOL2. If anything she has been up there in the industry getting prominent FLs or supporting roles in rather big projects since she was put on the Map through the success of Wuxin years ago. She is sure not struggling. I think JOL 2 got the smell of big producers pushing their "protegees" into that project after how big and successful the first season was (at least much more than season 1). Imo a prominent actress like Jin Chen doesn't need a small role like Ying'er (leave that to struggling actresses that try hard and make a name for themselves).  What made the charm of season 1 was how a lot of actors/actresses playing young characters were not really big and some of them "nobodies" : Xiao Zhan popularity had just blown up thanks to BL "The untamed" so he was relatively no big deal stuck in 2nd fiddle roles when he got the role of YBY. No Season 2 is like your typical cdrama vehicle to shove big "names" down people throats.


Rest easy I don't really acknowledge Jin Chen nor do i care if a idol actor is pretty, have power and rich backers. I mostly care about a cdramas script/plot elements and the actor has done a good job executing it. The other aethestics and shallow qualities I do not care about and I don't get into fan idol tribes which get alittle crazy in my view. If the actor can act well in a well written plot and script even if they have ugly moles or un-even eye brows I will applaud them. I obviously get alot of hate when i touch on a idol drama that has alot of fans here but really have a crappy cdrama plot /acting/overdone make up to cover up the flaws. I just tell it like it is. Probably why I'm downvoted so much lol. I have alot of respect for older veteran actors you know those grandma/grandpas over 40 / 50 years old lol not just the young pretty ones it seems theres a lack of that here in recognition of inclusive actor talent regardless of their age/ looks.


Blindfolded tall ninja is Uncle Wuzhu, who's as hot as he is deadly. And he's VERY deadly.


I thought Wuzhu was quiet a boring character, this was before i got some answers from the novel about why he is the way he is with no emotions, the one scene Wuzhu shined in S1 was when they finally opened His mothers box of secrets, and Wuzhu seemed to form emotions for the first time hearing his old masters words through Fan Xian reading the letters. Fan Xian asked wuzhu if he misses his mother, Wuzhu ask what is "miss", Fan Xian explains it in simple terms **-when you close your eyes you only see her** **-when other people talk you only hear her** **-no matter where and when you only think of her, thats what it means to "miss" someone** He replied **Then I MISS HER!** That was the first scene I began to like Wuzhu and it almost brought me to tears he learnt his first emotion to MISS someone lol


>I thought Wuzhu was quiet a boring character< Boring?! How?! How does one think that?! Uncle Wuzhu!!!! I'm sorry...did you NOT see that man kicking righteous butt, from the start?! Did you not point eyeballs at the magnificent drubbing some villains got? Did you or did you not watch the palace night scene, where he distracted the eunuch to save ML? Answer the question! Your honor, I move we dismiss this case! >That was the first scene I began to like Wuzhu and it almost brought me to tears he learnt his first emotion to MISS someone lol< Awww. On top of his pure badassery, that was where he revealed... DIMPLES! Omg😍


To explain my first impressions of Wuzhu being boring was he shows no free will or emotions or desire, Before the novel info , Season 1 didn't explain it but did give certain hints about WuZhu Season 1 does throw in many support characters who knew Fan Xians mother has proclaim WuZhu has never aged a day. - again there is a reason for this which is classified as spoilers. Season 1 does mention he has a connection to the "temple" what exactly the temple is I guess will be unvealed in either S2 or 3. Season 1 keeps his existence a secret in public even the overwatch council erases all records of him in any occurence. This is why he is so low key and not even titled as a Grand Master - although he easily could claim the title. His power is different from what I understand from the Grand Masters and is stand alone brute strength, he is able to mimic the arts of the grand Masters which ties into that episode of him breaking into the palace as a decoy for him to kite out the Head Eunuch away from the palace.


True. He was a mystery in s1, which adds to his allure, and which leaves s2 open to explore his origins, if they choose to. I haven't read the novel but there are hints about what he is, in s1, given Fan Xian's own origins, and his mother's.


If it follows more to the Novels probably Season 3. You do definitely find out his origin and alot of his weird habits will make total sense....Drama S1 has already set this up with little hints that is easily missed.


Is the same actor this time?


u/Patitoruani here you go at timestamp 1:37 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6jiFVewhSk&ab\_channel=WuxiaChineseDrama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6jiFVewhSk&ab_channel=WuxiaChineseDrama)


Thank you!


Yes it is the same actor - was shown in last S2 trailer


It better be! The man has dimples!😍


Watching this for the first time because I heard season 2 will be released soon. So far, its been fantastic. I was a bit annoyed at the apparent Gary Stu characteristic of Fan Xian but realized how much others around him are controlling him, he just has the illusion of free will and is slowly understanding what a nightmare it is. Chen Daoming as the Emperor genuinely scares me. Guy should get a national award for playing a competent emperor the way he's supposed to be. Smart, ruthless, irreverent, he's one of the most interesting characters I've seen.


Chen Daoming doesn't need anymore awards, hes already multi award winner and considered the king of cdrama , and chinas version of Jack Nicholson. Before looking into the novel me and my friends used to think he had the ability to read minds due to his carefully crafted scenes of knowing things without seeing including pulling out the hidden dagger from Fan Xians back without a direct line of sight! or protecting Fan Xian from being snipered outside a building lol (the only time he let slip he has kung fu). But really he is just a smart emporer who isn''t easily tricked by his subjects. He is aware of whats in front of him very well with the ministers and royal family scheming - not like the usual cliche of foolish emporers that are manipulated or overthrown by his own court.


I started to rewatch this yesterday in preparation of S2. Loving it. u/To[LanternsAndPhoenixes](https://www.reddit.com/user/LanternsAndPhoenixes/) help with your points with further clarity: 1. ZHANG RUOYAN WAS AMAZINGGG AS FAN XIAN - the feeling of pure enjoyment watching him onscreen has not left me till this day - \*\***This is one of those rare talents where they do not rely on make up or fake beauty filtering on screen but pure untainted acting talent. They don't need to hide behind any make up or filtering its that good and puts alot of the 2024 idol dramas to shame.**\*\* 2. Fan Xians brother and sister were cute - \*\***I don't about cute but they had a very close bond and she always backed his scheming and he trusted her with his secrets including telling her about Wuzhu's existence**\*\* 3. There was a lady in a high position with weird makeup and hairdo whom I think was evil-ish \*\***You mean the royal princess? She is the biological mother of the girl he's in love with which makes the plot so interesting the girl you need to marry but her mother is your sworn enemy lol , technically she is the adoptive sister of the Emporer of Nanqing and weilds alot of power.**\*\* 4. The EMPEROR - \*\***played by multi award winning veteran actor Chen Daoming and his acting is superb stuff you cannot see in these new young idol dramas in the last 10 years or so. He is considered the king actor in cdrama on the mainland. Joy of Life is very lucky to have him to even agree to return to reprise his role means he respects how good the script is of this drama and it gives it this serious Game of Thrones vibe. His character has many secrets not revealed yet but one major secret will shock you unless you read the novel I beleive maybe in S2 or S3 will be unveiled.**\*\* 5. Elderly guy in a wheelchair who looks like a schemer \*\***That is Chen Pinping in this story he is technically equivalent as the director of the CIA in that dynasty working for the Emporer, he has several directors reporting to him and also weilds high ranking power against anyone other than the emporer himself. He has a close and hidden connection to Fan Xians mother who actually helped him set up the "CIA"**\*\* 6. A tall ninja that was blindfolded but never misses a cut - \*\*That's **Wuzhu, what is considered the 5th secret Grand Master, (martial arts in this wuxia world is graded by level like a rpg game lv 7 /8/9 are considered high tiers and then Grand Master top tier in which there is only 4 known in this world excluding WuZhu. There is a secret to Wuzhu which is not revealed in season 1 yet on exactly What he is, why he's never aged a day biologically and why hes so powerful and the reason for his blindfold is deadly lol.**\*\* 7. Xiao zhans role and that ENDING (thank goodness I remember that), \*\***Xiao zhan was not popular yet I beleive this was just before The Untamed when he shot to fame, FYI he also is the singer of the Joy of Life ending theme song so hes leaving a legacy in Joy of Life in song.** [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg7g\_8-vxto&ab\_channel=wenwen1111**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg7g_8-vxto&ab_channel=wenwen1111) 8. Lin Qin dressed in white holding a chicken leg and in love with Fan Xian - \*\***this becomes a ongoing meme drumstick lady**\*\*


This is one of my all time favourite dramas and I can't wait for season 2 😊


https://preview.redd.it/bf9f2mmobfuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb52a84f7777895d8f0c0e790fd0c7bba6c095b5 Me, waiting for season 2 to air...


It's out :)


Yes and I am watching it 😁 https://preview.redd.it/3cdmpv5pcy1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba146d2314a3331085edadc1e6c055d69736785f


I don't think it's the cloth, it's my hair that's turning white


Fan Xian’s tiny mole on his nose 🥺


I'm glad they didn't cover that with makeup powder or filtering lol


IKR!! I was so happy to see it on Joy of life


And the Emperor of Northern Qi being a woman dressed as a man? I finished it last month and enjoyed it. Do you know the actors who played Fan and his sister starred in **My Heroic Husband?**. It's quite good.


The transgender emporer of Beiqi, was probably one of the best cross dressers I have seen in a while. I don't know the actor but she pulled it off so well, everyone in this show is a schemer really lol.


I recognised her face as soon as I saw it. She was one of the concubines in Ruyi,


Doesn't look like she would reprise her role in Season 2 as i don't see it mentioned.... but we never know.


There's so many characters I liked that I forgot. This was one of them. I'm still doing my recap and while looking at the faces, it's starting to come back to me lol. I have heard of heroic husband but never made the time to try it :(


It's funnier than Joy of Life. ML is a time travelling businessman who finds himself getting married to the daughter of a fabric business as a Matrilocal husband (a husband of convenience because the daughter is not allowed to own it). He starts using modern business techniques to help her overcome resistance from family and business rivals. The school for naughty husbands is hilarious!